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4 hrs
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/* tslint:disable:ban-types */
export function init(): Profiler {
  const defaults = {
    data: {},
    total: 0,

  if (!Memory.profiler) { Memory.profiler = defaults; }

  const cli: Profiler = {
    clear() {
      const running = isEnabled();
      Memory.profiler = defaults;
      if (running) { Memory.profiler.start = Game.time; }
      return "Profiler Memory cleared";

    output() {
      return "Done";

    start() {
      Memory.profiler.start = Game.time;
      return "Profiler started";

    status() {
      if (isEnabled()) {
        return "Profiler is running";
      return "Profiler is stopped";

    stop() {
      if (!isEnabled()) { return ""; }
      const timeRunning = Game.time - Memory.profiler.start!;
      Memory.profiler.total += timeRunning;
      delete Memory.profiler.start;
      return "Profiler stopped";

    toString() {
       return "Profiler.start() - Starts the profiler\n" +
          "Profiler.stop() - Stops/Pauses the profiler\n" +
          "Profiler.status() - Returns whether is profiler is currently running or not\n" +
          "Profiler.output() - Pretty-prints the collected profiler data to the console\n" +

  return cli;

function wrapFunction(obj: object, key: PropertyKey, className?: string) {
  const descriptor = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key);
  if (!descriptor || descriptor.get || descriptor.set) { return; }

  if (key === "constructor") { return; }

  const originalFunction = descriptor.value;
  if (!originalFunction || typeof originalFunction !== "function") { return; }

  // set a key for the object in memory
  if (!className) { className = obj.constructor ? `${obj.constructor.name}` : ""; }
  const memKey = className + `:${String(key)}`;

  // set a tag so we don't wrap a function twice
  const savedName = `__${String(key)}__`;
  if (Reflect.has(obj, savedName)) { return; }

  Reflect.set(obj, savedName, originalFunction);

  console.log('Wrapping ' + memKey);
  Reflect.set(obj, key, function(this: any, ...args: any[]) {
    if (isEnabled()) {
      const start = Game.cpu.getUsed();
      const result = originalFunction.apply(this, args);
      const end = Game.cpu.getUsed();
      record(memKey, end - start);
      return result;
    return originalFunction.apply(this, args);

export function profile(target: Function): void;
export function profile(target: object, key: string | symbol, _descriptor?: TypedPropertyDescriptor<Function>): void;
export function profile(
  target: object | Function,
  key?: string | symbol,
  _descriptor?: TypedPropertyDescriptor<Function>,
): void {
  //if (!global.__PROFILER_ENABLED__) { return; }

  if (key) {
    // case of method decorator
    wrapFunction(target, key);

  // case of class decorator
  const ctor = target as any;
  if (!ctor.prototype) { return; }

  const className = ctor.name;
  Reflect.ownKeys(ctor.prototype).forEach((k) => {
    wrapFunction(ctor.prototype, k, className);

function isEnabled(): boolean {
  return Memory.profiler.start !== undefined;

function record(key: string | symbol, time: number) {
  key = String(key);
  if (!Memory.profiler.data[key]) {
    Memory.profiler.data[key] = {
      calls: 0,
      time: 0,
  Memory.profiler.data[key].time += time;

interface OutputData {
  name: string;
  calls: number;
  cpuPerCall: number;
  callsPerTick: number;
  cpuPerTick: number;

function outputProfilerData() {
  let totalTicks = Memory.profiler.total;
  if (Memory.profiler.start) {
    totalTicks += Game.time - Memory.profiler.start;

  // Process data
  let totalCpu = 0;  // running count of average total CPU use per tick
  let calls: number;
  let time: number;
  let result: Partial<OutputData>;
  const data = Reflect.ownKeys(Memory.profiler.data).map((key) => {
    key = String(key);
    calls = Memory.profiler.data[key].calls;
    time = Memory.profiler.data[key].time;
    result = {};
    result.name = `${key}`;
    result.calls = calls;
    result.cpuPerCall = time / calls;
    result.callsPerTick = calls / totalTicks;
    result.cpuPerTick = time / totalTicks;
    totalCpu += result.cpuPerTick;
    return result as OutputData;

  data.sort((lhs, rhs) => rhs.cpuPerTick - lhs.cpuPerTick);

  // Format data
  let output = "";

  // get function name max length
  const longestName = (_.max(data, (d) => d.name.length)).name.length + 2;

  //// Header line
  output += _.padRight("Function", longestName);
  output += _.padLeft("Tot Calls", 12);
  output += _.padLeft("CPU/Call", 12);
  output += _.padLeft("Calls/Tick", 12);
  output += _.padLeft("CPU/Tick", 12);
  output += _.padLeft("% of Tot\n", 12);

  ////  Data lines
  data.forEach((d) => {
    output += _.padRight(`${d.name}`, longestName);
    output += _.padLeft(`${d.calls}`, 12);
    output += _.padLeft(`${d.cpuPerCall.toFixed(2)}ms`, 12);
    output += _.padLeft(`${d.callsPerTick.toFixed(2)}`, 12);
    output += _.padLeft(`${d.cpuPerTick.toFixed(2)}ms`, 12);
    output += _.padLeft(`${(d.cpuPerTick / totalCpu * 100).toFixed(0)} %\n`, 12);

  //// Footer line
  output += `${totalTicks} total ticks measured`;
  output += `\t\t\t${totalCpu.toFixed(2)} average CPU profiled per tick`;

// debugging
// function printObject(obj: object) {
//   const name = obj.constructor ? obj.constructor.name : (obj as any).name;
//   console.log("  Keys of :", name, ":");
//   Reflect.ownKeys(obj).forEach((k) => {
//     try {
//       console.log(`    ${k}: ${Reflect.get(obj, k)}`);
//     } catch (e) {
//       // nothing
//     }
//   });
// }