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Test Coverage
Creating secured AWS credentials

In order to avoid excessive bills in case your AWS account get hacked
you may create secured credentials that suits DEEP requirements.

The AWS Services we are giving access to:
 - [Lambda](
 - [ElastiCache]( (disabled until VPC is available in lambdas)
 - [S3](
 - [DynamoDB](
 - [CloudFront](
 - [APIGateway](
 - [Cognito](
 - [IAM](
 - [SQS](
 - [ES](

The steps

 - Sign in to the `AWS Console`

![AWS Console login button](assets/console-login.png)

 - Choose `IAM` service from the `Services` dropdown

![Services dropdown](assets/services-dropdown.png)

![IAM Service](assets/iam-service.png)

 - Choose `Users` from the sidebar

![Users sidebar item](assets/users-item.png)

 - Click on the `Add User` button

![Add User button](assets/add-user-button.png)

 - Enter an username into the `User name` text field

![User Name text field](assets/username-textarea.png)

 - Check the `Programmatic access` option in the `Access type` area

![Access type checkbox](assets/access-type-checkbox.png)

 - Click on `Next: Permissions` at the bottom of the page

![Create button](assets/next-permissions-button.png)

 - Select the `Attach existing policies directly` option

![Attach policy button](assets/attach-policy-button.png)

 - Click on `Create Policy` button

![Create Policy button](assets/create-policy-button.png)

 - In the new opened tab click on `Connect` button for `Create Your Own Policy` option

![Select button](assets/create-policy-select-button.png)

 - Type a name for the policy in `Policy Name` text field

![Policy Name text area](assets/policy-name-textarea.png)

 - Copy the content of [secured IAM policy](assets/aws-secure-deep-policy.json) into the `Policy Document` text area

![Policy Document text area](assets/policy-document-textarea.png)

 - Click on `Create Policy` button

![Create Policy button](assets/create-policy-button2.png)

 - Switch back to the `Add user` tab and click on `Refresh` button

![Refresh button](assets/refresh-button.png)

 - Select the newly created policy from the list

![Select policy checkbox](assets/policy-checkbox.png)

 - Click on the `Next: Review` button

![Next Review button](assets/next-review-button.png)

 - Click on the `Create user` button at the bottom of the page

![Create user button](assets/create-user-button.png)

 - Click on the `Download .csv` button to save the credentials

![Download button](assets/download-button.png)

 - Done!

> Using credentials in the [deploy config](../tools/

> If your credentials were compromised you can make them inactive by clicking `Make inactive` link
> from the `Status` section in `Access Keys` of the chosen user ![Make Inactive](assets/make-inactive.png)