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import BodyBuilder, {MOVEMENT_MODE_PLAINS, MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD} from 'creep/body-builder';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import settings from 'settings-manager';
import SpawnRole from 'spawn-role/spawn-role';
import {encodePosition} from 'utils/serialization';
import {ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL} from 'room-defense';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';

interface BuilderSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    unitType: 'builder';
    size: number;

interface ClaimerSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    unitType: 'claimer';
    targetPos: RoomPosition;

interface HarvesterSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    unitType: 'harvester';
    targetPos: RoomPosition;
    isEstablished: boolean;
    size: number;

interface HaulerSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    unitType: 'hauler';
    size: number;

interface SkKillerSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    unitType: 'skKiller';
    targetRoom: string;

type RemoteMiningSpawnOption = BuilderSpawnOption
| ClaimerSpawnOption
| HarvesterSpawnOption
| HaulerSpawnOption
| SkKillerSpawnOption;

export default class RemoteMiningSpawnRole extends SpawnRole {
     * Adds claimer spawn options for the given room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
    getSpawnOptions(room: Room): RemoteMiningSpawnOption[] {
        return this.cacheEmptySpawnOptionsFor(room, 10, () => {
            if (room.defense.getEnemyStrength() >= ENEMY_STRENGTH_NORMAL) return [];

            // If we want to move a misplaced spawn, we need to stop spawning for a bit.
            if (room.roomManager?.hasMisplacedSpawn()) return [];

            const options: RemoteMiningSpawnOption[] = [];

            this.addHaulerSpawnOptions(room, options);
            this.addBuilderSpawnOptions(room, options);
            this.addClaimerSpawnOptions(room, options);
            this.addHarvesterSpawnOptions(room, options);
            this.addSkKillerSpawnOptions(room, options);

            return options;

    addHaulerSpawnOptions(room: Room, options: RemoteMiningSpawnOption[]) {
        // @todo Reduce needed carry parts to account for energy spent on road maintenance.
        // @todo Reduce needed carry parts to account for higher throughput with relays.
        const maximumNeededCarryParts = this.getMaximumCarryParts(room);
        const maxHaulerSize = this.getMaximumHaulerSize(room, maximumNeededCarryParts);
        const hasRoads = room.controller.level > 3 && (room.storage || room.terminal);
        const haulerBody = this.getMaximumHaulerBody(room, maxHaulerSize);
        const haulerSpawnTime = (haulerBody?.length || 0) * CREEP_SPAWN_TIME;

        const currentlyNeededCarryParts = this.getNeededCarryParts(room);
        const currentHaulers = _.filter(Game.creepsByRole['hauler.relay'], creep =>
            creep.memory.sourceRoom === room.name
            && (creep.spawning || creep.ticksToLive > haulerSpawnTime),
        const currentCarryParts = _.sum(_.map(currentHaulers, creep => creep.getActiveBodyparts(CARRY)));

        if (currentCarryParts >= currentlyNeededCarryParts) return;

            unitType: 'hauler',
            size: maxHaulerSize,
            priority: 3,
            weight: 0,

    getNeededCarryParts(room: Room): number {
        let total = 0;
        for (const position of this.getActiveRemoteHarvestPositions(room)) {
            const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining['mine:' + position.roomName];

            const targetPos = encodePosition(position);
            if (!operation.hasActiveHarvesters(targetPos)) continue;
            if (!operation.hasContainer(targetPos)) continue;

            const paths = operation.getPaths();
            total += paths[targetPos].requiredCarryParts;

        return total;

    getMaximumCarryParts(room: Room): number {
        let total = 0;
        for (const position of this.getActiveRemoteHarvestPositions(room)) {
            const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining['mine:' + position.roomName];

            const paths = operation.getPaths();
            const targetPos = encodePosition(position);
            total += paths[targetPos].requiredCarryParts;

        return total;

    getMaximumHaulerBody(room: Room, maximumCarryParts: number) {
        const hasRoads = room.controller.level > 3 && (room.storage || room.terminal);

        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[CARRY]: 1})
            .setPartLimit(CARRY, maximumCarryParts)
            .setMovementMode(hasRoads ? MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD : MOVEMENT_MODE_PLAINS)

    getMaximumHaulerSize(room: Room, maximumNeededCarryParts: number) {
        const maximumBody = this.getMaximumHaulerBody(room, maximumNeededCarryParts);
        const maxCarryPartsOnBiggestBody = _.countBy(maximumBody)[CARRY];
        const maxCarryPartsToEmptyContainer = Math.ceil(0.9 * CONTAINER_CAPACITY / CARRY_CAPACITY);
        const maxCarryParts = Math.min(maxCarryPartsOnBiggestBody, maxCarryPartsToEmptyContainer);
        const maxHaulers = Math.ceil(maximumNeededCarryParts / maxCarryParts);
        const adjustedCarryParts = Math.ceil(maximumNeededCarryParts / maxHaulers);

        return adjustedCarryParts;

    getActiveRemoteHarvestPositions(room: Room): RoomPosition[] {
        return _.filter(room.getRemoteHarvestSourcePositions(), position => {
            const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining['mine:' + position.roomName];

            // Don't spawn if enemies are in the room.
            if (!operation) return false;
            if (operation.isUnderAttack()) return false;
            const targetPos = encodePosition(position);
            if (operation.needsDismantler(targetPos)) return false;

            const paths = operation.getPaths();
            if (!paths[targetPos]?.travelTime) return false;

            return true;

    addBuilderSpawnOptions(room: Room, options: RemoteMiningSpawnOption[]) {
        if (options.length > 0) return;
        if (!room.storage && !room.terminal) return;

        const currentlyNeededWorkParts = this.getNeededWorkParts(room);
        const currentBuilders = _.filter(Game.creepsByRole['builder.mines'], creep => creep.memory.sourceRoom === room.name);
        const currentWorkParts = _.sum(_.map(currentBuilders, creep => creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK)));

        if (currentWorkParts >= currentlyNeededWorkParts) return;

        const maximumNeededWorkParts = this.getMaximumWorkParts(room);
        const maxBuilderSize = this.getMaximumBuilderSize(room, maximumNeededWorkParts);

            unitType: 'builder',
            size: maxBuilderSize,
            priority: 3,
            weight: 0,

    getNeededWorkParts(room: Room): number {
        let total = 0;
        for (const position of this.getActiveRemoteHarvestPositions(room)) {
            const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining['mine:' + position.roomName];

            const targetPos = encodePosition(position);
            if (!operation.hasActiveHarvesters(targetPos)) continue;

            total += operation.needsRepairs(targetPos) ? operation.estimateRequiredWorkPartsForMaintenance(targetPos) : 0;

        return total;

    getMaximumWorkParts(room: Room): number {
        let total = 0;
        for (const position of this.getActiveRemoteHarvestPositions(room)) {
            const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining['mine:' + position.roomName];
            const targetPos = encodePosition(position);
            total += operation.estimateRequiredWorkPartsForMaintenance(targetPos);

        return total;

    getMaximumBuilderSize(room: Room, maximumNeededWorkParts: number) {
        const hasRoads = room.controller.level > 3 && (room.storage || room.terminal);
        const maximumBody = (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[CARRY]: 5, [WORK]: 2})
            .setPartLimit(WORK, maximumNeededWorkParts)
            .setMovementMode(hasRoads ? MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD : MOVEMENT_MODE_PLAINS)
        const maxWorkParts = _.countBy(maximumBody)[WORK];
        const maxBuilders = Math.ceil(maximumNeededWorkParts / maxWorkParts);
        const adjustedWorkParts = Math.ceil(maximumNeededWorkParts / maxBuilders);

        return adjustedWorkParts;

    addClaimerSpawnOptions(room: Room, options: RemoteMiningSpawnOption[]) {
        if (options.length > 0) return;

        // Only spawn claimers if they can have 2 or more claim parts.
        // @todo We could even do it with 1 part if the controller has multiple
        // spots around it.
        if (room.energyCapacityAvailable < 2 * (BODYPART_COST[CLAIM] + BODYPART_COST[MOVE])) return;

        const reservePositions = room.getRemoteReservePositions();
        for (const pos of reservePositions) {
            const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining['mine:' + pos.roomName];

            // Don't spawn if enemies are in the room or on the route.
            if (!operation || operation.needsDismantler()) continue;
            if (operation.isUnderAttack()) {
                const totalEnemyData = operation.getTotalEnemyData();
                const isInvaderCore = totalEnemyData.damage === 0 && totalEnemyData.heal === 0;
                if (!isInvaderCore) continue;

            if (!operation.hasActiveHarvesters()) continue;

            // @todo Cache path for claimers, as well, to get an exact number.
            const pathLength = _.sample(operation.getPaths())?.path.length || 50;
            const claimerBody = this.getClaimerCreepBody(room);
            const claimerSpawnTime = claimerBody.length * CREEP_SPAWN_TIME;
            const claimers = _.filter(
                Game.creepsByRole.claimer || {},
                (creep: ClaimerCreep) =>
                    creep.memory.mission === 'reserve' && creep.memory.target === encodePosition(pos),
            const activeClaimersOnArrival = _.filter(claimers, creep => (creep.spawning || creep.ticksToLive > pathLength + claimerSpawnTime));
            if (activeClaimersOnArrival.length > 0) continue;

            const roomMemory = Memory.rooms[pos.roomName];
            if (roomMemory?.lastClaim) {
                const claimPartCount = _.filter(claimerBody, part => part === CLAIM).length;
                const effectiveLifetime = CREEP_CLAIM_LIFE_TIME - pathLength;
                const maxAdditionalReservation = (claimPartCount - 1) * effectiveLifetime;
                const remainingReservation = roomMemory.lastClaim.value + (roomMemory.lastClaim.time - Game.time);
                const extraReservation = _.sum(claimers, creep => Math.min(creep.ticksToLive || CREEP_CLAIM_LIFE_TIME, pathLength + claimerSpawnTime) * creep.getActiveBodyparts(CLAIM));
                const reservationAtArrival = remainingReservation - claimerSpawnTime - pathLength + extraReservation;
                if (reservationAtArrival + maxAdditionalReservation > CONTROLLER_RESERVE_MAX) continue;

                unitType: 'claimer',
                priority: 3,
                weight: 1 - (pathLength / 100),
                targetPos: pos,

    addSkKillerSpawnOptions(room: Room, options: RemoteMiningSpawnOption[]) {
        if (room.controller.level < 7) return;
        // @todo Make sure we can spawn a strong enough SK killer (maybe we
        // don't have all extensions, yet)
        // @todo We could spawn a SK killer duo at RCL 6.

        const harvestPositions = room.getRemoteHarvestSourcePositions();
        const considered = {};
        for (const position of harvestPositions) {
            // Call only once per room.
            if (considered[position.roomName]) continue;

            considered[position.roomName] = true;
            this.addSkKillerOptionForPosition(room, position.roomName, options);

    addSkKillerOptionForPosition(room: Room, roomName: string, options: RemoteMiningSpawnOption[]) {
        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);
        if (roomIntel.isClaimable()) return;
        if (_.size(roomIntel.getStructures(STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR)) == 0) return;

        const currentCreeps = _.filter(Game.creepsByRole.skKiller, creep => creep.memory.targetRoom === roomName);
        const isActiveRoom = _.some(Game.creepsByRole['harvester.remote'], creep => creep.memory.targetRoom === roomName);

        // Only start claiming a new SK room when there's nothing more important
        // to spawn.
        if (!isActiveRoom && options.length > 0) return;

        // Don't spawn if there is no full path.
        const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining['mine:' + roomName];
        const paths = operation.getPaths();
        const travelTime = _.min(_.map(paths, path => path.travelTime ?? 500));
        if (!travelTime) return;

        const option: SkKillerSpawnOption = {
            unitType: 'skKiller',
            priority: isActiveRoom ? 4 : 1,
            weight: 1 - (travelTime / 100),
            targetRoom: roomName,

        const body = this.getCreepBody(room, option);
        if (!body || body.length < MAX_CREEP_SIZE) return;

        const creepSpawnTime = body.length * CREEP_SPAWN_TIME;
        const activeSkKillers = _.filter(
            (creep: SkKillerCreep) => {
                // @todo Instead of filtering for every room, this could be grouped once per tick.
                if (creep.spawning) return true;
                if (creep.ticksToLive > Math.min(travelTime + creepSpawnTime + 100, 600)) return true;

                return false;
        if (activeSkKillers.length > 0) return;


    addHarvesterSpawnOptions(room: Room, options: RemoteMiningSpawnOption[]) {
        const harvestPositions = room.getRemoteHarvestSourcePositions();
        for (const position of harvestPositions) {
            this.addHarvesterOptionForPosition(room, position, options);

    addHarvesterOptionForPosition(room: Room, position: RoomPosition, options: RemoteMiningSpawnOption[]) {
        const targetPos = encodePosition(position);
        const operation = Game.operationsByType.mining['mine:' + position.roomName];

        // Don't spawn if enemies are in the room.
        if (!operation || operation.isUnderAttack() || operation.needsDismantler(targetPos)) return;

        const isActiveRoom = _.some(Game.creepsByRole['harvester.remote'], (creep: RemoteHarvesterCreep) => creep.memory.source === targetPos);

        // Only start claiming a new remote when there's nothing more important
        // to spawn.
        if (!isActiveRoom && options.length > 0) return;

        // Don't spawn in SK rooms if SK killer is missing.
        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(position.roomName);
        if (!roomIntel.isClaimable() && _.size(roomIntel.getStructures(STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR)) > 0) {
            const hasSkKiller = _.some(Game.creepsByRole.skKiller, creep => creep.memory.targetRoom === position.roomName);
            if (!hasSkKiller) {
                hivemind.log('creeps', room.name).debug('Not spawning harvester because we don\'t have any SK killers.');

        // Don't spawn if there is no full path.
        const paths = operation.getPaths();
        const path = paths[targetPos];
        const travelTime = path?.travelTime;
        if (!travelTime) return;

        const container = operation.getContainer(targetPos);
        const isEstablished = operation.hasContainer(targetPos) && (container?.hits || CONTAINER_HITS) > CONTAINER_HITS / 2;

        // @todo Allow larger harvesters if we need CPU and have spawn time to spare.
        const sizeFactor = (room.controller.level === 8 ? 2
            : (room.controller.level === 7 ? 1.8
                : (room.controller.level === 6 ? 1.5 : 1)));

        const option: HarvesterSpawnOption = {
            unitType: 'harvester',
            priority: 1,
            weight: 1 - (travelTime / 100),
            targetPos: position,
            // @todo Consider established when roads are fully built.
            size: (operation.getHarvesterSize(targetPos) || 0) * sizeFactor,

        if (isActiveRoom) option.priority++;

        const roomMemory = Memory.rooms[position.roomName];
        if (roomMemory.lastClaim) {
            const remainingReservation = roomMemory.lastClaim.value + (roomMemory.lastClaim.time - Game.time);
            if (remainingReservation > travelTime) option.priority++;

        const creepSpawnTime = this.getCreepBody(room, option)?.length * CREEP_SPAWN_TIME || 0;
        const harvesters = _.filter(
            Game.creepsByRole['harvester.remote'] || {},
            (creep: RemoteHarvesterCreep) => {
                // @todo Instead of filtering for every room, this could be grouped once per tick.
                if (creep.memory.source !== targetPos) return false;

                if (creep.spawning) return true;
                if (creep.ticksToLive > Math.min(travelTime + creepSpawnTime, 500)) return true;

                return false;

        // Allow spawning multiple harvesters if more work parts are needed,
        // but no more than available spaces around the source.
        let freeSpots = 1;
        for (const source of roomIntel.getSourcePositions()) {
            if (source.x === position.x && source.y === position.y) freeSpots = source.free || 1;

        if (harvesters.length >= freeSpots) return;
        const requestedSaturation = operation.hasContainer(targetPos) || room.controller.level > 5 ? 0.9 : ((BUILD_POWER + HARVEST_POWER) / BUILD_POWER);
        const workParts = _.sum(harvesters, creep => creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK));
        if (workParts >= operation.getHarvesterSize(targetPos) * requestedSaturation) return;


     * Gets the body of a creep to be spawned.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {string[]}
     *   A list of body parts the new creep should consist of.
    getCreepBody(room: Room, option: RemoteMiningSpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        switch (option.unitType) {
            case 'builder':
                return this.getBuilderCreepBody(room, option);
            case 'claimer':
                return this.getClaimerCreepBody(room);
            case 'harvester':
                return this.getHarvesterCreepBody(room, option);
            case 'hauler':
                return this.getHaulerCreepBody(room, option);
            case 'skKiller':
                return this.getSkKillerCreepBody(room, option);
                const exhaustiveCheck: never = option;
                throw new Error('Unknown unit type!');

    getClaimerCreepBody(room: Room) {
        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[CLAIM]: 1})
            // We could do 1 more claim part, since controller loses 1
            // reservation each tick, but then we risk spawning claimers too late.
            .setPartLimit(CLAIM, Math.floor(CONTROLLER_RESERVE_MAX / CREEP_CLAIM_LIFE_TIME))

    getHarvesterCreepBody(room: Room, option: HarvesterSpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[WORK]: 20, [CARRY]: (option.isEstablished && room.controller.level < 7) ? 0 : 1})
            .setPartLimit(WORK, option.size > 0 ? option.size + 1 : 0)
            .setMovementMode(option.isEstablished ? MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD : MOVEMENT_MODE_PLAINS)
            .setEnergyLimit(Math.min(room.energyCapacityAvailable, Math.max(room.energyCapacityAvailable * 0.9, room.energyAvailable)))

    getHaulerCreepBody(room: Room, option: HaulerSpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        const hasRoads = room.controller.level > 3 && (room.storage || room.terminal);

        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[CARRY]: 1})
            .setPartLimit(CARRY, option.size)
            .setMovementMode(hasRoads ? MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD : MOVEMENT_MODE_PLAINS)
            .setEnergyLimit(Math.min(room.energyCapacityAvailable, Math.max(room.energyCapacityAvailable * 0.9, room.energyAvailable)))

    getBuilderCreepBody(room: Room, option: BuilderSpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        const hasRoads = room.controller.level > 3 && (room.storage || room.terminal);

        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[CARRY]: 5, [WORK]: 2})
            .setPartLimit(WORK, option.size)
            .setMovementMode(hasRoads ? MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD : MOVEMENT_MODE_PLAINS)
            .setEnergyLimit(Math.min(room.energyCapacityAvailable, Math.max(room.energyCapacityAvailable * 0.9, room.energyAvailable)))

    getSkKillerCreepBody(room: Room, option: SkKillerSpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[ATTACK]: 4, [HEAL]: 1})
            .setEnergyLimit(Math.min(room.energyCapacityAvailable, Math.max(room.energyCapacityAvailable * 0.9, room.energyAvailable)))

     * Gets memory for a new creep.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The boost compound to use keyed by body part type.
    getCreepMemory(room: Room, option: RemoteMiningSpawnOption): CreepMemory {
        switch (option.unitType) {
            case 'builder':
                return {
                    role: 'builder.mines',
                    returning: true,
                    sourceRoom: room.name,
                } as MineBuilderCreepMemory;
            case 'claimer':
                return {
                    role: 'claimer',
                    target: encodePosition(option.targetPos),
                    mission: 'reserve',
                    operation: 'mine:' + option.targetPos.roomName,
                } as ClaimerCreepMemory;
            case 'harvester':
                return {
                    role: 'harvester.remote',
                    source: encodePosition(option.targetPos),
                    operation: 'mine:' + option.targetPos.roomName,
                } as RemoteHarvesterCreepMemory;
            case 'hauler':
                return {
                    role: 'hauler.relay',
                    sourceRoom: room.name,
                    delivering: true,
                } as RelayHaulerCreepMemory;
            case 'skKiller':
                return {
                    role: 'skKiller',
                    sourceRoom: room.name,
                    targetRoom: option.targetRoom,
                    operation: 'mine:' + option.targetRoom,
                } as SkKillerCreepMemory;
                const exhaustiveCheck: never = option;
                throw new Error('Unknown unit type!');

     * Act when a creep belonging to this spawn role is successfully spawning.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room the creep is spawned in.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option which caused the spawning.
     * @param {string[]} body
     *   The body generated for this creep.
     * @param {string} name
     *   The name of the new creep.
    onSpawn(room: Room, option: RemoteMiningSpawnOption, body: BodyPartConstant[]) {
        // @todo Also count cost of sk killer creeps.
        if (!('targetPos' in option)) return;

        const operationName = 'mine:' + option.targetPos.roomName;
        const operation = Game.operations[operationName];
        if (!operation) return;

        operation.addResourceCost(this.calculateBodyCost(body), RESOURCE_ENERGY);