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Test Coverage
### Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.

Generated by [`auto-changelog`](

#### [v3.11.0](

> 26 April 2020

- Cleanup property tags [`#2542`](
- Update computedStyle usage [`#2528`](
- Fixes an issue with AVG Secure browser throwing exceptions when using toDataURL when Anti-Fingerprinting is turned on [`#2538`](
- Add caniuse mappings [`#2535`](
- Add av1 and h265 codec detection [`#2534`](
- ES6: class [`#2532`](
- ES8: object [`#2533`](
- Add feature-detect for TextEncoder and TextDecoder [`#2531`](
- Change property name for es6 class test [`1baf805`](

#### [v3.10.0](

> 7 April 2020

- Correct reference to testProp [`#2530`](
- Use eslint:recommended, cleanup warnings [`#2527`](
- Update jsdocs [`#2526`](
- fix issue #2520 - set scriptGlobalName causing an exception [`#2521`](
- ES6 rest parameters test [`#2516`](
- ES7 - rest destructuring [`#2517`](
- ES6 - Spread syntax check [`#2522`](
- ES7 - spread object [`#2523`](
- Issue 2209 - Fix nth selector test in zoomed chrome browser [`#2414`](
- ES6 - String template [`#2518`](
- ES7 array test (includes method) [`#2515`](
- Update dependencies [`d9acf39`](
- Update metadata [`0cb85f2`](

#### [v3.9.1](

> 17 February 2020

- Fix #2499 Undo mkdirp dependency update [`#2499`](

#### [v3.9.0](

> 4 February 2020

- Issue #2492 inputnumber-l10n test causing unintended scrolls #2492 [`#2496`](
- Remove node8 from testing matrix [`#2494`](
- Update sinon to latest version [`#2491`](
- feature detects for ES6 Symbol; [`#2487`](
- Add detection for `gap` CSS property for flexbox [`#2485`](
- Fix command line fails for nested properties [`#2480`](
- Replace expect.js with chai [`#2449`](
- Cleanup feature-detects meta tags whitespace [`3675d7f`](
- Fix travis not signaling an error when node tests fail [`0440d39`](
- Fix missing chai lib on integration test page [`146c813`](
- Fix possible unintended scrolling in onInput test [`1134242`](

#### [v3.8.0](

> 24 October 2019

- Fix vh unit issue on ios safari / android chrome #1805 [`#2452`](
- [BUGFIX] Prevent viewport jumping when using CSS Hyphens (#1781) [`#2369`](
- Deprecate some tests [`#2472`](
- Add new CodeOfConduct [`#2427`](
- Add support for ShadowRoot DOM api feature detect through `shadowroot` and `shadowroot-legacy` [`#2475`](
- Update dependencies and appveyor [`#2474`](
- Use addTest for some tests like inputtypes [`#2469`](
- Check if userAgent is empty [`#2471`](
- Catch exception when running in headless chrome [`#2436`](
- Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 [`#2467`](
- Issue 2343: Fix page [`#2443`](
- Add proxy detection [`#2459`](
- emoji devicePixelRatio vs backingStorePixelRatio fixes #2419 [`#2420`](
- Added feature detect native lazy loading img [`#2453`](
- Issue 2406: Update jquery  [`#2448`](
- Use gulp for the dev pipeline [`#2429`](
- Add domPrefixesAll helper method [`#2442`](
- fix datachannel #2307 [`#2437`](
- Tweak testProps.js documentation to avoid misreading [`#2426`](
- [BUGFIX] Prevent viewport jumping when using CSS Hyphens (#1781) (#2369) [`#1781`](
- emoji devicePixelRatio vs backingStorePixelRatio fixes #2419 (#2420) [`#2419`](
- Use gulp for the dev pipeline (#2429) [`#2332`](
- Update dependencies [`8982d5b`](
- Add script for serving the gh-pages (and therefore the browser tests) locally [`6daed0f`](
- Update main entry in package.json [`377a630`](
- Update dependencies [`569b682`](
- Cleanups after switch to gulp, move some legacy files into own directory for reference, store some test files in tmp directory [`c47441b`](
- Fix typo in README, Update dependencies and gitignore [`a335662`](
- Cleanup TODO tags, update dependencies [`8c5b557`](
- Add npm shortcuts to some gulp tasks [`332a68b`](
- Check for multi-spaces with eslint, fix those and cleanup some DOCs and notes [`6a2f425`](
- Add npm badge to README [`1b95490`](
- Exit with non-zero status if there were failures [`1818d61`](
- Fix double DOC entry [`7599d26`](
- Add coveralls badge [`4ee23c7`](

#### [v3.7.1](

> 14 March 2019

- Switch to markdown-it from remarkable [`#2424`](
- Fix touch event detection for Chrome >= 70, see [`#2409`](
- Move find-parent-dir into devDependencies, since its only used in tests. [`6f34ec8`](
- Add missing tests to default config file [`342bcd5`](
- Add minify: false to default config, it is the current behaviour anyway [`b66558e`](

#### [v3.7.0](

> 26 February 2019

- fix #1663 - Configuration Options not working [`#2413`](
- Add auto-changelog for generating a [`#2421`](
- Fix IE caniuse conflict for svgasimg  [`#2397`](
- Update inputsearchevent.js [`#2405`](
- Adding PublicKeyCredential feature detect for webauthn [`#2393`](
- Add caniuse "meta" property to es5/specification [`#2390`](
- Check for property and value support for CSS custom properites [`#2387`](
- Cleanup caniuse tags and other properties [`#2388`](
- Autogenerate info for license file [`#2353`](
- Fix exception in indexedDB check on Safari [`#2336`](
- Issue 2338 - Cleanup JSdoc [`#2368`](
- Adding feature detection for navigator.connection.effectiveType [`#2381`](
- Replace defunct caniuse jsonp.php?callback [`#2352`](
- Additional WebView check added to fileinput test [`#2367`](
- Fix Modernizr.localizednumber moves head below body [`#2365`](
- option to specify global var name to attach modernizr to #2362 [`#2363`](
- Intersection Observer API [`#2360`](
- Move custom ESLint rule to `no-restricted-syntax` [`#2359`](
- Use package.json `files` instead of .npmignore [`#2357`](
- More test around text decoration styling [`#2327`](
- Update jsdoc [`#2346`](
- Fixed csshypens detection on FireFox and Safari. [`#2345`](
- Added test for postMessage structured clones. fixes Modernizr/Modernizr#388 [`#1250`](
- Add audio autoplay feature detect [`#2185`](
- Replace text-justification -> text-justify [`#2339`](
- Update eslint [`#2348`](
- Update require js, Uglify2 is now the default minifier (and therefore simply called uglify) (see [`#2344`](
- add Media Source Extension API feature dectection [`#2233`](
- Cleanups [`#2340`](
- Correctly define prefixes, fixes #2119 [`#2341`](
- IndexedDB: Fix InvalidStateError and UnknownError in Firefox [`#2337`](
- Fixed some define tags [`#2334`](
- Js doc cleanup [`#2333`](
- Feature detect for box-decoration-break [`#2330`](
- Feature detection for formNoValidate attribute on inputs. [`#2164`](
- Fix for input-formtarget detection. "T" in target must be uppercase, like formEnctype and formAction already are. [`#2163`](
- Dependency updates [`#2317`](
- Replace == with === [`#2329`](
- Add test for text-decoration-skip-ink [`#2324`](
- Fix #2325 [`#2326`](
- Detect font display [`#2323`](
- Fix webanimations property (#2276) [`#2320`](
- Remove some no-op code in webgl.js [`#2318`](
- Passive event listener detection causes error for EdgeHTML 15 (close #2298) [`#2299`](
- Spelling [`#2267`](
- Add css custom properties feature detection [`#2310`](
- Add detect for the GetBattery API [`#2312`](
- Update eslint [`#2304`](
- Cleanup and Update some dependencies [`#2294`](
- touchevents: Use mq in touch event detection. [`#2309`](
- fix #1663 - Configuration Options not working (#2413) [`#1663`](
- Fix IE caniuse conflict for svgasimg  (#2397) [`#2386`](
- Autogenerate info for license file (#2353) [`#2289`](
- Correctly define prefixes, fixes #2119 (#2341) [`#2119`](
- Fix #2325 (#2326) [`#2325`](
- Remove some no-op code in webgl.js (#2318) [`#2300`](
- Passive event listener detection causes error for EdgeHTML 15 (close #2298) (#2299) [`#2298`](
- Cleanup some extra whitespace [`4d10f04`](
- Add task to serve test-directory for test results [`f933bf7`](
- Update dependencies, Remove unused greenkeeper entry [`9bae119`](
- Fix link to article (#2252) [`c666b0c`](
- Update devDependencies [`83f843b`](
- Add start script [`87c8b22`](
- Rename to [`232e23b`](

#### [v3.6.0](

> 5 March 2018

- Brought across @myakura's code changes to fix #1812 [`#2250`](
- Use roundedEquals to test vw and vh units [`#2264`](
- Remove ancient (and expensive) logic for verifying CSS transform support. [`#2291`](
- Add test for CSS `:focus-within` pseudo-selector [`#2287`](
- Update version number in License file [`#2279`](
- Ensure elem.parentNode exists before remove its child [`#2274`](
- Fix typo [`#2243`](
- add detect for variable fonts [`#2202`](
- set fitting npm version according to nodejs version (and add nodejs 4, 6, 8) [`#2222`](
- Remove hand.js polyfill, expand notes/description for Pointer Events [`#2218`](
- chore(readme): fix missing COC link [`#2211`](
- Update autoplay.js [`#2207`](
- Update hairline.js [`#2198`](
- Brought across @myakura's code changes to fix #1812 (#2250) [`#1812`](
- Add test for CSS `:focus-within` pseudo-selector (#2287) [`#2270`](
- Update version number in License file (#2279) [`#2165`](
- tag 3.6.0 [`9120b22`](

#### [v3.5.0](

> 13 April 2017

- Update yargs to version 7.0.2 🚀 [`#2175`](
- Add CSS Grid test for old & new syntaxes [`#2189`](
- Update grunt-contrib-clean to version 1.1.0 🚀 [`#2188`](
- adds PEP to pointer events [`#2179`](
- Updating with Ryan & Patrick's requests [`34f4ced`](
- Comma lost its way, but eventually found its home [`37935b5`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-clean to version 1.1.0 [`cbf6033`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 7.0.2 [`3476845`](

#### [v3.4.0](

> 15 March 2017

- add custom elements detection [`#2155`](
- Repair detect regions [`#2091`](
- Fix localizednumber test. Overwrite the existing value rather than appending text [`#2093`](
- Remove blacklisting of old Android from fontface.js. Closes #1851 [`#2095`](
- Feature detect: CSS Transforms Level 2. Fixes #1625. [`#2100`](
- Fix false positive IndexedDB Blob test on iOS 10 [`#2102`](
- Fix minor typos in comment block [`#2128`](
- contains => includes (String.prototype) [`#2136`](
- Update proxyquire to version 1.7.11 🚀 [`#2150`](
- Update supports.js [`#2097`](
- 👻😱 Node.js 0.10 is unmaintained 😱👻 [`#2115`](
- Update load-grunt-tasks to version 3.5.2 🚀 [`#2054`](
- Update yargs to version 6.6.0 🚀 [`#2137`](
- Update lodash to version 4.17.4 🚀 [`#2138`](
- Remove duplicates from config-all.json [`#2066`](
- Fix "elem.parentNode is null" with Flashblock [`#2063`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.15.0 [`#2052`](
- chore(package): update doctrine to version 1.2.3 [`#2055`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 5.0.0 [`#2056`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.14.2 [`#2051`](
- dont use Bool constructor for false results. [`#2049`](
- Fix preserve3d's IE11/Win10 false positive [`#1920`](
- Update grunt-saucelabs to version 9.0.0 🚀 [`#2021`](
- add detects for hover and pointer mediq queries [`#2028`](
- chore(package): update grunt-istanbul to version 0.7.1 [`#2015`](
- block direct usage of getComputedStyle, as it causes problems in certain [`#2045`](
- convert jshint and jscs to eslint [`#2044`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.14.1 [`#2042`](
- allow for setClasses to be included via cli flag [`#2043`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.14.0 [`#2038`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 4.8.1 [`#2033`](
- Check for >=6 as chrome rounds down value when page is zoomed [`#2005`](
- alias svgasimg to svgincss [`#2031`](
- IndexedDB detection tests for [`#2030`](
- history APIs should be false on file:// uris [`#2029`](
- Switch from marked to remarkable due to upatched CVE (#2003) [`#2027`](
- Create messagechannel.js [`#2026`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 4.8.0 [`#2025`](
- chore(package): update grunt-saucelabs to version 8.6.3 [`#2018`](
- chore(package): update proxyquire to version 1.7.10 [`#2016`](
- chore(package): update grunt-jscs to version 3.0.1 [`#2014`](
- chore(package): update grunt-jscs to version 3.0.0 [`#2006`](
- remove grunt-suacelabs from the gh pages build to stop large file emails [`#1994`](
- localstorage: compat notes [`#1993`](
- chore(package): update jquery to version 1.12.4 [`#1988`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.13.1 [`#1992`](
- Fix issue #1365 - css-scrollbars false positive in FF [`#1990`](
- chore(package): update doctrine to version 1.2.2 [`#1986`](
- get dest from config [`#1816`](
- https link to [`#1940`](
- Add detect for passive event listeners [`#1982`](
- chore(package): update doctrine to version 1.2.1 [`#1937`](
- chore(package): update grunt to version 1.0.1 [`#1950`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-connect to version 1.0.2 [`#1965`](
- chore(package): update grunt-coveralls to version 1.0.1 [`#1967`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 4.7.1 [`#1983`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.12.0 [`#1978`](
- chore(package): update proxyquire to version 1.7.9 [`#1980`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 4.6.0 [`#1956`](
- Fixes Preserve3D test in Edge and IE.  [`#1957`](
- Improve videoautoplay detection [`#1963`](
- Fixes grunt related build error [`#1962`](
- Remove duplicate img/jpeg2000 feature-detects entry [`#1964`](
- Update jquery to version 1.12.2 🚀 [`#1926`](
- Update grunt-contrib-connect to version 1.0.1 🚀 [`#1934`](
- Update yargs to version 4.3.1 🚀 [`#1924`](
- fixes Edge regex in uaparser.js [`#1925`](
- Update grunt-contrib-copy to version 1.0.0 🚀 [`#1914`](
- Update multi-column layout polyfill source [`#1923`](
- Passthrough script for Powershell and cmd.exe, fixes #1910  [`#1919`](
- Update grunt-jscs to version 2.8.0 🚀 [`#1909`](
- Update lodash to version 4.6.1 🚀 [`#1908`](
- Update grunt-contrib-connect to version 1.0.0 🚀 [`#1916`](
- Update grunt-contrib-jade to version 1.0.0 🚀 [`#1915`](
- Update load-grunt-tasks to version 3.4.1 🚀 [`#1905`](
- Update yargs to version 4.2.0 🚀 [`#1901`](
- Update jquery to version 1.12.1 🚀 [`#1898`](
- Update lodash to version 4.5.1 🚀 [`#1897`](
- Update grunt-istanbul to version 0.7.0 🚀 [`#1896`](
- Update doctrine to version 1.2.0 🚀 [`#1895`](
- Fix websockets test for some Panasonic SmartTVs [`#1884`](
- Update grunt-contrib-jshint to version 1.0.0 🚀 [`#1886`](
- Add test for the `URLSearchParams` API [`#1891`](
- Update lodash to version 4.5.0 🚀 [`#1887`](
- Increase mochaTest timeout to 5s [`#1889`](
- Update lodash to version 4.4.0 🚀 [`#1881`](
- Update grunt-contrib-clean to version 1.0.0 🚀 [`#1879`](
- Update yargs to version 4.1.0 🚀 [`#1878`](
- Change syntax highlighting [`#1873`](
- Update grunt-istanbul to version 0.6.2 🚀 [`#1871`](
- Update lodash to version 4.3.0 🚀 [`#1872`](
- Update lodash to version 4.2.1 🚀 [`#1869`](
- fixed preserve-3d detect on IE11/Windows 10 in #1748 [`#1868`](
- Update lodash to version 4.2.0 🚀 [`#1867`](
- banner: use https build url [`#1865`](
- Update lodash to version 4.1.0 🚀 [`#1859`](
- Update grunt-jscs to version 2.7.0 🚀 [`#1860`](
- fix usePrefixes for some detects. [`#1854`](
- Fix case type on line 9 [`#1849`](
- Add test for es6 arrow functions [`#1794`](
- dont cause the cli test to create a file that I keep accidentally adding [`#1845`](
- Add an alternative check to detect opus codec support [`#1784`](
- fix vml detect for xhtml5 pages [`#1844`](
- Add semicolons to avoid unicode feature-detect generating typos [`#1823`](
- Update grunt-contrib-jshint to version 0.12.0 🚀 [`#1843`](
- Update yargs to version 3.32.0 🚀 [`#1840`](
- Merge pull request #2095 from PikadudeNo1/patch-1 [`#1851`](
- Merge pull request #2100 from rupl/csstransforms-level2 [`#1625`](
- Update [`#2047`](
- Check if the put request is successful. [`#2101`](
- Remove blacklisting of old Android from fontface.js. Closes #1851 [`#1851`](
- Repair detect regions [`#2079`](
- IndexedDB detection tests for (#2030) [`#1390`](
- history APIs should be false on file:// uris (#2029) [`#1592`](
- add detects for hover and pointer mediq queries [`#664`](
- update incorrect metadata [`#2011`](
- closes #1961 [`#1961`](
- Merge pull request #1919 from roblarsen/windows-cli [`#1910`](
- fix usePrefixes for some detects. [`#1852`](
- remove stale jshint control comments [`9f4f44b`](
- whoops [`ff9fe4b`](
- remove accidently commited file [`722ce29`](
- filter the UA/CanIUse version in a more accurate way for certain Safari versions [`da22eb2`](
- Flip logic for clarity. [`f9ddfa2`](
- Add video crossOrigin detect [`a9d0420`](
- Feature detect: CSS Transforms Level 2 [`2a0044b`](
- chore(package): update grunt-saucelabs to version 9.0.0 [`5a67153`](
- Fix websockets test on some Panasonic SmartTV browsers [`bcb5749`](
- Fix testProps so it works on strict XHTML browsers [`3def34d`](
- update invalid datachannel detect [`aff821e`](
- chore: drop support for Node.js 0.10 [`73b85f0`](
- fix linting err [`8910a5a`](
- Add semicolons to avoid generating typos [`1b4db6e`](
- ignore joi updates as we are not using es6 syntax [`8823422`](
- fixes Edge regex in uaparser. [`1d685b4`](
- chore(package): update proxyquire to version 1.7.11 [`1bad4f3`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.17.4 [`f07364e`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 6.6.0 [`e31561b`](
- chore(package): update load-grunt-tasks to version 3.5.2 [`0d35d06`](
- fix linter err [`7bdb40e`](
- remove unnecessary metadata [`062f74b`](
- chore(package): update jquery to version 1.12.3 [`8591cd6`](
- chore(package): update grunt to version 1.0.0 [`28152e0`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.8.2 [`fbc6c5e`](
- Update lodash to version 4.8.0 [`d9bd9dd`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-connect to version 1.0.1 [`bab5b31`](
- chore(package): update jquery to version 1.12.2 [`e4b2e05`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 4.3.1 [`dc4b2f3`](
- Passthrough script for Powershell and cmd.exe [`063eb2b`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-copy to version 1.0.0 [`d109ff3`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-connect to version 1.0.0 [`371f13d`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-jade to version 1.0.0 [`228d080`](
- chore(package): update grunt-jscs to version 2.8.0 [`b4d67ee`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.6.1 [`e4a9bfd`](
- chore(package): update load-grunt-tasks to version 3.4.1 [`0135c1a`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 4.2.0 [`c9169c6`](
- chore(package): update jquery to version 1.12.1 [`d4635ec`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.5.1 [`8fc8d97`](
- chore(package): update grunt-istanbul to version 0.7.0 [`84f63a3`](
- chore(package): update doctrine to version 1.2.0 [`ea08ac3`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.5.0 [`2cb16fe`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-jshint to version 1.0.0 [`2f6c6a2`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.4.0 [`4ff522f`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-clean to version 1.0.0 [`8c58114`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 4.1.0 [`5739de3`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.3.0 [`f125d4d`](
- chore(package): update grunt-istanbul to version 0.6.2 [`7ec1f5b`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.2.1 [`3c8b736`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.2.0 [`550e42c`](
- chore(package): update grunt-jscs to version 2.7.0 [`e6fc38b`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.1.0 [`3413fd8`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-jshint to version 0.12.0 [`9fe8327`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 3.32.0 [`4868f74`](
- Fix localizednumber test. Overwrite the existing value rather than appending [`9bc5883`](

#### [v3.3.1](

> 15 January 2016

- fix cli crash introduced in #1830 [`#1839`](
- Update links [`#1838`](
- Fix indexeddbblob-test (#1834) [`#1835`](
- Update lodash to version 4.0.0 🚀 [`#1830`](
- create a requireConfig instance per build call. fixes #1832 [`#1833`](
- Fix IndexedDB check in Firefox with disabled cookies [`#1831`](
- Update jquery to version 1.12.0 🚀 [`#1828`](
- add comment documenting the purpose of the heartz string, closes #1814 [`#1814`](
- Merge pull request #1833 from patrickkettner/fix-global-config-leak [`#1832`](
- create a requireConfig instance per build call. fixes #1832 [`#1832`](
- chore(package): update lodash to version 4.0.0 [`4738f5a`](
- Remove unnecessary assignment [`715d60b`](
- release 3.3.1 [`f6ebbb8`](
- #1834 Fix for typo in indexeddbblob-test preventing it from running [`d7087dc`](
- chore(package): update jquery to version 1.12.0 [`8d8f329`](

#### [v3.3.0](

> 11 January 2016

- Make form-validation output valid code [`#1824`](
- Update doctrine to version 1.1.0 🚀 [`#1827`](
- Update grunt-jscs to version 2.6.0 🚀 [`#1822`](
- Fix false positive in Notifications test for Chrome on Android (fixes #1660) [`#1813`](
- Update doctrine to version 1.0.0 🚀 [`#1815`](
- Update load-grunt-tasks to version 3.4.0 🚀 [`#1809`](
- Fixed typo in documentation and capitalized "IE" [`#1803`](
- Add a new base64 encoded h264 video to fix autoplay false negative in Safari [`#1795`](
- add fix for custom tests [`#1801`](
- Update grunt-jscs to version 2.5.0 🚀 [`#1798`](
- Update yargs to version 3.31.0 🚀 [`#1791`](
- Update grunt-saucelabs to version 8.6.2 🚀 [`#1787`](
- Update grunt-jscs to version 2.4.0 🚀 [`#1785`](
- Update grunt-mocha to version 0.4.15 🚀 [`#1783`](
- Update grunt-mocha to version 0.4.14 🚀 [`#1782`](
- Update doctrine to version 0.7.2 🚀 [`#1779`](
- add detect for css snap points [`#1778`](
- add image crossOrigin detect [`#1775`](
- add detect for font ligatures [`#1774`](
- Fix build query not including setclasses when passed as an option [`#1772`](
- feature-detect for ES6 Map, Set, WeakMap and WeakSet [`#1396`](
- Add Test for Safari WebKit Force Touch Events [`#1613`](
- Add hairline test. [`#1769`](
- Update grunt-jscs to version 2.3.0 🚀 [`#1737`](
- Update grunt-contrib-connect to version 0.11.2 🚀 [`#1734`](
- Update requirejs to version 2.1.22 🚀 [`#1768`](
- Update requirejs to version 2.1.21 🚀 [`#1767`](
- remove hyphen from default property name of Base64 test [`#1761`](
- fix nthchild false negative [`#1757`](
- Update yargs to version 3.30.0 🚀 [`#1758`](
- Update grunt-contrib-clean to version 0.7.0 🚀 [`#1755`](
- Update doctrine to version 0.7.1 🚀 [`#1756`](
- Add open code of conduct statement [`#1743`](
- Flash: Attach fake body only when actually needed [`#1557`](
- Fix dependency name ordering in css/filters test [`#1744`](
- Specifiy codec name when check support of mp3 [`#1740`](
- Update joi to version 6.10.0 🚀 [`#1738`](
- Merge pull request #1813 from alexgibson/update-web-notifications-test [`#1660`](
- Fix false positive in Notifications test for Chrome on Android (fixes #1660) [`#1660`](
- chore(package): update grunt-jscs to version 2.3.0 [`2373539`](
- Add Feature Detect for Force Touch (AKA 3d Touch) [`93ceb13`](
- fixes for a few errors [`078aeab`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-connect to version 0.11.2 [`f47cadc`](
- simplify bdi check [`8d51691`](
- fix input type=number [`695fd5e`](
- separating var declarations [`137a22f`](
- Add open code of conduct statement. [`28d1041`](
- release 3.3 [`b553ab4`](
- chore(package): update doctrine to version 1.1.0 [`96531e2`](
- chore(package): update grunt-jscs to version 2.6.0 [`6ba5600`](
- chore(package): update doctrine to version 1.0.0 [`011b3e5`](
- chore(package): update load-grunt-tasks to version 3.4.0 [`70d1589`](
- chore(package): update grunt-jscs to version 2.5.0 [`d685b02`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 3.31.0 [`3758d19`](
- chore(package): update grunt-saucelabs to version 8.6.2 [`b4b4d1e`](
- chore(package): update grunt-jscs to version 2.4.0 [`fc3a490`](
- chore(package): update grunt-mocha to version 0.4.15 [`cdab3df`](
- chore(package): update grunt-mocha to version 0.4.14 [`8032dff`](
- chore(package): update doctrine to version 0.7.2 [`dc61fdf`](
- fix formatting [`dc6f3a3`](
- chore(package): update requirejs to version 2.1.22 [`79c865f`](
- chore(package): update requirejs to version 2.1.21 [`3102cc6`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 3.30.0 [`4c369ad`](
- chore(package): update doctrine to version 0.7.1 [`fc9d4a3`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-clean to version 0.7.0 [`13ecc56`](
- Fix dependency name ordering [`c1d23cd`](
- Speficy codec name to fix Firefox mp3 support test [`90c8804`](
- chore(package): update joi to version 6.10.0 [`bd156e8`](
- jpeg 2000 detection [`a7bbc0c`](

#### [v3.2.0](

> 29 October 2015

- Fix audio preload test on iOS [`#1702`](
- Catch window.find exception in FF for Android, fixes #1438 [`#1514`](
- Update yargs to version 3.29.0 🚀 [`#1727`](
- Safari 9 fix for sizes detection [`#1728`](
- fixed bug in css/transforms3d feature detect [`#1704`](
- Update grunt-contrib-clean to version 0.6.0 🚀 [`#1729`](
- Adding basic test for Cryptographic functions [`#1661`](
- Add XDomainRequest detection [`#1566`](
- Fix detecting unprefixed gradients. fixes #1621  [`#1622`](
- fix crlf (windows) end of lines forcing to lf (unix) [`#1711`](
- Update grunt-contrib-copy to version 0.8.2 🚀 [`#1722`](
- Update load-grunt-tasks to version 3.3.0 🚀 [`#1720`](
- add detect for BDI element [`#1719`](
- add WindowBase64 API detection (window.atob && window.btoa) [`#1696`](
- Update marked to version 0.3.5 🚀 [`#1718`](
- hiddenscroll: More complete docs [`#1715`](
- Has own property check [`#1710`](
- Update joi to version 6.9.1 🚀 [`#1713`](
- fix spelling in command help [`#1708`](
- Update yargs to version 3.27.0 🚀 [`#1705`](
- Merge pull request #1514 from ryanhughes/firefox-css-hyphens [`#1438`](
- Merge pull request #1622 from TRowbotham/master [`#1621`](
- adding basic crypto test [`#1659`](
- Catch window.find exception in FF for Android, fixes #1438 [`#1438`](
- Adds hasOwnProperty check to testRunner [`cbbd1c5`](
- Fix audio preload on iOS (reviewed) [`055ab50`](
- Fix detecting unprefixed gradients [`121f977`](
- Less string concatenation [`d405a71`](
- bump version [`ec74681`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 3.29.0 [`9649ee6`](
- fix style issue [`ce6c8b6`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-clean to version 0.6.0 [`c5e4c66`](
- fix code style [`641af45`](
- XDomainRequest: simplify detect per comments in #1566 [`cd6e9a1`](
- chore(package): update grunt-contrib-copy to version 0.8.2 [`1b382c4`](
- chore(package): update load-grunt-tasks to version 3.3.0 [`87d4fbc`](
- chore(package): update marked to version 0.3.5 [`d23013a`](
- chore(package): update joi to version 6.9.1 [`be3322e`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 3.27.0 [`518eb9c`](
- Use strict equality when checking 0 [`177dc99`](

#### [v3.1.0](

> 6 October 2015

- Updated grunt-contrib-jade to version 0.15.0 [`#1685`](
- Updated yargs to version 3.26.0 [`#1693`](
- Updated joi to version 6.9.0 [`#1698`](
- Updated proxyquire to version 1.7.3 [`#1699`](
- fix inaccurate vunit detection on iOS 8 [`#1682`](
- Add author, doc, notes to backdrop test [`#1689`](
- jpeg2000 test [`#1679`](
- Pinned all dependencies [`#1683`](
- add prefixedCSSValue, to test for prefixed css values [`#1667`](
- Update and make html5shiv Browserify compatible [`#1680`](
- Fixed readme build instructions [`#1677`](
- Pr/1638 + fix to pass tests  [`#1670`](
- Add msedge to sauce config. [`#1669`](
- Prevent request loop on Opera Mini servers [`#1594`](
- Update flash.js [`#1635`](
- update polyfill info for jQuery-contextMenu [`#1665`](
- Fetch automation script via `npm` [`#1662`](
- Optimize Modernizr SVG logo [`#1657`](
- Update href for cupcakejs sessionStorage polyfill. [`#1647`](
- Add CLI version lower case -v alias [`#1644`](
- chore(package): pinned dependencies [`d868820`](
- update contributors info for website [`63f4b5d`](
- jpeg 2000 detection [`f18059a`](
- Add backdropfilter test [`5cab04d`](
- bump version [`7145a1c`](
- chore(package): updated grunt-contrib-jade to version 0.15.0 [`8f9c6ea`](
- chore(package): update yargs to version 3.26.0 [`67cef87`](
- chore(package): update joi to version 6.9.0 [`d65bc6f`](
- chore(package): update proxyquire to version 1.7.3 [`9a5aa6b`](
- fix build status img [`14eb323`](
- Remove trailing comma [`cc94b33`](
- remove unused module [`6bd55c3`](

### [v3.0.0](

> 12 September 2015

- change build hashes to build queries [`#1627`](
- show a useful error when no options are supplied [`#1620`](
- bin/modernizr --options is broken [`#1612`](
- Fix tiny typo - will help for google searches! [`#1609`](
- Hosted tests in failed these two tests due to 404s [`#1605`](
- update jsdoc to be saner [`#1595`](
- improve documentation for src functions [`#1593`](
- Add test for the fetch API [`#1563`](
- drop draganddrop detect for reasons [`#1585`](
- Add jscs to check style [`#1565`](
- ensure modernizr can run inside an iframe [`#1581`](
- Clean up usage of jshintrc [`#1573`](
- add SVG context integration tests [`#1583`](
- make sure test flash embed is removed when its been wrapped [`#1582`](
- updates and saucelabs desktop support [`#1578`](
- remove redundant setClasses option [`#1576`](
- reuse metadata if its defined in the browser already [`#1574`](
- Don't include dotfiles in npm package [`#1572`](
- fix classPrefix in minified code [`#1571`](
- handful of updates for new site [`#1562`](
- Add docs badge to README [`#1533`](
- fix minified output [`#1560`](
- Fixed a regression on webkit family browsers with devicePixelRatio 1 [`#1554`](
- Detect emoji support with various device pixel ratio [`#1551`](
- various fixes for various browsers [`#1548`](
- fix vmin and vmax tests for windows browsers [`#1537`](
- fixes for ie 12 [`#1545`](
- fixes for ie 11 [`#1544`](
- fixes for opera 12 [`#1543`](
- IE 8 fixes [`#1541`](
- fix replace removals in universal builder [`#1542`](
- fix IE 9 caniuse mappings [`#1540`](
- bunch of caniuse tests fixes for ie10 [`#1539`](
- improve npmignore [`#1535`](
- fixes for appveyor [`#1536`](
- migrate testing from qunit to mocha [`#1531`](
- Adds feature detect and polyfill for window.matchMedia() [`#1520`](
- Remove fake body for truthy in all non-IE browsers [`#1506`](
- Docs cleanup in mq.js [`#1530`](
- Update [`#1529`](
- Update html5printshiv to 3.7.2 [`#1525`](
- updates to the universal builder [`#1519`](
- API bug fixes for #1517 [`#1521`](
- switch to universal requirejs based build system [`#1517`](
- csstransform3d detect should prefer css conditionals - fixes #1512 [`#1513`](
- Add CSS appearance detection [`#1490`](
- update webgl test to use probablySupportsContext [`#1504`](
- reorder video autoplay videos [`#1502`](
- add appveyor config for ci on windows [`#1393`](
- add css validity pseudo selectors [`#1479`](
- Add option to toggle no-js replacement [`#1429`](
- delete cruft [`#1486`](
- add RTC Data Channel detect [`#1485`](
- Add bang so minification is easier [`#1481`](
- fixes for the flash detect [`#1469`](
- Update UA check to fix false negative on WP 8.1 [`#1472`](
- add templatestrings detect [`#1465`](
- Add test for `Proximity API` [`#1373`](
- typo fixes [`#1452`](
- check if values are actually false Bool objects before setting css class [`#1447`](
- add knownBug for blackberry and input.multiple [`#1434`](
- add text-align-last detect [`#1433`](
- More IE7 fixes: atRule and unit test [`#1423`](
- improve grammer in readme [`#1424`](
- fix IE11's false positive number support with checkValidity [`#1405`](
- Fixes typo in background blend mode test. [`#1421`](
- testProps  + createElement fixes for IE7 [`#1419`](
- Added CustomEvent constructor feature detect [`#1416`](
- Removing stray + [`#1408`](
- add detect for background-blend-mode [`#1392`](
- DOM4 MutationObserver feature detect [`#1394`](
- feature-detect: URL parser [`#1395`](
- combine webp tests - fixes #1229 [`#1240`](
- Don't strip valid whitespace from md files [`#1387`](
- Remove orphaned files [`#1386`](
- Add SVG foreignObject tag support detection. [`#1371`](
- False-positive for csstransforms test [`#1378`](
- Detect emoji support on Windows 7+ [`#1377`](
- Adding a test for `transferables` objects [`#1349`](
- Create atRule API to check for atRules (@keyframes, @import, etc.) [`#1132`](
- blacklist Android 2.x on Modernizr.csstransforms [`#1375`](
- use exec rather than spawn when using windows [`#1372`](
- new detect: "bloblurls" for URL.createObjectURL, etc [`#1351`](
- add a knownBug for iOS7 video autoplay, since its fixed in iOS8. Fixes #1038 [`#1370`](
- feature detects for CSS ch, em and ex units [`#1331`](
- fix: `this` refers to the global object [`#1292`](
- add support for FF 17-21 @supports [`#1327`](
- added new html5shiv [`#1343`](
- Update documentation on the rationale for ignoring cookiesEnabled [`#1356`](
- Update [`#1362`](
- convert hyphen-case to camelCase in testProps for browsers that don't have @supports support [`#1323`](
- `testProp()` and `testAllProps()` now accept hyphen-case – updating tests... [`#4`](
- Fix broken link in comment [`#1353`](
- Add test for the `Beacon API` [`#1339`](
- Correct note from within `serviceworker.js` [`#1337`](
- Remove `speechinput` test [`#1326`](
- detects for complete ES5 support, inc. syntax and read-only undefined [`#1289`](
- add alises to renamed detects [`#1282`](
- [IE8] localizednumber: exit early if other tests fail [`#1288`](
- smaller fnBind fallback [`#1315`](
- Remove "cast" from Promise test [`#1320`](
- Add HLS support detection to [`#1317`](
- Change `fnBind` to a normal lib function instead of a polyfill [`#1278`](
- Squashes min-width breakpoints into one commit. [`#1309`](
- Update html5printshiv.js to version 3.7.0 [`#1304`](
- Update html5shiv.js to version 3.7.0 [`#1303`](
- Test for `sizes` attribute support on `img`. [`#1305`](
- Add test for `picture` element support, per the proposed spec/impl. currently underway. [`#1302`](
- Update jDataView URL [`#1300`](
- Fixes Pulsation on Page Load from Injected Video Tag [`#1295`](
- extract detects found in the html5shiv code [`#1291`](
- Current resource forwards to a 404 [`#1297`](
- feature detects for ES6 Array, Math, Number, Object, String; for #1170 [`#1269`](
- Rename .gitattibutes to .gitattributes [`#1293`](
- mathml: fix missing AMD dependency on testStyles [`#1287`](
- Test errors in some browsers [`#1284`](
- Create .npmignore save 2.5mb when publishing [`#1277`](
- cast parent of subproperties to bool if they are not ones already [`#1281`](
- Make sure autoplay test callback is only called once [`#1280`](
- add sticky positioning knownBug, fixes #1111 [`#1256`](
- Update video.js [`#1271`](
- add note about firefox broken sandbox support. fixes #955 [`#1266`](
- update history ua snif, fixes #891 [`#1264`](
- Create .jshintrc file [`#1255`](
- fixes for chrome caniuse audit [`#1260`](
- add deleteDatabase as a subprop detect to indexedDB. [`#1238`](
- Wrapping call to `indexeddb.deleteDatabase` in a try…catch [`#1258`](
- update DOC blocks spacing, add some missing documentation [`#1252`](
- improve custom-protocol-handler.js [`#992`](
- ensure non standard prefixed locations follow the usePrefixes config flag. [`#1245`](
- Method to provide hyphenated versions of prefixed CSS properties [`#848`](
- remove Modernizr.load - fixes #1182 [`#1241`](
- Add feature detect for Event listeners [`#1197`](
- add formtarget detect [`#1239`](
- update webgl test to include supportsContext [`#1009`](
- Fix line ending issue described in #1228 [`#1232`](
- Add test for HTML Imports [`#1233`](
- make sure ActiveXObject exists before accessing it - fixes #1187 [`#1234`](
- Add .gitattributes [`#1231`](
- Added hidden scrollbar test [`#1029`](
- add formmethod detect [`#1177`](
- add will-change detect [`#1211`](
- make xhr2 test more accurate with FF3.6 [`#1178`](
- add @cabanier's test from #797 to the updated style [`#970`](
- added blob check to the indexeddb test - fixed #703 [`#962`](
- Added initial device light detection [`#1191`](
- Add ES6 Generators [`#1221`](
- add detect for the all css property [`#1222`](
- Improve grammer in readme [`#1220`](
- Sync test for SVG-as-img as briefly discussed in #1200 [`#1213`](
- adds "noPrefixes" option, to opt-out vendor prefix check, fixes #1082 [`#1193`](
- Add querySelector test, addresses #1194 [`#1195`](
- Remove stray checkin of require.js [`#1185`](
- Simplify Shapes test [`#1188`](
- add bug notes about dragndrop on mobile [`#1127`](
- add ie10 support to form validation [`#1060`](
- Fix typo [`#1186`](
- add unicode-range test [`#1062`](
- Grunt improvements [`#1173`](
- add note about the silk browser having a false positive on box-shadow [`#1176`](
- add literal period to history's blacklist, ensuring that its android 2 and not android 22 [`#1175`](
- add formenctype test [`#1157`](
- Add test for ES6 Promises [`#1169`](
- Add test for `CSS.escape()` [`#1172`](
- fix typo [`#1168`](
- Clean up dev dependencies [`#1159`](
- Added a test for animated WebP images [`#1155`](
- add formaction test [`#1080`](
- Add support for Blob constructor in blobworkers test since BlobBuilder i... [`#1141`](
- move jshint out of the build task to improve build speed [`#1156`](
- fix firefox bug in videoautoplay, ensure check happens after a tick [`#1150`](
- Added test for transparent Webp images [`#1024`](
- small fix for svg filter test [`#1078`](
- add maxlength text [`#1079`](
- enforce quote styles via jshint [`#1153`](
- remove unused variables from through the project [`#1151`](
- package.json: lowercase name [`#1146`](
- update matchdep so we can ignore grunt-cli when we add grunt tasks [`#1152`](
- use a local version of grunt-cli. [`#1136`](
- Add test to detect the support of the Intl API [`#1149`](
- Adds UA blacklist to @font-face test as a stopgap for false positives [`#1147`](
- update video autoplay test to cleanup listener. fixes for #945 [`#1018`](
- remove sync return value from JS API build example [`#1145`](
- support 1.1 version of CSP [`#1134`](
- Add saucelab unit testing support [`#1125`](
- fix metadata [`#1131`](
- update border-image knownbugs to include android 1.*'s buggy rendering [`#1130`](
- change vw/vh tests to clientWidth rather than innerWidth in case of [`#1084`](
- add vp9 detect [`#1100`](
- Fixing typo, flexbox -> flexwrap [`#1128`](
- add srcset test [`#1105`](
- Updated config-all.json [`#1121`](
- Reverting PR #874 [`#1122`](
- add fileinputdirectory to config-all.json [`#1113`](
- added test for custom search event for input with type of search [`#1114`](
- add jpeg xr test [`#1036`](
- `flex-wrap` contention [`#1048`](
- :target Feature Test [`#1107`](
- Add Web Animations API detect [`#1109`](
- add servieworkers test [`#1106`](
- clean up async metadata [`#1087`](
- Add tests for CSS multi-columns [`#1088`](
- Add 'transform-style: preserve-3d' test - fixes #762 [`#999`](
- Add support for dot properties in addTest - for #1088 [`#1089`](
- Modify the Shapes test to use shape-outside rather than shape-inside [`#1086`](
- add oninput test [`#1055`](
- Add window.crypto.getRandomValues test [`#1076`](
- convert webp lossless test to a non alpha image [`#1064`](
- shrink webp detect by a few bytes [`#1065`](
- add notes to the vml detect [`#1056`](
- feature-detect for VML [`#1037`](
- Web Speech Synthesis test [`#1049`](
- Add input[directory] test [`#965`](
- SpeechRecognition test + minor updates  [`#1021`](
- Code refactoring, made the function definition related to UA env [`#1034`](
- feature-detect for Document Fragments [`#641`](
- Fixed path to test directory in README [`#1033`](
- improve contenteditable test [`#994`](
- Remove audiodata test [`#1019`](
- Check for useable Notification Api [`#1015`](
- Fixing a scoping issue with multiple `Modernizr.on()` callbacks for a single test [`#1016`](
- polyfill HTML5-History-API falls at initialization in IE6+ [`#976`](
- changed all existence checks to use `in` - fixes 732 [`#989`](
- add ellipsis test - fixes #188 [`#1003`](
- Added "background-clip: text" test [`#925`](
- Use CSS.supports() internally (fixes #818) [`#933`](
- Add XHR `responseType` tests [`#1006`](
- Modify CSS Exclusions to CSS Shapes, since we split up the specification. [`#980`](
- Update CSS Shapes test. [`#998`](
- Minor fixes [`#997`](
- whitespace/tab fixes - fixes 728 [`#987`](
- property is displaytable not display-table [`#991`](
- update caniuse mapping - fixes 736 [`#990`](
- Updated flexbox tests to better capture all 3 specs; fixes #812 [`#936`](
- Add feature detect for nth-child() [`#685`](
- Metadata / DOC improvements [`#1`](
- Fixed `define()` stripping regex [`#975`](
- Move unit test plugins to devDependencies [`#974`](
- Update metadata regular expression parsing [`#973`](
- Programmatic API [`#967`](
- Making Modernizr friendlier for npm/cli [`#958`](
- add opus detection - fixes #699 [`#961`](
- Added note re. Chrome occassionally failing transforms3d detect [`#953`](
- Adding requestAutocomplete feature detect [`#796`](
- updated/fixes #696 - adds preload and loop checks for video/audio elements [`#950`](
- Removed `touch` alias for `Modernizr.touchevents` [`#941`](
- fix for #520 - check for chrome frame in download test [`#939`](
- Wrapping cssregions detect delta calculation in a parseInt fixes #940 [`#949`](
- Add detection for HTML5 video autoplay [`#917`](
- Use margin instead of width to test for :change pseudo-selector [`#922`](
- Update LICENSE [`#919`](
- Add Async Event Support [`#921`](
- Improved 'csspointerevents' test [`#924`](
- Detect ES5 features [`#901`](
- Add detect for SVG in `<img>` tag [`#913`](
- Update WebSockets detection [`#912`](
- HTML Media Capture attribute test [`#909`](
- Added knownBug report of Modernizr.touchevents false-positive on some BB6 builds [`#910`](
- Set ASCII-only option in Uglify - fixes #899 [`#900`](
- Add feature-detect for css generated content transitions/animations [`#896`](
- add feature-detect for css general sibling [`#889`](
- Modernizr crashes on Firefox with hidden iframe [`#886`](
- Updated `touchevents` test comments [`#888`](
- Add feature detect for checked pseudo selector [`#879`](
- Fix pointerlock-test [`#883`](
- Add feature detection for CSS Shapes [`#872`](
- Fixed a missing dependency [`#881`](
- Test for ES6 String#contains [`#860`](
- `datauri` test updates (fixes #321 & #362) [`#876`](
- Tidied up class handling following #844 [`#874`](
- Remove unnecessary !! [`#864`](
- Lint lib files [`#863`](
-  Run JSHint on test files and fix issues  [`#862`](
- Further grunting [`#861`](
- Grunt 0.4 [`#859`](
- Add a small regression test to -wrap-flow property testing [`#853`](
- remove base64 data from canvastodataurl test, fixes #802 [`#851`](
- Fixed test fails [`#1`](
- Take data out of comments and put it into data blocks up top. [`#846`](
- A fixe for the build output. Plus some free meta data. [`#843`](
- Added detect for <template> tag [`#841`](
- Update HTML5 Shiv to latest version [`#837`](
- Removed dashes from property names corresponding to feature detects. [`#840`](
- Mostly meta changes. Some cleanup of the main directory. [`#835`](
- Clean up the root directory. Tired of crazy files everywhere. [`#834`](
- Clean things up a bit in the meta branch. [`#833`](
- Metadata updates [`#831`](
- Start metadata updates from our mailing list discussion [`#830`](
- Add 'file' requirement to package.json [`#829`](
- _Slightly_ more sane pull request to clean stuff up. Plus metadata start. [`#828`](
- Updates file upload user agent regexp + fixes missing brackets [`#811`](
- Modernizr.touch changes, as per #548 [`#800`](
- Modernizr.touch changes, as per #548 [`#800`](
- Merge 3pre into master - feels good man [`#794`](
- Merge 3pre into master - feels good man [`#794`](
- TypedArrays feature-detection [`#658`](
- TypedArrays feature-detection [`#658`](
- Adds 'peerconnection' feature detection, namespaces WebRTC features [`#777`](
- Adds 'peerconnection' feature detection, namespaces WebRTC features [`#777`](
- Tweak to csstransforms3d test for issue #760 [`#774`](
- Tweak to csstransforms3d test for issue #760 [`#774`](
- Added fileinput test mobile UA blacklist for issue #772 [`#773`](
- Added fileinput test mobile UA blacklist for issue #772 [`#773`](
- Bugfix for pull request #746 [`#752`](
- Bugfix for pull request #746 [`#752`](
- 'Fix' for #733: false positive in history management support detection [`#746`](
- 'Fix' for #733: false positive in history management support detection [`#746`](
- Trim trailing whitespace and insert final newlines [`#727`](
- Fixes #486: moving core feature detects into individual files [`#712`](
- Feature detect for Page Visibility API [`#700`](
- fix small porting errors. [`#2`](
- test new detects locally [`#1`](
- Fix css mask and user-select detects. [`#671`](
- Add feature detect for lossless WebP images [`#692`](
- Remove BSD license and improve readme [`#694`](
- APNG test not by Addy Osmani [`#684`](
- Don't bind "functions" without a bind method, mainly if you try and bind a ctor. [`#677`](
- Minified version number is out of sync with non-minified [`#660`](
- show a useful error when no options are supplied [`#1616`](
- don't clobber command line config switch [`#1596`](
- ignore bad caniuse data for firefox. fixes #1588 [`#1588`](
- Fix issue #1552 [`#1553`](
- remove outdated firefox bug from gamepad docs [`#1561`](
- dont use path lookup when name based works already [`#1523`](
- Merge pull request #1513 from jacobrossi/transforms3d-atmedia [`#1512`](
- csstransform3d detect should prefer css conditionals - fixes #1512 [`#1512`](
- Update UA check to fix false negative on WP 8.1 [`#1471`](
- fixes for the flash detect [`#1413`]( [`#1432`](
- remove contentsecuritypolicy detect for now [`#1461`](
- Merge pull request #1240 from patrickkettner/combine-webp [`#1229`](
- blacklist Android 2.x on Modernizr.csstransforms [`#903`](
- use exec rather than spawn when using windows [`#1290`](
- Merge pull request #1370 from patrickkettner/autoplay-note [`#1038`](
- combine webp tests - fixes #1229 [`#1229`](
- Merge pull request #1256 from patrickkettner/stickynotes [`#1111`](
- add sticky positioning knownBug, fixes #1111 [`#1111`](
- Updated spec link (fixes #1268) [`#1268`](
- Merge pull request #1266 from patrickkettner/oldffsandbox [`#955`](
- Merge pull request #1264 from patrickkettner/update-history-ua-snif [`#891`](
- add note about firefox broken sandbox support. fixes #955 [`#955`](
- update history ua snif, fixes #891 [`#891`](
- add deleteDatabase as a subprop detect to indexedDB. [`#1227`]( [`#979`](
- use svg badge for travis status - fixes #1248 [`#1248`](
- ensure non standard prefixed locations follow the usePrefixes config flag. fixes #1242 [`#1242`](
- Merge pull request #1241 from patrickkettner/unload [`#1182`](
- remove Modernizr.load - fixes #1182 [`#1182`](
- Merge pull request #1234 from patrickkettner/flash-fix [`#1187`](
- make sure ActiveXObject exists before accessing it - fixes #1187 [`#1187`](
- Fix line ending issue [`#1228`](
- Add .gitattributes [`#1231`](
- Merge pull request #962 from patrickkettner/indexeddb_blob [`#703`](
- added blob check to the indexeddb test - fixed #703 [`#703`](
- Merge pull request #1193 from ddprrt/master [`#1082`](
- fix typo, fixes #1167 [`#1167`](
- remove sync return value from JS API build example [`#1143`](
- add srcset test [`#661`](
- add vp9 detect [`#1099`](
- Merge pull request #999 from edmellum/master [`#762`](
- Make sure all classnames get classPrefix if passed in config file. Fixes #1053 [`#1053`](
- Trigger layout so kinetic scrolling isn't disabled in iOS6+ Fixes #707 [`#707`](
- Add 'transform-style: preserve-3d' test - fixes #762 [`#762`](
- Handle class prefixing on no-js classes properly. Fixes #1031 [`#1031`](
- Merge pull request #1003 from patrickkettner/ellipsis [`#188`](
- Merge pull request #933 from Modernizr/supports [`#818`](
- Add XHR `responseType` tests [`#1006`](
- Simplify mathml test and remove async stuff. Fixes #682 [`#682`](
- Merge pull request #936 from stucox/flex [`#812`](
- Added note to `cssgradients` test re. false positive in webOS (fixes #202) [`#202`](
- Merge branch 'master' of [`#699`]( [`#696`]( [`#940`](
- Merge pull request #961 from patrickkettner/opus [`#699`](
- add opus detection - fixes #699 [`#699`](
- Merge pull request #950 from patrickkettner/preload_and_loop [`#696`](
- updated/fixes #696 - adds preload and loop checks for video and audio elements [`#696`](
- Merge pull request #949 from stucox/master [`#940`](
- Wrapping cssregions detect delta calculation in a parseInt fixes #940 [`#940`](
- Updated flexbox tests to better capture all 3 specs; fixes #812 [`#812`](
- Merge pull request #900 from stucox/master [`#899`](
- Set ASCII-only option in Uglify - fixes #899 [`#899`](
- Added test for SVG in an <img> element (fixes #107) [`#107`](
- Merge pull request #876 from stucox/master [`#321`](
- Updated datauri test to blacklist IE7 (to avoid HTTPS warnings) and to include a `.datauri.over32kb` aspect (fixes #321) [`#321`](
- fix quota mgmt api test. cc @ebidel. fixes #866 [`#866`](
- Merge pull request #851 from jedierikb/master [`#802`](
- Merge branch 'master' of into meta [`#798`](
- Update HTML5 Shiv to latest version [`#807`](
- Changed an existance check to an `in` to avoid exceptions being thrown for disabled features in FF. Fixes #798 [`#798`](
- Merge branch '3pre' [`#370`]( [`#739`](
- Merge branch 'master' of [`#786`]( [`#370`]( [`#739`](
- Added wrapflow test, in AMD format - fixes #786 [`#786`](
- Robustisize the binary WebSocket detect. Fixes #370 [`#370`](
- Robustisize the binary WebSocket detect. Fixes #370 [`#370`](
- Update detect for fullscreen api. Fixes #739 [`#739`](
- Update detect for fullscreen api. Fixes #739 [`#739`](
- Merge branch 'master' of [`#697`](
- use addEventListener instead of DOM level 1 events (fixes #697) [`#697`](
- Merge branch 'master' of [`#740`]( [`#738`](
- Fixed false positive of 3d transforms if test element inherits margin, padding or border, fixes #740 [`#740`](
- Fix false negative in Android 4, fixes #738 [`#738`](
- Merge pull request #712 from rupl/master [`#486`](
- Merge branch 'master' of [`#716`]( [`#666`](
- Fix false negative of css table detect when document dir is rtl. Rewrote test. Fixes #716 [`#716`](
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'rupl/move-core-detects' to fix #486 [`#486`](
- navigator.cookieEnabled is a false pos in ie9. dont try it as a technique. thx @alrra. fixes #666 [`#666`](
- Merge branch 'master' of [`#611`]( [`#611`]( [`#611`]( [`#588`]( [`#585`](
- Merge branch 'master' of [`#371`](
- Remove node modules [`56ac350`](
- add jscs to check style, add lint task [`5e3f359`](
- All tests now have metadata – whoop! [`74374d7`](
- Removing the old modular stuffs since it's the real deal now [`492831a`](
- fill up metadata a bit more, a few new conventions [`fc0499f`](
- Good chunk of CSS Meta Data [`205a098`](
- Reduce, reuse, recycle [`c3e4e50`](
- Moved Modernizr.touch -> Modernizr.touchevents (kept an alias though) [`b36a6b2`](
- Moved Modernizr.touch -> Modernizr.touchevents (kept an alias though) [`2a4ca8d`](
- More parsing craziness, and some metaupdates [`45aaaf2`](
- Add a few tests. Intentionally broke the caniuse links so i will remember to fill them out. Offline currently. [`c838184`](
- Move polyfill info into separate data to get rid of dupes or potentially ignore. [`f48e459`](
- Removing node_modules, adding in metadata reader, ignoring generated metadata [`1823cce`](
- Tidied up config-all.json: now all in alphabetical order and added any missing detects [`a285518`](
- Initial conversion to Grunt 0.4 format [`c90f499`](
- Add in polyfill list support. Add in more caniuse keys. [`492f58d`](
- Adding a few more testdata points. Fixing path stuff from last change. [`894062d`](
- Move/touchup isEventSupported changes. [`7c82198`](
- Fix lint errors in grunt file [`47044c6`](
- remove base64 image data before test [`80809d2`](
- Start switch to new metadata keys [`f5f7804`](
- Cleaning up polyfill stuff, more options/consistency. [`81583f7`](
- Filling in caniuse info and mistakes I missed. [`8d91072`](
- Some flexbox love [`85bfe05`](
- Extend wrap-flow feature testing for the more accurate result. [`a3b66a2`](
- Save the whales and or the output of the build [`4392dc8`](
- Added DOM PointerEvents test as Modernizr.pointerevents [`8966f82`](
- Added DOM PointerEvents test as Modernizr.pointerevents [`7732567`](
- Syntax errors and polyfill injection [`0cc94bc`](
- Adding same polyfills to web audio. [`e8eef95`](
- More polyfill consistency [`b284e1b`](
- Box shadow test [`8392e26`](
- Right now the docs have to go up top because another crappy regex wants the files to end with `});` [`b08508d`](
- remove 'no-<feature>' classes if feature is detected [`b5b2b03`](
- Prefix `eventName` *after* tagName is read. Inverse detection and rename to `needsFallback`. [`7d1ef67`](
- Somehow lost our dependency list [`48db23e`](
- making sure docs are good as is [`d3dc997`](
- Saving full dependecies into package.json [`0917ea4`](
- Bit of a tidy up [`acc75ed`](
- update code style [`239bddd`](
- Tighten comments. Link to thread. [`cafba51`](
- Adding requestAutocomplete feature detect. [`de476e9`](
- Add regression test for wrap-flow testing. [`362f167`](
- Update setClasses code style [`e75bd9b`](
- Added detect for <template> HTML tag [`0252b52`](
- Take marked down code out for now since we can do that in the client anyways. [`4083395`](
- 3qualize `typeof` for good measure. [`0a37c68`](
- sharedworkers got messed up somewhere [`8a402d6`](
- Adding the file package [`8aa3069`](
- Fixing overrides I accidentally made in the conflict merges [`8813c25`](
- Corrected stripdefine grunt task to account for variable r.js output (some versions include an empty dependency array in a final `define()`, others don't) [`b466c5e`](
- Remove `pre` from shiv version [`8b9d93f`](
- Remove `pre` from printshiv version [`19003d2`](
- adding in sharedworkers [`e0e0d77`](
- Fixing grunt global [`09f6b55`](
- Fixed a typo in `testMediaQuery()` [`fe93b62`](
- Forego "object" check. [`3991aea`](
- Fixes missing brackets and removes unneeded "Pre 1.2" from the user agent regex ("webOS" already covers that). [`19252e1`](
- Corrected name for `touch` (to `touchevents`) in Modernizr-caniuse mapping [`bcd3173`](
- Corrected name for `touch` (to `touchevents`) in Modernizr-caniuse mapping [`f7567f7`](
- Tweak typecheck. [`8459c27`](
- Moved Modernizr.pointerevents -> Modernizr.csspointer events (API break...) [`9fad387`](
- Moved Modernizr.pointerevents -> Modernizr.csspointer events (API break...) [`cc0a647`](
- remove the node modules via an ignore [`8ac8ef8`](
- Remove memory leak precaution based on #636 [`4e79d90`](
- Fix for git merge. [`351b021`](
- Merging in master. Dumpdata needs new paths and loading mechanism. The rest should be up to date. [`7270c43`](
- Merging in master. Dumpdata needs new paths and loading mechanism. The rest should be up to date. [`7568f75`](
- whitespace [`287ca82`](
- ugly addition of licenses to the right spot. Could probably save a long form license and pull it in to the places we need it instead of in strings, but whatever [`d23adc2`](
- ugly addition of licenses to the right spot. Could probably save a long form license and pull it in to the places we need it instead of in strings, but whatever [`9e865b9`](
- cleanup for builds [`ff031ef`](
- cleanup for builds [`358c875`](
- remove hax for browser definition of text [`7a08c92`](
- remove hax for browser definition of text [`648945c`](
- whitespace [`abe5ab3`](
- adding docs from alex's email. [`481b6f2`](
- adding docs from alex's email. [`cb4a91d`](
- hinging everything on grunt build [`bff7163`](
- hinging everything on grunt build [`755bd2e`](
- add in class prefix support (kinda) [`57808d2`](
- add in class prefix support (kinda) [`fc1f948`](
- Matches #777 in v3 land. [`e4c333c`](
- Matches #777 in v3 land. [`cf979c8`](
- a little clean up for the tests. Lets make webgl extensions it's own thing instead of _sometimes_ messing with webgl [`86d4a76`](
- a little clean up for the tests. Lets make webgl extensions it's own thing instead of _sometimes_ messing with webgl [`02219ba`](
- making grunt qunit work well. bug in fnBind deps [`eed5e0c`](
- making grunt qunit work well. bug in fnBind deps [`76f1986`](
- fix test for rAF to account for unprefixed possibility [`6318488`](
- fix test for rAF to account for unprefixed possibility [`bb6ed03`](
- Adds 'peerconnection' feature detection, namespaces WebRTC features together [`002745d`](
- Adds 'peerconnection' feature detection, namespaces WebRTC features together [`b4e18c5`](
- go back to using bind since it's used other places anyways [`f031069`](
- go back to using bind since it's used other places anyways [`dc37326`](
- explicit start calls [`1280e71`](
- explicit start calls [`2a0f80f`](
- short code [`9d96517`](
- short code [`233bfc7`](
- Matches #774 in v3 land. [`8d0d88a`](
- Matches #774 in v3 land. [`64aafa4`](
- Tweaked csstransforms3d style test numbers to work around rounding bug in Chrome 23.0 when zoomed (#760) [`535adf8`](
- Tweaked csstransforms3d style test numbers to work around rounding bug in Chrome 23.0 when zoomed (#760) [`732fc36`](
- better webgl extensions output [`5a6ed16`](
- Matches #773 in v3 land. [`db27e92`](
- Matches #773 in v3 land. [`843ff5c`](
- whitespace [`7785cac`](
- whitespace [`7d75074`](
- just save grunt, its better even though it sucks, imo [`c8dbec7`](
- initial modernizr bin tool [`300a721`](
- some build process startage [`541af0b`](
- Working clientside build with Uglify2 minification [`62b5444`](
- Working clientside build with Uglify2 minification [`7864af8`](
- Working build with AMD stripping and minification. [`307c272`](
- First wave of AMDifying the project. Fully split out core pieces. In the process of reformatting tests. [`7507500`](
- finished porting tests to AMD [`d4c2950`](
- moar tests! [`7f4a08e`](
- initial modernizr bin tool [`b5e6842`](
- another good chunk of amd-ified modules done [`ba0b0d5`](
- upgrading r.js [`be565ef`](
- upgrading r.js [`8a15523`](
- start of making tests work again [`b72a43d`](
- start of making tests work again [`38d5517`](
- Moved over build step to grunt [`ea721fb`](
- Moved over build step to grunt [`0103e1c`](
- Better memory cleanup mechanism and implementation. Some generation cleanup. [`005eea3`](
- Better memory cleanup mechanism and implementation. Some generation cleanup. [`2daaf3a`](
- almost successfully stripping AMD wrappers [`832a524`](
- Working build with AMD stripping and minification. [`fb9209d`](
- Better async test addTest calls [`9fe0ea1`](
- Moving cssgradients test into feature-detects/css-cssgradients.js [`6648ec6`](
- Making sure files only leak a single variable when we strip the wrappers. aka Hax. [`09ff54f`](
- fixes to modernizr core test ports. [`504384e`](
- Try to fix build after mega merge, might work [`da04fc8`](
- use setAttribute before using deprecated setAttributeNode [`27f0b76`](
- #733: adding UA sniff for history support [`479e424`](
- #733: adding UA sniff for history support [`45de935`](
- Moving opacity test into feature-detects/css-opacity.js [`9dd6644`](
- Cleaning up async tests that require body to at least be a little better. Could use a document ready hook maybe. [`4de52c5`](
- Cleaning up async tests that require body to at least be a little better. Could use a document ready hook maybe. [`9242f25`](
- made check a little clearer, removing a nested if statement [`dfca12d`](
- Add in self creating objects for async and post-official use. As discussed in #756 [`12cb1e1`](
- Add in self creating objects for async and post-official use. As discussed in #756 [`42244e2`](
- fixup tests [`55d5b0c`](
- more test fixes [`afb0361`](
- Working AMD Strip. Fishy heuristic, but it works for every test so far. [`788487b`](
- Moving borderradius test into feature-detects/css-borderradius.js [`9b1eaf1`](
- workaround to test new standalones by themselves. [`927f7b2`](
- trying more for tests [`48c3bc6`](
- trying more for tests [`5989679`](
- Moving boxshadow test into feature-detects/css-boxshadow.js [`23d9142`](
- Not using the cleanup file anymore. Each test is responsible for adding cleanup to the queue itself. [`e337a19`](
- Not using the cleanup file anymore. Each test is responsible for adding cleanup to the queue itself. [`84f075f`](
- Making sure the constructor is nice, gzip does the rest [`ec52583`](
- Making sure the constructor is nice, gzip does the rest [`84d265c`](
- I removed this [`4296282`](
- I removed this [`163d046`](
- added page visibility API test [`cbab2d8`](
- syntax leftovers spoiling the fun [`d35dcf3`](
- syntax leftovers spoiling the fun [`c127cd8`](
- Merging in latest changes from master [`1cb23be`](
- Merging in latest changes from master [`85c86b9`](
- history check should check for Android 2 [`50c678a`](
- resovled conflict [`f979ae6`](
- explicitly set height in scrollbar test fixes false positive in IE9 (Issue #698) [`354aea6`](
- only check for version of Android between 2 and 3 [`032e924`](
- just save grunt, its better even though it sucks, imo [`73addeb`](
- ignoring dist and build folders [`03ddf5c`](
- Update feature-detects/exif-orientation.js [`d3470df`](
- only check for version of Android between 2 and 3 [`cb40fa2`](
- No console log in addtest [`fe859d0`](
- Merging remote branch 'rupl/move-core-detects' after manual conflict resolution. [`9c15353`](
- adding old modulizr folder [`cd77858`](
- Enforce  .editorconfig spacing rules [`96b3e67`](
- added back define block to htmlshiv.js [`aa68c05`](
- added new html5shiv per issue 1335 [`398efb2`](
- Corrected polyfill syntax in some metadata blocks [`6daf1b7`](
- Squashed commit of the following: [`e42aa9f`](
- Some more metadata... [`6df5f80`](
- getting stripping to work for individual tests (faking input) [`90eb824`](
- Added more metadata [`bbebadf`](
- Create .jshintrc file, update jshint grunt task [`47250c5`](
- trashy hidden folder removal [`c68be89`](
- split ES5 shim/sham tests into separate tests [`25d892f`](
- include tests in jscs updates [`8dcb597`](
- Meta Daytah [`44eddf9`](
- starting new method: strip comments, find test['x'] pattern, use that to go. added closure compiler step since code is ugly without comments and it's build step anyways... [`c88b933`](
- Run JSHint on test files and fix issues [`73bee00`](
- Moar metadata! [`029d68d`](
- Adding `Modernizr.prefixedCSS()` API [`c4c60c1`](
- Add in async test events, and a bit more metadata. [`b78a297`](
- Add metadata to 'elem' tests. Getting there... meh. [`98d877f`](
- test for equality with non build versions in the tests. update suite. allow dependencies to be described inside of modulizr. Currently only one dependency: canvas for canvastext. yay [`f0d4bd6`](
- Added base metadata to the rest of the css tests. *sweats* [`d2cc3ae`](
- Added body module, altered tests that need it #877 [`de7fba8`](
- add builderAlises to renamed detects [`cdb6ee4`](
- Improve Gruntfile [`5914214`](
- various test updates [`3b0e142`](
- connected front end to api of modulizr. seems to work... [`08c5bf5`](
- Forms docs [`029cefe`](
- Added metadata to "workers" detects [`ea17d40`](
- Squashed commit of the following: [`28c4021`](
- detect whether or not ES5 Shim / Sham are needed [`fbe8de3`](
- Added some metadata & doc blocks [`1b53d20`](
- Remove trailing whitespace [`2163201`](
- Removing the function.bind dependency in createelement. Adding metadata to network detects [`6e0dc10`](
- Adding tests for programmatic API. [`d62b7da`](
- Metadata++ [`f185623`](
- renamed files and adjusted docs as per suggestions [`ac96911`](
- Move video test to feature-detects/video.js [`588edd0`](
- Image metadata [`de1238d`](
- improve/enhance hasEvent() [`f9210de`](
- Add test for `Proximity Events` [`0af0953`](
- Add atRule checking to Modernizr.prefixed (@keyframes, @import, etc. [`32b67aa`](
- iframe folder of metadata [`34807de`](
- Add nth-child feature-detect [`b61e97d`](
- Simplify context issue by first setting a new cwd, then requiring grunt. This scopes grunt to the Modernizr directory and avoids manipulating upstream context. [`b30723d`](
- Adding a build api. [`8ed5889`](
- Cleanup Grunt banners [`8996f47`](
- Add support for Blob constructor in blobworkers test since BlobBuilder is deprecated and has been removed from firefox [`456b648`](
- Move audio test to feature-detects/audio.js [`f968719`](
- Moving touch test to feature-detects/touch.js [`d3f7b6f`](
- the fallback could be smaller, since we only want to set the context (scope), and we don't need a full es5 compatible bind [`c121e16`](
- Move localstorage test to feature-detects/storage-localstorage.js [`ea76435`](
- Add better tests for CSS multi-columns [`fa3dcc2`](
- Add in dom test metadata [`df9a83a`](
- Rearranged setClasses a bit: can now be reused by async tests (to avoid duplicating regexes) [`b56de42`](
- first stab at autoplay detection [`24679d7`](
- Move and rename file to new structure. Rewrite test to use Modernizr v3 AMD structure [`1fe1e83`](
- Wrapping call to `indexeddb.deleteDatabase` in a try…catch because it errors in some contexts (e.g. data URIs) [`4072c66`](
- Added a note about false-positive on N900 to `touchevents` detect and moved comments to a meta block [`59174f9`](
- add new roundedEquals helper [`072f3bd`](
- Added detect for `flex-wrap` (Fixes 1048) [`65e31e2`](
- Move fontface test to feature-detects/css-fontface.js [`e848278`](
- Added tests for transparent Webp images [`f39fcbf`](
- Adds UA blacklist to @font-face test as a stopgap. [`949d770`](
- Fixed errors thrown by `supports`, `getrandomvalues` and `flash` detects: [`2cf106f`](
- check for video support first, only set src of the shortest supported video type, change body to docElement [`f5518d0`](
- Fix invalid polyfill metadata [`b9c780b`](
- Move csstransforms3d to feature-detects/css-transforms3d.js [`7348214`](
- updates for @stucox [`b8d4ad2`](
- :target Feature Test with @patrickkettner’s suggestions. [`824e4d6`](
- fix ie10 caniuse comparisons [`7e6bd80`](
- Changed body to getBody and made it a method, #877. [`804037a`](
- Move stripdefine to use loop [`6460dff`](
- add new feature-detect for DOM 3 Document Fragments [`41b2cb9`](
- Add the csspseudoanimations feature-detect [`b4f0edc`](
- add maxlength test [`64bc5d8`](
- Going back and adding in caniuse keywords for when I was offline [`9dcc1ed`](
- optimize test arrangement, fix typo [`df8fae9`](
- update regions detect to include IE 10 iframe only version [`e0fec68`](
- updating PR [`ca88157`](
- Moving multiplebgs test into feature-detects/css-multiplebgs.js [`707d66f`](
- Moving geolocation test to feature-detects/geolocation.js [`9c2a235`](
- Made the function definition related to UA environment, matchMedia check only happened once. [`ccb30ac`](
- Move sessionstorage test to feature-detects/storage-sessionstorage.js [`39d0d22`](
- Add es6 generators [`c677c6f`](
- Adding documentation for API. [`0761fcd`](
- Add test for the Web Speech Synthesis API [`b8029b2`](
- Add test for the Web Speech Recognition API [`2949b8e`](
- Remove old-modernizer file [`35944b1`](
- Move generatedcontent test to feature-detects/css-generatedcontent.js [`32a5d2b`](
- update filter check to use CSS.supports when supported, gets around false negatives in firefox [`0c35733`](
- some  docs in the readme [`85f4892`](
- Added metadata to `svgasimg` and changed from base64 back to ascii encoding of the image [`39d1c0a`](
- Added a test for TypedArrays, because the DataView test will fail for browsers that support TypedArrays/ArrayBuffers/and views of those buffers if they do not have DataView [`b248337`](
- Add jshint to default task and fix issues [`00dff5f`](
- add ellipsis test [`de3eb1f`](
- rearrange test file structure, added warnings about test size [`ce88f5f`](
- Move contributors to array and update banner [`0aff3f8`](
- update test to cleanup listener. fixes for #945 [`1317431`](
- added hiddenscroll test [`e1e9abd`](
- Remove audio data test [`53424e1`](
- Fix indent, single-quotes and leaking i [`c9645f1`](
- Add CSS Shapes feature detection. [`d7e5756`](
- Added test for lossless WebP images [`35fcf3f`](
- Fix indent, single-quotes and leaking i [`3b7f28f`](
- Added a try..catch to the cookies test [`f346166`](
- Move svgclippaths test to feature-detects/svgclippaths.js [`1b2a255`](
- Moving canvas test to feature-detects/canvas.js [`137c89f`](
- typo fixes - [`f84e1b5`](
- Update metadata for `elem/ruby` & `style/scoped` [`ab6001d`](
- Update metadata for `speechinput` test [`2252043`](
- Metadata-/Doc- block added [`d5f7abf`](
- Moving websockets test into feature-detects/websockets.js [`aef3eba`](
- docs cleanup [`8cbb3e8`](
- Shapes specification changed to support <box> values and the [`0e2f51a`](
- Metadata / DOC improvements: [`122f5be`](
- Moving hsla test into feature-detects/css-hsla.js [`83a46d1`](
- Moving webgl test to feature-detects/webgl.js [`9776162`](
- `testProp()` and `testAllProps()` now accept hyphen-case – updating tests & comments to match [`48b9c4c`](
- Ensuring ES5 tests return Booleans [`463c82e`](
- Reverting PR #874 - we don't touch any existing classes which begin `no-` (except `no-js`) [`e2cec68`](
- Use "matchdep" to avoid requiring dev dependencies. [`cb03dbf`](
- metadata block indention [`2ee7eb1`](
- Rename the csspseudoanimations feature-detect to csspseudotransitions [`050a39c`](
- Moving rgba test into feature-detects/css-rgba.js [`ce9f989`](
- Move inline svg test to feature-detects/svg-inline.js [`54e3ad7`](
- Fixing comments to pull request [`3e25189`](
- update feature detect checked and move it to /feature-detects/css/ [`e31407a`](
- Move cssanimations to feature-detects/css-animations.js [`e574d9c`](
- Moving indexedDB test into feature-detects/indexedDB.js [`8924f65`](
- remove tabs [ci skip] [`7eb1ca8`](
- do implementation check for getRandomValues to fix Safari 6.0 false positive [`fff77ca`](
- adds 'noPrefixes' build option to opt-out vendor prefixe [`3272486`](
- The video autoplay test will throw in IE9 and Safari 6 if either are missing [`11e99f4`](
- Added html5-notifications and desktop-notify [`926d424`](
- Use matchdep to detect if devDependencies are installed. Require each if so. [`ddff156`](
- For interoperability purposes, have the build API explicitly declare a current working directory. Revert to previous cwd on exit. [`810e8af`](
- Moving devDependencies into dependencies object. Allows Modernizr to be correctly installed via npm. [`23821eb`](
- add feature detect for checked pseudo selector [`878c149`](
- Move generateInit deps inside function scope [`db32386`](
- Removing Modernizr global from test return values. [`d9b6473`](
- Allowing `Boolean` object detect results [`f5ceb8b`](
- Updated "background-clip: text" test to use testAllProps() [`781db2b`](
- Add nth-child feature-detect [`c5f2bf0`](
- Added metadata to Modernizr.framed [`fe85d9d`](
- Moving history test into feature-detects/history.js [`7d2a489`](
- Add nth-child feature-detect [`d1e9add`](
- update doc link refs [`0184c1e`](
- reduce length of xhr feature-detect names [`3da7bb7`](
- update doc block for ES5 Shim/Sham tests [`0d74ccc`](
- Moving backgroundsize test into feature-detects/css-backgroundsize.js [`16fb6c5`](
- Move svg test to feature-detects/svg-svg.js [`19f0848`](
- Moving draganddrop test into feature-detects/draganddrop.js [`0efde41`](
- Moving canvastext test to feature-detects/canvastext.js [`25fec3c`](
- Moving flexboxlegacy test to feature-detects/css-flexboxlegacy.js [`8a49474`](
- Moving flexbox test to feature-detects/css-flexbox.js [`6a721d5`](
- fix inline feature requests for the bin [`0da0a94`](
- remove and/or update caniuse mappings for IE 8 [`066de32`](
- fix indexedDB capitilization for blob test [`1b8f44a`](
- Shapes Level 1 specification contains only shape-outside. I modified the test to be aligned with the specification. [`85ee9d7`](
- Modify CSS Exclusions to CSS Shapes, since we split up the specification. Update references. [`8bb7e94`](
- Move textshadow test to feature-detects/css-textshadow.js [`7884853`](
- Move svg-smil test to feature-detects/svg-smil.js [`044266d`](
- Moving hashchange test into feature-detects/hashchange.js [`d04a039`](
- Moving websqldatabase test into feature-detects/websqldatabase.js [`cb97378`](
- fix json replacer arg for IE 8 support [`114ab97`](
- Moving postmessage test into feature-detects/postmessage.js [`35fbed5`](
- binary websocket test likes to throw exceptions in Opera & Firefox and crash dolphin beta. nerfing for safety. [`83a0954`](
- Fix: atRule fix for IE7: check if window.CSSRule is defined. [`04029c9`](
- Add polyfill [`5ca632e`](
- slight tweaks to the contentEditable test [`13c8ce9`](
- Fixing bad metadata structure [`e377c2c`](
- Reverted svgasimg test to use base64, for IE9 support [`3882f7e`](
- Added `datauri` to exclusions list for "must be a straight boolean" test [`af12835`](
- Moving borderimage test into feature-detects/css-borderimage.js [`188dbb6`](
- Move csscolumns to feature-detects/css-columns.js [`33fe4c3`](
- Move cssreflections to feature-detects/css-reflections.js [`956b241`](
- Move csstransforms to feature-detects/css-transforms.js [`7f36ef6`](
- Move csstransitions test to feature-detects/css-transitions.js [`b94cf67`](
- Move applicationcache test to feature-detects/applicationcache.js [`f16575e`](
- Fixing `prefixedCSS()` tests – wasn’t converting hyphenated formats before running them through `gimmePrefix()` [`148955e`](
- Added requirement for querySelectorAll, docs [`87a3a81`](
- A clean up of some recent activity regarding dependencies. See [`2330848`](
- `generate-meta.js` now writes the metadata to dist/metadata.json [`f3ec3a5`](
- fixed prefixed() snippet and brought it up to date wrt transitionend event names. ref #540 [`6c28ceb`](
- Added DOC block with description of how the test works [`e103629`](
- fixed another typo, added test/video as an AMD dependency [`e97b565`](
- added escape hatch for browsers that don't support autoplay at all [`588c24c`](
- Executive decision to remove `TAGNAMES` functionality (#636) [`752b50c`](
- Move webworkers test to feature-detects/worker-webworkers.js [`0ee1059`](
- jade template fixes [`36015fe`](
- remove inaccurate caniuse mapping, fix caniuse bool comparison [`75ff7b8`](
- localizednumber: exit early if other tests fail [`18224ed`](
- Fixing issue with relying on global installation of grunt [`af8b9a3`](
- bail out of test early if autoplay isn't detected on the video element [`a2383c7`](
- moar [`459e1ce`](
- moar [`604d236`](
- use `prefixed` for bloburls to support window.webkitURL in safari 6 [`1a9a45c`](
- update npmignore [`0ab8073`](
- Fix for document.createElement invocation in IE7 [`4e42ae4`](
- Clarify reasons to ignore navigator.cookieEnabled when detecting cookies [`6eaf6c4`](
- Added a bug note to `localizednumber` re. dependence on localisation settings – see #1288 [`291ae59`](
- Removed some caniuse mappings: `contentsecuritypolicy` is behind a flag in Chrome, `touchevents` is device/config-dependent, caniuse doesn’t seem to have separate features for `blobworkers` & `dataworkers` anymore (did it ever?) [`ea4b80a`](
- Changing `docElement.innerWidth` -> `window.innerWidth` in `cssvwunit` detect (because the former isn’t a thing) [`b03c40b`](
- Added notes to `smil` detect metadata [`2987e97`](
- update meta data of siblinggeneral [`99644b0`](
- Add testStyles and prefixed to the depedencies. [`f066554`](
- Code style updates [`43e3e72`](
- test for ES6 String.prototype.contains [`c42f7de`](
- Fix bugs that @nschonni found in his grunt update. [`226413b`](
- add travis vars for savage [`0c1d28c`](
- change abspath to path.resolve, to fix windows node issue. [`6714aa7`](
- Clarifying my comment re. `document.cookie` restrictions [`f2f22c7`](
- Remove exit, it can cause upstream processes to bail too soon. [`6ced7d7`](
- Fixing relative paths in the metadata output [`6a7571a`](
- Added note about negative result in IE9 [`fd2e124`](
- Initial HTML Media Capture attribute test [`160cc2e`](
- Updated comment describing interface to setClasses [`cccf477`](
- Change npm test task to use grunt test [`fb1e4c2`](
- Add test task to alias qunit and jshint [`ff64dae`](
- When binding a function to a context, check that it actually has a bind method first. [`0e67b67`](
- style updates [`216071c`](
- fix metdata urls [`e0b4c81`](
- fix another bool comparison [`8f488e9`](
- fix comment spelling mistake [`6c814eb`](
- fix metadata path [`375c5e0`](
- remove incorrect caniuse mapping [`8350d69`](
- update oninput to use hasEvent [`3a76f13`](
- Minor fix [`afa8934`](
- Shape-inside's computed style now returns 6 parameters, since it includes the x any y-axis radius of the rounded rectangles. [`45122e1`](
- Update regular expression to "match everything until", instead of "match everything except". This resolves issues with using asterisks inside metadata. [`bd59a34`](
- Updating syntax. [`43eb51b`](
- Positioning #modernizr absolutely to enable more precise offsetLeft check [`6757ec4`](
- Fixed test for :checked pseudo-selector [`ec10861`](
- made minor changes based on tips from stucox [`a8dc633`](
- Fixed a missing `var` which was causing linting to fail [`db1893e`](
- better webgl extensions output [`e62c929`](
- towards passing tests - taking into account more tests that follow rules a little less closely than core tests. [`973cd57`](
- towards passing tests - taking into account more tests that follow rules a little less closely than core tests. [`728a5d9`](
- Suppose this isn't needed anymore. [`382d911`](
- bump to 2.6.3pre [`2dfa87d`](
- fixed tabs/spaces in TypedArray feature detection to pass linter [`8a7b3c1`](
- Finishing my sentence… [`a8d20c5`](
- Fixed `define()` stripping regex... we've got both `define("modernizr-init", ...)` and `define("modernizr-build", ...)` being left over for some reason. [`6e35920`](
- Add metadata to CLI. [`7a7e4cc`](
- Return test metadata. [`7022bef`](
- update async warning [`c997d2c`](
- Added a warning to `csshyphens` metadata re. its size [`aefe1d2`](
- another try at generating a built file in travis [`8241a78`](
- another try at generating a built file in travis [`bf8687a`](
- update travis to generate a built modernizr file in the dist folder [`05e5cff`](
- update travis to generate a built modernizr file in the dist folder [`c21071d`](
- Fix css-mask feature detect [`eb56e8b`](
- strict mode. caniuse map rename. [`9c327f3`](
- Removing unnecessary var declarations [`c2f5877`](
- Added html5-notifications [`270f624`](
- Fixed @sindresorhus' line comment about spacing concerning anonymous functions [`4b68b43`](
- Modify CSS Exclusions to CSS Shapes, since we split up the specification. Update references. [`7c1a6d7`](
- Removed asterisks from warning text in `touchevents` metadata because it was messing up parsing [`9dad6bb`](
- Added a note to the `touchevents` detect linking to the HTML5 Rocks touch/mouse tutorial [`ca88dac`](
- Corrected metadata typo in `cssmask` detect [`4df6b29`](
- Removed `touch` alias for `Modernizr.touchevents` - enough is enough [`4d17327`](
- whoops [`ab0cf75`](
- style yo [`9afae81`](
- Trailing comma like a chump, [`b49c47e`](
- we're aware that we're creating functions in a loop [`9372888`](
- Fix conflicts [`f28a3c1`](
- Update the stripdefine to the new r.js output [`d1e583f`](
- Adding some guy. [`374d2af`](
- add a knownBug for iOS7 video autoplay, since its fixed in iOS8 [`8d2cb3c`](
- Added a comment re. implementation of synchronous `svgasimg` detect [`fc7bc9d`](
- Add HLS support detection [`342f050`](
- Fixed test errors in browsers which don’t support csscolumns: subproperties were being tested when the root property was `false` [`32f29c2`](
- fix syntax issue with polyfill.json [`c5cabfd`](
- On Firefox, with hidden iframes, matchMedia returns null, thus trying to [`3a4f0a3`](
- release 3.0 [`a9a9019`](
- fix bin/modernizr  flag [`fbdb5fc`](
- doc updates [`3bf8071`](
- style updates [`f250324`](
- bump version [`23fd2f3`](
- actually detect the proper web animations api [`523bc33`](
- bump version [ci skip] [`fcd3ef1`](
- fix IE 9 vmunit detect [`2ae4d6e`](
- bump version for npm change [`15b5400`](
- update travis to prevent possible leaking tokens [`851daf9`](
- fix grunt build [`18d5a13`](
- bump version for npm change [`e1ac839`](
- Customizr is currently failing testing due to this property. [`e30b53b`](
- Move `file` to dependencies, it is a required dependency for the Modernizr CLI and programmatic API. [`118fa61`](
- fix metadata.path on windows [`8a13354`](
- testProps was failing on IE7 because of for ( i in array )-like iteration [`ed41a0a`](
- nongreedy regex for doc pulling. [`f526d97`](
- Removing stray +  [`0eb1aae`](
- remove unused dep [`6edc017`](
- fix docs typo [`d905c4c`](
- update @supports check to look for the CSSRule, rather than the sub property of CSSSupportsRule [`31371a9`](
- add patrick to the manifest contributors. [`a14fa9d`](
- Correcting typo in `intl` detect property name in metadata [`7681685`](
- remove saucelabs testing form travis until it passes properly [`39278c0`](
- Fix typo, flexbox -> flexwrap [`94736b2`](
- fix invalid property value in the getrandomvalues metadata [`d3a358d`](
- Fixed path to test directory [`6aa4c43`](
- iframe caniuse's actual test page. [`3e15bc8`](
- Added qunit to default grunt command [`4b6a3c0`](
- updated ogg mimetype to correct value [`d08bcff`](
- Fixed an `undefined` detect result for `ie8compat` in old IE [`3681dc0`](
- Comment wording tweak [`8c131c7`](
- Fix pointerlock-api test [`e287fe1`](
- Use global install for grunt-cli on travis [`80cb597`](
- better path hack [`fcd7f8e`](
- better path hack [`7ec9fc4`](
- buildfailuressry [`36af680`](
- buildfailuressry [`c61c3fa`](
- will break but give me error output [`d19a684`](
- will break but give me error output [`472b907`](
- trying unrelative path [`2c5115a`](
- trying unrelative path [`0000fdd`](
- Updating flexboxlegacy test to use external method [`c88e86b`](
- Not by Addy Osmani [`14bca2f`](
- bump 2.6.3pre on grunt [`5c533d7`](
- Fix camelcase in userselect feature detect. [`5971602`](
- grunt banner version is out of sync - fixed [`412f2f0`](
- remove dataset caniuse comparison, at least until Fyrd/caniuse#899 [`3bebb8d`](
- remove old comment [`074fe26`](
- add picture detect to config [`f0666ff`](
- allow for "use strict" in requirejs to fix the strictmode test [`0f422b9`](
- remove caniuse mapping for contentsecuritymapping [`5d67ab8`](
- Update config-all.json [`dc421b3`](
- add fileinputdirectory [`34988b4`](
- add /feature-detects/css/checked to config-all.json [`93cca50`](
- Add comment to Shapes test. [`525b9de`](
- Vertical logos [`daf5bcf`](
- git capitalization meh [`82e2f2c`](
- git capitalization meh [`4e44e3b`](
- git renaming sucks [`5aeeb22`](
- git renaming sucks [`b03cc24`](
- override all local changes with master [`ccc6732`](

#### [v2.8.3](

> 3 July 2014

- fix backporting of blobworkers test [`d6bb30c`](

#### [v2.8.2](

> 19 May 2014

- fix backporting of formvalidation. [`#1328`](
- release v2.8.2 [`99c09fa`](

#### [v2.8.1](

> 2 May 2014

- fix css-shapes test, update to 2.8.1 [`47efd0e`](

#### [v2.8.0](

> 29 April 2014

- bunch of things i've been meaning to realease in the 2.X branch [`#1321`](
- backport of 3b9fc13 / #1060 [`9baf562`](
- backport of 456b648 / #1141 [`aa97ed5`](
- backport of 19402ede3e [`b1ca6dd`](
- bump to v2.8.0 [`1d6c038`](
- backport of 0e2f51a39a / #1188 [`26acb92`](
- backport of ef14ae7 / #886 [`535405e`](
- backport of 2e0a658718 / #1015 [`6ee02df`](

#### [v2.7.2](

> 4 March 2014

- fix profanity in comment and bump to 2.7.2 [`3e2b1ea`](

#### [v2.7.1](

> 3 December 2013

- bump version number [`438b556`](
- support 1.1 version of CSP [`394a7b5`](

#### [v2.7.0](

> 15 November 2013

- update html5 shiv to 3.7.0 [`32d901c`](

#### [v2.6.3](

> 31 October 2013

- bump version number [`411c656`](
- Fix css-mask feature detect [`1cd0965`](

#### [v2.6.2](

> 4 September 2012

- Adds a test for position: (-webkit-)sticky support [`#676`](
- making sure contextmenu feature test can be run in the head [`#667`](
- Add feature detection for object-fit [`#657`](
- pointerlock API feature detect [`#655`](
- CSS Relative Units (vw, vh, vmin, vmax) - Re: Issue #572 [`#638`](
- Add a check for Content Security Policy (CSP). [`#653`](
- Detects for sandbox, seamless and srcdoc iframe attributes, closes #652 [`#652`](
- Updating gamepads test to match new spec [`#646`](
- Adds a test for the html5 'form' attribute. [`#640`](
- Add check to verify that enableClasses has been initialized.  [`#635`](
- JPG EXIF Orientation flag test [`#609`](
- Forms FileInput [`#626`](
- Add Test for css filters #614 [`#615`](
- Update master [`#631`](
- IE7 false positives on generated content test when script is in body. Adjusted CSS that is injected. Fixes #665 [`#665`](
- Merge pull request #652 from mikewest/sandbox [`#652`](
- Feature detect for the @supports At-rule, fixes #648 [`#648`](
- Added 'formattribute' test [`#639`](
- fixup lastchild syntax. fixes #631 [`#631`](
- update to latest qunit, which includes a feature request of mine. woo. [`b16f097`](
- updating test suite to use v3 of github API. [`6cf0248`](
- update html5shiv (fixes Issue #647) [`05ddc4c`](
- whitespace. crlf's. [`8fbbfec`](
- Better way of doing the formattribute test [`1c86fce`](
- Update feature-detects/forms-formattribute.js [`ef85994`](
- Fixed failing test and linting issues. [`362bceb`](
- Move over unit testing to use grunt for better output [`a4e882e`](
- sticky test. just formatting. [`47d4b97`](
- merging upload.js docs into forms-fileinput [`91ceb94`](
- Added EXIF Orientation test [`d17576a`](
- docs on exif orientation. ref #609 [`cbdd33e`](
- fix pagereload in Safari if body scrollbars are styled fixes Issue #524 [`3ee8ac3`](
- Adding checks for interesting `iframe` attributes. [`f9993e7`](
- Added detection for CSS vmax unit. [`9e73adf`](
- Added detection for CSS vmin unit. [`c85db37`](
- Added detection for CSS vh unit. Similar to [`60a87ac`](
- Added detection for CSS vw unit. [`692f1d3`](
- protect against console-less browsers in test suite. [`743cbe2`](
- fixing css-calc coding style, addTest gets no incoming arguments. ref #673 [`adcc99e`](
- updated @addyosmani 's track element detection to reflect partial support by IE10 [`2c8ddad`](
- Changed test to use Modernizr.prefixed [`1b01467`](
- Added feature detect for Object-fit [`c65294e`](
- Update feature-detects/gamepad.js [`d029c7e`](
- Include latest props in .editorconfig [`cb7ca10`](
- Removing unnecessary double exclamation marks [`d8791b5`](
- removed the "!!" from the "a-download" test, as it's not needed [`acf9a8b`](
- Forms FileInput test [`00030f9`](
- cssfilters test [`5eb4dfb`](
- documentmode test for ie10 [`b54b10f`](
- cssfilters test [`05fa48a`](
- fixup test suite for better IE reporting. [`857e0fa`](
- Make PhantomJS exit out of caniuse data matching early as it's unecessary [`aea240b`](
- code style cleanup (use single quotes) [`e860072`](
- Add pointerlock api feature detect [`1632ae0`](
- lowercasing checks [`684b8fb`](
- 2.6.2pre [`6f5e884`](
- New spec is getGamePads [`b24c347`](
- paul, you should always lint before you commit. [`eef2235`](
- whitespace cleanup [`ed81590`](
- remove IE6 error in cors test [`18deb41`](
- making sure contextMenu test can be run in the head [`ec2630e`](
- Add check to verify that enableClasses has been initialized.
- fourvalues -> shorthand. bgpos detect. [`1c0f5d1`](
- test suite fixup for Opera 12 that leaks a URL global lazily. [`ac7b9f5`](
- rename bgpos shorthand test. [`55f041f`](

#### [v2.6.1](

> 19 July 2012

- fix the assumption that arguments to testProp (etc.) are strings [`#634`](
- Explicitly reject tests of CSS properties that have dashes [`#633`](
- Replace non-standard `substr` usage with standard `slice` [`#625`](
- PNG lossless optimization [`#628`](
- Last-child pseudo selector test [`#304`](
- Feature Detection - background-position-xy [`#608`](
- SubPixel Font Rendering feature detect, closes #602 [`#602`](
- fixes #446, WebSockets are now unprefixed [`#575`](
- css-hyphens bugfix, cleanup, warning [`#563`](
- The addTest function didn't test for the variable 'enableClasses' [`#508`](
- background-size:cover test returns wrong result in FF and Opera [`#527`](
- Test for CSP (Content Security Policy) [`#565`](
- Blob constructor test [`#582`](
- CSS3 background-position detect e.g. `background-position: right 10px bottom 10px;` [`#574`](
- Browser support test for <style scoped> [`#571`](
- Fixed false negatives on browsers that actually support regions [`#566`](
- upload test [`#525`](
- Updated ref URLs for css-hyphens [`#561`](
- CSS Regions cross-browser prefix check [`#555`](
- fix minor typos in comments [`#557`](
- Tests no longer be broke! [`#553`](
- Adding test for CSS regions support [`#541`](
- adding feature detect test for BlobBuilder [`#543`](
- Avoid activating geolocation in WebKit [`#551`](
- Created an alias for flexbox-legacy without a hyphen. [`#545`](
- Added `calc` test. [`#542`](
- Vibration API [`#532`](
- Dart detection [`#502`](
- addTest should be included by default. fixes #619 [`#619`](
- update Modernizer.flexbox to support both WD and LC implementations. fixes #611 [`#611`](
- Revert "new flexbox test got shuffled because the property was renamed. fixes #611" [`#611`](
- new flexbox test got shuffled because the property was renamed. fixes #611 [`#611`](
- Don't assume injected style elem is always the last, fixes #588 [`#588`](
- Merge pull request #602 from rodneyrehm/master [`#602`](
- Removing the `testBundle` method fixes #585 [`#585`](
- Merge pull request #575 from mikesherov/t446 [`#446`](
- documenting textInput false positive. fixes #333. lol 'fixes' [`#333`](
- xhr2 test. fixes #385 [`#385`](
- documented opera mini's false pos on background-size. fixes #396 [`#396`](
- add svg filter detect by @erikdahlstrom. fixes #531 [`#531`](
- document our WP7 false positive for @font-face. fixes #538 [`#538`](
- smarter contenteditable test. linking up html5test source, as well. fixes #570 [`#570`](
- docs on hasEvent incorrect results. fixes #322 [`#322`](
- fixes #446, WebSockets are now unprefixed [`#446`](
- docs on h264 without quicktime. fixes #546 [`#546`](
- fix MSTransitionEnd in the source.  fixes #540 [`#540`](
- weaker detect for webgl to avoid potentially expensive context creation. fixes #511 [`#511`](
- Fixes #506 IE9 mq issue and failing test in IE6/7 [`#506`](
- update html5shiv to version 3.6 [`b31a0be`](
- whitespace in test suite [`7d201c2`](
- Setup travis-ci integration to run test suite. [`e09725d`](
- Merge prebuild file with master to make releases easier [`4705f97`](
- Close GH-1: Match Modernizr's current style as close as possible!. [`b389d0b`](
- updated the ruby test [`cb7f8a7`](
- fixup regions test. quit early and dont create elements. smarter code style. extra comments on what we're doing. [`b4681a0`](
- update html5shiv to 3.5 [`6949907`](
- whitespace changes in unit tests. thank you editorconfig. [`58bc9c8`](
- improve validation UI test fixes false positive for Safari 5.x / Issue #266 [`fab538a`](
- need to check for MozWebSocket until FF10ESR is EOL'ed. [`a93b3c3`](
- whitespace commit [`41547a4`](
- Add grunt [`deb0061`](
- improve fn.bind polyfill formatting. fix linting error. [`6e26918`](
- Function.prototype.bind polyfill tests. [`7a1ee67`](
- Improved behavior-based detection [`c74ef80`](
- Fixing busted tests [`ac8c5c0`](
- Initial version with complete behavior testing [`0eecb94`](
- whitespace fixes [`d5aae95`](
- Updated to new version, ref. [`78affaf`](
- optimizing test using Modernizr.testStyles() as suggested by @ryanseddon [`08bd778`](
- Adding test for SubPixel Font Rendering [`71f46a3`](
- Add :last-child pseudo selector test [`432aa7b`](
- Reduced version, based on CSS parsing only [`c2b0c87`](
- more docs on geolocation being hilariously tricky to detect. [`633a5ac`](
- Added feature detect for four background-position values [`65ce459`](
- fix masks test so that it doesnt count firefox's SVG mask result. [`314ceda`](
- Revert "remove pointer events test as it's not reliable. ref #80" [`db2a1f8`](
- remove pointer events test as it's not reliable. ref #80 [`284a859`](
- Explicitly reject tests of CSS properties that have dashes (rather than camelCase) because such tests work on some browsers but are non-portable. [`c1cdb50`](
- make regions property testing cross-browser compatible [`9e0abf8`](
- Add backgroundPositionXY check [`7efa3ee`](
- Forgot to remove the old build script [`0857ba3`](
- removing background-clip:text test as it's too buggy in Opera/IE/WebKit. Needs a better test. Ref #199 [`d0038d1`](
- fixing invalid test background-size: cover [`20f11ef`](
- removing unneccessary variable and declaration [`6842556`](
- Revert "CSP test" [`f30f011`](
- more details to pointer events test. [`4247a75`](
- CSP test [`dea999f`](
- Added file comments. How it works and why would you want to test that. [`7fbab37`](
- refactoring with use of the smart prefixed() function [`300ad3c`](
- Added css-calc standalone test [`129d5bc`](
- removing duplicate vibrate and deprecated blobbuilder [`f0e5b44`](
- add vibrate feature detection for mobile browsers [`b7fcccf`](
- death to the URL scheme! [`b7c695d`](
- adding .editorconfig to normalize on whitespace standards. [`264093f`](
- repeat ceea6ab (remove opera's input type=color check). ref #159 [`4c5d38a`](
- Fixed an issue where we were trying to append elements to document.body before document.body being actually available [`edf461c`](
- remove opera 11.00 bug, fixed in 11.10. ref #159. thx @ajpiano [`ceea6ab`](
- browser support deets on css-mask [`6ab95e5`](
- add a few more globals to the JSHint lint options. [`2d4b4f4`](
- adding metadata for lastchild selector test. ref #304 [`928edb7`](
- update documentation and remove buggyinteractivevalidation flag (fixes Issue #584) [`92b19ae`](
- added browser support test for <style scoped> [`3e7d1c6`](
- Added a test to detect whether you can use Dart native [`d78b9be`](
- blobbuilder test needs some !! [`7151add`](
- 2.6.1 final. [`1cf3c14`](
- 2.6.0 final. woohoo. [`88e76ee`](
- removing flexbox-legacy. flexboxlegacy (with no dash) still exists. [`916294c`](
- Updated URLs [`cede060`](
- handing prefixes for web intents [`bef63c8`](
- adding blobbuilder feature detect test [`f591839`](
- rename vibration file [`ea30e8c`](
- Add comment about webkit geolocation bug [`67d7249`](
- Remove the assumption, introduced in c1cdb50, that arguments are strings. [`f017851`](
- Replace non-standard `substr` usage with standard `slice`. [`79b8fb0`](
- phantomjs toString()s a window different than Chrome does.. [`9c2bd28`](
- bumping version to pre. [`8f14334`](
- fixing link to @kangax's iseventsupported. [`e400f4d`](
- Hyphenator.js bug warning [`53198aa`](
- Removed unused variables [`a2b4b0d`](
- Fixed insert order in test_hyphens_find [`caa5737`](
- Typo [`5aeb25f`](
- Avoid activating geolocation in webkit [`119d0f8`](
- Fixed a bug where the generated flow name was invalid [`e798443`](
- Added hyphen-less alias for flexbox-legacy to allow use of dot notation in JavaScript code. [`efaa822`](
- revision to include support for moz [`fa6bba9`](
- Silly description [`4215172`](
- Updated build status image to point to master [`22f8eb7`](
- whitespace cleanup [`9a60e95`](
- Thanks to Paul, rename StartDart to startDart [`1938cd0`](

#### [v2.5.3](

> 15 February 2012

- Detects localized number input/display [`#494`](
- removed dependencies from other test [`#481`](
- add html5shiv 3.3 fixes Issue #488 [`1b99963`](
- update html5shiv to vpre 3.4 fixes Issue #332 [`b15f9bf`](
- Detects localized input/output for input[type="number"] [`9b6f02a`](
- added some white-spaces and line-breaks [`6a4bbbe`](
- Prevent warnings in IE [`c5a11e1`](
- bumping to 2.5.3 final. [`f82fead`](
- bumping version. [`6f2d295`](
- 2.5.2 final. includes html5shiv 3.3 [`b101b43`](
- bumping to shiv 3.4 final. [`9e19c95`](
- fix issue #332 and issue #501 [`971dba3`](
- replaced nb-space with space [`6dff860`](
- Rename file and remove debug line per review comments [`c906d4e`](

#### [v2.5.2](

> 8 February 2012

- modernizr2.5.1 fixes [`#485`](
- slice is undefined in .bind implementation [`9df99be`](
- 2.5.2 final. includes html5shiv 3.3 [`b62a9ff`](
- bumping version. [`0a81105`](
- tagging 2.5.1 [`21b5e5a`](
- IE7 gets value of last test in injectElementWithStyles [`fb36e3c`](
- removed error in IE7 [`619b9d6`](
- bumping version. [`ed4ec65`](
- removed object expected error in IE7 [`56abcdb`](

#### [v2.5.1](

> 7 February 2012

- csstransforms3d fix for chrome win xp w/o 3d acceleration. [`#462`](
- Add feature detect for Web Intents [`#482`](
- Battery API and Low Battery [`#477`](
- Transform and transition detection Issue #436  [`#473`](
- Added Navigation API (performance) and performance memory [`#471`](
- Add new canvas.toDataURL tests [`#470`](
- Added cors detect, script defer/async and notification [`#452`](
- Fixes #453 - MathML feature detection test [`#461`](
- Changing transition end event names in comment/example to match MDC [`#463`](
- Browser support test for the HTML5 <ruby>, <rt> and <rp> elements. fixes #81 [`#438`](
- Shaved off 8 bytes of the data-uri [`#433`](
- Normalize quotation marks. [`#432`](
- Improved touch detection, now it works on Firefox for Android devices. [`#430`](
- Tweak network connection speed test [`#427`](
- Adding Unicode Characters Support Detection [`#429`](
- Adding Stylable Scrollbars Detection [`#393`](
- If the test added via addTest is NOT a function or Boolean Modernizr die... [`#420`](
- Add test for IE userData [`#412`](
- fixed the webgl detection for browsers that support it but computers tha... [`#413`](
- Pulling in feature-detection tests from modernizr-plugins [`#419`](
- Feature tests for Blob/Data URI generated workers [`#425`](
- sessionStorage test issue [`#424`](
- Allow chaining in all code paths within addTest and remove some trailing white-space [`#421`](
- Feature detect for context menu [`#415`](
- Nokia E52 failed on an undefined style variable [`#406`](
- Fix longstanding typo. SORRY GUISE [`#403`](
- Use `Modernizr.canvastext` instead of reinventing the wheel in the emoji  [`#391`](
- feature detection for pointer-events - closes #80 [`#386`](
- Add feature detect for Emoji [`#387`](
- Added test for  cubic-bezier() values > 1 [`#376`](
- Test for `draggable` attribute rather than event support [`#355`](
- Noticed the logic to remove no-js class is a little fragile [`#358`](
- Minor markup additions (backticks added around methods and objects). [`#360`](
- Improved variable assignment in <details> feature test. [`#344`](
- Fix input@placeholder and textarea@placeholder detection. [`#340`](
- Performance improvement. detect API implementation first (extreme importa [`#341`](
- second argument of "is" should be string [`#335`](
- The addTest function didn't test for the variable 'enableClasses' [`#326`](
- Added support to verify support for registerProtocolHandler [`#324`](
- Minor tweak in WebP test [`#320`](
- Rhino support: Issue #318 Modernizr doesn't work in a Rhino/Envjs environment [`#319`](
- Use `{}.toString` instead of `Object.prototype.toString`. OMG BYTEZ [`#317`](
- fixed typo [`#314`](
- File API test [`#273`](
- Fix for weird IE7 drawing bug. [`#297`](
- html5shiv v3.1. added. fixes #426 [`#426`](
- rename _domPrefixes to _cssomPrefixes. also expose the other one. fixes #437 [`#437`](
- cleanup of hyphens test. no more scroll fixes neccessary. fixes #366 [`#366`](
- removing KHTML prefix detection. See #454 For why -khtml- is dead. Bonus: This speeds up Modernizr. [`#454`](
- media queries test. EZ PZ. fixes #49 [`#49`](
- add desktop notifications test. fixes #128 [`#128`](
- Merge pull request #461 from addyosmani/master [`#453`](
- Fixes #453 - MathML feature detection test [`#453`](
- add filesystem detect. fixes #442 [`#442`](
- display:run-in test added. fixes #198. cc @alanhogan [`#198`](
- add css resize test. fixes #221 [`#221`](
- adding rem unit detection. fixes #252 [`#252`](
- Merge pull request #438 from alrra/master [`#81`](
- add css mask detect. fixes #208 [`#208`](
- background-clip:text; test. fixes #199. ref #89. [`#199`](
- eventsource detect added. fixes #153 [`#153`](
- datauri test. added note about IE7/SSL. fixes #362 [`#362`](
- canPlayType returned 'no' instead of '' in some versions. We now handle this. fixes #334 [`#334`](
- make note of @font-face false positive in camino/webos. fixes #342 [`#342`](
- IE9 fixed the bug where audio codec was neccesary on the video canPlayType call. thx msft! fixes #346 [`#346`](
- fix clipPath false positive in Safari 5.1.1. fixes #402 [`#402`](
- fix SMIL false positive in IE9. fixes #356 [`#356`](
- Replacing flexbox test with new flexbox test. This is an API break, but needed. Details: [`#416`](
- new test: interactive forms validation. thx @gravof and @rizkit. fixes #315 [`#315`](
- binary websocket detection. fixes #370 [`#370`](
- msMatchMedia for IE10. fixes #375 [`#375`](
- updating IEPP to 2.2. fixes #399. thx @afarkas (also @jonathantneal has a new shiv solution that we need to investigate but i'm waiting on IEPP/shiv merging.) [`#399`](
- detection for ol[reversed]. fixes #422 [`#422`](
- native JSON detection. closes #227 [`#227`](
- Fixed false possitive in Chrome for round & space background-repeat values. Fixes #371 [`#371`](
- Merged in injectElementWithStyles branch changes, fixes #270 and #277. Version bump to 2.0.7 [`#270`](
- Merge pull request #386 from ausi/master [`#80`](
- Fixing some smart-quotes that @kurafire thought would be a good idea in [`#332`](
- data uri test by phil wareham and weston ruter. fixes #14. fixes #294 [`#14`]( [`#294`](
- test suite. update jquery. [`d335091`](
- new html5shiv v3.2 fixes issue #426 [`022e60f`](
- Changed prefixed method to return live object and added third arg to bind to [`16a056d`](
- codified the behavior of prefixed(arg,arg,arg) with lots of tests. ref #478 [`fe98924`](
- Drop the bind shim comments [`78fd698`](
- more robust prefixed() code and unit tests. ref #478 [`75de140`](
- Added extended support of prefixed method to test DOM properties too, altered indexedDB test to use prefix method. [`84735ab`](
- copyright update. uncessary year. [`6d88ca5`](
- Added quota management api, a[download], requestAnimationFrame detects [`8a06d66`](
- Add new todataurljpeg and todataurlwebp tests [`dc9a642`](
- add MathML in HTML test. [`d6781e3`](
- Added feature detects for Battery API [`3a9da60`](
- speech attribute detection. via wiki page. by @alrra [`3ec7df6`](
- updating test suite for recent failures. more robust. also update for killing khtml prefix. [`d7b3d35`](
- remove duplicate notifications test. [`f37592e`](
- updating to use Modernizr.prefixed(foo,bar) syntax [`5635b67`](
- ie8 compat mode. ref #46 [`7dcc268`](
- tagging 2.5b release. [`f1839d2`](
- dataset test. [`4615428`](
- Cleaned up use of prefix or battery detects [`9361023`](
- minor correction to typo [`8038c16`](
- test suite has some laggy tests. yeahhh. [`fbbebb2`](
- strict mode test by @kangax. [`06ca4a8`](
- Update to use  Modernizr.prefixed() and remove performance memory. [`b03b7b0`](
- 2.5 final [`139e537`](
- Updated notifications with Modernizr.prefixed(Nofitications, window) [`a7706ff`](
- updating to reference mathjax contribs, prior discussion and myself as requested by Paul [`a0af083`](
- tagging 2.5.1 [`f54afd9`](
- pull master modernizr.js for testsuite. [`8f07c3b`](
- adding web intents feature detect [`1d643a7`](
- Updated tests for prefixed changes [`dd57904`](
- use default styletest for transform and transform3d [`52c6314`](
- Changing transition end event names in comment/example to match [`3cb0df8`](
- fixing helper transitionend event names. IE10's one is finalized. Standard one is all lowercase. *facepalm* [`7e3ec24`](
- note about ff11 and mozwebsocket. [`8aafacc`](
- rm duplicate eventsource detect. [`a573fd5`](
- webkit likes textarea value like innerHTML but only after you force a reflow. this is crazy. [`d6c95fa`](
- use default styletest for transition [`18d7e30`](
- rename Modernizr.file to Modernizr.filereader [`83ebe34`](
- rename some of the community detects. [`8ec0b25`](
- update quota mgmt test to req the actual object. cc @addyosmani. ref #461 [`7273d5d`](
- small cleanup. thx webstorm [`74df0b0`](
- Merge [`a1b03a9`](
- test suite. little file reorg. no functional changes. [`a7185b8`](
- Added tests for hyphens [`664064c`](
- test suite: automated feature-detects dumping via github api. omg. [`752bfec`](
- more docs on hyphenation. moved a chunk of code for clarity. [`3f10031`](
- Added extended support of prefixed method to test DOM properties too [`537a762`](
- corrected the indentation [`0fdd2f4`](
- Adding feature detects from modernizr-plugins repo [`4c5eddb`](
- Update stylable scrollbar detection using testStyles() [`dab2a32`](
- added browser support test for the HTML5 <ruby>, <rt> and <rp> elements [`bd596a0`](
- update to iepp v2.1pre - mostly for an Access Denied bugfix. [`3b721d0`](
- minor: remove scheme from URLs in the comments. more attractive. [`06a8c71`](
- Added a test for Blob URI generated Workers [`84e26be`](
- totally redid cookies test. thx @tauren. fixes 191 [`33f00fb`](
- Added Stylable Scrollbars Detection [`a03944f`](
- delete output.html [`8b42240`](
- dump Modernizr data to a textarea in testsuite. add json2.js [`93b8285`](
- changing test names to lowercase, minor update to structure of apng test, case change for getusermedia [`3ad6e45`](
- making <html> class logic a tiny bit more robust (+ more tests) [`41666bc`](
- cleanup of hyphens test. cc @nwtn [`f56ddf7`](
- who needs to feature detects cookies? who wants to just eat them instead?! [`17ebb86`](
- Adding Unicode Character Support [`f74cc7e`](
- webgl-extensions detection. exposed like an object: Modernizr.webgl.OES_standard_derivatives [`031b37d`](
- Added a feature detect for Workers from Data URIs [`b42657d`](
- lets include our plugin tests in the test suite. [`2a4753d`](
- background-repeat: round|space; tests. [`a63b38c`](
- renaming files to match filenaming pattern requested, updating apng test [`969f4ea`](
- Moved File API test into plugins [`efacf6d`](
- chrome incognito doesnt throw on websqldb anymore. hooray. [`37caffb`](
- background-repeat test works for opera now. but false positive in WebKit. hilarious. [`f5c1a9f`](
- add MathML in HTML test. [`08afd66`](
- test suite. dont dump unit test items. but grab any async tests. [`721afa1`](
- robust webgl detect returns as builds are custom now. [`94f3485`](
- test suite: reflections reftest by faruk. [`8807f79`](
- added feature detection for the css property pointer-events [`5026ca8`](
- navigator.connection test for lowbandwidth. /ht @davidcalhoun [`23d57f1`](
- lowbandwidth test also satisfies current draft of spec. [`c56fb8b`](
- Use `Modernizr.canvastext` instead of reinventing the wheel in the emoji feature detect. [`036fc05`](
- rename domPrefixes to cssPrefixes but only internally. ref #437 [`89c2081`](
- add elem-datalist.js which just points to the already done test. [`6d6d14e`](
- adding contenteditable,output and time feature detection tests [`fb78f9f`](
- Added test for File API [`18cbc20`](
- Network connection speed test: Use `RegExp#test` instead of `String#match` and remove the unused `UNKNOWN` property from the fallback `connection` object. [`c0b9620`](
- background-size: cover; test added. [`26cbd5d`](
- simplification of some of addy's new tests in #419 [`51b9d73`](
- added fullscreen test [`b1ad0be`](
- iOS private browsing also makes localStorage detection fun. Super. [`5e2fa0e`](
- Added test for registerProtocolHandler [`6453c15`](
- Added a notification detection test [`3feb219`](
- Added check for context menu support as introduced in Firefox 8+ [`1c70a42`](
- fixed the webgl detection for browsers that support it but computers that don't have supporting graphics cards. [`e608e06`](
- updated iOS private notes for localStorage. also a stronger test. [`a93625c`](
- Performance improvement. detect API implementation first (extreme important for old IEs) [`e8a67be`](
- detection for overflow-scrolling, for the new iOS v5b2 inertial scrolling. [`0308582`](
- test suite has some laggy tests. yeahhh. [`fc17dc3`](
- addTest does not cast truthy/falsy values to booleans. (now matching docs) [`e69eace`](
- Allow chaining in all code paths within addTest and remove some trailing white-space. [`5fa7abf`](
- adding Mozilla and WebKit Audio API feature-detection tests [`fa5d138`](
- temporarily removed audio tests [`dbc80b6`](
- Added cubicbezierrange [`694c035`](
- Used changes to prefixed method to alter indexedDB test to use it [`e2975c6`](
- Safari 4.0.4 also returned 'no' for canPlayType(). Bummer. Note added. Thx @marcn [`7554e07`](
- Use just `false` instead of `function() { return false; }` if the test already failed. [`c9cabfe`](
- Added the script defer and script async attribute tests [`0c6e713`](
- userdata test. more metadata. [`fdb020d`](
- test suite. rel path because gh-pages doesnt have my repo stuff. better anyway. minor [`6ba7dc6`](
- minor. fixing urls that were mangled in 18463cb [`0a4b0ed`](
- make caniuse results play nice with our funky audio/video return types. [`1e82aef`](
- second argument (type) of `function is( obj, type )` should be always string. [`4f035a0`](
- Hide generate content style, bump to v2.0.5 [`b3c5909`](
- only test webkit for their legacy gradients syntax. [`b7a9681`](
- fix for Safari's false positive on datalist. [`cb98fb9`](
- inline docs on svg clippaths from Marcos Ojeda. thx @nsfmc [`9a124b8`](
- adding a note about prefixes. (workers-blobbuilder test) [`1e1af83`](
- Shorter WebP data URL, thanks to @derSchepp. [`d704496`](
- note about ff11 and mozwebsocket. [`392c134`](
- Removed the "-" in the names [`88f0f74`](
- rm duplicate eventsource detect. [`a580a21`](
- webkit likes textarea value like innerHTML but only after you force a reflow. this is crazy. [`95e6eaa`](
- small readme tweaks. [`0f7885b`](
- adding canvas dependency to apng test. [`ca95c31`](
- extra note about msPrefix not being MsPrefix. thx erik. [`9ff083d`](
- adding back updated getusermedia.js test [`5efe030`](
- temporary removal of getusermedia [`f028427`](
- If the test added via addTest is NOT a function or Boolean Modernizr dies.
- version bump to 2.1pre. [`12af180`](
- version bump to 2.0.4. now shipping this on [`e74d232`](
- Changed font-face and multiple bg tests to use https:// instead of //:. Fixes 228 and 296. [`da70979`](
- Add cors detection to feature-detects [`af674f2`](
- note added about androids weak keyframe animation impl. cc @daneden. [`7c48bd2`](
- Was returning undefined in non supporting browsers, change to return actual boolean value. [`f874769`](
- renaming some of the files from addy's commit #419 [`dc05aa2`](
- Fixed some memory leaking [`7ff7033`](
- IE7 in compat mode false positives on boxsizing, check compat version is greater than 7. Fixes issue #414 [`c209167`](
- some notes about the weak webgl detect. [`2cc2e44`](
- Fallback to checking drag and drop events on element [`c90b3b7`](
- Compact `draganddrop` check [`1d7eade`](
- Test for `draggable` attribute [`f2d80c7`](
- canPlayType(...) // 'no' ...  was fixed in ff 3.5.2 [`d0e8359`](
- rename Modernizr.file to Modernizr.filereader [`6a9b39d`](
- Removed x char from script src. [`3840357`](
- Remove random "f" character. Sorry about that. [`daf8ad4`](
- Amendments mentioned in #430 [`53c907f`](
- `/^[23]g$/` is the new `/^(?:2g|3g)$/`.
- output elem test rename to avoid class conflicts. (incl our test suite) [`14dbcd7`](
- Exagerated font-size [`8d2e0d8`](
- Do NOT cast `test` to a Boolean. Truthy/falsy values are okay and casting will break some of the built in tests that use a Boolean *object* with added properties (the audio/video tests do this).
- put back return of empty string if style.cssText is undefined [`c8a6df3`](
- nokia E52 fails on undefined style from line 265. Definition of cssText (269) made more robust. [`dcfbdda`](
- test suite. minor. webgl may not be a pure boolean thx to recent plugin addition. [`d2d9ca5`](
- webgl detect. there is a rumor of a FF version throwing on .getContext('webgl') Can't verify in FF4, but we sswitch order of contexts anyways. [`a38f5b0`](
- tighten up emoji's detect for canvas for edge case false positives. [`f454c96`](
- minor typo. [`2ae4833`](
- fix lat/lon testsuite error. found by faruk. [`ff1e037`](
- Whoops. [`9314945`](
- The addTest function didn't test for the variable 'enableClasses' and it should. [`074dbca`](
- Drop the parens. [`eabd61c`](
- Use `({}).toString` instead of `Object.prototype.toString`. Works even if `Object` is something else at that point, plus it saves some bytes. [`2fe87ce`](
- tweak to boxsizing test. needs to test camel case. thanks snobojohan. :) [`617268e`](
- Drop the console call [`4aefcd5`](
- test suite: duplicate ref to dumpdata.js .. whoops. [`34e7397`](
- kill that nasty jquery global that gets created. [`f6c926c`](
- Added Stylable Scrollbars Detection [`a5e1167`](

#### v2.0.6

> 16 June 2011

- Device Motion Event and Device Orientation Event support [`#290`](
- Display table test improvement [`#275`](
- Added tests for progressbar and meter-element. [`#282`](
- easily → easy [`#278`](
- Add feature detect for <details> and <summary> as a plugin.     Fixes #75. [`#255`](
- test prefixed websockets, as FF6 will expose window.MozWebSocket. fixes #281 [`#281`](
- notes about using mq() without values. fixes #241 [`#241`](
- more docs around webgl and inline svg test. fixes #222 [`#222`](
- more docs around fixes #232 [`#232`](
- two new addTest signatures: addTest(feature, bool) and addTest({ feature : fn, feature2 : bool }); [`#269`]( [`#239`](
- Modernizr.prefixed() returns the prefixed or nonprefixed property name variant of your input [`#233`](
- framed content test. Am I in an iframe? fixes #242 [`#242`](
- adding enableClasses option in case you want to turn them off. fixes #244 [`#244`](
- webp image format test. fixes #245 [`#245`](
- box-sizing test. fixes #248 [`#248`](
- -moz-user-select:none   test. fixes #250 [`#250`](
- `<input name='test' />` test. fixes #258 [`#258`](
- minor, docs added discussing <textarea placeholder>, pointing to the feature test. fixes #76. [`#76`](
- adding textarea placeholder detect. fixes #257 [`#257`](
- prevent mixed content warning with @font-face test. regression. fixes #214. ref #218. [`#214`](
- try/catch'ing our audio/video tests, as IE9 likes to throw exceptions in some rare cases. details: [`#224`](
- shared workers test. fixes #263 [`#263`](
- Merge pull request #255 from mathiasbynens/master [`#75`](
- swap testAllProps() API lines. typo whoops. fixes #246. thx adambrunner. [`#246`](
- prevent mixed content warning in ie7, due to @font-face data uri test. thx brainbugged. fixes #218 [`#218`](
- inputtypes fixup. Address Opera 11 type=color bug. Visually hide the type=range [`#159`]( [`#160`](
- remove extra style element from head. fixes #141 [`#141`](
- webos false positives on the boxshadow test. fixes #145 [`#145`](
- IE8 doesnt support localStorage with local files. new test accounts for this. fixes #143 [`#143`](
- 3d transforms. only do the media query check for webkit. fixes #133 [`#133`](
- reduce the isEventSupported() calls for DnD test. fixes #132 [`#132`](
- opacity check fixed for German/Polish Chrome floating point bug. fixes #59 [`#59`](
- adding textshadow to core. fixes #24 [`#24`](
- rename historymanagement and crosswindowmessaging properties. deprecated them. [`#101`](
- webgl test added now that spec and implementations stabalized. fixes #51 [`#51`](
- indexeddb tests prefixed properties as chrome and FF are shipping as prefixed now. fixes #112 [`#112`](
- remove ie9pp4 msTransform try/catch fix, as the issue has been resolved. fixes #60 [`#60`](
- updated canvas test to prevent s60 & blackberry storm false positive. thx bitprobe & andycouch. fixes #97 [`#97`](
- notes around try/catch on localStorage test. fixes #92 [`#92`](
- hasOwnProperty fallback contributed by kangax. older browser support. fixes #67, 70. [`#67`](
- robust html5 input type detection via @miketaylr. fixes #63 [`#63`](
- codec test upgrades via html5test. more inline docs. fixes #71. [`#71`](
- missing comma. fixes #82 [`#82`](
- Fix for an issue that triggers as a result of a jsmin bug in the multiplebgs check. [`#78`](
- opacity checks -khtml and -moz prefixed now.  -khtml also tested everywhere. fixes #66. [`#66`](
- adding command element to html5 shim. fixes #44. thx jonathan neal and miketaylr [`#44`](
- webgl. fixes #51 [`#51`](
- localstorage test failing in IE when it was disabled. thx kangax. fixes #40. other optimizations [`#40`](
- fontface detection with window load fallback. also good cleanup. thx miketaylr. fixes #37 [`#37`](
- jslint cleanup. and fixing the for .. in loops. fixes #29 [`#29`](
- css 3d transforms false positive fixed. fixes #15 [`#15`](
- extension back in place. fixes #22 [`#22`](
- sessionStorage and 'x' in window fix for cookies-disabled. fixes #19 [`#19`](
- extend fixes #22 [`#22`](
- media type support for audio/video. rejigger for opera compat. fixes #2 [`#2`](
- addTest method for allowing plugins. fixes #6 [`#6`](
- update html5 element enabling to match html5shiv. fixes #12 [`#12`](
- support mozilla css gradients proposal. fixes #1 [`#1`](
- localstorage, webworkers, applicationcache, inputplaceholder and autofocus. fixes #3,4,5 [`#3`](
- css property support test of empty string vs undefined. fixes #9 [`#9`](
- typo <body> to <html> in the inline documentation. fixes #7 [`#7`](
- typo <body> to <html> in the inline documentation. fixes #7 [`#7`](
- Why hello, test suite!  This is big!  ... details below: [`f68ea41`](
- qunit files. [`159fa86`](
- update to latest qunit code. [`4b8091f`](
- uaparser and jsonselect? oh hell yeah. [`7fcda83`](
- Removed all trailing whitespace. [`06356af`](
- remove fmbip testing. never did really feel good about it. [`2e392af`](
- test suite. create polyfill.js. kill off legacy output.html. [`549f581`](
- We are now testing Modernizr results against data. :D [`a1874eb`](
- Added / removed some whitespace. [`805914a`](
- test suite: move suite setup into own file. [`1f6534e`](
- update JSONSelect for ie6 compat. thanks @rwldrn ! [`f440b93`](
- Version change to 1.6 and small (semantic) comment tweaks for a clean release [`067bc80`](
- adding kangax's detect-global.js [`2ebc2f4`](
- merge in all the modernizr output into this page. we'll stick to this one test page from now on. [`cade163`](
- update IEPP to v2, based on excellent work by alexander farkas. much faster. [`5e0657b`](
- rename Modernizr.event() to Modernizr.hasEvent(). add modules to tests. [`0bfed1b`](
- Major. Plugin API changes.. And unit tests for 'em.. Details below: [`c129f07`](
- Changed under_score to camelCase [`8bece08`](
- Removed testMediaQuery method, add test_bundle method, removed generatedcontentcsstest3 [`992c5ff`](
- tweaking detect-globals.js for headless use. wiring up to existing tests. OH HAI Object.keys polyfill! [`e91a541`](
- upgrade to ie print protector 1.6.2. Even faster. Using unminified in the source, as it compresses better. [`7e2703b`](
- unit test: html5 shim works. [`cdf8c47`](
- Add feature detect for <details> and <summary> as a plugin. [`39799ae`](
- Changed  internally to . [`39e0ef3`](
- small unit testing cleanup. [`8551014`](
- whitespace. how embarasssing. [`278de65`](
- (testMediaQuery()) fixed. matchMedia support added. [`7c91371`](
- fixing scott's table display detect so it sucks less. :) [`f4531a4`](
- taking a pass through the test suite with IE8. [`cbbf423`](
- initial import of matchMedia polyfill for our testMediaQuery function. this has better compat. [`12d5767`](
- Refactored test_bundle to play nice with modulizr [`99a7acc`](
- Expanded injectElementWithStyles to better handle more tests [`921e40b`](
- cleanup testMediaQuery, remove caching. [`d343ec3`](
- Updating github source file to 2.0 release (comments, version). [`d47b95e`](
- Adding official Modernizr (2!) logo files for people to use. These are licensed under the same MIT/BSD licenses as Modernizr itself. [`1169775`](
- visibility:hidden on generated content test was inside content prop, moved out. Version bump to 2.0.6 [`e4a08d0`](
- whitespace adjustments for testBundle. [`bdd2f9b`](
- Updated the to reflect the new description of Modernizr 2. [`7d92285`](
- Mostly changed " to '. Maybe some whitespace too. [`0bbf7bc`](
- display: table and table-cell test. (both are tested under one name "table-cell" ) [`e530219`](
- expose [`fe4f688`](
- remove enableHTML5 option for M2. [`bf0dcd8`](
- remove my orientation test in favor for shi chuans. rename file tho. [`63aab70`](
- expose Modernizr.isEventSupported [`14ee5c7`](
- Moved the detections of progressbar and meter to separate js-file. [`1ed909e`](
- Added css3 generated content test [`e3677a6`](
- unit tests: more compatible global var test. typo fixed in testStyles. [`cb0717d`](
- More whitespace-related tweaks. [`f0ee935`](
- Reverse while loop and missing semi colons [`0d41eba`](
- more docs around Modernizr.prefixed(). nice transitionEnd event name example from desandro. thxx. [`5a2e2e9`](
- removing extra callback param to the testProps methods. unncessary, it turns out. [`38e5101`](
- Added uglifier (requires node, uglify-js) and a .gitignore to ignore modernizr.min.js. [`5900d26`](
- table-cell test: remove unncessary createElement shortcut. good call, slexaxton [`af7de68`](
- documented the weak webgl test. version bump to 1.7 final. [`5fd67eb`](
- test suite: new js folder [`62b4793`](
- summary of change: [`0a10e22`](
- bump to 2.0.1 [`e9316c6`](
- Fixes issue #293, if the stylesheet has no rules it will bork on check. Make sure it exists and we have a rule to work with otherwise try IE or return an empty string [`3371eff`](
- IE7 and 6 too (I think) were throwing an error "Could not get the display property. Invalid argument." Using cssText dodges that problem. [`8b0cc1f`](
- expose Modernizr._prefixes and Modernizr._domPrefixes [`ff9562a`](
- Added test for the HTML5 meter element. [`a92f7d9`](
- removing deprecated apis: crosswindowmessaging, historymanagement [`56043b5`](
- changed the order so the styling happens pre-append [`8bbc29f`](
- adding deviceorientation + motion [`ed51922`](
- IE8 borks on custom build that excludes fontface and generatedcontent tests fixes issue #288 [`ff92dce`](
- Added test for the HTML5 progressbar element. [`bd256b8`](
- bump to 2.0.2 [`5df940a`](
- Fix failing tests on some builds, related to issue #288 [`3074264`](
- minor. hasEvent test suite tweaks. [`6548210`](
- unit test fix for _domPrefixes. thanks mathias. ref #257 [`f446802`](
- merge cleanup from cowboy. [`1633e32`](
- minor cleanup of ryans patch. [`9582d87`](
- Update IndexedDB test. Skip testing prefix_indexedDB as FF dropped that approach in FFb9. [`3f51a06`](
- fixup test suite for new API methods. [`af14ff3`](
- Moved node removal code into main method so as not to do it in each callback [`1741f32`](
- expose some more APIs. Modernizr.(event|testProp|testAllProps|addElem) [`89a4c1d`](
- Spacing [`8ca9c34`](
- More whitespace, etc. [`837d839`](
- Removed console methods [`d257b60`](
- Added / removed some whitespace. [`5396478`](
- Cleaned up a few RegExps. [`7be8d4f`](
- Merge remote branch 'upstream/master', merged exposed mq method with injectElementWithStyles method [`7294179`](
- needed that boolean cast on the ~ indexOf trick. [`2661e86`](
- test suite passes in ie6 [`c7860d0`](
- Sleeker indexOf evaluation. Minor. [`9e14b46`](
- Removed console methods [`8cbd595`](
- Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' [`c76773e`](
- Added new element/style injecting method, generated content. [`63f7d54`](
- web storage test fixes. lots of inline docs and a smaller, more aggressive test. [`c630c39`](
- doc --> document, see [`1daee0d`](
- Added generated content detection. Could be refactored to keep it DRY. [`f5e1b2f`](
- variable f ==> inputElem. ref #129 [`0c0ede6`](
- removing legacy set_css_all calls. [`f0c5249`](
- stuff [`4f126e9`](
- remove @font-face tests from test suite as it is no longer ASYNC and has reducd api footprint. [`3bed792`](
- undefined is a string itself so it can be used right in the call to is(), thus benefitting from local scope, better minification, and better gzipping. [`cfe5d96`](
- Created isDefined( obj ) and isFunction( obj ) to wrap is( obj, 'undefined' || 'function' ) to explore code weight. Turns out this is slightly more minified and more minified + gzipped than the single is( o, t ) variation. [`d125248`](
- Created is( obj, type ) function to determine whether typeof obj is exactly type. See for more info. [`a21f3db`](
- update script header. [`770f2d5`](
- smaller footprint webgl feature test, recomended by chrome webgl team. [`9c0ca33`](
- Formatting. [`025c7ea`](
- Standardize use of 'document' to 'doc', see [`ef7fec8`](
- Fix a false-negative for number fields in Safari 5.0.3. [`f84b3d9`](
- updating modernizr to 1.7pre. adding IEPP hooks for builder. [`377a862`](
- only set the className once. minor minor perf advantage, since this script executes in the head. [`fe36d36`](
- safari 5.0.3 should not pass inputtypes.number as it doesnt have proper input validation. And since testing for UI datepickers and number spinners is impossible.. we can only test for input validation. thus, we will not let it pass. (it's fixed in nightly webkit though. [`cfa986b`](
- Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' [`01f3642`](
- inline a bunch of cached strings. the minified (and gzipped) files are smaller this way. [`a7e8342`](
- @font-face detection from diego perini's CSSSupport. this still needs testing. [`3b37b4f`](
- removing touch.html .. and moving it over to gh-pages [`1f7994b`](
- Modernizr.touch detection test page [`b9d9e0f`](
- updated isEventSupported function. caching removed. [`2d8cfbe`](
- generalize mediaQuery testing. adding firefox4 multitouch detection. [`cf89b82`](
- browserscope the results [`d9a60f5`](
- Implements detection of Flexible Box Model (flexbox). Fixes issue #98. [`4aca15f`](
- cleanup so jslint doesn't bitch so much. [`945c78f`](
- break out domPrefixes for readability and reuse. [`4916cab`](
- fixed input type=range test to account for android false positive (thx zoltan). /ht kangax for saf2 getComputedStyle fix [`6bf64be`](
- revise test execution and classname code for clarity and configuration. [`13612f9`](
- svg namespace reuse [`9522bb7`](
- Added test for SVG-in-HTML5 [`098046b`](
- formatting of output page. [`b92dc37`](
- websqldatabase no longer creates a database, but false positives in chrome incognito. documented. [`67a7b9f`](
- temporary fix added for ie9 pp4. references #60 [`83c562c`](
- remove Modernizr._fontfaceready from the API. it was deprecated in 1.6. [`17085bf`](
- variable m ==> modElem. ref #129 [`c47ee64`](
- range input type optimizations from bryan forbes over in has.js [`b1a71c2`](
- finalizing touch detection [`1cecd6a`](
- improved workaround for ie9, based on rakaz's html5test fix. [`68a332b`](
- catch exception when firefox has = false [`ef2c47b`](
- Fix an @font-face false positive in Opera 9. [`6968d6e`](
- more docs around the safari prompt for websql [`0d15332`](
- added notes around DOM access to vendor-prefixed styles. hattip to lucideer [`0b55295`](
- Caching document.getEltByTag('head') into docHead to lower queries for the <head> tag from 2 to 1. See for more info. [`6b6b919`](
- no submodule for qunit. we\'ll do this staticly. [`decdfc0`](
- more clarity around web sql database's need to create a dummy db [`0178be0`](
- Fixing hsla test for IE9. All other browsers map hsla to rgba internally, but IE9 does not. hattip to @fyrd [`1f9bff6`](
- better regex in case we later add <input type=wasteland> support. thx kangax. :) [`c1775e8`](
- minor better formatting for docco [`ec93206`](
- IE print protector (the html5shim) got an upgrade. Printing a very complex page went from 45sec to 9sec. Also it is smaller. BOOM [`0dda762`](
- reduce size of appcache test. [`999daa2`](
- minor. touch string. [`6cc48e7`](
- modernizr doesnt fix the ff 3.5.1 bug with canplaytype [`a3242ef`](
- fix leaky f variable. thx karl swedberg [`dd24aec`](
- Fix a fontface detection bug that caused IE6 to crash, and switch to using a data URL test font to prevent unnecessary network requests. [`12c9111`](
- document.head shortcut. supported by webkit and FF4 [`58b17fa`](
- ie html5 enabling should check for attachEvent too. speeds up non-IE [`14ea43a`](
- version to 1.6pre [`5bfc3f5`](
- version bump to 1.6pre [`a3de7ff`](
- Handle error in IE while computing svginhtml5. [`940686d`](
- rename test to inlinesvg [`88cfccc`](
- mp4 test should succeed on ie9, even though ie9's video canPlayType shouldnt care about audio [`209f3b5`](
- qunit files [`68c0d0b`](
- use cached canvas test to avoid running it twice. thx phiggins & slexaxton [`4b8515e`](
- notes around try/catch on websqldatabase check. [`82a8dc2`](
- fixing conflict. input type range fixes [`8f51549`](
- Adding Modernizr Test Suite. It tests the Modernizr API itself and then also tries to validate the results against the tables. [`9b51228`](
- adding ie print protector [`1391a4f`](
- ie print protector update [`9de60e2`](
- cookie now bypasses the webforms tests [`5a34b2c`](
- localStorage cookie of test results. no noticeable perf improvement yet, likely because @fontface test runs regardless. [`a0fdfa7`](
- upgrade readme to link to test pages [`f2e80b5`](
- the attempt to cookie the results via DOM storage didnt net any performance gains (and introduces complications with versioning). the code has been shelved to a branch and is removed. [`bf87568`](
- localStorage cookie cleanup. @font-face test doesnt autorun any longer. [`a43ff56`](
- version bump. oh yes. [`2ec8bca`](
- much more robust @font-face testing [`06ccec1`](
- adding opera to webgl check (in development) as well as IE (who knows..) [`309764b`](
- whitespace [`0790501`](
- small tweaks. added more inline docs [`5943dba`](
- revised svg test from erik dahlstrom [`0be5ed0`](
- catch safari 2-4 in input type=range test [`e6ace93`](
- remove touch test. [`1356c9c`](
- ui checking on form input types [`1d22d59`](
- whitespace [`a016324`](
- toLowerCase normalization. web storage and appCache were going out as camelCase. [`4add4f5`](
- flashblock detection added, but commented out as its async [`e9fe315`](
- setProperties -> prefixes. clarity. [`3c46f21`](
- openDatabase safety net for incognito safety net. [`84549c5`](
- notes about flashblockers [`fa53727`](
- graceful handling of modernizr's death in the test [`61a592c`](
- flash detection [`2034abe`](
- inline docs about vendor prefixes and exposure in the DOM [`9dcb8ce`](
- DRY up some vendor prefix action [`fd7be18`](
- tweaks to make IE6 happy. [`1cad475`](
- update database check for incognito windows [`866590f`](
- fallback for touch test. should fix any chrome false positives if we miss them. [`0f5939e`](
- Adjustments for 1.2 release candidate. [`238043b`](
- Modernizr.touch added [`59ef6d8`](
- new html5 shiv element enabling thx to remy, jdalton, kangax, and pornel [`9515a75`](
- adding zoltan's fix for androids input range false positive, but disabling for now. [`c9708e8`](
- codec changes absorbed through html5test (and reddit). [`c75015e`](
- chrome was pissy with unused variables.. not sure why.. [`d87dd2b`](
- safari 4 is failing inputtypes.range. it shouldnt. i attempted a fix that works for webkit but fails opera. It remains, but commented out. Issue is still live [`baf1c0e`](
- IE7 gets mad if you name a local variable `toString` [`a09c74b`](
- Added support for CSS3 background-size. [`66e63c1`](
- reversed some ternaries for byte savings [`2d5e561`](
- updating URLs and license info [`403db38`](
- indexedDB test [`6de844c`](
- addTest revision. no hasOwnProperty. chainable [`7fd4fff`](
- removing offline detection via .onLine [`2aaf5c5`](
- no-js to js revised. smaller [`a347849`](
- merge. iepp [`ba01619`](
- note about miller device and local/session storage [`9722903`](
- websocket to websockets [`bf9cc65`](
- Adding the (new) dual-license. [`64ec7e0`](
- html5 enabling should be based on a feature test, not a @cc sniff, which is now unreliable. thx Tony Ross of msft. [`c5042b6`](
- Changed <body> to <html> since that's where we add classes. [`031e908`](
- clippaths test is back [`6cf9754`](
- disabled cookie-ing [`ebd9db9`](
- thx for breaking spec, ie9 [`027dced`](
- localstorage safety net. [`4260f08`](
- minor tweaks to html5 enabling [`96f6da9`](
- minor. loop optimization [`6cf5272`](
- onhashchange checks for compat mode [`e2b6a00`](
- adding webm codec detection. thx mpilgrim [`6640110`](
- straight boolean return value on svg test [`63dace2`](
- Broke initial line into two. [`5f767e8`](
- khtml prefix tested [`8d30f5b`](
- extra info around flash detection [`e6ffea3`](
- no false positive note about session/local storage in ie8 compat mode [`29db3a5`](
- fontface test race condition addressed. [`44f1350`](
- addt'l docs on @cc conditional comments and their unreliability [`0da5c26`](
- removing window.history.popState ref as its not standard. [`0e60ebc`](
- js class should be added regardless of no-js presence [`07ba578`](
- Avoids 404s for multiple bgs test [`e6334f6`](
- omment sentence change [`7f450dc`](
- character encoding. my favorite. [`33cb361`](
- output localstorage status to test page [`0a9ff1c`](
- test page outputs the localStorage cookie [`bcd11e3`](
- extra check on localStorage. should address #43 [`036bb65`](
- slogan [`8764410`](
- merge. [`93715d6`](
- Modernizr.input {}. All input attribute tests live here now [`a20073c`](
- added tests for hash change event, history management, drag and drop support, web databases, offline detection and cross window messaging [`7f338c1`](
- unbreaking the script (woops) [`ff02168`](
- assorted cleanup and speed boosts. trying out addTest on the test page. [`9aa111c`](
- readme rename [`193720b`](
- Removal of enableNoClasses option, fixes: [`718bc69`](
- readme rename [`3892fa2`](
- cleanup + minification [`1a16583`](
- removing the extension. not terribly useful. ref #22 [`b318790`](
- smil test. thx to lucideer and f1lt3r [`c171619`](
- Capitalizing Vendor keywords, fixes [`e3f5d30`](
- adding tests for max and min attributes [`05c97de`](
- Commenting out the SVG check for now because it is too inconclusive [`ad3160e`](
- alphabetizing existing input attribute tests [`1be88de`](
- version property [`c2fc59f`](
- bumping script version to 1.2pre [`24c3aaa`](
- added WebSocket detection [`ee6914e`](
- adding test for maxlength attribute [`f17b5ca`](
- adding test for list attribute [`0587077`](
- adding test for required attribute [`42e9d11`](
- adding test for pattern attribute [`de7b4e7`](
- adding test for autocomplete attribute [`7565f54`](
- adding test for step attribute [`f36fc2e`](
- removing maxLength test [`0105fa2`](
- adding test for maxlength attribute [`08e3319`](
- adding test for list attribute [`9f891ef`](
- adding test for required attribute [`01d9d5a`](
- adding test for pattern attribute [`17c82f9`](
- webdatabase to websqldatabase. references #17 [`4eef040`](
- offline to applicationcache [`6819420`](
- offline to applicationcache [`fb2b9cd`](
- adding test for multiple attribute [`af52758`](
- made tests for appCache support more thorough [`0d2058d`](
- bumping version number [`c8519f6`](
- Fixes bug for Ubuntu 9.10, FF3.5.6 [`d2ed31b`](
- addeventlistener needs 3 args. :) [`d8fac86`](
- typo [`393967f`](
- update list of html5 elements [`84e5596`](
- landing more of miketaylr's input attr tests [`f7cea47`](
- whitespace. [`8f862cf`](
- added additional tests [`fe68e0c`](
- 0.9 final release. initial launch. [`e40106f`](
- @font-face test redesigned with a callback. other perf improvements [`0264e8e`](
- test page [`074e858`](
- media type support for audio/video. still in progress. ref #2 [`cfa9fa3`](
- cleanup and documentation [`d908cfc`](
- Hello, Readme. [`d0e3ca8`](
- alphabetizing existing input attribute tests [`eb279f3`](
- detect webWorker [`36b4aea`](
- detect input autofocus [`95e2e05`](
- detect input placeholders [`a15a6a4`](
- inline documentation fix--inputtypes returns object, not array [`59858e9`](
- adding test for autocomplete attribute [`72e4a8c`](
- detect localStorage [`5059daa`](
- adding test for multiple attribute [`d01c15c`](
- fix merge conflict. [`912c1d3`](
- update to latest CSS gradients syntax. (via Ms2ger) [`c36a886`](
- classy improvements courtesy of fearphage. [`ac2d409`](
- merging back in miketaylr's doc fix [`706ccb8`](
- 1.0alpha. lots new tests including @font-face [`9a5e9d0`](
- code reorg by Ben Alman and Paul Irish [`f8cb75d`](
- @font-face callback fixed [`c424995`](
- simplified set_css_all [`8fd80d7`](
- script can go in the head or body, we'll keep it in the head [`6e02a27`](
- remove camelcase for new properties. get low.. get low get low get low. [`a7f83db`](
- Fix Modernizr issue 1 - Gecko's gradient proposal [`5ad1fc6`](
- detect applicationCache [`bb3d302`](
- 1.0 release. 2009.09.04. final. [`e4df58d`](
- add support for Safari 2.0.2 and older [`91c88cd`](
- clarification on '' vs undefined [`6743cc8`](
- whitespace [`959ba2d`](
- whitespace [`1ce8940`](
- another technique for flashblock detection [`a55b5a2`](
- ie8 compat mode (commented out) in test file [`bf04afa`](
- first commit [`903b17e`](