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2 hrs
Test Coverage
#  Copyright 2019 Allan Galarza
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import datetime as dt
import io
import re
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Dict

import discord
import tibiapy
from PIL import Image
from discord.ext import commands

from .config import config

# This is the global online dictionary
# don't look at it too closely or you'll go blind!
online_characters = {}  # type: Dict[str, List[tibiapy.OnlineCharacter]]


# RegExp pattern to extract ids from message link
msg_link_pattern = re.compile(r"(?:\w+.)?discordapp\.com/channels/(\d{16,20}|@me)/(\d{16,20})/(\d{16,20})")

class CogUtils:
    """Helper class for Cogs, defines a tag to use in logging."""
    def tag(self) -> str:
        Gets the cog's logging tag, composed of the cog's name between brackets, e.g. [Tracking]
        return self.get_tag()

    def get_tag(cls) -> str:
            Gets the cog's logging tag, composed of the cog's name between brackets, e.g. [Tracking]
        return f"[{cls.__name__}]"

def clean_string(ctx: commands.Context, string: str) -> str:
    """Turns mentions into plain text.

    Works exactly like :func:`Message.clean_content`, except this can be used on any string.

    :param ctx: The invocation context
    :param string: The string to clean.
    :return: The clean string.
    def repl_channel(match):
        channel_id ="<", "").replace("#", "").replace(">", "")
        channel = ctx.guild.get_channel(int(channel_id))
        return "#deleted_channel" if channel is None else "#"

    def repl_role(match):
        role_id ="<", "").replace("@", "").replace("&", "").replace(">", "")
        role = get_role(ctx.guild, int(role_id))
        return "@deleted_role" if role is None else "@"

    def repl_user(match):
        user_id ="<", "").replace("@", "").replace("!", "").replace(">", "")
        user = ctx.guild.get_member(int(user_id))
        return "@deleted_user" if user is None else "@" + user.display_name
    # Find channel mentions:
    string = re.sub(r"<#\d+>", repl_channel, string)
    # Find role mentions
    string = re.sub(r"<@&\d+>", repl_role, string)
    # Find user mentions
    string = re.sub(r"<@!\d+>", repl_user, string)
    string = re.sub(r"<@\d+>", repl_user, string)
    # Clean @everyone and @here
    return string.replace("@everyone", "@\u200beveryone").replace("@here", "@\u200bhere")

def get_region_string(region: discord.VoiceRegion) -> str:
    """Returns a formatted string for a given :class:`VoiceRegion`

    :param region: The voice region to convert.
    :return: The string representing the region."""
    regions = {"us-west": "🇺🇸US West",
               "us-east": "🇺🇸US East",
               "us-central": "🇺🇸US Central",
               "us-south": "🇺🇸US South",
               "eu-west": "🇪🇺West Europe",
               "eu-central": "🇪🇺Central Europe",
               "singapore": "🇸🇬Singapore",
               "london": "🇬🇧London",
               "sydney": "🇦🇺Sydney",
               "amsterdam": "🇳🇱Amsterdam",
               "frankfurt": "🇩🇪Frankfurt",
               "brazil": "🇧🇷Brazil",
               "japan": "🇯🇵Japan",
               "hongkong": "🇭🇰Hong Kong",
               "russia": "🇷🇺Russia",
               "vip-us-east": "🇺🇸US East (VIP)",
               "vip-us-west": "🇺🇸US West (VIP)",
               "vip-amsterdam": "🇳🇱Amsterdam (VIP)",
    return regions.get(str(region), str(region))

def most_frequent_color(image: Union[Image.Image, bytes]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
    """Gets the most frequent color in an image

    The most frequent color is the color that is found the most times in the image. Ties are handled arbitrarily.

    :param image: The image to check, can be either an Image object or the byte content.
    :return: A tuple with the RGB components of the most frequent color in the image."""
    if not isinstance(image, Image.Image):
        image =
    w, h = image.size
    image = image.convert("RGBA")
    pixels = image.getcolors(w * h)
    most_frequent_pixel = sorted(pixels, key=lambda p: p[0], reverse=True)
    for count, (r, g, b, a) in most_frequent_pixel:
        if a < 125 or (r < 15 and g < 15 and b < 15) or (r > 254 and g > 254 and b > 254):
        return r, g, b

def average_color(image: Union[Image.Image, bytes]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
    """Gets the average image's color.

    The average color is the average value of each color component (RGB).

    :param image: The image to check, can be either an Image object or the byte content.
    :return: A tuple with the RGB components of the average color in the image."""
    if not isinstance(image, Image.Image):
        image =
    image = image.convert("RGBA")
    pixels = image.getdata()

    rs = []
    gs = []
    bs = []
    for r, g, b, a in pixels:
        # Skip transparent pixels
        if a == 0:
    return int(sum(rs) / len(rs)), int(sum(gs) / len(gs)), int(sum(bs) / len(bs))

def get_n_weekday(year: int, month: int, weekday: int, n: int) -> Optional[]:
    """Returns the date where the nth weekday of a month occurred.

    :param year: The year to check
    :param month: The month to check
    :param weekday: The day of the week to look for (Monday = 1)
    :param n: The nth day to look for
    :return: The date where the request occurred.
    count = 0
    for i in range(1, 32):
            d =, month, i)
        except ValueError:
        if d.isoweekday() == weekday:
            count += 1
        if count == n:
            return d
    return None

def get_role(guild: discord.Guild, role_id: int = None, role_name: str = None) -> Optional[discord.Role]:
    """Returns a role matching the id in a server.

    :param guild: The guild where the role should be looked in.
    :param role_id: The id of the role to look for.
    :param role_name: The name of the role to look for.
    :return: The found role or None.
    :raise ValueError: If guild is None or both role_id and role_name are specified.
    if guild is None:
        raise ValueError("guild is None")
    if role_id is None and role_name is None:
        raise ValueError("Either role_id or role_name must be specified")
    for role in guild.roles:
        if == role_id or (role_name is not None and == role_name.lower()):
            return role
    return None

def get_time_diff(time_diff: dt.timedelta) -> Optional[str]:
    """Returns a string showing the time difference of a timedelta

    :param time_diff: The time difference object
    :return: A string representation of the time difference."""
    if not isinstance(time_diff, dt.timedelta):
        return None
    hours = time_diff.seconds // 3600
    minutes = (time_diff.seconds // 60) % 60
    if time_diff.days > 1:
        return "{0} days".format(time_diff.days)
    if time_diff.days == 1:
        return "1 day"
    if hours > 1:
        return "{0} hours".format(hours)
    if hours == 1:
        return "1 hour"
    if minutes > 1:
        return "{0} minutes".format(minutes)
        return "moments"

# TODO: User.avatar_url now does this by default, this can be removed
def get_user_avatar(user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member]) -> str:
    """Gets the user's avatar url

    If they don't have an avatar set, the default avatar is returned.
    :param user: The user to get the avatar of
    :return: The avatar's url."""
    return user.avatar_url if user.avatar_url is not None else user.default_avatar_url

def is_numeric(s: str) -> bool:
    """Checks if a string is numeric.

    :param s: The string to check.
    :return: True if the value is numeric
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

def join_list(_list: List, separator: str = ", ", end_separator: str = " and ") -> str:
    """Joins elements in a list, using a different separator for the last item.

    :param _list: The list to join.
    :param separator: The string that will separate the items.
    :param end_separator: The separator that will be used for the last item.
    :return: A string containing all list elements.
    size = len(_list)
    if size == 0:
        return ""
    if size == 1:
        return _list[0]
    return separator.join(_list[:size - 1]) + end_separator + str(_list[size - 1])

def parse_uptime(start_time, long=False) -> str:
    """Returns a string with the time the bot has been running for.

    :param start_time: The time where the bot started.
    :param long: Whether to use long notation or not.
    :return: A string representing the total running time."""
    now = dt.datetime.utcnow()
    delta = now - start_time
    hours, remainder = divmod(int(delta.total_seconds()), 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
    days, hours = divmod(hours, 24)
    if days:
        fmt = '{d}d {h}h {m}m {s}s' if not long else '{d} days, {h} hours, {m} minutes, and {s} seconds'
        fmt = '{h}h {m}m {s}s' if not long else '{h} hours, {m} minutes, and {s} seconds'

    return fmt.format(d=days, h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds)

def parse_message_link(message_url) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
    """Parses a discord message link and extracts its components.

    If the link is not a valid message link, all elements of the tuple will be None.
    If the link belongs to a private message, the first element will be None.

    The tuple elements represent guild_id, channel_id and message_id in that order."""
    match =
    if match is None:
        return None, None, None
        guild = None if not is_numeric( else int(
        return guild, int(, int(
    except ValueError:
        return None, None, None

async def safe_delete_message(message: discord.Message) -> bool:
    """Attempts to delete a message, failing silently if the bot couldn't delete it.

    This is used as a shortcut to attempt to delete a message when failure is not critical.
    The bot may fail to delete a message by another user if the bot lacks `Manage Messages` permission.
    It might also fail if the message no longer exist.

    Note that an exception will still be raised if something other than a message is passed.

    :return: If the message was deleted or not."""
        await message.delete()
        return True
    except (discord.Forbidden, discord.NotFound):
        return False

def split_params(param: str, delimiter=",", maxsplit=-1) -> List[str]:
    """Splits the string parameter of a function and removes trailing/leading empty spaces from each resulting string.

    :param param: The string to be split.
    :param delimiter: The delimiter to be used for the split.
    :param maxsplit Maximum amount of splits to be done.
    :return: The list containing all stripped strings resulting from the split."""
    split = param.split(delimiter, maxsplit)
    params = []
    for s in split:
    return params

def single_line(string: str) -> str:
    """Turns a multi-line string into a single.

    Some platforms use CR and LF, others use only LF, so we first replace CR and LF together and then LF to avoid
    adding multiple spaces.

    :param string: The string to convert.
    :return: The converted string.
    return string.replace("\r\n", " ").replace("\n", " ")