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# Build and Run

If you want to understand how mitype works or want to debug an issue, you'll want to get the source, build it, and run it locally.

## Getting the Source

First, fork the mitype repository so that you can make a pull request. Clone your fork locally and then you can navigate to the directory where you've cloned the repository.
git clone<<<your-github-account>>>/mitype.git
cd where-you-cloned-mitype

## Running in Development Mode

Once you have a local copy of mitype cloned, you can directly run mitype in Development Mode.
python -m mitype [OPTION]... [FILE]...
You'll need [windows_curses]( installed for running mitype on windows.
You can install it by running the following command.
pip install windows_curses==2.3.0

## Installing from Source

You can install the module directly from sources by running the following command.
python install

## Building documentation

Install [Sphinx]( and [Read the Docs Sphinx Theme]( by running the following command.
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
To build the docs locally, run -
sphinx-build ./docs/source ./build
The HTML pages are built in `build\sphinx\html`.