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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from django.db import models

from recipes.models.enums import AmountType, MeasurementType
from recipes.models.recipe import Recipe

class Ingredient(models.Model):
    This class describes a single ingredient, including amount, measurement, and item description.
    The class includes model fields to describe the ingredient, plus one ForeignKey to a Recipe model instance.
    The only methods that are added to this model class are the __unicode__ and __str__ methods for representation.

        (AmountType.NONE, ''),
        (AmountType.ONE_EIGHTH, '⅛'),
        (AmountType.ONE_QUARTER, '    ¼'),
        (AmountType.ONE_THIRD, '⅓'),
        (AmountType.ONE_HALF, '½'),
        (AmountType.TWO_THIRDS, '⅔'),
        (AmountType.THREE_QUARTER, '¾'),
        (AmountType.ONE, '1'),
        (AmountType.ONE_ONE_HALF, '1 ½'),
        (AmountType.TWO, '2'),
        (AmountType.THREE, '3'),
        (AmountType.FOUR, '4'),
        (AmountType.FIVE, '5'),
        (AmountType.SIX, '6'),
        (AmountType.SEVEN, '7'),
        (AmountType.EIGHT, '8'),
        (AmountType.NINE, '9'),
        (AmountType.TEN, '10'),
        (AmountType.FIFTEEN, '15'),
        (AmountType.TWENTY, '20'),
    amount = models.CharField(max_length=5, choices=AMOUNT_TYPE_CHOICES, default='',
                              help_text='The numeric part of the amount of this ingredient')

        (MeasurementType.NONE, ''),
        (MeasurementType.PINCH, 'Pinch'),
        (MeasurementType.TEASPOON, 'tsp'),
        (MeasurementType.TABLESPOON, 'Tbsp'),
        (MeasurementType.CUP, 'c'),
        (MeasurementType.PINT, 'pint'),
        (MeasurementType.QUART, 'qt'),
        (MeasurementType.LITER, 'liter'),
        (MeasurementType.GALLON, 'gallon'),
        (MeasurementType.OUNCE, 'oz'),
        (MeasurementType.POUND, 'lb'),
    measurement = models.CharField(max_length=25, choices=MEASUREMENT_TYPE_CHOICES, default='',
                                   help_text='The measurement portion of this ingredient')

    item_description = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True, default='',
                                        help_text='A description of this ingredient, Can include amount '
                                                  'if the portion does not fit in the prescribed parameters')

    recipe = models.ForeignKey(Recipe, related_name='ingredients',
                               help_text='A pointer to an existing recipe to link them together', null=True)

    def __unicode__(self):
        Returns a full string representation of this ingredient, including amount/measurement where applicable

        :return: string
        this_ingredient_string = ''
        if self.amount:
            this_ingredient_string += self.get_amount_display() + ' '
        if self.measurement:
            this_ingredient_string += self.get_measurement_display() + ' '
        this_ingredient_string += self.item_description
        return this_ingredient_string

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__unicode__()