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2 days
Test Coverage
import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import {encodePosition} from 'utils/serialization';
import {ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE} from 'room-defense';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';
import {handleMapArea} from 'utils/map';

interface CostMatrixOptions {
    singleRoom?: boolean;
    isQuad?: boolean;
    ignoreMilitary?: boolean;
    allowDanger?: boolean;

declare global {
    namespace NodeJS {
        interface Global {
            getCostMatrix: typeof getCostMatrix;
            getDangerMatrix: typeof getDangerMatrix;

 * Gets the pathfinding cost matrix for a room.
 * @param {string} roomName
 *   Name of the room.
 * @param {object} options
 *   Further options regarding the matrix. Can have the following keys:
 *   - `singleRoom`: If true, return a matrix for creeps that cannot leave
 *     the room.
 * @return {PathFinder.CostMatrix}
 *   The requested cost matrix.
function getCostMatrix(roomName: string, options?: CostMatrixOptions): CostMatrix {
    if (!options) {
        options = {};

    const cacheDuration = hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady() ? (roomHasBlockingConstructionSites(roomName) ? 20 : 500) : 1;

    let cacheKey = 'costMatrix:' + roomName;
    let matrix = hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady() ? cache.inHeap(
        () => {
            const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);
            return roomIntel.getCostMatrix();
    ) : new PathFinder.CostMatrix();

    if (matrix && options.singleRoom && hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) {
        // Highly discourage room exits if creep is supposed to stay in a room.
        cacheKey += ':singleRoom';

        matrix = cache.inHeap(
            () => generateSingleRoomCostMatrix(matrix, roomName),

    if (matrix && options.isQuad) {
        cacheKey += ':quad';

        matrix = cache.inHeap(
            () => generateQuadCostMatrix(matrix, roomName),

    if (
        && !options.ignoreMilitary
        && !options.allowDanger
        && hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()
        && Game.rooms[roomName]
        && Game.rooms[roomName].isMine()
        && Game.rooms[roomName].defense.getEnemyStrength() > ENEMY_STRENGTH_NONE
    ) {
        // Discourage unprotected areas when enemies are in the room.
        cacheKey += ':inCombat';

        matrix = cache.inHeap(
            () => generateCombatCostMatrix(matrix, roomName, options.singleRoom),
    else {
        cache.inHeap('dangerMatrix:' + roomName, 20, () => new PathFinder.CostMatrix());

    return matrix;

function roomHasBlockingConstructionSites(roomName: string): boolean {
    return cache.inHeap('roomHasBlockingConstructionSites:' + roomName, 20, () => (Game.rooms[roomName]?.find(
        {filter: site => !site.isWalkable()},
    ) || []).length > 0);

 * Generates a derivative cost matrix that highly discourages room exits.
 * @param {PathFinder.CostMatrix} matrix
 *   The matrix to use as a base.
 * @param {string} roomName
 *   Name of the room this matrix represents.
 * @return {PathFinder.CostMatrix}
 *   The modified cost matrix.
function generateSingleRoomCostMatrix(matrix: CostMatrix, roomName: string): CostMatrix {
    const newMatrix = matrix.clone();
    const terrain = new Room.Terrain(roomName);
    for (let i = 1; i < 49; i++) {
        if (terrain.get(i, 0) !== TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) newMatrix.set(i, 0, 50);
        if (terrain.get(0, i) !== TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) newMatrix.set(0, i, 50);
        if (terrain.get(i, 49) !== TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) newMatrix.set(i, 49, 50);
        if (terrain.get(49, i) !== TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) newMatrix.set(49, i, 50);

    return newMatrix;

 * Generates a derivative cost matrix for navigating quads.
 * @param {PathFinder.CostMatrix} matrix
 *   The matrix to use as a base.
 * @param {string} roomName
 *   Name of the room this matrix represents.
 * @return {PathFinder.CostMatrix}
 *   The modified cost matrix.
function generateQuadCostMatrix(matrix: CostMatrix, roomName: string): CostMatrix {
    const newMatrix = matrix.clone();
    const terrain = new Room.Terrain(roomName);

    for (let x = 1; x < 49; x++) {
        for (let y = 1; y < 49; y++) {
            if (terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) continue;

            let max = Math.max(matrix.get(x, y), matrix.get(x + 1, y), matrix.get(x, y + 1), matrix.get(x + 1, y + 1));
            if (max < 255 && (
                terrain.get(x + 1, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL
                || terrain.get(x, y + 1) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL
                || terrain.get(x + 1, y + 1) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL
            )) {
                max = 255;
            else if (max < 5 && (
                terrain.get(x + 1, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_SWAMP
                || terrain.get(x, y + 1) === TERRAIN_MASK_SWAMP
                || terrain.get(x + 1, y + 1) === TERRAIN_MASK_SWAMP
            )) {
                max = 5;

            newMatrix.set(x, y, max);

    return newMatrix;

 * Generates a derivative cost matrix that discourages unprotected areas.
 * @param {PathFinder.CostMatrix} matrix
 *   The matrix to use as a base.
 * @param {string} roomName
 *   Name of the room this matrix represents.
 * @return {PathFinder.CostMatrix}
 *   The modified cost matrix.
function generateCombatCostMatrix(matrix: CostMatrix, roomName: string, blockDangerousTiles: boolean): CostMatrix {
    const newMatrix = matrix.clone();
    const dangerMatrix = new PathFinder.CostMatrix();

    // No need to consider enemies when the room is safemoded.
    if (Game.rooms[roomName].controller.safeMode) {
        cache.inHeap('dangerMatrix:' + roomName, 20, () => dangerMatrix);
        return newMatrix;

    // We flood fill from enemies and make all tiles they can reach more
    // difficult to travel through.
    const closedList: Record<string, boolean> = {};
    const openList: RoomPosition[] = [];

    for (const username in Game.rooms[roomName].enemyCreeps) {
        if (hivemind.relations.isAlly(username)) continue;
        for (const creep of Game.rooms[roomName].enemyCreeps[username]) {
            // Ignore creeps inside our walls. If they're here already, we don't
            // want all our creeps to stop moving because the inside of the
            // base is suddenly dangerous.
            if (Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(creep.pos, 'safe')) continue;

            const location = encodePosition(creep.pos);
            closedList[location] = true;

    while (openList.length > 0) {
        const pos = openList.pop();
        if (Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(pos, 'safe')) continue;

        updateNewMatrices(matrix, newMatrix, dangerMatrix, pos, blockDangerousTiles);
        handleAdjacentTiles(pos, openList, closedList);

    cache.inHeap('dangerMatrix:' + roomName, 20, () => dangerMatrix);

    return newMatrix;

function updateNewMatrices(
    matrix: CostMatrix,
    newMatrix: CostMatrix,
    dangerMatrix: CostMatrix,
    pos: RoomPosition,
    blockDangerousTiles: boolean,
) {
    const roomName = pos.roomName;
    const terrain = new Room.Terrain(roomName);

    // Increase cost matrix value for the given tile.
    let value = matrix.get(pos.x, pos.y);
    if (value === 0) {
        value = 2;
        if (terrain.get(pos.x, pos.y) === TERRAIN_MASK_SWAMP) value = 5;

    newMatrix.set(pos.x, pos.y, blockDangerousTiles ? 255 : (5 * value) + 25);
    dangerMatrix.set(pos.x, pos.y, 1);
    handleMapArea(pos.x, pos.y, (x, y) => {
        // @todo No need to consider tiles at 3 range dangerous if there's
        // no ranged creeps.
        if (dangerMatrix.get(x, y) > 0) return;

        const newPos = new RoomPosition(x, y, roomName);
        if (terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL && !Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(newPos, 'road')) return;
        if (Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(newPos, 'rampart')) return;
        if (Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(newPos, 'safe')) return;
        dangerMatrix.set(x, y, 2);
        if (Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(newPos, 'wall')) return;

        let value = matrix.get(x, y);
        if (value === 0) {
            value = 2;
            if (terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_SWAMP) value = 5;

        newMatrix.set(x, y, blockDangerousTiles ? 255 : (5 * value) + 25);
    }, 3);

function handleAdjacentTiles(pos: RoomPosition, openList: RoomPosition[], closedList: Record<string, boolean>) {
    const roomName = pos.roomName;
    const terrain = new Room.Terrain(roomName);

    // Add available adjacent tiles.
    handleMapArea(pos.x, pos.y, (x, y) => {
        if (x === pos.x && y === pos.y) return;

        const newPos = new RoomPosition(x, y, roomName);
        if (terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL && !Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(newPos, 'road')) return;

        const newLocation = encodePosition(newPos);
        if (closedList[newLocation]) return;
        if (Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(newPos, 'rampart')) return;
        if (Game.rooms[roomName].roomPlanner.isPlannedLocation(newPos, 'wall')) return;

        closedList[newLocation] = true;

function getDangerMatrix(roomName: string): CostMatrix {

    return cache.fromHeap('dangerMatrix:' + roomName, true) || new PathFinder.CostMatrix();

 * Runs code for all given obstacles and roads.
 * @param {String} roomName
 *   Name of the room that's being handled.
 * @param {object} structures
 *   Arrays of structures to navigate around, keyed by structure type.
 * @param {object} constructionSites
 *   Arrays of construction sites to navigate around, keyed by structure type.
 * @param {Function} roadCallback
 *   Gets called for every road found in structures.
 * @param {Function} blockerCallback
 *   Gets called for every obstacle found in structures or constructionSites.
 * @param {Function} sourceKeeperCallback
 *   Gets called for every position in range of a source keeper.
function markBuildings(
    roomName: string,
    structures: Record<string, Structure[]>,
    constructionSites: Record<string, ConstructionSite[]>,
    roadCallback: (structure: Structure) => void,
    blockerCallback: (structure: Structure | ConstructionSite) => void,
    sourceKeeperCallback: (x: number, y: number) => void,
) {
    _.each(OBSTACLE_OBJECT_TYPES, structureType => {
        _.each(structures[structureType], structure => {
            // Can't walk through non-walkable buildings.

        _.each(constructionSites[structureType], site => {
            // Can't walk through non-walkable construction sites.

    _.each(structures[STRUCTURE_PORTAL], structure => {
        // Treat portals as blocking. They will be targetted intentionally.

    _.each(structures[STRUCTURE_RAMPART], (structure: StructureRampart) => {
        if (!structure.my) {
            // Enemy ramparts are blocking.

    if (hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) {
        // If we're running a (successful) exploit in this room, tiles
        // should not be marked inaccessible.
        const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);
        if (_.size(structures[STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR]) > 0) {
            if (!(Memory.strategy?.remoteHarvesting?.rooms || []).includes(roomName)) {
                // Add area around keeper lairs as obstacles.
                // @todo For SK rooms that we harvest, still consider the
                // mineral SK lair as dangerous.
                _.each(structures[STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR], structure => {
                    handleMapArea(structure.pos.x, structure.pos.y, (x, y) => {
                        sourceKeeperCallback(x, y);
                    }, 3);

                // Add area around sources as obstacles.
                _.each(roomIntel.getSourcePositions(), sourceInfo => {
                    handleMapArea(sourceInfo.x, sourceInfo.y, (x, y) => {
                        sourceKeeperCallback(x, y);
                    }, 4);

            // Add area around mineral as obstacles.
            for (const mineralInfo of roomIntel.getMineralPositions()) {
                handleMapArea(mineralInfo.x, mineralInfo.y, (x, y) => {
                    sourceKeeperCallback(x, y);
                }, 4);

        // For exit consistency, we need to check corresponding exit
        // tiles of adjacend rooms, and if blocked by source keepers, block tiles
        // in our own room as well.
        const exits = roomIntel.getExits();
        for (const dir of [TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT]) {
            if (!exits[dir]) continue;

            markSourceKeeperExits(exits[dir], dir, sourceKeeperCallback);

    _.each(structures[STRUCTURE_ROAD], structure => {
        // Favor roads over plain tiles.

function markSourceKeeperExits(roomName: string, dir: TOP | LEFT | BOTTOM | RIGHT, sourceKeeperCallback: (x: number, y: number) => void) {
    if ((Memory.strategy?.remoteHarvesting?.rooms || []).includes(roomName)) return;

    const otherRoomIntel = getRoomIntel(roomName);
    if (!otherRoomIntel || !otherRoomIntel.hasCostMatrixData()) return;
    if (_.size(otherRoomIntel.getStructures(STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR)) === 0) return;

    // @todo Instead of reading cost matrix values, check distance to
    // keeper lairs and sources.
    const matrix = getCostMatrix(roomName);
    if (dir === TOP || dir === BOTTOM) {
        const y = (dir === TOP ? 0 : 49);
        for (let x = 1; x < 49; x++) {
            if (matrix.get(x, 49 - y) > 100) sourceKeeperCallback(x, y);


    const x = (dir === LEFT ? 0 : 49);
    for (let y = 1; y < 49; y++) {
        if (matrix.get(49 - x, y) > 100) sourceKeeperCallback(x, y);

export {

global.getCostMatrix = getCostMatrix;
global.getDangerMatrix = getDangerMatrix;