import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone, time
from decimal import Decimal
import falcon
import mysql.connector
import simplejson as json
from core import utilities
from core.useractivity import access_control, api_key_control
import config
class Reporting:
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes Class"""
def on_options(req, resp, id_):
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
# Step 1: valid parameters
# Step 2: query the energy storage power station
# Step 3: query associated containers
# Step 4: query analog points latest values
# Step 5: query energy points latest values
# Step 6: query digital points latest values
# Step 7: query the points of batteries
# Step 8: construct the report
def on_get(req, resp, id_):
if 'API-KEY' not in req.headers or \
not isinstance(req.headers['API-KEY'], str) or \
len(str.strip(req.headers['API-KEY'])) == 0:
# Step 1: valid parameters
if not id_.isdigit() or int(id_) <= 0:
raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST',
energy_storage_power_station_id = id_
# Step 2: query the energy storage power station
cnx_system = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db)
cursor_system = cnx_system.cursor()
cnx_historical = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_historical_db)
cursor_historical = cnx_historical.cursor()
if energy_storage_power_station_id is not None:
query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_stations "
" WHERE id = %s ")
cursor_system.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_id,))
row = cursor_system.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_404, title='API.NOT_FOUND',
energy_storage_power_station_id = row[0]
meta_result = {"id": row[0],
"name": row[1],
"uuid": row[2]}
# Step 3: query associated containers
# todo: query multiple energy storage containers
container_list = list()
cursor_system.execute(" SELECT,, c.uuid "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_stations_containers espsc, "
" tbl_energy_storage_containers c "
" WHERE espsc.energy_storage_power_station_id = %s "
" AND espsc.energy_storage_container_id ="
" LIMIT 1 ",
row_container = cursor_system.fetchone()
if row_container is not None:
container_list.append({"id": row_container[0],
"name": row_container[1],
"uuid": row_container[2]})
# todo: if len(container_list) == 0
print('container_list:' + str(container_list))
# Step 4: query analog points latest values
latest_value_dict = dict()
query = (" SELECT point_id, actual_value "
" FROM tbl_analog_value_latest "
" WHERE utc_date_time > %s ")
cursor_historical.execute(query, (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=60),))
rows = cursor_historical.fetchall()
if rows is not None and len(rows) > 0:
for row in rows:
latest_value_dict[row[0]] = row[1]
# Step 5: query energy points latest values
query = (" SELECT point_id, actual_value "
" FROM tbl_energy_value_latest "
" WHERE utc_date_time > %s ")
cursor_historical.execute(query, (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=60),))
rows = cursor_historical.fetchall()
if rows is not None and len(rows) > 0:
for row in rows:
latest_value_dict[row[0]] = row[1]
# Step 6: query digital points latest values
query = (" SELECT point_id, actual_value "
" FROM tbl_digital_value_latest "
" WHERE utc_date_time > %s ")
cursor_historical.execute(query, (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=60),))
rows = cursor_historical.fetchall()
if rows is not None and len(rows) > 0:
for row in rows:
latest_value_dict[row[0]] = row[1]
# Step 7: query the points of batteries
# query battery parameters
battery_list = list()
cursor_system.execute(" SELECT id, name, uuid, "
" battery_state_point_id, "
" soc_point_id, "
" power_point_id, "
" communication_status_with_pcs_point_id, "
" communication_status_with_ems_point_id, "
" grid_status_point_id, "
" total_voltage_point_id, "
" total_current_point_id, "
" soh_point_id, "
" charging_power_limit_point_id, "
" discharge_limit_power_point_id, "
" rechargeable_capacity_point_id, "
" dischargeable_capacity_point_id, "
" average_temperature_point_id, "
" average_voltage_point_id, "
" insulation_value_point_id, "
" positive_insulation_value_point_id, "
" negative_insulation_value_point_id, "
" maximum_temperature_point_id, "
" maximum_temperature_battery_cell_point_id, "
" minimum_temperature_point_id, "
" minimum_temperature_battery_cell_point_id, "
" maximum_voltage_point_id, "
" maximum_voltage_battery_cell_point_id, "
" minimum_voltage_point_id, "
" minimum_voltage_battery_cell_point_id "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_containers_batteries "
" WHERE energy_storage_container_id = %s "
" ORDER BY id "
" LIMIT 1 ",
rows_batteries = cursor_system.fetchall()
if rows_batteries is not None and len(rows_batteries) > 0:
for row in rows_batteries:
current_battery = dict()
current_battery['id'] = row[0]
current_battery['name'] = row[1]
current_battery['uuid'] = row[2]
current_battery['battery_state_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[3], None)
current_battery['soc_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[4], None)
current_battery['power_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[5], None)
current_battery['communication_status_with_pcs_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[6], None)
current_battery['communication_status_with_ems_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[7], None)
current_battery['grid_status_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[8], None)
current_battery['total_voltage_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[9], None)
current_battery['total_current_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[10], None)
current_battery['soh_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[11], None)
current_battery['charging_power_limit_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[12], None)
current_battery['discharge_limit_power_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[13], None)
current_battery['rechargeable_capacity_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[14], None)
current_battery['dischargeable_capacity_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[15], None)
current_battery['average_temperature_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[16], None)
current_battery['average_voltage_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[17], None)
current_battery['insulation_value_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[18], None)
current_battery['positive_insulation_value_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[19], None)
current_battery['negative_insulation_value_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[20], None)
current_battery['maximum_temperature_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[21], None)
current_battery['maximum_temperature_battery_cell_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[22], None)
current_battery['minimum_temperature_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[23], None)
current_battery['minimum_temperature_battery_cell_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[24], None)
current_battery['maximum_voltage_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[25], None)
current_battery['maximum_voltage_battery_cell_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[26], None)
current_battery['minimum_voltage_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[27], None)
current_battery['minimum_voltage_battery_cell_point'] = latest_value_dict.get(row[28], None)
if cursor_system:
if cnx_system:
if cursor_historical:
if cnx_historical:
# Step 8: construct the report
resp.text = json.dumps(battery_list)