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# react-native-panning-scrollview
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This has been rewritten using reanimated 2.

A ScrollView component that moves along with the header section, and only scrolls after the header has been pushed up


## Props
| prop             | type                        | description            |
| children         | <code>ReactNode &#124; ReactNodeArray</code>    | The scrollview content 
| headerImage | `ImageSourcePropType`          |    Optional.    The header image. Defaults to a white background view if not supplied.                
| badgeImage          | `ImageSourcePropType` |       Optional.   The badge image. The component will automatically apply border radius and enforce a size.           
| translateRatio | `number` | Optional. Affect the rate that the header translates. Higher values = shorter translate distance. Defaults to `3`. Recommended `1 - 5`
|useNativeDriver |  `boolean` | Optional. Control whether to use nativeDriver. For compatibility. Defaults to `true`
|backgroundColor | `ColorValue` | Optional. Change the color of the scrollview container.|

## How it works
This component uses a scrollview and some `Animated` trickery to create the illusion of a scrollview that only scrolls after the header has been panned upwards.

## Demo
1. Clone this repo
2. `cd demo`
3. `yarn`
4. `yarn android` or `yarn ios`