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export default class SpawnRole {
    private roomTimeouts: Record<string, number> = {};

     * Adds spawn options for the given room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
    getSpawnOptions(room: Room): SpawnOption[] {
        return [];

     * Gets the body of a creep to be spawned.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {string[]}
     *   A list of body parts the new creep should consist of.
    getCreepBody(room: Room, option: SpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        return [];

     * Gets which boosts to use on a new creep.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @param {string[]} body
     *   The body generated for this creep.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The boost compound to use keyed by body part type.
    getCreepBoosts(room: Room, option: SpawnOption, body: string[]): Record<string, ResourceConstant> {
        return null;

     * Gets memory for a new creep.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The newly spawned creep's initial memory.
    getCreepMemory(room: Room, option?: SpawnOption): CreepMemory {
        return {};

     * Act when a creep belonging to this spawn role is successfully spawning.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room the creep is spawned in.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option which caused the spawning.
     * @param {string[]} body
     *   The body generated for this creep.
     * @param {string} name
     *   The name of the new creep.
    onSpawn(room: Room, option: SpawnOption, body: BodyPartConstant[], name: string) {}

     * Calculates the best available boost for a body part to use.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {String[]} body
     *   The body generated for this creep.
     * @param {String} partType
     *   The body part type to apply boosts to.
     * @param {String} boostType
     *   The type of boost to use.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The boost compound to use keyed by body part type.
    generateCreepBoosts(room: Room, body: BodyPartConstant[], partType: BodyPartConstant, boostType: string, maxTier?: number): Partial<Record<string, ResourceConstant>> {
        if (!room.boostManager.canSpawnBoostedCreeps()) return {};

        const numberAffectedParts = _.countBy(body)[partType] || 0;
        const bestBoost = this.getBestBoost(room, numberAffectedParts, boostType, maxTier);

        if (!bestBoost) return {};

        return {
            [partType]: bestBoost,

    getBestBoost(room: Room, count: number, boostType: string, maxTier?: number): ResourceConstant {
        let bestBoost: ResourceConstant;
        const availableBoosts = room.boostManager.getAvailableBoosts(boostType);
        let resourceType: ResourceConstant;
        for (resourceType in availableBoosts) {
            if (availableBoosts[resourceType].available < count) continue;
            if (maxTier && resourceType.length > maxTier) continue;

            if (!bestBoost || (boostType === 'damage' && availableBoosts[resourceType].effect < availableBoosts[bestBoost].effect)) {
                bestBoost = resourceType;
            else if (availableBoosts[resourceType].effect > availableBoosts[bestBoost].effect) {
                bestBoost = resourceType;

        return bestBoost;

     * Calculates the cost of a creep body array.
     * @param {String[]} body
     *   A creep body.
     * @return {number}
     *   The energy cost of the provided body.
    calculateBodyCost(body: BodyPartConstant[]): number {
        return _.reduce(body, (sum, part) => sum + BODYPART_COST[part], 0);

    cacheEmptySpawnOptionsFor<T extends SpawnOption>(room: Room, timeout: number, callback: () => T[]): T[] {
        if (this.shouldNotCheckForAWhile(room)) return [];

        const options = callback();
        this.stopCheckingIfNothingToSpawn(room, timeout, options);

        return options;

    shouldNotCheckForAWhile(room: Room): boolean {
        if ((this.roomTimeouts[room.name] || -1000) > Game.time) return true;

        return false;

    stopCheckingIfNothingToSpawn(room: Room, timeout: number, options: SpawnOption[]) {
        if (options.length > 0) return;

        this.roomTimeouts[room.name] = Game.time + timeout;