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4 hrs
Test Coverage
interface Coord {
    x: number;
    y: number;

declare global {
    namespace NodeJS {
        interface Global {
            packId: <T extends _HasId>(id: Id<T>) => string;
            unpackId: <T extends _HasId>(packedId: string) => Id<T>;
            packIdList: <T extends _HasId>(ids: Array<Id<T>>) => string;
            unpackIdList: <T extends _HasId>(packedIds: string) => Array<Id<T>>;
            packCoord: (coord: Coord) => string;
            unpackCoord: (char: string) => Coord;
            unpackCoordAsPos: (char: string, roomName: string) => RoomPosition;
            packCoordList: (coords: Coord[]) => string;
            unpackCoordList: (chars: string) => Coord[];
            unpackCoordListAsPosList: (chars: string, roomName: string) => RoomPosition[];
            packPos: (pos: RoomPosition) => string;
            unpackPos: (chars: string) => RoomPosition;
            packPosList: (positions: RoomPosition[]) => string;
            unpackPosList: (chars: string) => RoomPosition[];
            packRoomName: (roomName: string) => string;
            unpackRoomName: (packed: string) => string;

 * Screeps-packrat
 * ---------------
 * Lightning-fast and memory-efficient serialization of Screeps IDs, Coords, and RoomPositions
 * Code written by Muon as part of Overmind Screeps AI. Feel free to adapt as desired.
 * Package repository: https://github.com/bencbartlett/screeps-packrat
 * TypeScript version is available in the #share-thy-code channel on the Screeps Slack.
 * To use: import desired functions from module, or import entire module on main and use functions from global.
 * To benchmark: PackratTests.run()
 * Exported functions (available on global):
 * +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------+
 * |         function         |                  description                   | execution time* | memory reduction** |
 * +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------+
 * | packId                   | packs a game object id into 6 chars            | 500ns           | -75%               |
 * | unpackId                 | unpacks 6 chars into original format           | 1.3us           |                    |
 * | packIdList               | packs a list of ids into a single string       | 500ns/id        | -81%               |
 * | unpackIdList             | unpacks a string into a list of ids            | 1.2us/id        |                    |
 * | packPos                  | packs a room position into 2 chars             | 150ns           | -90%               |
 * | unpackPos                | unpacks 2 chars into a room position           | 600ns           |                    |
 * | packPosList              | packs a list of room positions into a string   | 150ns/pos       | -95%               |
 * | unpackPosList            | unpacks a string into a list of room positions | 1.5us/pos       |                    |
 * | packCoord                | packs a coord (e.g. {x:25,y:25}) as a string   | 150ns           | -80%               |
 * | unpackCoord              | unpacks a string into a coord                  | 60-150ns        |                    |
 * | packCoordList            | packs a list of coords as a string             | 120ns/coord     | -94%               |
 * | unpackCoordList          | unpacks a string into a list of coords         | 100ns/coord     |                    |
 * | unpackCoordAsPos         | unpacks string + room name into a pos          | 500ns           |                    |
 * | unpackCoordListAsPosList | unpacks string + room name into a list of pos  | 500ns/coord     |                    |
 * +--------------------------+------------------------------------------------+-----------------+--------------------+
 *  * Execution time measured on shard2 public servers and may vary on different machines or shards.
 * ** Memory reduction for list functions is the asymptotic limit of lists containing many entries. Lower reductions
 *    can be expected for smaller lists.

    _packedRoomNames?: Record<string, string>;
    _unpackedRoomNames?: Record<string, string>;
} = {}; // Create a permanent cache for immutable items such as room names

 * Convert a standard 24-character hex id in screeps to a compressed UTF-16 encoded string of length 6.
 * Benchmarking: average of 500ns to execute on shard2 public server, reduce stringified size by 75%
function packId<T extends _HasId>(id: Id<T>): string {
    return String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(id.slice(0, 4), 16))
        + String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(id.slice(4, 8), 16))
        + String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(id.slice(8, 12), 16))
        + String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(id.slice(12, 16), 16))
        + String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(id.slice(16, 20), 16))
        + String.fromCharCode(Number.parseInt(id.slice(20, 24), 16));

 * Convert a compressed six-character UTF-encoded id back into the original 24-character format.
 * Benchmarking: average of 1.3us to execute on shard2 public server
function unpackId<T extends _HasId>(packedId: string): Id<T> {
    let id = '';
    let current;
    for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
        current = packedId.charCodeAt(i);
        id += (current >>> 8).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'); // String.padStart() requires es2017+ target
        id += (current & 0xFF).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');

    return id as Id<T>;

 * Packs a list of ids as a utf-16 string. This is better than having a list of packed coords, as it avoids
 * extra commas and "" when memory gets stringified.
 * Benchmarking: average of 500ns per id to execute on shard2 public server, reduce stringified size by 81%
function packIdList<T extends _HasId>(ids: Array<Id<T>>): string {
    let string = '';
    for (const id of ids) {
        string += packId(id);

    return string;

 * Unpacks a list of ids stored as a utf-16 string.
 * Benchmarking: average of 1.2us per id to execute on shard2 public server.
function unpackIdList<T extends _HasId>(packedIds: string): Array<Id<T>> {
    const ids: Array<Id<T>> = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < packedIds.length; i += 6) {
        ids.push(unpackId(packedIds.slice(i, i + 6)));

    return ids;

 * Packs a coord as a single utf-16 character. The seemingly strange choice of encoding value ((x << 6) | y) + 65 was
 * chosen to be fast to compute (x << 6 | y is significantly faster than 50 * x + y) and to avoid control characters,
 * as "A" starts at character code 65.
 * Benchmarking: average of 150ns to execute on shard2 public server, reduce stringified size by 80%
function packCoord(coord: Coord): string {
    return String.fromCharCode(((coord.x << 6) | coord.y) + 65);

 * Unpacks a coord stored as a single utf-16 character
 * Benchmarking: average of 60ns-100ns to execute on shard2 public server
function unpackCoord(char: string): Coord {
    const xShiftedSixOrY = char.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
    return {
        x: (xShiftedSixOrY & 0b1111_1100_0000) >>> 6,
        y: (xShiftedSixOrY & 0b0000_0011_1111),

 * Unpacks a coordinate and creates a RoomPosition object from a specified roomName
 * Benchmarking: average of 500ns to execute on shard2 public server
function unpackCoordAsPos(packedCoord: string, roomName: string): RoomPosition {
    const coord = unpackCoord(packedCoord);
    return new RoomPosition(coord.x, coord.y, roomName);

 * Packs a list of coords as a utf-16 string. This is better than having a list of packed coords, as it avoids
 * extra commas and "" when memroy gets stringified.
 * Benchmarking: average of 120ns per coord to execute on shard2 public server, reduce stringified size by 94%
function packCoordList(coords: Coord[]): string {
    let string = '';
    for (const coord of coords) {
        string += String.fromCharCode(((coord.x << 6) | coord.y) + 65);

    return string;

 * Unpacks a list of coords stored as a utf-16 string
 * Benchmarking: average of 100ns per coord to execute on shard2 public server
function unpackCoordList(chars: string): Coord[] {
    const coords: Coord[] = [];
    let xShiftedSixOrY;
    for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; ++i) {
        xShiftedSixOrY = chars.charCodeAt(i) - 65;
            x: (xShiftedSixOrY & 0b1111_1100_0000) >>> 6,
            y: (xShiftedSixOrY & 0b0000_0011_1111),

    return coords;

 * Unpacks a list of coordinates and creates a list of RoomPositions from a specified roomName
 * Benchmarking: average of 500ns per coord to execute on shard2 public server
function unpackCoordListAsPosList(packedCoords: string, roomName: string): RoomPosition[] {
    const positions: RoomPosition[] = [];
    let coord: Coord;
    for (const packedCoord of packedCoords) {
        // Each coord is saved as a single character; unpack each and insert the room name to get the positions list
        coord = unpackCoord(packedCoord);
        positions.push(new RoomPosition(coord.x, coord.y, roomName));

    return positions;

PERMACACHE._packedRoomNames = PERMACACHE._packedRoomNames || {};
PERMACACHE._unpackedRoomNames = PERMACACHE._unpackedRoomNames || {};

 * Packs a roomName as a single utf-16 character. Character values are stored on permacache.
function packRoomName(roomName: string): string {
    if (PERMACACHE._packedRoomNames[roomName] === undefined) {
        const coordinateRegex = /(E|W)(\d+)(N|S)(\d+)/g;
        const match = coordinateRegex.exec(roomName);
        const xDir = match[1];
        const x = Number(match[2]);
        const yDir = match[3];
        const y = Number(match[4]);
        let quadrant;
        if (xDir === 'W') {
            quadrant = yDir === 'N' ? 0 : 1;
        else if (yDir === 'N') {
            quadrant = 2;
        else {
            quadrant = 3;

        // Y is 6 bits, x is 6 bits, quadrant is 2 bits
        const number = ((quadrant << 13) | ((x * 90) + y)) + 65;
        const char = String.fromCharCode(number);
        PERMACACHE._packedRoomNames[roomName] = char;
        PERMACACHE._unpackedRoomNames[char] = roomName;

    return PERMACACHE._packedRoomNames[roomName];

 * Packs a roomName as a single utf-16 character. Character values are stored on permacache.
function unpackRoomName(char: string): string {
    if (PERMACACHE._unpackedRoomNames[char] === undefined) {
        const number = char.charCodeAt(0) - 65;
        const coords = (number & 0b001_1111_1111_1111);
        const {q, x, y} = {
            q: (number & 0b110_0000_0000_0000) >>> 13,
            x: Math.floor(coords / 90),
            y: coords % 90,
        let roomName: string;
        switch (q) {
            case 0:
                roomName = `W${x}N${y}`;
            case 1:
                roomName = `W${x}S${y}`;
            case 2:
                roomName = `E${x}N${y}`;
            case 3:
                roomName = `E${x}S${y}`;
                roomName = 'ERROR';

        PERMACACHE._packedRoomNames[roomName] = char;
        PERMACACHE._unpackedRoomNames[char] = roomName;

    return PERMACACHE._unpackedRoomNames[char];

 * Packs a RoomPosition as a pair utf-16 characters. The seemingly strange choice of encoding value ((x << 6) | y) + 65
 * was chosen to be fast to compute (x << 6 | y is significantly faster than 50 * x + y) and to avoid control
 * characters, as "A" starts at character code 65.
 * Benchmarking: average of 150ns to execute on shard2 public server, reduce stringified size by 90%
function packPos(pos: RoomPosition): string {
    return packCoord(pos) + packRoomName(pos.roomName);

 * Unpacks a RoomPosition stored as a pair of utf-16 characters.
 * Benchmarking: average of 600ns to execute on shard2 public server.
function unpackPos(chars: string): RoomPosition {
    const {x, y} = unpackCoord(chars[0]);
    return new RoomPosition(x, y, unpackRoomName(chars[1]));

 * Packs a list of RoomPositions as a utf-16 string. This is better than having a list of packed RoomPositions, as it
 * avoids extra commas and "" when memroy gets stringified.
 * Benchmarking: average of 150ns per position to execute on shard2 public server, reduce stringified size by 95%
function packPosList(posList: RoomPosition[]): string {
    let string = '';
    for (const element of posList) {
        string += packPos(element);

    return string;

 * Unpacks a list of RoomPositions stored as a utf-16 string.
 * Benchmarking: average of 1.5us per position to execute on shard2 public server.
function unpackPosList(chars: string): RoomPosition[] {
    const posList: RoomPosition[] = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i += 2) {
        posList.push(unpackPos(chars.slice(i, i + 2)));

    return posList;

// Export everything
export {

// Useful to register these functions on global to use with console
global.packId = packId;
global.unpackId = unpackId;
global.packIdList = packIdList;
global.unpackIdList = unpackIdList;
global.packCoord = packCoord;
global.unpackCoord = unpackCoord;
global.unpackCoordAsPos = unpackCoordAsPos;
global.packCoordList = packCoordList;
global.unpackCoordList = unpackCoordList;
global.unpackCoordListAsPosList = unpackCoordListAsPosList;
global.packPos = packPos;
global.unpackPos = unpackPos;
global.packPosList = packPosList;
global.unpackPosList = unpackPosList;
global.packRoomName = packRoomName;
global.unpackRoomName = unpackRoomName;