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Test Coverage
package fouru

import (

// Data structures for holding the information regarding the 4U Paper
type Issue struct {
    ID            int64
    Name          string
    Desc          string
    PublishDate   time.Time
    Picture       multipart.File
    PictureHeader *multipart.FileHeader
    ImageUrl      string
    Link          string
    TypePost      string
// Articles are held within an issue however sometimes we might have a stand alone article
type Article struct {
    ID       int64
    ParentID int64
    Page     int64
    Name     string
    Desc     string

// ReplaceWith reads and sql.Rows object and pushes the information into an Issue object
// The assumption here is that the sql.Rows object is a result from a query involving the 4U Table
func (issue *Issue) ReplaceWith(rows *sql.Rows) {