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import hivemind from 'hivemind';

export const allies = hivemind.relations.allies;
// This is the conventional segment used for team communication
export const allySegmentID = 77;

// This isn't in the docs for some reason, so we need to add it
export const maxSegmentsOpen = 10;

export interface ResourceRequest {
     * 0-1 where 1 is highest consideration
    priority: number;
    roomName: string;
    resourceType: ResourceConstant;
     * How much they want of the resource. If the responder sends only a portion of what you ask for, that's fine
    amount: number;
     * If the bot has no terminal, allies should instead haul the resources to us
    terminal?: boolean;
     * Tick after which the request should be ignored. If your bot crashes, or stops updating requests for some other reason, this is a safety mechanism.
    timeout?: number;

export interface DefenseRequest {
    roomName: string;
     * 0-1 where 1 is highest consideration
    priority: number;
     * Tick after which the request should be ignored. If your bot crashes, or stops updating requests for some other reason, this is a safety mechanism.
    timeout?: number;

export interface AttackRequest {
    roomName: string;
     * 0-1 where 1 is highest consideration
    priority: number;
     * Tick after which the request should be ignored. If your bot crashes, or stops updating requests for some other reason, this is a safety mechanism.
    timeout?: number;

export interface PlayerRequest {
    playerName: string;
     * 0-1 where 1 is highest consideration. How much you think your team should hate the player. Should probably affect combat aggression and targetting
    hate?: number;
     * The last time this player has attacked you
    lastAttackedBy?: number;
     * Tick after which the request should be ignored. If your bot crashes, or stops updating requests for some other reason, this is a safety mechanism.
    timeout?: number;

export type WorkRequestType = 'build' | 'repair';

export interface WorkRequest {
    roomName: string;
     * 0-1 where 1 is highest consideration
    priority: number;
    workType: WorkRequestType;
     * Tick after which the request should be ignored. If your bot crashes, or stops updating requests for some other reason, this is a safety mechanism.
    timeout?: number;

export const enum FunnelGoal {
    GCL = 0,
    RCL7 = 1,
    RCL8 = 2,

export interface FunnelRequest {
     * Amount of energy needed. Should be equal to energy that needs to be put into controller for achieving goal.
    maxAmount: number;
     * What energy will be spent on. Room receiving energy should focus solely on achieving the goal.
    goalType: FunnelGoal;
     * Room to which energy should be sent. If undefined resources can be sent to any of requesting player's rooms.
    roomName?: string;
     * Tick after which the request should be ignored. If your bot crashes, or stops updating requests for some other reason, this is a safety mechanism.
    timeout?: number;

export interface RoomRequest {
    roomName: string;
     * The player who owns this room. If there is no owner, the room probably isn't worth making a request about
    playerName: string;
     * The last tick your scouted this room to acquire the data you are now sharing
    lastScout: number;
    rcl: number;
     * The amount of stored energy the room has. storage + terminal + factory should be sufficient
    energy: number;
    towers: number;
    avgRamprtHits: number;
    terminal: boolean;
     * Tick after which the request should be ignored. If your bot crashes, or stops updating requests for some other reason, this is a safety mechanism.
    timeout?: number;

export interface EconInfo {
     * Total credits the bot has. Should be 0 if there is no market on the server
    credits: number;
     * The maximum amount of energy the bot is willing to share with allies. Should never be more than the amount of energy the bot has in storing structures
    sharableEnergy: number;
     * The average energy income the bot has calculated over the last 100 ticks
     * Optional, as some bots might not be able to calculate this easily.
    energyIncome?: number;
     * The number of mineral nodes the bot has access to, probably used to inform expansion
    mineralNodes?: Partial<Record<MineralConstant, number>>;

type RequestCallback = (request: Request) => void;

export interface AllyRequests {
    resource: ResourceRequest[];
    defense: DefenseRequest[];
    attack: AttackRequest[];
    player: PlayerRequest[];
    work: WorkRequest[];
    funnel: FunnelRequest[];
    room: RoomRequest[];

 * Having data we pass into the segment being an object allows us to send additional information outside of requests
export interface SimpleAlliesSegment {
    requests?: AllyRequests;
    econ?: EconInfo;

class SimpleAllies {
    private myRequests: AllyRequests = {
        resource: [],
        defense: [],
        attack: [],
        player: [],
        work: [],
        funnel: [],
        room: [],

    private myEconInfo?: EconInfo;
    allySegmentData: SimpleAlliesSegment = {};
    currentAlly?: string;

     * To call before any requests are made or responded to. Configures some required values and gets ally requests
    initRun() {
        // Reset the data of myRequests
        this.myRequests = {
            resource: [],
            defense: [],
            attack: [],
            player: [],
            work: [],
            funnel: [],
            room: [],
        // Reset econ info
        this.myEconInfo = undefined;


     * Try to get segment data from our current ally. If successful, assign to the instane
    private readAllySegment() {
        if (allies.length === 0) {
            // Throw Error("Failed to find an ally for simpleAllies, you probably have none :(")

        this.currentAlly = allies[Game.time % allies.length];

        // Make a request to read the data of the next ally in the list, for next tick
        const nextAllyName = allies[(Game.time + 1) % allies.length];
        RawMemory.setActiveForeignSegment(nextAllyName, allySegmentID);

        // Maybe the code didn't run last tick, so we didn't set a new read segment
        if (!RawMemory.foreignSegment) return;
        if (RawMemory.foreignSegment.username !== this.currentAlly) return;

        // Protect from errors as we try to get ally segment data
        try {
            this.allySegmentData = JSON.parse(RawMemory.foreignSegment.data);
        catch {
            console.log('Error in getting requests for simpleAllies', this.currentAlly);

     * To call after requests have been made, to assign requests to the next ally
    endRun() {
        // Make sure we don't have too many segments open
        if (hivemind.segmentMemory.getSavedSegmentsThisTick() >= maxSegmentsOpen) {

        const newSegmentData: SimpleAlliesSegment = {
            requests: this.myRequests,
            econ: this.myEconInfo,

        RawMemory.segments[allySegmentID] = JSON.stringify(newSegmentData);

    // Request methods

    requestResource(args: ResourceRequest) {

    requestDefense(args: DefenseRequest) {

    requestAttack(args: AttackRequest) {

    requestPlayer(args: PlayerRequest) {

    requestWork(args: WorkRequest) {

    requestFunnel(args: FunnelRequest) {

    requestRoom(args: RoomRequest) {

    setEconInfo(args: EconInfo) {
        this.myEconInfo = args;

export const simpleAllies = new SimpleAllies();