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package io.github.polysmee.calendar.fragments;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;

import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import io.github.polysmee.R;
import io.github.polysmee.appointments.AppointmentActivity;
import io.github.polysmee.calendar.CalendarAppointmentInfo;
import io.github.polysmee.calendar.DailyCalendar;

public class CalendarActivityFragmentsHelpers {

    private CalendarActivityFragmentsHelpers() {


     * Sets the text view on top of the chosen calendar fragment to the current day's date
     * @param rootView the rootView containing the date layout
     * @param publicApp determines if it's the public appointments fragment or not, so we can pass the right ids
    public static void setDayText(ViewGroup rootView, boolean publicApp) {
        ConstraintLayout dateLayout;
        TextView day;
        TextView month;
        if (!publicApp) {
            dateLayout = rootView.findViewById(;
            day = dateLayout.findViewById(;
            month = dateLayout.findViewById(;
        } else {
            dateLayout = rootView.findViewById(;
            day = dateLayout.findViewById(;
            month = dateLayout.findViewById(;
        long epochTimeToday = DailyCalendar.getDayEpochTimeAtMidnight(publicApp);
        Date today = new Date(epochTimeToday);

        SimpleDateFormat dayFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d", Locale.getDefault());

        SimpleDateFormat monthFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE", Locale.getDefault());

     * Sets the date to the day when the user launches the app at startup
     * @param publicApp boolean that decides which value is set; the one for the public calendar,
     *                  or the one for the personal one
    public static void setTodayDateInDailyCalendar(boolean publicApp) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        DailyCalendar.setDayEpochTimeAtMidnight(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH), calendar.get(Calendar.DATE), publicApp);

     * Method that will show the details for the appointment with the given id.
     * It will launch when clicking on the appointment's calendar entry when the appointment
     * hasn't begun yet.
     * @param id               the appointment of interest' id
     * @param calendarFragment the calendar fragment this method will be launched from
     * @param rootView         the fragment's rootview; needed to get the context to launch the intent.
    public static void goToAppointmentDetails(String id, Fragment calendarFragment, ViewGroup rootView) {
        Intent intent = new Intent(rootView.getContext(), AppointmentActivity.class);
        intent.putExtra(AppointmentActivity.LAUNCH_MODE, AppointmentActivity.DETAIL_MODE);
        intent.putExtra(AppointmentActivity.APPOINTMENT_ID, id);

     * Sets the image status of the appointment depending on if the appointment has ended (red), has yet to begin (green),
     * or is happening right now (yellow)
     * @param status the imageview containing the image to update
     * @param current the current time
     * @param startDate the appointment's start time
     * @param endDate the appointment's end time
    public static void setStatusImage(ImageView status, Date current, Date startDate , Date endDate){
        if (current.before(startDate))
        else if (current.after(endDate))

     * Adds the given calendar entry to the give scroll layout
     * @param rootView the ViewGroup having the original context
     * @param scrollLayout the scroll layout we'll add the calendar entry to
     * @param appointmentIdsToView the map containing mappings from appointment ids to the views for that appointment
     * @param appointment the appointment info of the appointment we're going to add to the scroll layout
     * @param appointmentEntryLayout the appointment's layout to add
    public static void addEntryToScrollLayout(ViewGroup rootView, LinearLayout scrollLayout, Map<String,View> appointmentIdsToView, CalendarAppointmentInfo appointment,ConstraintLayout appointmentEntryLayout){
        TextView emptySpace = new TextView(rootView.getContext());

        appointmentIdsToView.put(appointment.getId(), appointmentEntryLayout);
        appointmentIdsToView.put(appointment.getId() + 1, emptySpace);
