import re
from decimal import Decimal
import falcon
import mysql.connector
import simplejson as json
import config
from core.useractivity import access_control, api_key_control
class Reporting:
def __init__(self):
"""Initializes Class"""
def on_options(req, resp):
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
# Step 1: valid parameters
# Step 2: query the energy storage power station
# Step 3: query charge energy data
# Step 4: query discharge energy data
# Step 5: query charge billing data
# Step 6: query discharge billing data
# Step 7: query charge carbon data
# Step 8: query discharge carbon data
# Step 9: construct the report
def on_get(req, resp):
if 'API-KEY' not in req.headers or \
not isinstance(req.headers['API-KEY'], str) or \
len(str.strip(req.headers['API-KEY'])) == 0:
# this procedure accepts energy storage power station id or uuid
energy_storage_power_station_id = req.params.get('id')
energy_storage_power_station_uuid = req.params.get('uuid')
# Step 1: valid parameters
if energy_storage_power_station_id is None and energy_storage_power_station_uuid is None:
raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST',
if energy_storage_power_station_id is not None:
energy_storage_power_station_id = str.strip(energy_storage_power_station_id)
if not energy_storage_power_station_id.isdigit() or int(energy_storage_power_station_id) <= 0:
raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST',
if energy_storage_power_station_uuid is not None:
regex = re.compile(r'^[a-f0-9]{8}-?[a-f0-9]{4}-?4[a-f0-9]{3}-?[89ab][a-f0-9]{3}-?[a-f0-9]{12}\Z', re.I)
match = regex.match(str.strip(energy_storage_power_station_uuid))
if not bool(match):
raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_400, title='API.BAD_REQUEST',
# Step 2: query the energy storage power station
cnx_system_db = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_system_db)
cursor_system_db = cnx_system_db.cursor()
# Get Spaces associated with energy storage power stations
query = (" SELECT se.energy_storage_power_station_id, "
" FROM tbl_spaces s, tbl_spaces_energy_storage_power_stations se "
" WHERE se.space_id = ")
rows_spaces = cursor_system_db.fetchall()
space_dict = dict()
if rows_spaces is not None and len(rows_spaces) > 0:
for row in rows_spaces:
space_dict[row[0]] = row[1]
# Get energy storage power station
if energy_storage_power_station_id is not None:
query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid, "
" address, postal_code, latitude, longitude, rated_capacity, rated_power, "
" contact_id, cost_center_id "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_stations "
" WHERE id = %s ")
cursor_system_db.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_id,))
row = cursor_system_db.fetchone()
elif energy_storage_power_station_uuid is not None:
query = (" SELECT id, name, uuid, "
" address, postal_code, latitude, longitude, rated_capacity, rated_power, "
" contact_id, cost_center_id "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_stations "
" WHERE uuid = %s ")
cursor_system_db.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_uuid,))
row = cursor_system_db.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise falcon.HTTPError(status=falcon.HTTP_404, title='API.NOT_FOUND',
energy_storage_power_station_id = row[0]
energy_storage_power_station = {
"id": row[0],
"name": row[1],
"uuid": row[2],
"address": row[3],
"space_name": space_dict.get(row[0]),
"postal_code": row[4],
"latitude": row[5],
"longitude": row[6],
"rated_capacity": row[7],
"rated_power": row[8]
# Step 3: query charge energy data
cnx_energy_db = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_energy_db)
cursor_energy_db = cnx_energy_db.cursor()
cnx_billing_db = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_billing_db)
cursor_billing_db = cnx_billing_db.cursor()
cnx_carbon_db = mysql.connector.connect(**config.myems_billing_db)
cursor_carbon_db = cnx_carbon_db.cursor()
query = (" SELECT SUM(actual_value) "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_station_charge_hourly "
" WHERE energy_storage_power_station_id = %s ")
cursor_energy_db.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_id, ))
row = cursor_energy_db.fetchone()
total_charge_energy = Decimal(0.0)
if row is not None:
total_charge_energy = row[0]
# Step 4: query discharge energy data
query = (" SELECT SUM(actual_value) "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_station_discharge_hourly "
" WHERE energy_storage_power_station_id = %s ")
cursor_energy_db.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_id, ))
row = cursor_energy_db.fetchone()
total_discharge_energy = Decimal(0.0)
if row is not None:
total_discharge_energy = row[0]
# Step 5: query charge billing data
query = (" SELECT SUM(actual_value) "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_station_charge_hourly "
" WHERE energy_storage_power_station_id = %s ")
cursor_billing_db.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_id, ))
row = cursor_billing_db.fetchone()
total_charge_billing = Decimal(0.0)
if row is not None:
total_charge_billing = row[0]
# Step 6: query discharge billing data
query = (" SELECT SUM(actual_value) "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_station_discharge_hourly "
" WHERE energy_storage_power_station_id = %s ")
cursor_billing_db.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_id, ))
row = cursor_billing_db.fetchone()
total_discharge_billing = Decimal(0.0)
if row is not None:
total_discharge_billing = row[0]
# Step 7: query charge carbon data
query = (" SELECT SUM(actual_value) "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_station_charge_hourly "
" WHERE energy_storage_power_station_id = %s ")
cursor_carbon_db.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_id, ))
row = cursor_carbon_db.fetchone()
total_charge_carbon = Decimal(0.0)
if row is not None:
total_charge_carbon = row[0]
# Step 8: query discharge carbon data
query = (" SELECT SUM(actual_value) "
" FROM tbl_energy_storage_power_station_discharge_hourly "
" WHERE energy_storage_power_station_id = %s ")
cursor_carbon_db.execute(query, (energy_storage_power_station_id, ))
row = cursor_carbon_db.fetchone()
total_discharge_carbon = Decimal(0.0)
if row is not None:
total_discharge_carbon = row[0]
# Step 7: construct the report
if cursor_system_db:
if cnx_system_db:
if cursor_energy_db:
if cnx_energy_db:
if cursor_billing_db:
if cnx_billing_db:
if cursor_carbon_db:
if cnx_carbon_db:
result = dict()
result['energy_storage_power_station'] = energy_storage_power_station
result['total_charge_energy'] = total_charge_energy
result['total_discharge_energy'] = total_discharge_energy
result['total_charge_billing'] = total_charge_billing
result['total_discharge_billing'] = total_discharge_billing
result['total_charge_carbon'] = total_charge_carbon
result['total_discharge_carbon'] = total_discharge_carbon
resp.text = json.dumps(result)