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# Summary of week 03 

## Thomas
I implemented a notification broadcast receiver such that we will only need to set the alarm from android system to broadcast to the broadcast receiver, at the right time when we will add an appointment to the user. I then change the implementation to use resource file so that it respects good practices and it will be easy to implement user defined parameter to choose when the reminder should start. There is however for android API 29,30 no sound from the notification , but it works with api 24

My task do not when smoothly as there for compatibility there is a lot of things to do, and I still have compatibility issue, moreover the documentation was not good and I got lost on my way to make it work, I finally step in a YouTube tutorial... Moreover, because it was a notification I needed to use uiautomator for testing, I had some bugs to resolve with my workspace. I did not implement the delete notification, task and set the notification to appear at desired time as I already work 10+ hour. However, for next week those tasks should go smoothly as when I did my task I prepared those tasks and I have already done most of the research needed.

Next time, I will not underestimate the "learning curve" of new to me android functionality (i.e broadcast receiver, uiautomator), and will probably try to make something work before trying to make it compatible with most android API. So that, I got the general sense of how to write my task and then adapt it so that it is well compatible
## Léo
I implemented the ability to create an appointment by making the necessary class and activity

My time estimate wasn't accurate, as even though I finished what I had to do, it took much longer than 8 hours. 

Next time, I'll need to choose a task/tasks which should take less time in order to avoid going over estimate.
## Mathis (Scrum Master)
I implemented the login functionality for users, using the firebase authentication. 

The work was longer than expected, as firebase has (in my opinion) a pretty bad documentation.

I might want to improve on predicting the time it takes for an item in the backlog.
## Adrien
I didn't manage to finish my task. I first made some researches on how to send/recieve messages. I found a solution using RealTimeDatabase from firebase, I created and initialized the database but when I started the implementation I faced many technical issues that I didn't solve yet.

My time estimate wasn't accurate, I wasted too much time on technical issues but once they are solved, I should be more efficient.

Next time I will finish my task and try to link it with the room activity so that a user can send a message and see the messages directly in the room.
## Sami
I implemented the room UI (Messages, room participants, room info). 

The work was longer than expected because the TabLayout of the room activity was very difficult to implement, the documentation beeing quite complex to understand.

Next time, I will try to not underestimate the time needed to understand specific part of the android API when choosing a user story to implement. 
## Youssef
I implemented the activity that takes care of showing the user his daily appointments.

y time estimate was a bit low compared to the time I actually spent working, considering I had to learn some stuff related to android studio.

For the next week, I'll try to manage my code better, as I spend too much time refactoring some methods I wrote.
## Overall team
This week, we laid the basics of the app : the user is able to login, there is an activity that displays messages, notifications can be sent out, and mettings can be scheduled and displayed.
The work to be done in the next few weeks mainly revolves around putting bricks together and ensuring all of them work together.
I think that for a first run, we managed to pull off a very decent work. We should however be more precise in the amount of work we achieve, in order not to burnout.