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// This source file is part of the RediStack open source project
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 RediStack project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of RediStack project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import NIOCore

/// An object that operates in a First In, First Out (FIFO) request-response cycle.
/// `RedisCommandHandler` is a `NIO.ChannelDuplexHandler` that sends `RedisCommand` instances to Redis,
/// and fulfills the command's `NIO.EventLoopPromise` as soon as a `RESPValue` response has been received from Redis.
public final class RedisCommandHandler {
    /// The data payload that the command handler is expecting to receive in the channel to process sending to Redis.
    /// ## message
    /// This value is expected to be a fully serialized command with it's keyword and arguments in a bulk string array ready to be sent to Redis as-is.
    /// ## responsePromise
    /// This is a `NIO.EventLoopPromise` that will be resolved once a response from Redis has been received.
    public typealias OutboundCommandPayload = (message: RESPValue, responsePromise: EventLoopPromise<RESPValue>)

    /// FIFO queue of promises waiting to receive a response value from a sent command.
    private var commandResponseQueue: CircularBuffer<EventLoopPromise<RESPValue>>
    private var state: State = .default

    deinit {
        if !self.commandResponseQueue.isEmpty {
            assertionFailure("Command handler deinit when queue is not empty! Queue size: \(self.commandResponseQueue.count)")

    /// - Parameter initialQueueCapacity: The initial queue size to start with. The default is `3`. `RedisCommandHandler` stores all
    ///         `RedisCommand.responsePromise` objects into a buffer, and unless you intend to execute several concurrent commands against Redis,
    ///         and don't want the buffer to resize, you shouldn't need to set this parameter.
    public init(initialQueueCapacity: Int = 3) {
        self.commandResponseQueue = CircularBuffer(initialCapacity: initialQueueCapacity)
    private enum State {
        case `default`
        case draining(EventLoopPromise<Void>?)
        case error(Error)

// MARK: ChannelInboundHandler

extension RedisCommandHandler: ChannelInboundHandler {
    public typealias InboundIn = RESPValue

    /// Invoked by SwiftNIO when an error has been thrown. The command queue will be drained
    ///     with each promise in the queue being failed with the error thrown.
    /// See `NIO.ChannelInboundHandler.errorCaught(context:error:)`
    /// - Important: This will also close the socket connection to Redis.
    /// - Note:`RedisMetrics.commandFailureCount` is **not** incremented from this method.
    public func errorCaught(context: ChannelHandlerContext, error: Error) {
        self._failCommandQueue(because: error)
        context.close(promise: nil)
    /// Invoked by SwiftNIO when the channel's active state has changed, such as when it is closed. The command queue will be drained
    ///     with each promise in the queue being failed from a connection closed error.
    /// See `NIO.ChannelInboundHandler.channelInactive(context:)`
    /// - Note: `RedisMetrics.commandFailureCount` is **not** incremented from this method.
    public func channelInactive(context: ChannelHandlerContext) {
        self.state = .error(RedisClientError.connectionClosed)
        self._failCommandQueue(because: RedisClientError.connectionClosed)
    private func _failCommandQueue(because error: Error) {
        self.state = .error(error)
        let queue = self.commandResponseQueue
        queue.forEach { $ }

    /// Invoked by SwiftNIO when a read has been fired from earlier in the response chain.
    /// This forwards the decoded `RESPValue` response message to the promise waiting to be fulfilled at the front of the command queue.
    /// - Note: `RedisMetrics.commandFailureCount` and `RedisMetrics.commandSuccessCount` are incremented from this method.
    /// See `NIO.ChannelInboundHandler.channelRead(context:data:)`
    public func channelRead(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
        let value = self.unwrapInboundIn(data)

        guard let leadPromise = self.commandResponseQueue.popFirst() else { return }

        switch value {
        case .error(let e):


        switch self.state {
        case .draining(let promise):
            if self.commandResponseQueue.isEmpty {
                context.close(mode: .all, promise: promise)

        case .error, .`default`:

// MARK: ChannelOutboundHandler

extension RedisCommandHandler: ChannelOutboundHandler {
    public typealias OutboundIn = OutboundCommandPayload
    public typealias OutboundOut = RESPValue

    /// Invoked by SwiftNIO when a `write` has been requested on the `Channel`.
    /// This unwraps a `OutboundCommandPayload` tuple, storing the `NIO.EventLoopPromise` in a command queue
    /// to fulfill later with the response to the command that is about to be sent through the `NIO.Channel`.
    /// See `NIO.ChannelOutboundHandler.write(context:data:promise:)`
    public func write(context: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
        let commandPayload = self.unwrapOutboundIn(data)
        switch self.state {
        case let .error(e):

        case .draining:
        case .default:
                promise: promise

    /// Listens for ``RedisGracefulConnectionCloseEvent``. If such an event is received the handler will wait
    /// until all currently running commands have returned. Once all requests are fulfilled the handler will close the channel.
    /// If a command is sent on the channel, after the ``RedisGracefulConnectionCloseEvent`` was scheduled,
    /// the command will be failed with a ``RedisClientError/connectionClosed``.
    /// See `NIO.ChannelOutboundHandler.triggerUserOutboundEvent(context:event:promise:)`
    public func triggerUserOutboundEvent(context: ChannelHandlerContext, event: Any, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
        switch event {
        case is RedisGracefulConnectionCloseEvent:
            switch self.state {
            case .default:
                if self.commandResponseQueue.isEmpty {
                    self.state = .error(RedisClientError.connectionClosed)
                    context.close(mode: .all, promise: promise)
                } else {
                    self.state = .draining(promise)

            case .error, .draining:

            context.triggerUserOutboundEvent(event, promise: promise)

/// A channel event that informs the ``RedisCommandHandler`` that it should close the channel gracefully
public struct RedisGracefulConnectionCloseEvent {
    /// Creates a ``RedisGracefulConnectionCloseEvent``
    public init() {}