#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Created by vcernomschi on 24/05/2016
if [ "$TRAVIS" == "true" ] && [ "$npm_config_global" != "true" ]; then
### Skip transpile to ES5 when running from Travis ###
echo "Skipping code transpiling to ES5 because we are in travis"
elif [ -d 'lib/' ] && [ "$OSTYPE" != "win32" ] && [ "$OSTYPE" != "win64" ]; then
### Transpile to ES5 when running on local and not on Windows ###
deepify compile es6 lib --out-dir lib.compiled -x .js;
DEEP_FORCE_NODE6=1 deepify compile es6 lib --out-dir lib.es6 -x .js;
elif [ "$OSTYPE" == "win32" ] || [ "$OSTYPE" == "win64" ]; then
### Skip transpiling on Windows from command line ###
echo "You should have installed and configured and run all bash command by using git-bash.exe"
### Skip transpiling if `lib` folder doesn't exist ###
echo "Skipping code transpiling to ES5..."