

5 days
Test Coverage
(function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.chart.ctrls", []).controller("chartCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.easypiechart = {percent: 65, options: {animate: {duration: 1e3, enabled: !0}, barColor: "#31C0BE", lineCap: "round", size: 180, lineWidth: 5}}, $scope.easypiechart2 = {percent: 35, options: {animate: {duration: 1e3, enabled: !0}, barColor: "#66B5D7", lineCap: "round", size: 180, lineWidth: 10}}, $scope.easypiechart3 = {percent: 68, options: {animate: {duration: 1e3, enabled: !0}, barColor: "#60CD9B", lineCap: "square", size: 180, lineWidth: 20, scaleLength: 0}}, $scope.gaugeChart1 = {data: {maxValue: 3e3, animationSpeed: 40, val: 1375}, options: {lines: 12, angle: 0, lineWidth: .47, pointer: {length: .6, strokeWidth: .03, color: "#000000"}, limitMax: "false", colorStart: "#A3C86D", colorStop: "#A3C86D", strokeColor: "#E0E0E0", generateGradient: !0, percentColors: [
            [0, "#60CD9B"],
            [1, "#60CD9B"]
        ]}}, $scope.gaugeChart2 = {data: {maxValue: 3e3, animationSpeed: 45, val: 1200}, options: {lines: 12, angle: 0, lineWidth: .47, pointer: {length: .6, strokeWidth: .03, color: "#464646"}, limitMax: "true", colorStart: "#7ACBEE", colorStop: "#7ACBEE", strokeColor: "#F1F1F1", generateGradient: !0, percentColors: [
            [0, "#66B5D7"],
            [1, "#66B5D7"]
        ]}}, $scope.gaugeChart3 = {data: {maxValue: 3e3, animationSpeed: 50, val: 1100}, options: {lines: 12, angle: 0, lineWidth: .47, pointer: {length: .6, strokeWidth: .03, color: "#464646"}, limitMax: "true", colorStart: "#FF7857", colorStop: "#FF7857", strokeColor: "#F1F1F1", generateGradient: !0, percentColors: [
            [0, "#E87352"],
            [1, "#E87352"]
    }]).controller("morrisChartCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.mainData = [
            {month: "2013-01", xbox: 294e3, will: 136e3, playstation: 244e3},
            {month: "2013-02", xbox: 228e3, will: 335e3, playstation: 127e3},
            {month: "2013-03", xbox: 199e3, will: 159e3, playstation: 13e4},
            {month: "2013-04", xbox: 174e3, will: 16e4, playstation: 82e3},
            {month: "2013-05", xbox: 255e3, will: 318e3, playstation: 82e3},
            {month: "2013-06", xbox: 298400, will: 401800, playstation: 98600},
            {month: "2013-07", xbox: 37e4, will: 225e3, playstation: 159e3},
            {month: "2013-08", xbox: 376700, will: 303600, playstation: 13e4},
            {month: "2013-09", xbox: 527800, will: 301e3, playstation: 119400}
        ], $scope.simpleData = [
            {year: "2008", value: 20},
            {year: "2009", value: 10},
            {year: "2010", value: 5},
            {year: "2011", value: 5},
            {year: "2012", value: 20},
            {year: "2013", value: 19}
        ], $scope.comboData = [
            {year: "2008", a: 20, b: 16, c: 12},
            {year: "2009", a: 10, b: 22, c: 30},
            {year: "2010", a: 5, b: 14, c: 20},
            {year: "2011", a: 5, b: 12, c: 19},
            {year: "2012", a: 20, b: 19, c: 13},
            {year: "2013", a: 28, b: 22, c: 20}
        ], $scope.donutData = [
            {label: "Download Sales", value: 12},
            {label: "In-Store Sales", value: 30},
            {label: "Mail-Order Sales", value: 20},
            {label: "Online Sales", value: 19}
    }]).controller("flotChartCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        var areaChart, barChart, lineChart1;
        return lineChart1 = {}, lineChart1.data1 = [
            [1, 15],
            [2, 20],
            [3, 14],
            [4, 10],
            [5, 10],
            [6, 20],
            [7, 28],
            [8, 26],
            [9, 22],
            [10, 23],
            [11, 24]
        ], lineChart1.data2 = [
            [1, 9],
            [2, 15],
            [3, 17],
            [4, 21],
            [5, 16],
            [6, 15],
            [7, 13],
            [8, 15],
            [9, 29],
            [10, 21],
            [11, 29]
        ], $scope.line1 = {}, $ = [
            {data: lineChart1.data1, label: "Product A"},
            {data: lineChart1.data2, label: "Product B", lines: {fill: !1}}
        ], $scope.line1.options = {series: {lines: {show: !0, fill: !0, fillColor: {colors: [
            {opacity: 0},
            {opacity: .3}
        ]}}, points: {show: !0, lineWidth: 2, fill: !0, fillColor: "#ffffff", symbol: "circle", radius: 5}}, colors: ["#31C0BE", "#8170CA", "#E87352"], tooltip: !0, tooltipOpts: {defaultTheme: !1}, grid: {hoverable: !0, clickable: !0, tickColor: "#f9f9f9", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#eeeeee"}, xaxis: {ticks: [
            [1, "Jan."],
            [2, "Feb."],
            [3, "Mar."],
            [4, "Apr."],
            [5, "May"],
            [6, "June"],
            [7, "July"],
            [8, "Aug."],
            [9, "Sept."],
            [10, "Oct."],
            [11, "Nov."],
            [12, "Dec."]
        ]}}, areaChart = {}, areaChart.data1 = [
            [2007, 15],
            [2008, 20],
            [2009, 10],
            [2010, 5],
            [2011, 5],
            [2012, 20],
            [2013, 28]
        ], areaChart.data2 = [
            [2007, 15],
            [2008, 16],
            [2009, 22],
            [2010, 14],
            [2011, 12],
            [2012, 19],
            [2013, 22]
        ], $scope.area = {}, $ = [
            {data: areaChart.data1, label: "Value A", lines: {fill: !0}},
            {data: areaChart.data2, label: "Value B", points: {show: !0}, yaxis: 2}
        ], $scope.area.options = {series: {lines: {show: !0, fill: !1}, points: {show: !0, lineWidth: 2, fill: !0, fillColor: "#ffffff", symbol: "circle", radius: 5}, shadowSize: 0}, grid: {hoverable: !0, clickable: !0, tickColor: "#f9f9f9", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#eeeeee"}, colors: ["#60CD9B", "#8170CA"], tooltip: !0, tooltipOpts: {defaultTheme: !1}, xaxis: {mode: "time"}, yaxes: [
            {position: "right"}
        ]}, barChart = {}, barChart.data1 = [
            [2008, 20],
            [2009, 10],
            [2010, 5],
            [2011, 5],
            [2012, 20],
            [2013, 28]
        ], barChart.data2 = [
            [2008, 16],
            [2009, 22],
            [2010, 14],
            [2011, 12],
            [2012, 19],
            [2013, 22]
        ], barChart.data3 = [
            [2008, 12],
            [2009, 30],
            [2010, 20],
            [2011, 19],
            [2012, 13],
            [2013, 20]
        ], $scope.barChart = {}, $ = [
            {label: "Value A", data: barChart.data1},
            {label: "Value B", data: barChart.data2},
            {label: "Value C", data: barChart.data3}
        ], $scope.barChart.options = {series: {stack: !0, bars: {show: !0, fill: 1, barWidth: .3, align: "center", horizontal: !1, order: 1}}, grid: {hoverable: !0, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#eeeeee"}, tooltip: !0, tooltipOpts: {defaultTheme: !1}, colors: ["#60CD9B", "#66B5D7", "#EEC95A", "#E87352"]}, $scope.pieChart = {}, $ = [
            {label: "Download Sales", data: 12},
            {label: "In-Store Sales", data: 30},
            {label: "Mail-Order Sales", data: 20},
            {label: "Online Sales", data: 19}
        ], $scope.pieChart.options = {series: {pie: {show: !0}}, legend: {show: !0}, grid: {hoverable: !0, clickable: !0}, colors: ["#60CD9B", "#66B5D7", "#EEC95A", "#E87352"], tooltip: !0, tooltipOpts: {content: "%p.0%, %s", defaultTheme: !1}}, $scope.donutChart = {}, $ = [
            {label: "Download Sales", data: 12},
            {label: "In-Store Sales", data: 30},
            {label: "Mail-Order Sales", data: 20},
            {label: "Online Sales", data: 19}
        ], $scope.donutChart.options = {series: {pie: {show: !0, innerRadius: .5}}, legend: {show: !0}, grid: {hoverable: !0, clickable: !0}, colors: ["#60CD9B", "#66B5D7", "#EEC95A", "#E87352"], tooltip: !0, tooltipOpts: {content: "%p.0%, %s", defaultTheme: !1}}, $scope.donutChart2 = {}, $ = [
            {label: "Download Sales", data: 12},
            {label: "In-Store Sales", data: 30},
            {label: "Mail-Order Sales", data: 20},
            {label: "Online Sales", data: 19},
            {label: "Direct Sales", data: 15}
        ], $scope.donutChart2.options = {series: {pie: {show: !0, innerRadius: .5}}, legend: {show: !1}, grid: {hoverable: !0, clickable: !0}, colors: ["#1BB7A0", "#39B5B9", "#52A3BB", "#619CC4", "#6D90C5"], tooltip: !0, tooltipOpts: {content: "%p.0%, %s", defaultTheme: !1}}
    }]).controller("flotChartCtrl.realtime", ["$scope", function () {
    }]).controller("sparklineCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.demoData1 = {data: [3, 1, 2, 2, 4, 6, 4, 5, 2, 4, 5, 3, 4, 6, 4, 7], options: {type: "line", lineColor: "#fff", highlightLineColor: "#fff", fillColor: "#60CD9B", spotColor: !1, minSpotColor: !1, maxSpotColor: !1, width: "100%", height: "150px"}}, $scope.simpleChart1 = {data: [3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2], options: {type: "line", lineColor: "#31C0BE", fillColor: "#bce0df", spotColor: !1, minSpotColor: !1, maxSpotColor: !1}}, $scope.simpleChart2 = {data: [3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2], options: {type: "bar", barColor: "#31C0BE"}}, $scope.simpleChart3 = {data: [3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2], options: {type: "pie", sliceColors: ["#31C0BE", "#60CD9B", "#E87352", "#8170CA", "#EEC95A", "#60CD9B"]}}, $scope.tristateChart1 = {data: [1, 2, -3, -5, 3, 1, -4, 2], options: {type: "tristate", posBarColor: "#95b75d", negBarColor: "#fa8564"}}, $scope.largeChart1 = {data: [3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2], options: {type: "line", lineColor: "#674E9E", highlightLineColor: "#7ACBEE", fillColor: "#927ED1", spotColor: !1, minSpotColor: !1, maxSpotColor: !1, width: "100%", height: "150px"}}, $scope.largeChart2 = {data: [3, 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, 2], options: {type: "bar", barColor: "#31C0BE", barWidth: 10, width: "100%", height: "150px"}}, $scope.largeChart3 = {data: [3, 1, 2, 3, 5], options: {type: "pie", sliceColors: ["#31C0BE", "#60CD9B", "#E87352", "#8170CA", "#EEC95A", "#60CD9B"], width: "150px", height: "150px"}}
}).call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.chart.directives", []).directive("gaugeChart", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", scope: {data: "=", options: "="}, link: function (scope, ele) {
            var data, gauge, options;
            return data =, options = scope.options, gauge = new Gauge(ele[0]).setOptions(options), gauge.maxValue = data.maxValue, gauge.animationSpeed = data.animationSpeed, gauge.set(data.val)
    }]).directive("flotChart", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", scope: {data: "=", options: "="}, link: function (scope, ele) {
            var data, options, plot;
            return data =, options = scope.options, plot = $.plot(ele[0], data, options)
    }]).directive("flotChartRealtime", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
            var data, getRandomData, plot, totalPoints, update, updateInterval;
            return data = [], totalPoints = 300, getRandomData = function () {
                var i, prev, res, y;
                for (data.length > 0 && (data = data.slice(1)); data.length < totalPoints;)prev = data.length > 0 ? data[data.length - 1] : 50, y = prev + 10 * Math.random() - 5, 0 > y ? y = 0 : y > 100 && (y = 100), data.push(y);
                for (res = [], i = 0; i < data.length;)res.push([i, data[i]]), ++i;
                return res
            }, update = function () {
                plot.setData([getRandomData()]), plot.draw(), setTimeout(update, updateInterval)
            }, data = [], totalPoints = 300, updateInterval = 200, plot = $.plot(ele[0], [getRandomData()], {series: {lines: {show: !0, fill: !0}, shadowSize: 0}, yaxis: {min: 0, max: 100}, xaxis: {show: !1}, grid: {hoverable: !0, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#eeeeee"}, colors: ["#5BDDDC"]}), update()
    }]).directive("sparkline", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", scope: {data: "=", options: "="}, link: function (scope, ele) {
            var data, options, sparkResize, sparklineDraw;
            return data =, options = scope.options, sparkResize = void 0, sparklineDraw = function () {
                return ele.sparkline(data, options)
            }, $(window).resize(function () {
                return clearTimeout(sparkResize), sparkResize = setTimeout(sparklineDraw, 200)
            }), sparklineDraw()
    }]).directive("morrisChart", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", scope: {data: "="}, link: function (scope, ele, attrs) {
            var colors, data, func, options;
            switch (data =, attrs.type) {
                    return colors = void 0 === attrs.lineColors || "" === attrs.lineColors ? null : JSON.parse(attrs.lineColors), options = {element: ele[0], data: data, xkey: attrs.xkey, ykeys: JSON.parse(attrs.ykeys), labels: JSON.parse(attrs.labels), lineWidth: attrs.lineWidth || 2, lineColors: colors || ["#0b62a4", "#7a92a3", "#4da74d", "#afd8f8", "#edc240", "#cb4b4b", "#9440ed"], resize: !0}, new Morris.Line(options);
                    return colors = void 0 === attrs.lineColors || "" === attrs.lineColors ? null : JSON.parse(attrs.lineColors), options = {element: ele[0], data: data, xkey: attrs.xkey, ykeys: JSON.parse(attrs.ykeys), labels: JSON.parse(attrs.labels), lineWidth: attrs.lineWidth || 2, lineColors: colors || ["#0b62a4", "#7a92a3", "#4da74d", "#afd8f8", "#edc240", "#cb4b4b", "#9440ed"], behaveLikeLine: attrs.behaveLikeLine || !1, fillOpacity: attrs.fillOpacity || "auto", pointSize: attrs.pointSize || 4, resize: !0}, new Morris.Area(options);
                    return colors = void 0 === attrs.barColors || "" === attrs.barColors ? null : JSON.parse(attrs.barColors), options = {element: ele[0], data: data, xkey: attrs.xkey, ykeys: JSON.parse(attrs.ykeys), labels: JSON.parse(attrs.labels), barColors: colors || ["#0b62a4", "#7a92a3", "#4da74d", "#afd8f8", "#edc240", "#cb4b4b", "#9440ed"], stacked: attrs.stacked || null, resize: !0}, new Morris.Bar(options);
                    return colors = void 0 === attrs.colors || "" === attrs.colors ? null : JSON.parse(attrs.colors), options = {element: ele[0], data: data, colors: colors || ["#0B62A4", "#3980B5", "#679DC6", "#95BBD7", "#B0CCE1", "#095791", "#095085", "#083E67", "#052C48", "#042135"], resize: !0}, attrs.formatter && (func = new Function("y", "data", attrs.formatter), options.formatter = func), new Morris.Donut(options)
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.ui.form.ctrls", []).controller("TagsDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.tags = ["foo", "bar"]
    }]).controller("DatepickerDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $ = function () {
            return $scope.dt = new Date
        }, $, $scope.showWeeks = !0, $scope.toggleWeeks = function () {
            return $scope.showWeeks = !$scope.showWeeks
        }, $scope.clear = function () {
            return $scope.dt = null
        }, $scope.disabled = function (date, mode) {
            return"day" === mode && (0 === date.getDay() || 6 === date.getDay())
        }, $scope.toggleMin = function () {
            var _ref;
            return $scope.minDate = null != (_ref = $scope.minDate) ? _ref : {"null": new Date}
        }, $scope.toggleMin(), $ = function ($event) {
            return $event.preventDefault(), $event.stopPropagation(), $scope.opened = !0
        }, $scope.dateOptions = {"year-format": "'yy'", "starting-day": 1}, $scope.formats = ["dd-MMMM-yyyy", "yyyy/MM/dd", "shortDate"], $scope.format = $scope.formats[0]
    }]).controller("TimepickerDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.mytime = new Date, $scope.hstep = 1, $scope.mstep = 15, $scope.options = {hstep: [1, 2, 3], mstep: [1, 5, 10, 15, 25, 30]}, $scope.ismeridian = !0, $scope.toggleMode = function () {
            return $scope.ismeridian = !$scope.ismeridian
        }, $scope.update = function () {
            var d;
            return d = new Date, d.setHours(14), d.setMinutes(0), $scope.mytime = d
        }, $scope.changed = function () {
            return console.log("Time changed to: " + $scope.mytime)
        }, $scope.clear = function () {
            return $scope.mytime = null
    }]).controller("TypeaheadCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.selected = void 0, $scope.states = ["Alabama", "Alaska", "Arizona", "Arkansas", "California", "Colorado", "Connecticut", "Delaware", "Florida", "Georgia", "Hawaii", "Idaho", "Illinois", "Indiana", "Iowa", "Kansas", "Kentucky", "Louisiana", "Maine", "Maryland", "Massachusetts", "Michigan", "Minnesota", "Mississippi", "Missouri", "Montana", "Nebraska", "Nevada", "New Hampshire", "New Jersey", "New Mexico", "New York", "North Dakota", "North Carolina", "Ohio", "Oklahoma", "Oregon", "Pennsylvania", "Rhode Island", "South Carolina", "South Dakota", "Tennessee", "Texas", "Utah", "Vermont", "Virginia", "Washington", "West Virginia", "Wisconsin", "Wyoming"]
    }]).controller("RatingDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.rate = 7, $scope.max = 10, $scope.isReadonly = !1, $scope.hoveringOver = function (value) {
            return $scope.overStar = value, $scope.percent = 100 * (value / $scope.max)
        }, $scope.ratingStates = [
            {stateOn: "glyphicon-ok-sign", stateOff: "glyphicon-ok-circle"},
            {stateOn: "glyphicon-star", stateOff: "glyphicon-star-empty"},
            {stateOn: "glyphicon-heart", stateOff: "glyphicon-ban-circle"},
            {stateOn: "glyphicon-heart"},
            {stateOff: "glyphicon-off"}
}.call(this), function () {
    angular.module("app.ui.form.directives", []).directive("uiRangeSlider", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
            return ele.slider()
    }]).directive("uiFileUpload", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
            return ele.bootstrapFileInput()
    }]).directive("uiSpinner", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", compile: function (ele) {
            return ele.addClass("ui-spinner"), {post: function () {
                return ele.spinner()
    }]).directive("uiWizardForm", [function () {
        return{link: function (scope, ele) {
            return ele.steps()
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.form.validation", []).controller("wizardFormCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.wizard = {firstName: "some name", lastName: "", email: "", password: "", age: "", address: ""}, $scope.isValidateStep1 = function () {
            return console.log($scope.wizard_step1), console.log("" !== $scope.wizard.firstName), console.log("" === $scope.wizard.lastName), console.log("" !== $scope.wizard.firstName && "" !== $scope.wizard.lastName)
        }, $scope.finishedWizard = function () {
            return console.log("yoo")
    }]).controller("formConstraintsCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        var original;
        return $scope.form = {required: "", minlength: "", maxlength: "", length_rage: "", type_something: "", confirm_type: "", foo: "", email: "", url: "", num: "", minVal: "", maxVal: "", valRange: "", pattern: ""}, original = angular.copy($scope.form), $scope.revert = function () {
            return $scope.form = angular.copy(original), $scope.form_constraints.$setPristine()
        }, $scope.canRevert = function () {
            return!angular.equals($scope.form, original) || !$scope.form_constraints.$pristine
        }, $scope.canSubmit = function () {
            return $scope.form_constraints.$valid && !angular.equals($scope.form, original)
    }]).controller("signinCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        var original;
        return $scope.user = {email: "", password: ""}, $scope.showInfoOnSubmit = !1, original = angular.copy($scope.user), $scope.revert = function () {
            return $scope.user = angular.copy(original), $scope.form_signin.$setPristine()
        }, $scope.canRevert = function () {
            return!angular.equals($scope.user, original) || !$scope.form_signin.$pristine
        }, $scope.canSubmit = function () {
            return $scope.form_signin.$valid && !angular.equals($scope.user, original)
        }, $scope.submitForm = function () {
            return $scope.showInfoOnSubmit = !0, $scope.revert()
    }]).controller("signupCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        var original;
        return $scope.user = {name: "", email: "", password: "", confirmPassword: "", age: ""}, $scope.showInfoOnSubmit = !1, original = angular.copy($scope.user), $scope.revert = function () {
            return $scope.user = angular.copy(original), $scope.form_signup.$setPristine(), $scope.form_signup.confirmPassword.$setPristine()
        }, $scope.canRevert = function () {
            return!angular.equals($scope.user, original) || !$scope.form_signup.$pristine
        }, $scope.canSubmit = function () {
            return $scope.form_signup.$valid && !angular.equals($scope.user, original)
        }, $scope.submitForm = function () {
            return $scope.showInfoOnSubmit = !0, $scope.revert()
    }]).directive("validateEquals", [function () {
        return{require: "ngModel", link: function (scope, ele, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
            var validateEqual;
            return validateEqual = function (value) {
                var valid;
                return valid = value === scope.$eval(attrs.validateEquals), ngModelCtrl.$setValidity("equal", valid), "function" == typeof valid ? valid({value: void 0}) : void 0
            }, ngModelCtrl.$parsers.push(validateEqual), ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(validateEqual), scope.$watch(attrs.validateEquals, function (newValue, oldValue) {
                return newValue !== oldValue ? ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(ngModelCtrl.$ViewValue) : void 0
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("", []).directive("uiJqvmap", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", scope: {options: "="}, link: function (scope, ele) {
            var options;
            return options = scope.options, ele.vectorMap(options)
    }]).controller("jqvmapCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        var sample_data;
        return sample_data = {af: "16.63", al: "11.58", dz: "158.97", ao: "85.81", ag: "1.1", ar: "351.02", am: "8.83", au: "1219.72", at: "366.26", az: "52.17", bs: "7.54", bh: "21.73", bd: "105.4", bb: "3.96", by: "52.89", be: "461.33", bz: "1.43", bj: "6.49", bt: "1.4", bo: "19.18", ba: "16.2", bw: "12.5", br: "2023.53", bn: "11.96", bg: "44.84", bf: "8.67", bi: "1.47", kh: "11.36", cm: "21.88", ca: "1563.66", cv: "1.57", cf: "2.11", td: "7.59", cl: "199.18", cn: "5745.13", co: "283.11", km: "0.56", cd: "12.6", cg: "11.88", cr: "35.02", ci: "22.38", hr: "59.92", cy: "22.75", cz: "195.23", dk: "304.56", dj: "1.14", dm: "0.38", "do": "50.87", ec: "61.49", eg: "216.83", sv: "21.8", gq: "14.55", er: "2.25", ee: "19.22", et: "30.94", fj: "3.15", fi: "231.98", fr: "2555.44", ga: "12.56", gm: "1.04", ge: "11.23", de: "3305.9", gh: "18.06", gr: "305.01", gd: "0.65", gt: "40.77", gn: "4.34", gw: "0.83", gy: "2.2", ht: "6.5", hn: "15.34", hk: "226.49", hu: "132.28", is: "12.77", "in": "1430.02", id: "695.06", ir: "337.9", iq: "84.14", ie: "204.14", il: "201.25", it: "2036.69", jm: "13.74", jp: "5390.9", jo: "27.13", kz: "129.76", ke: "32.42", ki: "0.15", kr: "986.26", undefined: "5.73", kw: "117.32", kg: "4.44", la: "6.34", lv: "23.39", lb: "39.15", ls: "1.8", lr: "0.98", ly: "77.91", lt: "35.73", lu: "52.43", mk: "9.58", mg: "8.33", mw: "5.04", my: "218.95", mv: "1.43", ml: "9.08", mt: "7.8", mr: "3.49", mu: "9.43", mx: "1004.04", md: "5.36", mn: "5.81", me: "3.88", ma: "91.7", mz: "10.21", mm: "35.65", na: "11.45", np: "15.11", nl: "770.31", nz: "138", ni: "6.38", ne: "5.6", ng: "206.66", no: "413.51", om: "53.78", pk: "174.79", pa: "27.2", pg: "8.81", py: "17.17", pe: "153.55", ph: "189.06", pl: "438.88", pt: "223.7", qa: "126.52", ro: "158.39", ru: "1476.91", rw: "5.69", ws: "0.55", st: "0.19", sa: "434.44", sn: "12.66", rs: "38.92", sc: "0.92", sl: "1.9", sg: "217.38", sk: "86.26", si: "46.44", sb: "0.67", za: "354.41", es: "1374.78", lk: "48.24", kn: "0.56", lc: "1", vc: "0.58", sd: "65.93", sr: "3.3", sz: "3.17", se: "444.59", ch: "522.44", sy: "59.63", tw: "426.98", tj: "5.58", tz: "22.43", th: "312.61", tl: "0.62", tg: "3.07", to: "0.3", tt: "21.2", tn: "43.86", tr: "729.05", tm: 0, ug: "17.12", ua: "136.56", ae: "239.65", gb: "2258.57", us: "14624.18", uy: "40.71", uz: "37.72", vu: "0.72", ve: "285.21", vn: "101.99", ye: "30.02", zm: "15.69", zw: "5.57"}, $scope.worldMap = {map: "world_en", backgroundColor: null, color: "#ffffff", hoverOpacity: .7, selectedColor: "#666666", enableZoom: !0, showTooltip: !0, values: sample_data, scaleColors: ["#C4FFFF", "#07C0BB"], normalizeFunction: "polynomial"}, $scope.USAMap = {map: "usa_en", backgroundColor: null, color: "#ffffff", hoverColor: "#999999", selectedColor: "#666666", enableZoom: !0, showTooltip: !0, selectedRegion: "MO"}, $scope.europeMap = {map: "europe_en", backgroundColor: null, color: "#ffffff", hoverOpacity: .7, hoverColor: "#999999", enableZoom: !1, showTooltip: !1, values: sample_data, scaleColors: ["#C4FFFF", "#07C0BB"], normalizeFunction: "polynomial"}
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("", []).controller("invoiceCtrl", ["$scope", "$window", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.printInvoice = function () {
            var originalContents, popupWin, printContents;
            return printContents = document.getElementById("invoice").innerHTML, originalContents = document.body.innerHTML, popupWin =,, popupWin.document.write('<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/main.css" /></head><body onload="window.print()">' + printContents + "</html>"), popupWin.document.close()
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.tables", []).controller("tableCtrl", ["$scope", "$filter", function ($scope, $filter) {
        var init;
        return $scope.stores = [
            {name: "Nijiya Market", price: "$$", sales: 292, rating: 4},
            {name: "Eat On Monday Truck", price: "$", sales: 119, rating: 4.3},
            {name: "Tea Era", price: "$", sales: 874, rating: 4},
            {name: "Rogers Deli", price: "$", sales: 347, rating: 4.2},
            {name: "MoBowl", price: "$$$", sales: 24, rating: 4.6},
            {name: "The Milk Pail Market", price: "$", sales: 543, rating: 4.5},
            {name: "Nob Hill Foods", price: "$$", sales: 874, rating: 4},
            {name: "Scratch", price: "$$$", sales: 643, rating: 3.6},
            {name: "Gochi Japanese Fusion Tapas", price: "$$$", sales: 56, rating: 4.1},
            {name: "Cost Plus World Market", price: "$$", sales: 79, rating: 4},
            {name: "Bumble Bee Health Foods", price: "$$", sales: 43, rating: 4.3},
            {name: "Costco", price: "$$", sales: 219, rating: 3.6},
            {name: "Red Rock Coffee Co", price: "$", sales: 765, rating: 4.1},
            {name: "99 Ranch Market", price: "$", sales: 181, rating: 3.4},
            {name: "Mi Pueblo Food Center", price: "$", sales: 78, rating: 4},
            {name: "Cucina Venti", price: "$$", sales: 163, rating: 3.3},
            {name: "Sufi Coffee Shop", price: "$", sales: 113, rating: 3.3},
            {name: "Dana Street Roasting", price: "$", sales: 316, rating: 4.1},
            {name: "Pearl Cafe", price: "$", sales: 173, rating: 3.4},
            {name: "Posh Bagel", price: "$", sales: 140, rating: 4},
            {name: "Artisan Wine Depot", price: "$$", sales: 26, rating: 4.1},
            {name: "Hong Kong Chinese Bakery", price: "$", sales: 182, rating: 3.4},
            {name: "Starbucks", price: "$$", sales: 97, rating: 3.7},
            {name: "Tapioca Express", price: "$", sales: 301, rating: 3},
            {name: "House of Bagels", price: "$", sales: 82, rating: 4.4}
        ], $scope.searchKeywords = "", $scope.filteredStores = [], $scope.row = "", $ = function (page) {
            var end, start;
            return start = (page - 1) * $scope.numPerPage, end = start + $scope.numPerPage, $scope.currentPageStores = $scope.filteredStores.slice(start, end)
        }, $scope.onFilterChange = function () {
            return $, $scope.currentPage = 1, $scope.row = ""
        }, $scope.onNumPerPageChange = function () {
            return $, $scope.currentPage = 1
        }, $scope.onOrderChange = function () {
            return $, $scope.currentPage = 1
        }, $ = function () {
            return $scope.filteredStores = $filter("filter")($scope.stores, $scope.searchKeywords), $scope.onFilterChange()
        }, $scope.order = function (rowName) {
            return $scope.row !== rowName ? ($scope.row = rowName, $scope.filteredStores = $filter("orderBy")($scope.stores, rowName), $scope.onOrderChange()) : void 0
        }, $scope.numPerPageOpt = [3, 5, 10, 20], $scope.numPerPage = $scope.numPerPageOpt[2], $scope.currentPage = 1, $scope.currentPageStores = [], (init = function () {
            return $, $$scope.currentPage)
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.task", []).factory("taskStorage",function () {
        return STORAGE_ID = "tasks", DEMO_TASKS = '[ {"title": "Finish homework", "completed": true}, {"title": "Make a call", "completed": true}, {"title": "Build a snowman!", "completed": false}, {"title": "Tango! Tango! Tango!", "completed": false}, {"title": "Play games with friends", "completed": false}, {"title": "Shopping", "completed": false} ]', {get: function () {
            return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_ID) || DEMO_TASKS)
        }, put: function (tasks) {
            return localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_ID, JSON.stringify(tasks))
    }).directive("taskFocus", ["$timeout", function ($timeout) {
        return{link: function (scope, ele, attrs) {
            return scope.$watch(attrs.taskFocus, function (newVal) {
                return newVal ? $timeout(function () {
                    return ele[0].focus()
                }, 0, !1) : void 0
    }]).controller("taskCtrl", ["$scope", "taskStorage", "filterFilter", "$rootScope", "logger", function ($scope, taskStorage, filterFilter, $rootScope, logger) {
        var tasks;
        return tasks = $scope.tasks = taskStorage.get(), $scope.newTask = "", $scope.remainingCount = filterFilter(tasks, {completed: !1}).length, $scope.editedTask = null, $scope.statusFilter = {completed: !1}, $scope.filter = function (filter) {
            switch (filter) {
                    return $scope.statusFilter = "";
                    return $scope.statusFilter = {completed: !1};
                    return $scope.statusFilter = {completed: !0}
        }, $scope.add = function () {
            var newTask;
            return newTask = $scope.newTask.trim(), 0 !== newTask.length ? (tasks.push({title: newTask, completed: !1}), logger.logSuccess('New task: "' + newTask + '" added'), taskStorage.put(tasks), $scope.newTask = "", $scope.remainingCount++) : void 0
        }, $scope.edit = function (task) {
            return $scope.editedTask = task
        }, $scope.doneEditing = function (task) {
            return $scope.editedTask = null, task.title = task.title.trim(), task.title ? logger.log("Task updated") : $scope.remove(task), taskStorage.put(tasks)
        }, $scope.remove = function (task) {
            var index;
            return $scope.remainingCount -= task.completed ? 0 : 1, index = $scope.tasks.indexOf(task), $scope.tasks.splice(index, 1), taskStorage.put(tasks), logger.logError("Task removed")
        }, $scope.completed = function (task) {
            return $scope.remainingCount += task.completed ? -1 : 1, taskStorage.put(tasks), task.completed ? $scope.remainingCount > 0 ? logger.log(1 === $scope.remainingCount ? "Almost there! Only " + $scope.remainingCount + " task left" : "Good job! Only " + $scope.remainingCount + " tasks left") : logger.logSuccess("Congrats! All done :)") : void 0
        }, $scope.clearCompleted = function () {
            return $scope.tasks = tasks = tasks.filter(function (val) {
            }), taskStorage.put(tasks)
        }, $scope.markAll = function (completed) {
            return tasks.forEach(function (task) {
                return task.completed = completed
            }), $scope.remainingCount = completed ? 0 : tasks.length, taskStorage.put(tasks), completed ? logger.logSuccess("Congrats! All done :)") : void 0
        }, $scope.$watch("remainingCount == 0", function (val) {
            return $scope.allChecked = val
        }), $scope.$watch("remainingCount", function (newVal) {
            return $rootScope.$broadcast("taskRemaining:changed", newVal)
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.ui.ctrls", []).controller("NotifyCtrl", ["$scope", "logger", function ($scope, logger) {
        return $scope.notify = function (type) {
            switch (type) {
                    return logger.log("Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it's not super important.");
                    return logger.logSuccess("Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.");
                    return logger.logWarning("Warning! Best check yo self, you're not looking too good.");
                    return logger.logError("Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.")
    }]).controller("AlertDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.alerts = [
            {type: "success", msg: "Well done! You successfully read this important alert message."},
            {type: "info", msg: "Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it is not super important."},
            {type: "warning", msg: "Warning! Best check yo self, you're not looking too good."},
            {type: "danger", msg: "Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again."}
        ], $scope.addAlert = function () {
            var num, type;
            switch (num = Math.ceil(4 * Math.random()), type = void 0, num) {
                case 0:
                    type = "info";
                case 1:
                    type = "success";
                case 2:
                    type = "info";
                case 3:
                    type = "warning";
                case 4:
                    type = "danger"
            return $scope.alerts.push({type: type, msg: "Another alert!"})
        }, $scope.closeAlert = function (index) {
            return $scope.alerts.splice(index, 1)
    }]).controller("ProgressDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.max = 200, $scope.random = function () {
            var type, value;
            value = Math.floor(100 * Math.random() + 10), type = void 0, type = 25 > value ? "success" : 50 > value ? "info" : 75 > value ? "warning" : "danger", $scope.showWarning = "danger" === type || "warning" === type, $scope.dynamic = value, $scope.type = type
        }, $scope.random()
    }]).controller("AccordionDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        $scope.oneAtATime = !0, $scope.groups = [
            {title: "Dynamic Group Header - 1", content: "Dynamic Group Body - 1"},
            {title: "Dynamic Group Header - 2", content: "Dynamic Group Body - 2"},
            {title: "Dynamic Group Header - 3", content: "Dynamic Group Body - 3"}
        ], $scope.items = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"], $scope.addItem = function () {
            var newItemNo;
            newItemNo = $scope.items.length + 1, $scope.items.push("Item " + newItemNo)
    }]).controller("CollapseDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.isCollapsed = !1
    }]).controller("ModalDemoCtrl", ["$scope", "$modal", "$log", function ($scope, $modal, $log) {
        $scope.items = ["item1", "item2", "item3"], $ = function () {
            var modalInstance;
            modalInstance = ${templateUrl: "myModalContent.html", controller: "ModalInstanceCtrl", resolve: {items: function () {
                return $scope.items
            }}}), modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) {
                $scope.selected = selectedItem
            }, function () {
                $"Modal dismissed at: " + new Date)
    }]).controller("ModalInstanceCtrl", ["$scope", "$modalInstance", "items", function ($scope, $modalInstance, items) {
        $scope.items = items, $scope.selected = {item: $scope.items[0]}, $scope.ok = function () {
        }, $scope.cancel = function () {
    }]).controller("PaginationDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.totalItems = 64, $scope.currentPage = 4, $scope.maxSize = 5, $scope.setPage = function (pageNo) {
            return $scope.currentPage = pageNo
        }, $scope.bigTotalItems = 175, $scope.bigCurrentPage = 1
    }]).controller("TabsDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.tabs = [
            {title: "Dynamic Title 1", content: "Dynamic content 1. Consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil, quidem, officiis, et ex laudantium sed cupiditate voluptatum libero nobis sit illum voluptates beatae ab. Ad, repellendus non sequi et at."},
            {title: "Disabled", content: "Dynamic content 2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil, quidem, officiis, et ex laudantium sed cupiditate voluptatum libero nobis sit illum voluptates beatae ab. Ad, repellendus non sequi et at.", disabled: !0}
        ], $scope.navType = "pills"
    }]).controller("TreeDemoCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
        return $scope.list = [
            {id: 1, title: "Item 1", items: []},
            {id: 2, title: "Item 2", items: [
                {id: 21, title: "Item 2.1", items: [
                    {id: 211, title: "Item 2.1.1", items: []},
                    {id: 212, title: "Item 2.1.2", items: []}
                {id: 22, title: "Item 2.2", items: [
                    {id: 221, title: "Item 2.2.1", items: []},
                    {id: 222, title: "Item 2.2.2", items: []}
            {id: 3, title: "Item 3", items: []},
            {id: 4, title: "Item 4", items: [
                {id: 41, title: "Item 4.1", items: []}
            {id: 5, title: "Item 5", items: []},
            {id: 6, title: "Item 6", items: []},
            {id: 7, title: "Item 7", items: []}
        ], $scope.selectedItem = {}, $scope.options = {}, $scope.remove = function (scope) {
        }, $scope.toggle = function (scope) {
        }, $scope.newSubItem = function (scope) {
            var nodeData;
            nodeData = scope.$modelValue, nodeData.items.push({id: 10 * + nodeData.items.length, title: nodeData.title + "." + (nodeData.items.length + 1), items: []})
    }]).controller("MapDemoCtrl", ["$scope", "$http", "$interval", function ($scope, $http, $interval) {
        var i, markers;
        for (markers = [], i = 0; 8 > i;)markers[i] = new google.maps.Marker({title: "Marker: " + i}), i++;
        $scope.GenerateMapMarkers = function () {
            var d, lat, lng, loc, numMarkers;
            for (d = new Date, $ = d.toLocaleString(), numMarkers = Math.floor(4 * Math.random()) + 4, i = 0; numMarkers > i;)lat = 43.66 + Math.random() / 100, lng = -79.4103 + Math.random() / 100, loc = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng), markers[i].setPosition(loc), markers[i].setMap($, i++
        }, $interval($scope.GenerateMapMarkers, 2e3)
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.ui.directives", []).directive("uiTime", [function () {
            return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
                var checkTime, startTime;
                return startTime = function () {
                    var h, m, s, t, time, today;
                    return today = new Date, h = today.getHours(), m = today.getMinutes(), s = today.getSeconds(), m = checkTime(m), s = checkTime(s), time = h + ":" + m + ":" + s, ele.html(time), t = setTimeout(startTime, 500)
                }, checkTime = function (i) {
                    return 10 > i && (i = "0" + i), i
                }, startTime()
        }]).directive("uiWeather", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele, attrs) {
            var color, icon, skycons;
            return color = attrs.color, icon = Skycons[attrs.icon], skycons = new Skycons({color: color, resizeClear: !0}), skycons.add(ele[0], icon),
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("", []).factory("logger", [function () {
        var logIt;
        return toastr.options = {closeButton: !0, positionClass: "toast-bottom-right", timeOut: "3000"}, logIt = function (message, type) {
            return toastr[type](message)
        }, {log: function (message) {
            logIt(message, "info")
        }, logWarning: function (message) {
            logIt(message, "warning")
        }, logSuccess: function (message) {
            logIt(message, "success")
        }, logError: function (message) {
            logIt(message, "error")
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app", ["ngRoute", "ngAnimate", "ui.bootstrap", "easypiechart", "mgo-angular-wizard", "textAngular", "ui.tree", "ngMap", "ngTagsInput", "app.ui.ctrls", "app.ui.directives", "", "app.controllers", "app.directives", "app.form.validation", "app.ui.form.ctrls", "app.ui.form.directives", "app.tables", "", "app.task", "app.localization", "app.chart.ctrls", "app.chart.directives", ""]).config(["$routeProvider", function ($routeProvider) {
        return $routeProvider.when("/", {redirectTo: "/dashboard"}).when("/dashboard", {templateUrl: "views/dashboard.html"}).when("/ui/typography", {templateUrl: "views/ui/typography.html"}).when("/ui/buttons", {templateUrl: "views/ui/buttons.html"}).when("/ui/icons", {templateUrl: "views/ui/icons.html"}).when("/ui/grids", {templateUrl: "views/ui/grids.html"}).when("/ui/widgets", {templateUrl: "views/ui/widgets.html"}).when("/ui/components", {templateUrl: "views/ui/components.html"}).when("/ui/timeline", {templateUrl: "views/ui/timeline.html"}).when("/ui/nested-lists", {templateUrl: "views/ui/nested-lists.html"}).when("/ui/pricing-tables", {templateUrl: "views/ui/pricing-tables.html"}).when("/forms/elements", {templateUrl: "views/forms/elements.html"}).when("/forms/layouts", {templateUrl: "views/forms/layouts.html"}).when("/forms/validation", {templateUrl: "views/forms/validation.html"}).when("/forms/wizard", {templateUrl: "views/forms/wizard.html"}).when("/maps/gmap", {templateUrl: "views/maps/gmap.html"}).when("/maps/jqvmap", {templateUrl: "views/maps/jqvmap.html"}).when("/tables/static", {templateUrl: "views/tables/static.html"}).when("/tables/responsive", {templateUrl: "views/tables/responsive.html"}).when("/tables/dynamic", {templateUrl: "views/tables/dynamic.html"}).when("/charts/others", {templateUrl: "views/charts/charts.html"}).when("/charts/morris", {templateUrl: "views/charts/morris.html"}).when("/charts/flot", {templateUrl: "views/charts/flot.html"}).when("/mail/inbox", {templateUrl: "views/mail/inbox.html"}).when("/mail/compose", {templateUrl: "views/mail/compose.html"}).when("/mail/single", {templateUrl: "views/mail/single.html"}).when("/pages/features", {templateUrl: "views/pages/features.html"}).when("/pages/signin", {templateUrl: "views/pages/signin.html"}).when("/pages/signup", {templateUrl: "views/pages/signup.html"}).when("/pages/forgot", {templateUrl: "views/pages/forgot-password.html"}).when("/pages/lock-screen", {templateUrl: "views/pages/lock-screen.html"}).when("/pages/profile", {templateUrl: "views/pages/profile.html"}).when("/404", {templateUrl: "views/pages/404.html"}).when("/pages/500", {templateUrl: "views/pages/500.html"}).when("/pages/blank", {templateUrl: "views/pages/blank.html"}).when("/pages/invoice", {templateUrl: "views/pages/invoice.html"}).when("/pages/services", {templateUrl: "views/pages/services.html"}).when("/pages/about", {templateUrl: "views/pages/about.html"}).when("/pages/contact", {templateUrl: "views/pages/contact.html"}).when("/tasks", {templateUrl: "views/tasks/tasks.html"}).otherwise({redirectTo: "/404"})
}.call(this), function () {
    angular.module("app.directives", []).directive("imgHolder", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
            return{images: ele[0]})
    }]).directive("customBackground",function () {
        return{restrict: "A", controller: ["$scope", "$element", "$location", function ($scope, $element, $location) {
            var addBg, path;
            return path = function () {
                return $location.path()
            }, addBg = function (path) {
                switch ($element.removeClass("body-home body-special body-tasks body-lock"), path) {
                        return $element.addClass("body-home");
                        return $element.addClass("body-special");
                        return $element.addClass("body-special body-lock");
                        return $element.addClass("body-tasks")
            }, addBg($location.path()), $scope.$watch(path, function (newVal, oldVal) {
                return newVal !== oldVal ? addBg($location.path()) : void 0
    }).directive("uiColorSwitch", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
            return ele.find(".color-option").on("click", function (event) {
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                if ($this = $(this), hrefUrl = void 0, style = $"style"), "loulou" === style)hrefUrl = "styles/main.css", $('link[href^="styles/main"]').attr("href", hrefUrl); else {
                    if (!style)return!1;
                    style = "-" + style, hrefUrl = "styles/main" + style + ".css", $('link[href^="styles/main"]').attr("href", hrefUrl)
                return event.preventDefault()
    }]).directive("toggleMinNav", ["$rootScope", function ($rootScope) {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
            var $content, $nav, $window, Timer, app, updateClass;
            return app = $("#app"), $window = $(window), $nav = $("#nav-container"), $content = $("#content"), ele.on("click", function (e) {
                return app.hasClass("nav-min") ? app.removeClass("nav-min") : (app.addClass("nav-min"), $rootScope.$broadcast("minNav:enabled")), e.preventDefault()
            }), Timer = void 0, updateClass = function () {
                var width;
                return width = $window.width(), 768 > width ? app.removeClass("nav-min") : void 0
            }, $window.resize(function () {
                var t;
                return clearTimeout(t), t = setTimeout(updateClass, 300)
    }]).directive("collapseNav", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
            var $a, $aRest, $lists, $listsRest, app;
            return $lists = ele.find("ul").parent("li"), $lists.append('<i class="fa fa-caret-right icon-has-ul"></i>'), $a = $lists.children("a"), $listsRest = ele.children("li").not($lists), $aRest = $listsRest.children("a"), app = $("#app"), $a.on("click", function (event) {
                var $parent, $this;
                return app.hasClass("nav-min") ? !1 : ($this = $(this), $parent = $this.parent("li"), $lists.not($parent).removeClass("open").find("ul").slideUp(), $parent.toggleClass("open").find("ul").slideToggle(), event.preventDefault())
            }), $aRest.on("click", function () {
                return $lists.removeClass("open").find("ul").slideUp()
            }), scope.$on("minNav:enabled", function () {
                return $lists.removeClass("open").find("ul").slideUp()
    }]).directive("highlightActive", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", controller: ["$scope", "$element", "$attrs", "$location", function ($scope, $element, $attrs, $location) {
            var highlightActive, links, path;
            return links = $element.find("a"), path = function () {
                return $location.path()
            }, highlightActive = function (links, path) {
                return path = "#" + path, angular.forEach(links, function (link) {
                    var $li, $link, href;
                    return $link = angular.element(link), $li = $link.parent("li"), href = $link.attr("href"), $li.hasClass("active") && $li.removeClass("active"), 0 === path.indexOf(href) ? $li.addClass("active") : void 0
            }, highlightActive(links, $location.path()), $scope.$watch(path, function (newVal, oldVal) {
                return newVal !== oldVal ? highlightActive(links, $location.path()) : void 0
    }]).directive("toggleOffCanvas", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele) {
            return ele.on("click", function () {
                return $("#app").toggleClass("on-canvas")
    }]).directive("slimScroll", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", link: function (scope, ele, attrs) {
            return ele.slimScroll({height: attrs.scrollHeight || "100%"})
    }]).directive("goBack", [function () {
        return{restrict: "A", controller: ["$scope", "$element", "$window", function ($scope, $element, $window) {
            return $element.on("click", function () {
                return $window.history.back()
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.localization", []).factory("localize", ["$http", "$rootScope", "$window", function ($http, $rootScope, $window) {
        var localize;
        return localize = {language: "", url: void 0, resourceFileLoaded: !1, successCallback: function (data) {
            return localize.dictionary = data, localize.resourceFileLoaded = !0, $rootScope.$broadcast("localizeResourcesUpdated")
        }, setLanguage: function (value) {
            return localize.language = value.toLowerCase().split("-")[0], localize.initLocalizedResources()
        }, setUrl: function (value) {
            return localize.url = value, localize.initLocalizedResources()
        }, buildUrl: function () {
            return localize.language || (localize.language = ($window.navigator.userLanguage || $window.navigator.language).toLowerCase(), localize.language = localize.language.split("-")[0]), "i18n/resources-locale_" + localize.language + ".js"
        }, initLocalizedResources: function () {
            var url;
            return url = localize.url || localize.buildUrl(), $http({method: "GET", url: url, cache: !1}).success(localize.successCallback).error(function () {
                return $rootScope.$broadcast("localizeResourcesUpdated")
        }, getLocalizedString: function (value) {
            var result, valueLowerCase;
            return result = void 0, localize.dictionary && value ? (valueLowerCase = value.toLowerCase(), result = "" === localize.dictionary[valueLowerCase] ? value : localize.dictionary[valueLowerCase]) : result = value, result
    }]).directive("i18n", ["localize", function (localize) {
        var i18nDirective;
        return i18nDirective = {restrict: "EA", updateText: function (ele, input, placeholder) {
            var result;
            return result = void 0, "i18n-placeholder" === input ? (result = localize.getLocalizedString(placeholder), ele.attr("placeholder", result)) : input.length >= 1 ? (result = localize.getLocalizedString(input), ele.text(result)) : void 0
        }, link: function (scope, ele, attrs) {
            return scope.$on("localizeResourcesUpdated", function () {
                return i18nDirective.updateText(ele, attrs.i18n, attrs.placeholder)
            }), attrs.$observe("i18n", function (value) {
                return i18nDirective.updateText(ele, value, attrs.placeholder)
    }]).controller("LangCtrl", ["$scope", "localize", function ($scope, localize) {
        return $scope.lang = "English", $scope.setLang = function (lang) {
            switch (lang) {
                case"Русский язык":
            return $scope.lang = lang
        }, $scope.getFlag = function () {
            var lang;
            switch (lang = $scope.lang) {
                case"Русский язык":
}.call(this), function () {
    "use strict";
    angular.module("app.controllers", []).controller("AppCtrl", ["$scope", "$location", function ($scope, $location) {
        return $scope.isSpecificPage = function () {
            var path;
            return path = $location.path(), _.contains(["/404", "/pages/500", "/pages/login", "/pages/signin", "/pages/signin1", "/pages/signin2", "/pages/signup", "/pages/signup1", "/pages/signup2", "/pages/forgot", "/pages/lock-screen"], path)
        }, $scope.main = {brand: "Square", name: "Lisa Doe"}
    }]).controller("NavCtrl", ["$scope", "taskStorage", "filterFilter", function ($scope, taskStorage, filterFilter) {
        var tasks;
        return tasks = $scope.tasks = taskStorage.get(), $scope.taskRemainingCount = filterFilter(tasks, {completed: !1}).length, $scope.$on("taskRemaining:changed", function (event, count) {
            return $scope.taskRemainingCount = count
    }]).controller("DashboardCtrl", ["$scope", function () {