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2 hrs
Test Coverage
#  Copyright 2019 Allan Galarza
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import io
import logging
import operator
import os
import pickle
import sqlite3
import time
from contextlib import closing
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import aiohttp
import discord
from PIL import Image
from discord.ext import commands

from nabbot import NabBot
from .utils import FIELD_VALUE_LIMIT, checks, CogUtils
from .utils.config import config
from .utils.context import NabCtx
from .utils.database import wiki_db
from .utils.messages import split_message

log = logging.getLogger("nabbot")

LOOTDB = "data/loot.db"
DEBUG_FOLDER = "debug/loot"
slot: Dict[str, Image.Image] = {'Normal':"./images/slot.png"),
slot_border ="./images/slotborder.png").convert("RGBA").getdata()
number_blank: Image.Image ="./images/numblank.png")
number_blank2: Image.Image ="./images/numblank2.png")
numbers: List[Image.Image] = ["./images/0.png"),

group_images: Dict[str, Image.Image] = {'Green Djinn':"./images/Green Djinn.png"),
                                        'Blue Djinn':"./images/Blue Djinn.png"),

scan_speed = [0.035]*10
MIN_HEIGHT = 27  # Images with a width
MIN_WIDTH = 34   # or height smaller than this are not considered.

Pixel = Tuple[int, ...]

def dict_factory(cursor, row):
    """Makes values returned by cursor fetch functions return a dictionary instead of a tuple.
    To implement this, the connection's row_factory method must be replaced by this one."""
    d = {}
    for idx, col in enumerate(cursor.description):
        d[col[0]] = row[idx]
    return d

class LootScanException(commands.CommandError):

class Loot(commands.Cog, CogUtils):
    def __init__(self, bot: NabBot): = bot
        self.processing_users = []
        if not os.path.isfile(LOOTDB):
            raise FileNotFoundError("Couldn't find loot database. Can't start cog.")
        self.loot_conn = sqlite3.connect(LOOTDB)
        self.loot_conn.row_factory = dict_factory

    @checks.can_embed(), case_insensitive=True)
    async def loot(self, ctx: NabCtx):
        """Scans an image of a container looking for Tibia items and shows an approximate loot value.

        An image must be attached with the message. The prices used are NPC prices only.

        The image requires the following:

        - Must be a screenshot of inventory windows (backpacks, depots, etc).
        - Have the original size, the image can't be scaled up or down, however it can be cropped.
        - The image must show the complete slot.
        - JPG images are usually not recognized.
        - PNG images with low compression settings take longer to be scanned or aren't detected at all.

        The bot shows the total loot value and a list of the items detected, separated into the NPC that buy them.
        if in self.processing_users and not checks.is_owner(ctx):
            await ctx.error("I'm already scanning an image for you! Wait for me to finish that one.")

        if len(ctx.message.attachments) == 0:
            await ctx.error("You need to upload a picture of your loot and type the command in the comment.")

        attachment: discord.Attachment = ctx.message.attachments[0]
        if attachment.height is None:
            await ctx.error("That's not an image!")
        if attachment.size > 2097152:
            await ctx.error("That image was too big! Try splitting it into smaller images, or cropping out anything "
        if attachment.height < MIN_HEIGHT or attachment.width < MIN_WIDTH:
            await ctx.error("That image is too small to be a loot image.")

            async with as resp:
                    loot_image = await
        except aiohttp.ClientError:
            log.exception(f"{self.tag} Couldn't download image.")
            await ctx.error("I failed to load your image. Please try again.")

        await ctx.send(f"I've begun parsing your image, **@{}**. "
                       "Please be patient, this may take a few moments.")
        status_msg = await ctx.send("Status: Reading")
            # Owners are not affected by the limit.
            start_time = time.time()
            loot_list, loot_image_overlay = await self.loot_scan(ctx, loot_image, status_msg)
            scan_time = time.time() - start_time
        except LootScanException as e:
            await ctx.error(e)
        embed = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.blurple())
        embed.set_footer(text=f"Loot scanned in {scan_time:,.2f} seconds.")
        long_message = f"These are the results for your image: [{attachment.filename}]({attachment.url})"

        if len(loot_list) == 0:
            await ctx.error(f"Sorry {}, I couldn't find any loot in that image. Loot parsing will "
                            f"only work on high quality images, so make sure your image wasn't compressed.")

        total_value = 0

        unknown = False
        for item in loot_list:
            if loot_list[item]['group'] == "Unknown":
                unknown = loot_list[item]

        groups = []
        for item in loot_list:
            if not loot_list[item]['group'] in groups and loot_list[item]['group'] != "Unknown":
        has_marketable = False
        for group in groups:
            value = ""
            group_value = 0
            for item in loot_list:
                if loot_list[item]['group'] == group and loot_list[item]['group'] != "Unknown":
                    if group == "No Value":
                        value += f"x{loot_list[item]['count']} {item}\n"
                        with closing(wiki_db.cursor()) as c:
                            c.execute("""SELECT FROM item
                                         LEFT JOIN item_attribute att on item_id = item.article_id
                                         WHERE LIKE ? AND article_id = item_id AND = 'imbuement'
                                         LIMIT 1""", (item,))
                            result = c.fetchone()
                        if result:
                            has_marketable = True
                            emoji = "šŸ’Ž"
                            emoji = ""
                        value += "x{1} {0}{3} \u2192 {2:,}gp total\n".format(
                            loot_list[item]['count'] * loot_list[item]['value_sell'],

                    total_value += loot_list[item]['count'] * loot_list[item]['value_sell']
                    group_value += loot_list[item]['count'] * loot_list[item]['value_sell']
            if group == "No Value":
                name = group
                name = f"{group} - {group_value:,} gold"
            # Split into multiple fields if they exceed field max length
            split_group = split_message(value, FIELD_VALUE_LIMIT)
            for subgroup in split_group:
                if subgroup != split_group[0]:
                    name = "\u200F"
                embed.add_field(name=name, value=subgroup, inline=False)

        if unknown:
            long_message += f"\n**There were {unknown['count']} unknown items.**\n"

        long_message += f"\nThe total loot value is: **{total_value:,}** gold coins."
        if has_marketable:
            long_message += f"\nšŸ’Ž Items marked with this are used in imbuements and might be worth " \
                            f"more in the market."
        embed.description = long_message

        # Short message
        short_message = f"I've finished parsing your image {}." \
                        f"\nThe total value is {total_value:,} gold coins."
        if not await ctx.is_long():
            short_message += "\nI've also sent you a PM with detailed information."

        # Send on ask_channel or PM
        if await ctx.is_long():
            await ctx.send(short_message, embed=embed, file=discord.File(io.BytesIO(loot_image_overlay), "results.png"))
                await, "results.png"), embed=embed)
            except discord.Forbidden:
                await ctx.error(f"{}, I tried pming you to send you the results, "
                                f"but you don't allow private messages from this server.\n"
                                f"Enable the option and try again, or try the command channel")
                await ctx.send(short_message)

    @loot.command(name="legend", aliases=["help", "symbols", "symbol"])
    async def loot_legend(self, ctx: NabCtx):
        """Shows the meaning of the overlayed icons."""
        with open("./images/legend.png", "r+b") as f:
            await ctx.send(file=discord.File(f))

    async def loot_show(self, ctx, *, item: str):
        """Shows item info from loot database."""
        result, item_list = await self.item_show(item)

        if not item_list:
            return await ctx.error("There's no item with that name.")
        item = item_list[0]
        embed = discord.Embed(title=item["name"], description=f"Group: {item['group']}",
                              colour=discord.Colour.from_rgb(item["red"], item["green"], item["blue"]))
        content = ""
        for item in item_list:
            content += "ID: {id} | Size: {sizeX}x{sizeY} | {size}px | rgb: {red},{green},{blue} | " \
                       "sell: {value_sell:,} | buy: {value_buy:,}\n".format(**item)
        fields = split_message(content, FIELD_VALUE_LIMIT)
        name = "Frame info"
        for i, field in enumerate(fields[:5]):
            if i:
                name = "\u200F"
            embed.add_field(name=name, value=field, inline=False)
        if len(fields) > 5:
            embed.set_footer(text="Too many frames to display all information.")
        await ctx.send(embed=embed, file=discord.File(io.BytesIO(result), "results.png"))

    def load_image(cls, image_bytes: bytes) -> Image.Image:
        """ Loads an image's bytes, into a PIL Image.

        :param image_bytes: The image's byte content.
        :return: Image object.

    async def update_status(cls, msg: discord.Message, status: str):
        """ Updates the status message.

        :param msg: The message to edit.
        :param status: The new message to set.
        content = f"**Status:** {status}"
            await msg.edit(content=content)
        except discord.HTTPException:

    async def loot_scan(self, ctx: NabCtx, image: bytes, status_msg: discord.Message):
            loot_image = await ctx.execute_async(self.load_image, image)
        except Exception:
            raise LootScanException("Either that wasn't an image or I failed to load it, please try again.")

        await self.update_status(status_msg, "Detecting item slots")

        slot_list = await ctx.execute_async(self.find_slots, loot_image)
        if not slot_list:
            raise LootScanException("I couldn't find any inventory slots in your image."
                                    " Make sure your image is not stretched out or that overscaling is off.")
        loot_list = {}
        await self.update_status(status_msg, f"{len(slot_list)+1:,} slots found.\n"
                                             f"{config.loading_emoji} Identifying items...\n"
                                             f"Estimated time: {(len(slot_list)+1)*(sum(scan_speed)/10):.2f} seconds.")
        start_time = time.time()
        for i, found_slot in enumerate(slot_list):
            found_item = found_slot['image']
            found_item_number, item_number_image = await ctx.execute_async(self.number_scan, found_slot['image'])

            found_item.paste(number_blank, None, number_blank2.convert("RGBA"))
            found_item_clear = await ctx.execute_async(self.clear_background, found_item)
            found_item_clear = self.make_transparent(found_item_clear)

            found_item_crop = await ctx.execute_async(self.crop_item, found_item_clear)

            # Check if the slot is empty
            if found_item_crop is None:

            found_item_size = await ctx.execute_async(self.get_item_size, found_item_crop)
            found_item_color = await ctx.execute_async(self.get_item_color, found_item_crop)

            results = self.loot_conn.execute(
                "SELECT * FROM Items WHERE sizeX = ? AND sizeY = ?  AND size = ? "
                "AND red = ? AND green = ? AND blue = ?",
                (found_item_crop.size[0], found_item_crop.size[1], found_item_size,
                 found_item_color[0], found_item_color[1], found_item_color[2]))
            item_list = list(results)

            result = await ctx.execute_async(self.scan_item, found_item_clear, item_list)

            if result == "Unknown":
                unknown_image = await ctx.execute_async(self.clear_background, found_slot['image'])
                unknown_image_crop = await ctx.execute_async(self.crop_item, unknown_image, copy=True)
                unknown_image_size = await ctx.execute_async(self.get_item_size, unknown_image_crop)
                result = {'name': "Unknown",
                          'group': "Unknown",
                          'value_sell': 0,
                          'frame': unknown_image_crop,
                          'sizeX': unknown_image_crop.size[0],
                          'sizeY': unknown_image_crop.size[1],
                          'size': unknown_image_size}
                found_item_number = 1
            if isinstance(result, dict):
                if result['name'] in loot_list:
                    loot_list[result['name']]['count'] += found_item_number
                    loot_list[result['name']] = {'count': found_item_number, 'group': result['group'],
                                                 'value_sell': result['value_sell']}

                if result['group'] != "Unknown":
                    detect = pickle.loads(result['frame'])
                    detect =
                    loot_image.paste(slot['Normal'], (found_slot['x'], found_slot['y']))
                    detect = Image.alpha_composite(loot_image.crop(
                        (found_slot['x'] + 1, found_slot['y'] + 1, found_slot['x'] + 33, found_slot['y'] + 33)), detect)
                    if found_item_number > 1:
                        num ="RGBA", (32, 32), (255, 255, 255, 0))
                        num.paste(item_number_image, (0, 20))
                        detect = Image.alpha_composite(detect, num)
                    loot_image.paste(detect, (found_slot['x'] + 1, found_slot['y'] + 1))

                overlay = Image.alpha_composite(
                    loot_image.crop((found_slot['x'], found_slot['y'], found_slot['x'] + 34, found_slot['y'] + 34)),
                    group_images.get(result['group'], group_images['Other']) if result['value_sell'] > 0 or result[
                        'group'] == "Unknown" else
                loot_image.paste(overlay, (found_slot['x'], found_slot['y']))
        total_time = time.time() - start_time
        scan_speed.insert(0, total_time/(len(slot_list)+1))
        await self.update_status(status_msg, "Complete!")
        img_byte_arr = io.BytesIO()
        await ctx.execute_async(, img_byte_arr, format="png")
        img_byte_arr = img_byte_arr.getvalue()
        return loot_list, img_byte_arr

    def is_transparent(cls, pixel: Pixel) -> bool:
        """Checks if a pixel is transparent."""
        if len(pixel) < 4:
            return False
        return pixel[3] == 0

    def is_number(cls, pixel: Pixel) -> bool:
        """Checks if a pixel is a number."""
        return cls.is_transparent(pixel) and pixel[0] == 255 and pixel[1] == 255 and pixel[2] == 0

    def is_white(cls, pixel: Pixel) -> bool:
        """Checks if a pixel is white"""
        return pixel[0] == 255 and pixel[1] == 255 and pixel[2] == 255

    def is_background_color(cls, pixel: Pixel) -> bool:
        low = 22
        high = 60
        color_diff = 15
        return (pixel[0] >= low and pixel[1] >= low and pixel[2] >= low) \
            and (pixel[0] <= high and pixel[1] <= high and pixel[2] <= high) \
            and max(abs(pixel[0] - pixel[1]), abs(pixel[0] - pixel[2]), abs(pixel[1] - pixel[2])) < color_diff

    def is_empty(cls, pixel: Pixel):
        """Checks if a pixel can be considered empty."""
        return cls.is_white(pixel) or cls.is_transparent(pixel) or cls.is_number(pixel)

    def crop_item(cls, item_image: Image.Image, *, copy=False) -> Optional[Image.Image]:
        """Removes the transparent border around item images.

        :param item_image: The item's image, with no slot background.
        :param copy: Whether to return a copy or alter the original
        :return: The cropped's item's image.
        if item_image is None:
            return item_image
        # Top
        offset_top = 0
        px = 0
        py = 0
        # Clear reference to previous item
        if copy:
            item_image = item_image.copy()
        while py < item_image.size[1]:
            item_image_pixel = item_image.getpixel((px, py))
            if not (cls.is_empty(item_image_pixel)):
                offset_top = py
            px += 1
            if px == item_image.size[0]:
                py += 1
                px = 0

        # Bottom
        offset_bottom = -1
        px = item_image.size[0] - 1
        py = item_image.size[1] - 1
        while py > 0:
            item_image_pixel = item_image.getpixel((px, py))
            if not (cls.is_empty(item_image_pixel)):
                offset_bottom = py
            px -= 1
            if px == 0:
                py -= 1
                px = item_image.size[0] - 1

        # Left
        offset_left = 0
        px = 0
        py = 0
        while px < item_image.size[0]:
            item_image_pixel = item_image.getpixel((px, py))
            if not (cls.is_empty(item_image_pixel)):
                offset_left = px
            py += 1
            if py == item_image.size[1]:
                px += 1
                py = 0
        # Right
        offset_right = -1
        px = item_image.size[0] - 1
        py = item_image.size[1] - 1
        while px > 0:
            item_image_pixel = item_image.getpixel((px, py))
            if not (cls.is_empty(item_image_pixel)):
                offset_right = px
            py -= 1
            if py == 0:
                px -= 1
                py = item_image.size[1] - 1
        if offset_right == -1 or offset_bottom == -1:
            return None
        item_image = item_image.crop((offset_left, offset_top, offset_right + 1, offset_bottom + 1))
        return item_image

    def number_scan(cls, slot_image: Image.Image) -> Tuple[int, Any]:
        """Scans a slot's image looking for amount digits

        :param slot_image: The image of an inventory slot.
        :return: A tuple containing the number parsed, the slot's image and the number's image.
        digit_thousands = slot_image.crop((0, 20, 0 + 8, 20 + 7))
        digit_hundreds = slot_image.crop((8, 20, 8 + 8, 20 + 7))
        digit_tens = slot_image.crop((16, 20, 16 + 8, 20 + 7))
        digit_units = slot_image.crop((24, 20, 24 + 8, 20 + 7))
        item_numbers = [digit_thousands, digit_hundreds, digit_tens, digit_units]
        number_string = ""
        numbers_image ="RGBA", (32, 11), (255, 255, 255, 0))
        a = 0
        for item_number in item_numbers:
            i = 0
            for number in numbers:
                px = 0
                py = 0
                while py < item_number.size[1] and py < number.size[1]:
                    item_number_pixel = item_number.getpixel((px, py))
                    number_pixel = number.getpixel((px, py))
                    if not cls.is_transparent(number_pixel) and not item_number_pixel == number_pixel:
                    px += 1
                    if px == item_number.size[0] or px == number.size[0]:
                        py += 1
                        px = 0
                    if py == item_number.size[1]:
                        if i > 9:
                            i = "k"
                        number_string += str(i)
                        numbers_image.paste(number, (8 * a, 0))
                        i = -1
                if i == -1:
                i += 1
            a += 1
        px = 0
        py = 0
        while py < numbers_image.size[1]:
            numbers_image_pixel = numbers_image.getpixel((px, py))
            if not cls.is_transparent(numbers_image_pixel):
                slot_image.putpixel((px, py + 20), (255, 255, 0, 0))
            px += 1
            if px == numbers_image.size[0]:
                py += 1
                px = 0
        return 1 if number_string == "" else int(number_string.replace("k", "000")), numbers_image

    def make_transparent(cls, slot_item: Image.Image):
        px = 0
        py = 0
        while py < slot_item.size[1] and py < 34:
            slot_item_pixel = slot_item.getpixel((px, py))
            if slot_item_pixel == (255, 0, 255, 255):
                slot_item.putpixel((px, py), (255, 0, 255, 0))
            px += 1
            if px == slot_item.size[0] or px == 34:
                py += 1
                px = 0
        return slot_item

    def get_background_type(cls, lum):
        """Guesses background color based on a pixels luminosity
        if 24 < lum < 52:
            return 'Normal'
        elif 89 < lum < 94:
            return 'Green'
        elif 98 < lum < 101:
            return 'Blue'
        elif 110 < lum < 113:
            return 'Violet'
        elif 114 < lum < 124:
            return 'Golden'
        elif 126 < lum < 131:
            return 'Gray'
        return 'Other'

    def clear_background(cls, slot_item: Image.Image, *, copy=False) -> Image.Image:
        """Clears the slot's background of an image.

        :param slot_item: The slot's image.
        :param copy: Whether to create a copy or alter the original.

        :returns: The item's image without the slot's background.
        px = 0
        py = 0
        if copy:
            slot_item = slot_item.copy()

        background = {'Normal': 0, 'Gray': 0, 'Green': 0, 'Blue': 0, 'Violet': 0, 'Golden': 0, 'Other': -255}
        for i in range(0, 32):
            pixel = slot_item.getpixel((i, 0))
            lum = (0.299 * pixel[0] + 0.587 * pixel[1] + 0.114 * pixel[2])
            background[cls.get_background_type(lum)] += 1
        for i in range(0, 32):
            pixel = slot_item.getpixel((0, i))
            lum = (0.299 * pixel[0] + 0.587 * pixel[1] + 0.114 * pixel[2])
            background[cls.get_background_type(lum)] += 1
        for i in range(0, 32):
            pixel = slot_item.getpixel((31, i))
            lum = (0.299 * pixel[0] + 0.587 * pixel[1] + 0.114 * pixel[2])
            background[cls.get_background_type(lum)] += 1
        # no point checking the last row since its always blanked out
        # for i in range(0, 32):
        #     pixel = slot_item.getpixel((i, 31))
        #     lum = (0.299 * pixel[0] + 0.587 * pixel[1] + 0.114 * pixel[2])
        #     background[get_background_type(lum)]+=1
        background_type = max(background.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        while py < slot_item.size[1] and py < slot[background_type].size[1]:
            slot_item_pixel = slot_item.getpixel((px, py))
            slot_pixel = slot[background_type].getpixel((px + 1, py + 1))
            if slot_item_pixel[:3] == slot_pixel[:3]:
                slot_item.putpixel((px, py), (255, 0, 255, 0))
            px += 1
            if px == slot_item.size[0] or px == slot[background_type].size[0]:
                py += 1
                px = 0
        return slot_item

    def get_item_size(cls, item: Image.Image) -> int:
        """Gets the actual size of an item in pixels."""
        size = item.size[0] * item.size[1]
        empty = 0
        px = 0
        py = 0
        while py < item.size[1]:
            item_pixel = item.getpixel((px, py))
            if not cls.is_empty(item_pixel):
                size -= empty
                empty = 0
                px = 0
                py += 1
                empty += 1
                px += 1
                if px == item.size[0]:
                    size -= empty - 1
                    empty = 0
                    px = 0
                    py += 1

        empty = 0
        px = item.size[0] - 1
        py = 0
        while py < item.size[1]:
            item_pixel = item.getpixel((px, py))
            if not cls.is_empty(item_pixel):
                size -= empty
                empty = 0
                px = item.size[0] - 1
                py += 1
                empty += 1
                px -= 1
                if px == -1:
                    empty = 0
                    px = item.size[0] - 1
                    py += 1
        return size

    def get_item_color(cls, item: Image.Image) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        """Gets the average color of an item.

        :param item: The item's image
        :return: The item's colors
        count = 0
        px = 0
        py = 0
        color = [0, 0, 0]
        while py < item.size[1]:
            item_pixel = item.getpixel((px, py))
            if not (cls.is_empty(item_pixel) or cls.is_background_color(item_pixel)):
                color[0] += item_pixel[0]
                color[1] += item_pixel[1]
                color[2] += item_pixel[2]
                count += 1
            px += 1
            if px == item.size[0]:
                px = 0
                py += 1
        if count == 0:
            return 0, 0, 0
        color[0] /= count
        color[1] /= count
        color[2] /= count
        return int(color[0]), int(color[1]), int(color[2])

    def scan_item(cls, slot_item: Image.Image, item_list: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> \
            Union[Dict[str, Union[str, int]], str]:
        """Scans an item's image, and looks for it among similar items in the database.

        :param slot_item: The item's cropped image.
        :param item_list: The list of similar items.
        :return: The matched item, represented in a dictionary.
        results = {}
        if slot_item is None:
            return "Empty"
        for item in item_list:
            if item['id'] in results:
            item_image = pickle.loads(item['frame'])
            item_image =
            px = 0
            py = 0
            while py < slot_item.size[1] and py < item_image.size[1]:
                slot_item_pixel = slot_item.getpixel((px, py))
                item_pixel = item_image.getpixel((px, py))
                if cls.is_empty(item_pixel) == cls.is_empty(slot_item_pixel):
                elif cls.is_empty(slot_item_pixel):
                    if not cls.is_number(slot_item_pixel):
                elif cls.is_empty(item_pixel) or item_pixel != slot_item_pixel:

                px += 1
                if px == slot_item.size[0] or px == item_image.size[0]:
                    py += 1
                    px = 0
                if py == slot_item.size[1] or py == item_image.size[1]:
                    return item

        return "Unknown"

    def find_slots(cls, loot_image: Image) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Scans through an image, looking for inventory slots

        :param loot_image: An inventory screenshot
        :return: A list of dictionaries, containing the images and coordinates for every slot.
        image_copy = loot_image.copy()
        loot_bytes = loot_image.tobytes()
        slot_list = []
        if loot_image.size[0] < 34 or loot_image.size[1] < 27:
            return slot_list

        x = -1
        y = 0
        skip = False
        for _ in loot_bytes:
            x += 1
            if x + 34 > image_copy.size[0]:
                y += 1
                x = 0
            if y + 27 > image_copy.size[1]:
            if skip:
                # Skip every other pixel to save time
                skip = False
                if x + 34 != image_copy.size[0]:
                    # Can't skip the last part of an image
                    skip = True
                if image_copy.getpixel((x, y)) == slot_border[0]:
                    # If the current pixel looks like a slot
                    s = 0
                    diff = 0
                    diffmax = 1  # 3/4's of the border size
                    xs = 0
                    ys = 0

                    if x != 0 and image_copy.getpixel((x - 1, y)) == slot_border[0]:
                        # Make sure we didnt skip the beggining of a slot
                        # go back if we did
                        x -= 1
                        # We also flag the next pixel to avoid looping here forever if this turns out not to be a slot
                        image_copy.putpixel((x + 1, y), (255, 0, 255, 0))
                    while diff < diffmax:
                        if xs == 0 or xs == 33 or ys == 0 or ys == 33:
                            if not image_copy.getpixel((x + xs, y + ys)) == slot_border[s] \
                                and image_copy.getpixel((x + xs, y + ys)) not in [(24, 24, 24, 255),
                                                                                  (55, 55, 55, 255),
                                                                                  (57, 57, 57, 255),
                                                                                  (75, 76, 76, 255),
                                                                                  (255, 0, 255, 0)]:
                                # ^ This is a workaround to ignore the bottom-left border of containers
                                # as well as make the skipping work correctly
                        s += 1
                        xs += 1
                        if xs == 34:
                            xs = 0
                            ys += 1
                        if ys == 28:
                            slot_list.append({'image': loot_image.crop((x + 1, y + 1, x + 33, y + 33)), 'x': x, 'y': y})
                            image_copy.paste("RGBA", (34, 34), (255, 255, 255, 255)), (x, y))
                            x += 33
        return slot_list

    async def item_show(self, item: str) -> Tuple[bytes, list]:
        c = self.loot_conn.execute("SELECT * FROM Items WHERE name LIKE ?", (item,))
        item_list = c.fetchall()
        if len(item_list) == 0:
            return b'', []
        output_image ="RGBA", (33 * len(item_list) - 1, 32), (255, 255, 255, 255))
        x = 0
        for i in item_list:
            i_image = pickle.loads(i['frame'])
            i_image =
            output_image.paste(i_image, (x * 33, 0))
            x += 1
        img_byte_arr = io.BytesIO(), format='png')
        img_byte_arr = img_byte_arr.getvalue()
        return img_byte_arr, item_list

def setup(bot):