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<% if (RailsAjax.config.enabled?) %>

// Define callbacks used with asynchronous Ajax answers:
// railsAjax.beforeSend => railsAjax.success/railsAjax.error => railsAjax.complete
// There is no need to declare them if there is no use for them.

// Callback called before executing an Ajax call.
// This callback can return false to cancel the Ajax call.
// Parameters::
// * *ioXHR* (_Object_): The XHR object responsible for the Ajax call (can be modified if needed)
// * *iSettings* (_Object_): Settings used for the Ajax call
// Return::
// * _Boolean_: Do we validate the Ajax call ?
railsAjax.beforeSend = function(ioXHR, iSettings) {
  //alert('Going to issue a RailsAjax call');
  return true;

// Callback called when Ajax call is successfull
// Parameters::
// * *iXHR* (_Object_): The XHR object responsible for the Ajax call
// * *iData* (_String_): The received data
railsAjax.success = function(iXHR, iData) {
  //alert('Successful RailsAjax call');

// Callback called when Ajax call has failed
// Parameters::
// * *iXHR* (_Object_): The xhr object
// * *iError* (_Object_): The error
railsAjax.error = function(iXHR, iError) {
  alert('RailsAjax call failed with error ' + iXHR.status + ' (' + iXHR.statusText + '): ' + + ' - ' + iError.message);

// Callback called when Ajax call is completed (either successful or in error)
// Parameters::
// * *iXHR* (_Object_): The xhr object
railsAjax.complete = function(iXHR) {
  //alert('RailsAjax call complete');

<% end %>