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# How to display related entities

A common recurring requirement is to display a list of entities that are related to the current context.
For example displaying a table of all notes relating to the selected child in its detail view.
You shouldn't have to implement almost the same components again and again for this,
so we have a generic [EntitySubrecordComponent](../../components/EntitySubrecordComponent.html) for these use cases.

## Creating a basic "subrecord" component

To keep code organized and separated you should create a new component that uses EntitySubrecordComponent
rather than trying to put everything into a larger component that includes other information as well
(e.g. create a ChildNotesComponent instead of putting your configuration for the EntitySubrecordComponent into the ChildDetailsComponent).

Best use the Angular CLI to generate a new component in the relevant module:

ng generate component child-notes

The template remains very simple as you build on top of the generic EntitySubrecordComponent
and pass your values and configurations into it:


You need to set these parameters in your component class of course.
`[records]` simply takes an array of entities to be displayed,
e.g. in a oversimplified example (usually you would do some filtering or use a query):

records: Note[];

constructor(private entityMapper: EntityMapperService) {
    this.records = await this.entityMapper.loadType<Note>(Note);

The `[newRecordFactory]` is used to create a new entity of the required entity type when the user clicks the "add" button.
This has to be a function that returns a new entity instance:

generateNewRecordFactory() {
    // define values locally because "this" is a different scope after passing a function as input to another component
    const childId = this.childId;

    return () => {
      const newNote = new Note(; = new Date();
      newNote.children = [childId];

      return newNote;

This gives you the power to already pre-fill certain values in the new entity
like in this example linking the new note with the selected child automatically.
Unfortunately the implementation has to be a little clumsy: A method that itself returns a function again.

Finally, the `[columns]` configuration allows you a lot of flexibility over
which properties of the entities are shown and how they are formatted and edited.
This takes an array of [FormFieldConfiguration](../../interfaces/FormFieldConfig.html)s:

columns: FormFieldConfig[] = [
    { id: 'subject', label: 'Topic', viewComponent: 'DisplayText', editComponent: 'EditText', visibleFrom: 'xs'),
    { id: 'text', label: 'Notes', viewComponent: 'DisplayText', editComponent: 'EditLongText', visibleFrom: 'md'),
    { id: 'date', label: 'Date', viewComponent: 'DisplayDate', editComponent: 'EditDate', visibleFrom: 'xs'),

Only the properties that you set here will be displayed to the user.
Use the parameters to configure transformations and form field types.
When a entity is displayed, most of the properties can be omitted and will be fetched from the schema definition

> To learn about the full range of column options check out the API Reference:
> - [FormFieldConfiguration](../../interfaces/FormFieldConfig.html)
> - [EntitySchemaField](../../interfaces/EntitySchemaField.html)

## Showing details of one entity

The EntitySubrecordComponent allows the user to edit an entity inline in the table.
By default, clicking on a row will automatically open a form popup which shows all editable fields of the table.
What happens when a row is clicked can be overwritten with the `[showEntity]` parameter.
This parameter expects a function that gets the clicked entity as input.
