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7 hrs
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/* global MOVE CARRY */

import BodyBuilder, {MOVEMENT_MODE_ROAD} from 'creep/body-builder';
import cache from 'utils/cache';
import SpawnRole from 'spawn-role/spawn-role';
import utilities from 'utilities';

interface TransporterSpawnOption extends SpawnOption {
    force: boolean;
    size: number;

export default class TransporterSpawnRole extends SpawnRole {
     * Adds transporter spawn options for the given room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
    getSpawnOptions(room: Room) {
        return this.cacheEmptySpawnOptionsFor(room, 10, () => {
            const options: TransporterSpawnOption[] = [];

            const transporterSize = this.getTransporterSize(room);
            const maxTransporters = this.getTransporterAmount(room, transporterSize);

            const transporterCount = _.size(room.creepsByRole.transporter);
            if (transporterCount < maxTransporters) {
                const option: TransporterSpawnOption = {
                    priority: (room.storage || room.terminal) ? 6 : 5,
                    weight: 0.5,
                    force: false,
                    size: transporterSize,

                const hasHaulers
                    = _.filter(Game.creepsByRole.hauler, creep => creep.memory.sourceRoom === room.name).length
                    + _.filter(Game.creepsByRole['hauler.relay'], creep => creep.memory.sourceRoom === room.name).length > 0;
                const hasExtensions = (room.myStructuresByType[STRUCTURE_EXTENSION] || []).length > 0;
                if (transporterCount >= maxTransporters / 2) {
                else if (transporterCount >= 1) {
                    option.weight = 0;
                else if (room.storage || room.terminal || (!hasHaulers && hasExtensions)) {
                    option.force = true;
                    option.weight = 1;
                else if (!room.storage && !room.terminal) {
                    const spawns = _.filter(Game.spawns, spawn => spawn.room.name === room.name);
                    const sources = room.sources;
                    const minSpawnDistance = _.min(_.map(spawns, spawn => _.min(_.map(sources, source => spawn.pos.getRangeTo(source.pos)))));
                    if (minSpawnDistance < 5) {
                        option.weight = 0;


            return options;

     * Determines number of transporters needed in a room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {number} transporterSize
     *   Maximum size of transporters in this room.
     * @return {number}
     *   Number of transporters needed in this room.
    getTransporterAmount(room: Room, transporterSize: number): number {
        let maxTransporters = this.getTransporterBaseAmount(room) * 2 / 3;

        // On higher level rooms, spawn less, but bigger, transporters.
        maxTransporters /= transporterSize;
        maxTransporters = Math.max(maxTransporters, room.controller.level > 6 ? 2 : 3);

        if (room.isClearingTerminal() && room.terminal && room.terminal.store.getUsedCapacity() > room.terminal.store.getCapacity() * 0.01) {
            maxTransporters *= 1.5;

        if (room.isClearingStorage() && room.storage && room.storage.store.getUsedCapacity() > room.storage.store.getCapacity() * 0.01) {
            maxTransporters *= 1.5;

        if (room.controller.level < 4) {
            // Check if a container is nearly full.
            for (const source of room.sources) {
                const container = source.getNearbyContainer();
                if (container && container.store.getFreeCapacity() < container.store.getCapacity() / 4) {

        maxTransporters += this.getExtraUpgraderTransporters(room);

        return maxTransporters;

     * Determines a base amount of transporters needed in a room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @return {number}
     *   Number of transporters needed in this room.
    getTransporterBaseAmount(room: Room): number {
        // On low level rooms, do not use (too many) transporters.
        if (room.controller.level < 3) return 1;
        if (room.controller.level < 4) return 2;

        // Storage mostly takes place in containers, units will get their energy from there.
        if (!room.storage && !room.terminal) return room.getEffectiveAvailableEnergy() > 1000 ? 2 : 1;

        const sourceCount = _.size(room.sources);
        let maxTransporters = 2 + (2 * sourceCount); // @todo Find a good way to gauge needed number of transporters by measuring distances.

        // If we have links to beam energy around, we'll need less transporters.
        if (room.memory.controllerLink) {
            maxTransporters -= 1 + _.sum(room.sources, (source: Source) => source.getNearbyLink() ? 1 : 0);

        // RCL 5 and 6 are that annoying level at which refilling extensions is
        // very tedious and there are many things that need spawning.
        if (room.controller.level === 5) maxTransporters++;
        if (room.controller.level === 6) maxTransporters++;

        // Need less transporters in rooms where remote builders are working.
        maxTransporters -= _.size(room.creepsByRole['builder.remote']);

        return maxTransporters;

    getExtraUpgraderTransporters(room: Room): number {
        // Add extra transporters if there's a lot of upgrading happening.
        // @todo Take into account boosts.
        const upgraderWorkParts = _.sum(room.creepsByRole.upgrader, creep => creep.getActiveBodyparts(WORK));
        const refillPathLength = cache.inHeap('ccRefillPathLength:' + room.name, 5000, () => {
            const container = Game.getObjectById<StructureContainer>(room.memory.controllerContainer);
            if (!container) return 1;

            const path = utilities.getPath(room.getStorageLocation(), container.pos, false, {singleRoom: room.name});

            if (path.incomplete) return 1;
            return path.path.length;

        // @todo We might want to reduce the factor because links can help out. But if we're doing a lot of upgrading,
        // I'd rather have too many transporters, since we clearly have energy to spare.
        const usedEnergyPerTrip = upgraderWorkParts * UPGRADE_CONTROLLER_POWER * refillPathLength * 1.8;
        return Math.floor(usedEnergyPerTrip / CARRY_CAPACITY / this.getTransporterSize(room));

     * Determines maximum size of transporters in a room.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @return {number}
     *   Size of transporters for this room.
    getTransporterSize(room: Room): number {
        const fullBayCapacity = Math.max(SPAWN_ENERGY_CAPACITY, EXTENSION_ENERGY_CAPACITY[room.controller.level]) + 6 * EXTENSION_ENERGY_CAPACITY[room.controller.level];

        return Math.ceil(fullBayCapacity / CARRY_CAPACITY);

    estimateNeededCarryParts(room: Room): number {
        return cache.inHeap('estimatedCarryParts:' + room.name, 500, () => {
            const total = 0;

            // Path length to active bays, weighted by energy needs. Exclude harvester bays.

            // Path to sources, exclude those with links if we have controller link

            // Path length to active minerals

            // Path length to labs

            return total;

     * Gets the body of a creep to be spawned.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {string[]}
     *   A list of body parts the new creep should consist of.
    getCreepBody(room: Room, option: TransporterSpawnOption): BodyPartConstant[] {
        return (new BodyBuilder())
            .setWeights({[CARRY]: 1})
            .setPartLimit(CARRY, option.size ?? 8)
            .setEnergyLimit(Math.min(room.energyCapacityAvailable, Math.max(option.force ? 250 : room.energyCapacityAvailable * 0.9, room.energyAvailable)))

     * Gets memory for a new creep.
     * @param {Room} room
     *   The room to add spawn options for.
     * @param {Object} option
     *   The spawn option for which to generate the body.
     * @return {Object}
     *   The boost compound to use keyed by body part type.
    getCreepMemory(room: Room): CreepMemory {
        return {
            singleRoom: room.name,
            operation: 'room:' + room.name,