

0 mins
Test Coverage
package fouru

import (
    _ "" // This is required for sql/db


// issue.insertIntoDB takes an issue of the 4U Paper, checks whether if it already exists within the database and inserts it into the DB if it doesn't
func (issue Issue) insertIntoDB(db *sql.DB) error {
    // Determine if the issue has already been entered into the DB
    numInstances, _ := util.NumResults(db, "SELECT * FROM four_u WHERE article_name = $1 and link = $2 and type = $3", issue.Name, issue.Link, issue.TypePost);
    if numInstances != 0 {
        return errors.New("issue already exists")

    // Copy the image attached with the issue into a folder stored onto the server
    // Save the issue's image
    imageLocation, err := saveImage(issue)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Set the Issue's image URL to be the location of the saved image on our server
    issue.ImageUrl = fmt.Sprintf("%s/api/v1/assets/%s", util.APIURL, imageLocation)

    // Push everything into the DB
    db.Exec("INSERT INTO four_u (article_name, article_desc, article_publish_date, article_image_url, link, type) VALUES($1, $2, $3::DATE, $4, $5, $6)",
        issue.Name, issue.Desc, issue.PublishDate, issue.ImageUrl, issue.Link, issue.TypePost)

    return nil

// article.insertIntoDB inserts a "4U Article" into the DB and like issue.insertIntoDB it also checks weather is already exists
func (article Article) insertIntoDB(parent Issue, db *sql.DB) error {
    // Determine if the article has already been entered into the DB
    numInstances, _ := util.NumResults(db, "SELECT * FROM four_u_articles WHERE four_u_article = $1 AND four_u_article_name = $2", parent.ID, article.Name)
    if numInstances != 0 {
        return errors.New("article already exists")

    // Insert into the DB, if there is a failure that generally implies that the parent was invalid
    if _, err := db.Exec("INSERT INTO four_u_articles (four_u_article, page_start, four_u_article_name, four_u_article_desc) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)",
        parent.ID, article.Page, article.Name, article.Desc); err != nil {
        return errors.New("unable to insert article into DB, most likely because the parent provided did not exist")

    return nil


// saveImage takes an issue of the 4U Paper and saves the image associated with it to disk
func saveImage(issue Issue) (string, error) {
    // We take the string's hash to be the directory we will be using to save the issue
    // The reason why we are hashing the link is as they will generally be unique from issue to issue and that reduces the number of possible hash collisions
    imageSaveDir := util.HashString(issue.Link)

    // Create the directory that will be used to save the image
    fourUDir := fmt.Sprintf("/4U/%s/%s/%s", issue.TypePost, imageSaveDir, issue.Name)
    file, err := filesint.CreateFile("assets", fourUDir, issue.PictureHeader.Filename)
    if err != nil {
        return "", errors.New("could not create image")

    // Copy the actual image into the file object
    io.Copy(file, issue.Picture)

    return fourUDir, nil

// getIncomingIssue parses the issue being sent by the user via HTTP into an actual issue object
func getIncomingIssue(r *http.Request) (Issue, error) {

    issueName := r.FormValue("Post_Name")
    issueDesc := r.FormValue("Post_Desc")
    issuuLink := r.FormValue("Link") // <--- Spelt this way on purpose

    if !(util.IsSet(issueName, issueDesc, issuuLink)) {
        return Issue{}, errors.New("not all parameters have been provided")

    // Read the attached image using the multipart package
    f, h, err := r.FormFile("Caption_Image")
    if err != nil {
        return Issue{}, errors.New("caption image does not exist")

    // Return the parsed issue
    return Issue{
        Picture:       f,
        PictureHeader: h,
        Name:          issueName,
        Desc:          issueDesc,
        Link:          issuuLink,
        PublishDate:   time.Now().In(util.TIMEZONE),
        TypePost:      "Issue",
    }, nil

// getIncomingArticle parses the article being sent by the user via HTTP into an actual article object
func getIncomingArticle(r *http.Request) (Article, error) {

    articleName := r.Form.Get("Name")
    parentIssueIDRaw := r.Form.Get("Parent_ID")
    pageStartRaw := r.Form.Get("Page")
    articleDesc := r.Form.Get("Desc")

    if !(util.IsSet(articleDesc, articleName, parentIssueIDRaw, pageStartRaw)) {
        return Article{}, errors.New("not all parameters have been provided")

    // Convert the text provided by the user into integers
    parentID, _ := strconv.ParseInt(parentIssueIDRaw, 10, 64)
    pageStart, _ := strconv.ParseInt(pageStartRaw, 10, 64)

    // Return the parsed article
    return Article{
        ParentID: parentID,
        Page:     pageStart,
        Name:     articleName,
        Desc:     articleDesc,
    }, nil


// IssueCreationHandler creates 4U issues
func IssueCreationHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {

    // connect to database
    defer db.DB.Close()

    // Determine if the user is allowed here and if not force them to leave
    allowed, _ := sessions.IsUserAllowed(r, w, "visions", "admin")
    if !allowed {

    // Get the incoming issue
    issue, err := getIncomingIssue(r)
    if err != nil {
        quickerrors.MalformedRequest(w, "You are missing fields, please check the API documentation")

    // Push the issue into the database
    err = issue.insertIntoDB(db.DB)
    if err != nil {
        quickerrors.MalformedRequest(w, "4U Issue/Issue already exists")


// ArticleCreationHandler is a HTTP handler for article creation
func ArticleCreationHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {

    // connect to database as an admin
    defer db.DB.Close()

    // Determine if the user is allowed here and if not force them to leave
    allowed, _ := sessions.IsUserAllowed(r, w, "visions", "admin")
    if !allowed {

    // Attain the incoming article
    article, err := getIncomingArticle(r)
    if err != nil {
        quickerrors.MalformedRequest(w, "You are missing fields, please check the API documentation")

    // Push the article into the database
    parentIssue := Issue{ID: article.ParentID}
    err = article.insertIntoDB(parentIssue, db.DB)
    if err != nil {
        quickerrors.MalformedRequest(w, "Looks like that article already exists in our DB")

    // All Clear :)