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1 wk
Test Coverage
/* global PathFinder Room RoomPosition LEFT RIGHT TOP BOTTOM

import cache from 'utils/cache';
import hivemind from 'hivemind';
import {encodePosition, serializePosition, deserializePosition, serializeCoords} from 'utils/serialization';
import {getCostMatrix} from 'utils/cost-matrix';
import {getRoomIntel} from 'room-intel';
import {handleMapArea} from 'utils/map';

declare global {
    interface Memory {
        nav: NavMemory;

interface NavMemory {
    rooms: Record<string, {
        paths: Record<number, Record<number, number>>;
        gen: number;
        exits: Array<{
            id: number;
            center: number;
        portals?: Array<{
            room: string;
            pos: number;
        regions?: Array<{
            exits: number[];
            center: number;

interface ExitInfo {
    id: number;
    center: number;
    vertical: boolean;
    offset: number;
    touched?: boolean;

interface RegionInfo {
    exits: number[];
    minX: number;
    maxX: number;
    minY: number;
    maxY: number;
    center: number;

interface NavMeshPathfindingEntry {
    exitId: number;
    pos: number;
    roomName: string;
    parent: NavMeshPathfindingEntry;
    pathLength: number;
    totalSteps: number;
    heuristic: number;
    portal: boolean;
    targetRoom?: string;

export default class NavMesh {
    memory: NavMemory;
    terrain: RoomTerrain;
    costMatrix: CostMatrix;
    exitLookup: Record<number, ExitInfo>;

    constructor() {
        if (!Memory.nav) {
            Memory.nav = {
                rooms: {},

        this.memory = Memory.nav;

     * (Re-)generates nav mesh info for a room.
     * @param {String} roomName
     *   Name of the target room.
    generateForRoom(roomName: string) {
        // Mesh doesn't need to be updated very often.
        // @todo Allow forcing update for when we dismantle a structure.
        if (
            && this.memory.rooms[roomName].paths
            && !hivemind.hasIntervalPassed(10_000, this.memory.rooms[roomName].gen)
        ) return;

        this.terrain = new Room.Terrain(roomName);
        this.costMatrix = getCostMatrix(roomName, {ignoreMilitary: true}).clone();
        const exits = this.getExitInfo(roomName);
        const regions = this.getRegions(exits);
        const paths = this.getConnectingPaths(regions, roomName);
        // @todo If we want to be really specific, we should have the portals
        // separated by regions.
        const portals = this.getPortals(roomName);

        const exitMem: Array<{
            id: number;
            center: number;
        }> = [];
        for (const exit of exits) {
            const centerX = exit.vertical ? exit.offset : exit.center;
            const centerY = exit.vertical ? exit.center : exit.offset;
                id: exit.id,
                center: serializeCoords(centerX, centerY),

        const regionMem: Array<{
            exits: number[];
            center: number;
        }> = [];
        for (const region of regions) {
            const centerX = region.center % 50;
            const centerY = Math.floor(region.center / 50);
                exits: region.exits,
                center: serializeCoords(centerX, centerY),

        this.memory.rooms[roomName] = {
            gen: Game.time,
            exits: exitMem,

        if (regions.length > 1) {
            this.memory.rooms[roomName].regions = regionMem;

     * Detects groups of exit tiles in a room.
     * @return {Object[]}
     *   An array of exit information objects.
    getExitInfo(roomName: string): ExitInfo[] {
        const exits: ExitInfo[] = [];

        this.collectExitGroups(roomName, exits, LEFT, true, 0);
        this.collectExitGroups(roomName, exits, RIGHT, true, 49);
        this.collectExitGroups(roomName, exits, TOP, false, 0);
        this.collectExitGroups(roomName, exits, BOTTOM, false, 49);

        return exits;

    collectExitGroups(roomName: string, exits: ExitInfo[], dir: DirectionConstant, vertical: boolean, offset: number) {
        const isAvailable = this.isAvailableExitDirection(roomName, dir);
        let groupId = 1;
        let currentStart: number = null;
        let nextId = (groupId++) + (10 * (dir - 1));
        for (let i = 1; i < 50; i++) {
            const x = vertical ? offset : i;
            const y = vertical ? i : offset;
            if (this.terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL || this.costMatrix.get(x, y) > 200) {
                if (currentStart && isAvailable) {
                    // Commit end of the current exit group.
                        id: nextId,
                        center: Math.floor((i + currentStart) / 2),
                    currentStart = null;
                    nextId = (groupId++) + (10 * (dir - 1));


            if (!currentStart) {
                currentStart = i;

            this.costMatrix.set(x, y, isAvailable ? (nextId + 100) : 255);

    isAvailableExitDirection(roomName: string, dir: DirectionConstant): boolean {
        const otherRoomName = Game.map.describeExits(roomName)[dir];
        if (!otherRoomName) return false;

        return Game.map.getRoomStatus(otherRoomName).status === Game.map.getRoomStatus(roomName).status;

    getRegions(exits: ExitInfo[]): RegionInfo[] {
        this.exitLookup = {};
        for (const exit of exits) {
            this.exitLookup[exit.id] = exit;

        const regions: RegionInfo[] = [];
        let region: RegionInfo = {
            exits: [],
            minX: 49,
            maxX: 0,
            minY: 49,
            maxY: 0,
            center: null,
        let startPos = this.getUntouchedExit(region, exits);
        let firstRegionTile = startPos;
        while (startPos) {
            const openList = [startPos];

            while (openList.length > 0) {
                const currentPos = openList.pop();

                handleMapArea(currentPos % 50, Math.floor(currentPos / 50), (x, y) => {
                    if (this.terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) return;

                    const matrixValue = this.costMatrix.get(x, y);
                    if (matrixValue > 10) {
                        if (matrixValue < 200 && this.exitLookup[matrixValue - 100] && !this.exitLookup[matrixValue - 100].touched) {
                            this.exitLookup[matrixValue - 100].touched = true;
                            region.exits.push(matrixValue - 100);


                    this.costMatrix.set(x, y, 200 + regions.length);
                    openList.push(x + (50 * y));
                    if (region.minX > x) region.minX = x;
                    if (region.maxX < x) region.maxX = x;
                    if (region.minY > y) region.minY = y;
                    if (region.maxY < y) region.maxY = y;

            const centerX = Math.floor((region.maxX + region.minX) / 2);
            const centerY = Math.floor((region.maxY + region.minY) / 2);
            // Try to find a tile close to calculated center that is part of the
            // region.
            if (this.costMatrix.get(centerX, centerY) === 200 + regions.length) {
                region.center = centerX + (50 * centerY);

            let range = 1;
            while (!region.center && range < 25) {
                for (const coords of [
                    [centerX + range, centerY],
                    [centerX - range, centerY],
                    [centerX, centerY + range],
                    [centerX, centerY - range],
                    [centerX + range, centerY + range],
                    [centerX + range, centerY - range],
                    [centerX - range, centerY + range],
                    [centerX - range, centerY - range],
                ]) {
                    const x = coords[0];
                    const y = coords[1];

                    if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > 49 || y > 49) continue;
                    if (this.costMatrix.get(x, y) !== 200 + regions.length) continue;

                    region.center = x + (50 * y);


            if (!region.center) region.center = firstRegionTile;

            region = {
                exits: [],
                minX: 49,
                maxX: 0,
                minY: 49,
                maxY: 0,
                center: null,
            startPos = this.getUntouchedExit(region, exits);
            firstRegionTile = startPos;

        return regions;

    getUntouchedExit(region: RegionInfo, exits: ExitInfo[]): number {
        for (const exit of exits) {
            if (exit.touched) continue;

            exit.touched = true;
            const pos = exit.vertical ? exit.offset + (50 * exit.center) : exit.center + (50 * exit.offset);

            return pos;

        return null;

    getConnectingPaths(regions: RegionInfo[], roomName: string): Record<number, Record<number, number>> {
        const paths: Record<number, Record<number, number>> = {};
        const costMatrix = getCostMatrix(roomName, {ignoreMilitary: true});

        for (const region of regions) {
            const centerXR = region.center % 50;
            const centerYR = Math.floor(region.center / 50);

            for (const exitId of region.exits) {
                const exit = this.exitLookup[exitId];
                const centerX = exit.vertical ? exit.offset : exit.center;
                const centerY = exit.vertical ? exit.center : exit.offset;

                const result = PathFinder.search(
                    new RoomPosition(centerX, centerY, roomName),
                    new RoomPosition(centerXR, centerYR, roomName),
                        roomCallback: () => costMatrix,
                        maxRooms: 1,

                if (!result.incomplete) {
                    if (!paths[exitId]) paths[exitId] = {};
                    paths[exitId][0] = result.path.length;

                for (const exitId2 of region.exits) {
                    if (exitId === exitId2) continue;
                    if (paths[exitId2] && paths[exitId2][exitId]) continue;

                    const exit2 = this.exitLookup[exitId2];
                    const centerX2 = exit2.vertical ? exit2.offset : exit2.center;
                    const centerY2 = exit2.vertical ? exit2.center : exit2.offset;

                    const result = PathFinder.search(
                        new RoomPosition(centerX, centerY, roomName),
                        new RoomPosition(centerX2, centerY2, roomName),
                            roomCallback: () => costMatrix,
                            maxRooms: 1,

                    if (!result.incomplete) {
                        if (!paths[exitId]) paths[exitId] = {};
                        paths[exitId][exitId2] = result.path.length;

        return paths;

    getPortals(roomName: string) {
        let portals: Record<string, {
            targetRoom: string;
            positions: RoomPosition[];
            totalX: number;
            totalY: number;
        }> = {};

        const room = Game.rooms[roomName];
        for (const portal of room.structuresByType[STRUCTURE_PORTAL] || []) {
            if ('shard' in portal.destination) continue;
            if (this.isPortalBlocked(room, portal.pos)) continue;

            if (!portals[portal.destination.roomName]) {
                portals[portal.destination.roomName] = {
                    targetRoom: portal.destination.roomName,
                    positions: [portal.pos],
                    totalX: portal.pos.x,
                    totalY: portal.pos.y,

            portals[portal.destination.roomName].totalX += portal.pos.x;
            portals[portal.destination.roomName].totalY += portal.pos.y;

        if (_.size(portals) === 0) return undefined;

        return _.map(portals, portal => {
            const pos = _.min(portal.positions, pos => pos.getRangeTo(
                Math.round(portal.totalX / portal.positions.length),
                Math.round(portal.totalY / portal.positions.length),

            return {
                room: portal.targetRoom,
                pos: pos.x + (50 * pos.y),

    isPortalBlocked(room: Room, pos: RoomPosition): boolean {
        let hasFreeSpace = false;

        handleMapArea(pos.x, pos.y, (x, y) => {
            if (this.terrain.get(x, y) === TERRAIN_MASK_WALL) return;
            if (this.costMatrix.get(x, y) >= 100) return;

            hasFreeSpace = true;

        return hasFreeSpace;

    estimateTravelTime(startPos: RoomPosition, endPos: RoomPosition): number {
        return cache.inHeap('travelTime:' + encodePosition(startPos) + ':' + encodePosition(endPos), 1000, () => {
            const result = this.findPath(startPos, endPos);
            if (result.incomplete) return null;

            return result.length;

    findPath(startPos: RoomPosition, endPos: RoomPosition, options?: {maxPathLength?: number; allowDanger?: boolean, maxCpu?: number}): {
        path?: RoomPosition[];
        length?: number;
        incomplete: boolean;
    } {
        if (!options) options = {};

        const startTime = Game.cpu.getUsed();
        const startRoom = startPos.roomName;
        const endRoom = endPos.roomName;
        let availableExits: Array<{
            id: number;
            center: number;
        }> = [];
        const openList: NavMeshPathfindingEntry[] = [];
        const openListLookup: Record<string, boolean> = {};
        const closedList: Record<string, boolean> = {};
        if (!this.memory.rooms[startRoom]) {
            // Trying to find a path outside of nav mesh. We can't really decide.
            return {
                incomplete: true,

        const roomMemory = this.memory.rooms[startRoom];
        if (roomMemory.regions) {
            const costMatrix = getCostMatrix(startRoom, {ignoreMilitary: true});
            for (const region of roomMemory.regions) {
                // Check if we can reach region center.
                const result = PathFinder.search(
                    deserializePosition(region.center, startRoom),
                        roomCallback: () => costMatrix,
                        maxRooms: 1,

                if (result.incomplete) continue;

                // Exits for this region are available.
                availableExits = _.filter(roomMemory.exits, exit => region.exits.includes(exit.id));
        else {
            availableExits = roomMemory.exits;

        for (const exit of availableExits) {
            const segmentLength = roomMemory.paths[exit.id] ? roomMemory.paths[exit.id][0] : 50;
            const entry: NavMeshPathfindingEntry = {
                exitId: exit.id,
                pos: exit.center,
                roomName: startRoom,
                parent: null,
                pathLength: segmentLength,
                totalSteps: segmentLength,
                heuristic: (Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(startRoom, endRoom) - 1) * 50,
                portal: false,
            openListLookup[startRoom + '/' + entry.pos] = true;

        for (const portal of roomMemory.portals || []) {
            const entry: NavMeshPathfindingEntry = {
                exitId: null,
                pos: portal.pos,
                roomName: startRoom,
                parent: null,
                pathLength: 25,
                totalSteps: 25,
                heuristic: (Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(startRoom, endRoom) - 1) * 50,
                portal: true,
                targetRoom: portal.room,
            openListLookup[startRoom + '/' + entry.pos] = true;

        while (openList.length > 0) {
            if (Game.cpu.getUsed() - startTime > (options.maxCpu || 5)) {
                // Used too much CPU for finding a path. abort.
                return {
                    incomplete: true,

            const current = this.popBestCandidate(openList);
            const nextRoom = current.portal ? current.targetRoom : this.getAdjacentRoom(current.roomName, current.exitId);
            const correspondingExit = current.portal ? null : this.getCorrespondingExitId(current.exitId);
            let costMultiplier = 1;
            closedList[current.roomName + '/' + current.pos] = true;

            if (nextRoom === endRoom) {
                // @todo There might be shorter paths to the actual endPosition.
                // @todo Check if we came out in the correct region.

                // Alright, we arrived! Get final path.
                return {
                    path: [...this.pluckRoomPath(current), endPos],
                    length: current.totalSteps,
                    incomplete: false,

            if (options.maxPathLength && current.pathLength >= options.maxPathLength) {

            const roomMemory = this.memory.rooms[nextRoom];
            if (!roomMemory) {
                // @todo Fallback to basic exit info? Or generate nav mesh on the fly
                // without structure info?

            if (current.portal) {
                const portalBack = _.find(roomMemory.portals, p => p.room === current.roomName);
                const exitPos = portalBack ? portalBack.pos : (25 + (50 * 25));
                if (closedList[nextRoom + '/' + exitPos]) continue;

                closedList[nextRoom + '/' + exitPos] = true;
            else if (roomMemory.exits[correspondingExit]) {
                const exitPos = roomMemory.exits[correspondingExit].center;
                if (closedList[nextRoom + '/' + exitPos]) continue;

                closedList[nextRoom + '/' + exitPos] = true;

            if (hivemind.segmentMemory.isReady()) {
                const roomIntel = getRoomIntel(nextRoom);
                if (roomIntel.isOwned()) {
                    if (!options.allowDanger && !hivemind.relations.isAlly(roomIntel.getOwner())) continue;

                    costMultiplier *= 5;
                else if (roomIntel.isClaimed() && roomIntel.getReservationStatus().username !== 'Invader') {
                    costMultiplier *= 1.5;
                else if (_.size(roomIntel.getStructures(STRUCTURE_KEEPER_LAIR)) > 0) {
                    // Allow pathing through source keeper rooms since we can safely avoid them.
                    costMultiplier *= 1.2;

            if (Memory.rooms[nextRoom]?.enemies && !Memory.rooms[nextRoom]?.enemies?.safe && !options.allowDanger) {
                // Avoid rooms with enemies in them if possible.
                costMultiplier *= 2;

            availableExits = [];
            if (current.portal) {
                availableExits = roomMemory.exits;
            if (roomMemory.regions) {
                // Find region containing corresponding exit.
                const region = _.find(roomMemory.regions, (region: any) => region.exits.includes(correspondingExit));
                if (!region) continue;

                availableExits = _.filter(roomMemory.exits, exit => exit.id !== correspondingExit && region.exits.includes(exit.id));
            else {
                availableExits = _.filter(roomMemory.exits, exit => exit.id !== correspondingExit);

            for (const exit of availableExits) {
                // Check if in closed list.
                if (closedList[nextRoom + '/' + exit.center]) continue;
                if (openListLookup[nextRoom + '/' + exit.center]) continue;

                if (!current.portal) {
                    // If there's a weird path mismatch, skip.
                    const noPath1 = !roomMemory.paths[exit.id] || !roomMemory.paths[exit.id][correspondingExit];
                    const noPath2 = !roomMemory.paths[correspondingExit] || !roomMemory.paths[correspondingExit][exit.id];
                    if (noPath1 && noPath2) continue;

                const segmentLength = current.portal ? 25 : (roomMemory.paths[exit.id] && roomMemory.paths[exit.id][correspondingExit]) || roomMemory.paths[correspondingExit][exit.id];
                const item = {
                    exitId: exit.id,
                    pos: exit.center,
                    roomName: nextRoom,
                    parent: current,
                    pathLength: current.pathLength + (costMultiplier * segmentLength),
                    totalSteps: current.totalSteps + segmentLength,
                    heuristic: (Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(nextRoom, endRoom) - 1) * 50,
                    portal: false,

                if (nextRoom === endRoom) {
                    item.pos = serializeCoords(endPos.x, endPos.y);
                    item.heuristic = 0;
                    item.pathLength = current.pathLength + (costMultiplier * (current.portal ? 25 : roomMemory.paths[correspondingExit][0]));
                    item.totalSteps = current.totalSteps + (current.portal ? 25 : roomMemory.paths[correspondingExit][0]);

                openListLookup[nextRoom + '/' + exit.center] = true;
                openListLookup[nextRoom + '/' + item.pos] = true;

            for (const portal of roomMemory.portals || []) {
                // Check if in closed list.
                if (closedList[nextRoom + '/' + portal.pos]) continue;
                if (openListLookup[nextRoom + '/' + portal.pos]) continue;

                const item = {
                    exitId: null,
                    pos: portal.pos,
                    roomName: nextRoom,
                    parent: current,
                    pathLength: current.pathLength + (costMultiplier * 25),
                    totalSteps: current.totalSteps + 25,
                    heuristic: (Game.map.getRoomLinearDistance(nextRoom, endRoom) - 1) * 50,
                    portal: true,
                    targetRoom: portal.room,

                if (nextRoom === endRoom) {
                    item.pos = serializeCoords(endPos.x, endPos.y);
                    item.heuristic = 0;

                openListLookup[nextRoom + '/' + item.pos] = true;
                openListLookup[nextRoom + '/' + item.pos] = true;

        // No solution using nav mesh. Try normal pathfinding?
        // @todo Include path that gets us closest?
        return {
            incomplete: true,

    popBestCandidate(openList: NavMeshPathfindingEntry[]): NavMeshPathfindingEntry {
        // Find element id with lowest pathLength + heuristic.
        let minId = null;
        let minDist = 0;
        for (const [i, element] of openList.entries()) {
            if (minId === null || minDist > (element.pathLength + element.heuristic)) {
                minId = i;
                minDist = element.pathLength + element.heuristic;

        if (minId < openList.length - 1) {
            // Swap min element to end of array.
            const temporary = openList[openList.length - 1];
            openList[openList.length - 1] = openList[minId];
            openList[minId] = temporary;

        return openList.pop();

    getAdjacentRoom(roomName: string, exitId: number): string {
        // @todo Use RoomIntel.getExits() or Game.map.describeExits() instead.
        const parts = /(\w)(\d+)(\w)(\d+)/.exec(roomName);

        const dir = Math.floor(exitId / 20);
        switch (dir) {
            case 0:
                // Exit is due north.
                if (parts[3] === 'N') {
                    return parts[1] + parts[2] + parts[3] + (Number.parseInt(parts[4], 10) + 1);

                if (parts[4] === '0') {
                    return parts[1] + parts[2] + 'N0';

                return parts[1] + parts[2] + parts[3] + (Number.parseInt(parts[4], 10) - 1);

            case 1:
                // Exit is due east.
                if (parts[1] === 'E') {
                    return parts[1] + (Number.parseInt(parts[2], 10) + 1) + parts[3] + parts[4];

                if (parts[2] === '0') {
                    return 'E0' + parts[3] + parts[4];

                return parts[1] + (Number.parseInt(parts[2], 10) - 1) + parts[3] + parts[4];

            case 2:
                // Exit is due south.
                if (parts[3] === 'S') {
                    return parts[1] + parts[2] + parts[3] + (Number.parseInt(parts[4], 10) + 1);

                if (parts[4] === '0') {
                    return parts[1] + parts[2] + 'S0';

                return parts[1] + parts[2] + parts[3] + (Number.parseInt(parts[4], 10) - 1);

                // Exit is due west.
                if (parts[1] === 'W') {
                    return parts[1] + (Number.parseInt(parts[2], 10) + 1) + parts[3] + parts[4];

                if (parts[2] === '0') {
                    return 'W0' + parts[3] + parts[4];

                return parts[1] + (Number.parseInt(parts[2], 10) - 1) + parts[3] + parts[4];

    getCorrespondingExitId(exitId: number): number {
        return (exitId + 40) % 80;

    pluckRoomPath(current: NavMeshPathfindingEntry): RoomPosition[] {
        const path = [deserializePosition(current.pos, current.roomName)];
        while (current.parent) {
            current = current.parent;
            path.push(deserializePosition(current.pos, current.roomName));

        return path.reverse();