* Created by AlexanderC on 1/29/16.
* @ref
* This is a tweaked version of the require1k library
* in order to work with deep
* Thanks to the author!
window.__deepRequireBrowser__ = window.__deepRequireBrowser__ || (function (document, undefined) {
// Each module has the following properties (shorted to one letter to aid compression)
// - g: booleany, loadinG, truthy if this module has been requested for loading
// before. Used to prevent the same module being loaded twice
// - l: string, Location, the url location of this module
// - t: string, Text, the text content of the module
// - e: booleany, Error, truthy if there was an error (probably a 404) loading the module
// - n: module object, Next, instead of using this module, use the object
// pointed to by this property. Used for dependencies in other packages
// - f: function, Factory, a function to use instead of eval'ing module.t
// - exports, object, the exports of the module!
var MODULES = {};
// By using a named "eval" most browsers will execute in the global scope.
var globalEval = eval;
// this variable is reused for a number of things to reduce the repetition
// of strings. In the end is becomes "exports"
var tmp = "createElement",
baseElement = document[tmp]("base"),
relativeElement = document[tmp]("a");
// Loads the given module and all of it dependencies, recursively
// - module The module object
// - callback Called when everything has been loaded
// - parentLocation Location of the parent directory to look in. Only given
// for non-relative dependencies
// - id The name of the dependency. Only used for non-relative
// dependencies
function deepLoad(module, callback, parentLocation, id) {
// If this module is already loading then don't proceed.
// This is a bug.
// If a module is requested but not loaded then the module isn't ready,
// but we callback as if it is. Oh well, 1k!
if (module.g) {
return callback(module.e, module);
var location = module.g = module.l;
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onload = function (deps, count) {
if (request.status == 200 || module.t) {
// Should really use an object and then Object.keys to avoid
// duplicate dependencies. But that costs bytes.
deps = [];
(module.t = module.t || request.response).replace(/(?:^|[^\w\$_.])require\s*\(\s*["']([^"']*)["']\s*\)/g, function (_, id) {
count = deps.length;
function loaded() {
// We call loaded straight away below in case there
// are no dependencies. Putting this check first
// and the decrement after saves us an `if` for that
// special case
if (!count--) {
callback(undefined, module);
} (dep) {
resolveModuleOrGetExports(module.l, dep),
// If it doesn't begin with a ".", then we're searching
// node_modules, so pass in the info to make this
// possible
dep[0] != "." ? location + "/../" : undefined,
} else {
// parentLocation is only given if we're searching in node_modules
if (parentLocation) {
// Recurse up the tree trying to find the dependency
// (generating 404s on the way)
module.n = resolveModuleOrGetExports(parentLocation += "../", id),
} else {
module.e = request;
callback(request, module);
// If the module already has text because we're using a factory
// function, then there's no need to load the file!
if (module.t) {
} else {"GET", location, true);
// Save bytes by combining two functions
// - resolveModule which resolves a given relative path against the given
// base, and returns an existing or new module object
// - getExports which returns the existing exports or runs the factory to
// create the exports for a module
function resolveModuleOrGetExports(baseOrModule, relative, resolved) {
// This should really be after the relative check, but because we are
// `throw`ing, it messes up the optimizations. If we are being called
// as resolveModule then the string `base` won't have the `e` property,
// so we're fine.
if (baseOrModule.e) {
throw baseOrModule.e;
// If 2 arguments are given, then we are resolving modules...
if (relative) {
baseElement.href = baseOrModule;
// If the relative url doesn't begin with a "." or a "/", then it's
// in node_modules
relativeElement.href = (relative[0] != "." && relative[0] != "/") ? "./node_modules/" + relative : relative;
resolved = relativeElement.href.substr(-3).toLowerCase() == ".js" ?
relativeElement.href :
relativeElement.href + ".js";
baseElement.href = "";
return (MODULES[resolved] = MODULES[resolved] || {l: resolved});
// ...otherwise we are getting the exports
// Is this module a redirect to another one?
if (baseOrModule.n) {
return resolveModuleOrGetExports(baseOrModule.n);
if (!baseOrModule[tmp]) {
(baseOrModule.f || globalEval("(function(require,"+tmp+",module){" + baseOrModule.t + "\n})//# sourceURL=" + baseOrModule.l))(
function require (id) {
return resolveModuleOrGetExports(resolveModuleOrGetExports(baseOrModule.l, id));
}, // require
baseOrModule[tmp] = {}, // exports
baseOrModule // module
return baseOrModule[tmp];
function R(id, callback) {
// If id has a `call` property it is a function, so make a module with
// a factory
deepLoad( ? {l: "", t: "" + id, f: id} : resolveModuleOrGetExports("", id), function (err, module) {
try {
id = resolveModuleOrGetExports(module);
} catch (_err) {
err = _err
if (callback) {
callback(err, id);
tmp = document.querySelector("script[data-main]");
if (tmp) {
tmp = "exports";
return R;