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DEEP Framework is a nodejs package that is published on npmjs:

In fact, this framework is a collection of nodejs packages, also identifiable as abstracted libraries:

[DEEP Framework]( | [API Docs]( | Abstracted Web Service(s)
[deep-asset]( | [Assets Management Library]( | Amazon S3
[deep-cache]( | [Cache Management Library]( | Amazon ElastiCache
[deep-core]( | [Core Management Library]( | -
[deep-db]( | [Database Management Library]( | Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon SQS
[deep-di]( | [Dependency Injection Management Library]( | -
[deep-event]( | [Events Management Library]( | Amazon Kinesis
[deep-fs]( | [File System Management Library]( | Amazon S3
[deep-kernel]( | [Kernel Management Library]( | -
[deep-log]( | [Logs Management Library]( | Amazon CloudWatch Logs
[deep-notification]( | [Notifications Management Library]( | Amazon SNS
[deep-resource]( | [Resouces Management Library]( | AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway
[deep-security]( | [Security Management Library]( | AWS IAM, Amazon Cognito
[deep-validation]( | [Validation Management Library]( | -

The Anatomy of DEEP Framework

Each DEEP framework module except the basis (`deep-core`) uses `deep-kernel` and `deep-di`.

`deep-kernel` enforces each module to extend a `Kernel.ContainerAware` abstract class
that is loaded in runtime into a service.

> `deep-kernel` transforms each module into a service (ex. `deep-db` as `db`, `deep-log` as `logs` etc.)

`Kernel.ContainerAware` makes possible you to bind a microservice instance using `.bind(microserviceObject)` method.

> Be aware- a service action that requires a `microservice` would throw an error if it is missing

Initializing and using the app

import deep-framework from 'deep-framework';

DeepFramework.Kernel.bootstrap((kernel) => {
    // your application was initialized
    let fs = kernel.get('fs'); // deep-fs service
    let asset = kernel.get('asset'); // deep-asset service
    let helloWorldMicroservice = kernel.microservice('deep.microservices.helloworld'); // microservice instance
    let currentMicroservice = kernel.microservice(); // current microservice instance
    let iconPath = asset.locate('@deep.microservices.helloworld:images/icon.png');

> Note that mainly all the services implements `path resolving feature`: `'@xxxx:yyyy'` where `xxxx` is the
> microservice identifier and `yyyy` is some service specific descriptor