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 *     This file is part of ndb-core.
 *     ndb-core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *     (at your option) any later version.
 *     ndb-core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *     GNU General Public License for more details.
 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *     along with ndb-core.  If not, see <>.

import { DatabaseEntity } from "../../../core/entity/database-entity.decorator";
import { Entity } from "../../../core/entity/model/entity";
import { DatabaseField } from "../../../core/entity/database-field.decorator";
import {
} from "./interaction-type.interface";
import {
} from "../../attendance/model/event-attendance";
import {
} from "../../attendance/model/attendance-status";
import { User } from "../../../core/user/user";
import { Child } from "../../children/model/child";
import { getWarningLevelColor, WarningLevel } from "../../warning-level";
import { School } from "../../schools/model/school";
import { Ordering } from "../../../core/basic-datatypes/configurable-enum/configurable-enum-ordering";
import { PLACEHOLDERS } from "../../../core/entity/schema/entity-schema-field";

export class Note extends Entity {
  static toStringAttributes = ["subject"];
  static label = $localize`:label for entity:Note`;
  static labelPlural = $localize`:label (plural) for entity:Notes`;
  static override hasPII = true;

  static create(
    date: Date,
    subject: string = "",
    children: string[] = [],
  ): Note {
    const instance = new Note(); = date;
    instance.subject = subject;
    for (const child of children) {
    return instance;

   * Returns the name of the Note property where entities of the given entity type are stored
   * @param entityType
  static getPropertyFor(entityType: string) {
    switch (entityType) {
      case "Child":
        return "children";
      case "School":
        return "schools";
      case "User":
        return "authors";
        return "relatedEntities";

  /** IDs of Child entities linked with this note */
    label: $localize`:Label for the children of a note:Children`,
    dataType: "entity",
    isArray: true,
    additional: Child.ENTITY_TYPE,
    entityReferenceRole: "composite",
    editComponent: "EditAttendance",
    anonymize: "retain",
  children: string[] = [];

   * optional additional information about attendance at this event for each of the linked children
   * No direct access to change this property. Use the `.getAttendance()` method to have safe access.
  @DatabaseField({ anonymize: "retain" })
  private childrenAttendance: EventAttendanceMap = new EventAttendanceMap();

    label: $localize`:Label for the date of a note:Date`,
    dataType: "date-only",
    defaultValue: {
      mode: "dynamic",
      value: PLACEHOLDERS.NOW,
    anonymize: "retain",
  date: Date;

  @DatabaseField({ label: $localize`:Label for the subject of a note:Subject` })
  subject: string;

    label: $localize`:Label for the actual notes of a note:Notes`,
    editComponent: "EditLongText",
  text: string;

  /** IDs of users that authored this note */
    label: $localize`:Label for the social worker(s) who created the note:SW`,
    dataType: "entity",
    isArray: true,
    additional: User.ENTITY_TYPE,
    defaultValue: {
      mode: "dynamic",
    anonymize: "retain",
  authors: string[] = [];

    label: $localize`:Label for the category of a note:Category`,
    dataType: "configurable-enum",
    anonymize: "retain",
  category: InteractionType;

    label: $localize`Attachment`,
    dataType: "file",
  attachment: string;

   * id referencing a different entity (e.g. a recurring activity) this note is related to
    anonymize: "retain",
  relatesTo: string;

   * other records (e.g. a recurring activity, group membership, ...) to which this note is related in some way,
   * so that notes can be displayed linked to these entities.
   * This property saves ids including their entity type prefix.
    label: $localize`:label for the related Entities:Related Records`,
    dataType: "entity",
    isArray: true,
    // by default no additional relatedEntities can be linked apart from children and schools, overwrite this in config to display (e.g. additional: "ChildSchoolRelation")
    additional: undefined,
    anonymize: "retain",
  relatedEntities: string[] = [];

   * related school ids (e.g. to infer participants for event roll calls)
    label: $localize`:label for the linked schools:Groups`,
    dataType: "entity",
    isArray: true,
    additional: School.ENTITY_TYPE,
    entityReferenceRole: "composite",
    anonymize: "retain",
  schools: string[] = [];

    label: $localize`:Status of a note:Status`,
    dataType: "configurable-enum",
    additional: "warning-levels",
    anonymize: "retain",
  warningLevel: Ordering.EnumValue;

  getWarningLevel(): WarningLevel {
    if (this.warningLevel) {
      return WarningLevel[];
    } else {
      return WarningLevel.NONE;

  public getColor() {
    const actualLevel = this.getWarningLevel();
    if (actualLevel === WarningLevel.OK || actualLevel === WarningLevel.NONE) {
      return this.category?.color;
    } else {
      return super.getColor();

  public getColorForId(childId: string): string {
    if (
      this.category?.isMeeting &&
      this.childrenAttendance.get(childId)?.status.countAs ===
    ) {
      // child is absent, highlight the entry
      return getWarningLevelColor(WarningLevel.URGENT);
    return this.getColor();

   * removes a specific child from this note
   * @param childId The id of the child to exclude from the notes
  removeChild(childId: string) {
    this.children = this.children.filter((c) => c !== childId);

   * adds a new child to this note
   * @param child The child or the id of the child to add to the notes
  addChild(child: Child | string) {
    const childId = typeof child === "string" ? child : child.getId();
    if (this.children.includes(childId)) {

    this.children = this.children.concat(childId);

   * adds a new school to this note
   * @param school The school or its id to be added to the note
  addSchool(school: School | string) {
    const schoolId = typeof school === "string" ? school : school.getId();
    if (this.schools.includes(schoolId)) {

    this.schools = this.schools.concat(schoolId);

   * Returns the event attendance details for the given child.
   * This method returns a default object that can be used and updated even if no attendance has been recorded yet.
   * Returns undefined if the child is not added to this event/note instance.
   * @param child: The child or the id of the child to look for
  getAttendance(child: string | Child): EventAttendance {
    const childId = typeof child === "string" ? child : child.getId();
    if (!this.children.includes(childId)) {
      return undefined;

    let attendance = this.childrenAttendance.get(childId);
    if (!attendance) {
      attendance = new EventAttendance();
      this.childrenAttendance.set(childId, attendance);
    if (!(attendance instanceof EventAttendance)) {
      attendance = Object.assign(new EventAttendance(), attendance);
    return attendance;

   * Whether the attendance context information available through `getAttendance` is missing data for some children.
   * While getAttendance will always set and return at least a default value `hasUnknownAttendances` can be used
   * to flag events with incomplete data.
  hasUnknownAttendances(childId?: string): boolean {
    if (childId) {
      return (
        this.getAttendance(childId) ===

    if (this.childrenAttendance.size < this.children.length) {
      return true;
    } else {
      for (const v of this.childrenAttendance.values()) {
        if ( === {
          return true;
    return false;

   * Counts how many children have the given attendance status.
   * The status is counted based on the AttendanceLogicalStatus and the `AttendanceStatusType.countAs` attribute
   * @param status which should be counted
   * @returns number of children with this status
  countWithStatus(status: AttendanceLogicalStatus): number {
    const attendanceValues = this.childrenAttendance.values();
    return [...attendanceValues].filter(
      (attendance) => attendance.status.countAs === status,

   * Performs a deep copy of the note copying all simple data
   * (such as the date, author, e.t.c.) as well as copying the
   * child-array
  copy(): this {
    const note = super.copy();
    note.children = [...this.children];
    note.schools = [...this.schools];
    note.relatedEntities = [...this.relatedEntities];
    note.authors = [...this.authors];
    note.childrenAttendance = new EventAttendanceMap();
    this.childrenAttendance.forEach((value, key) => {
      note.childrenAttendance.set(key, value.copy());
    return note;