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#  Copyright 2019 Allan Galarza
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

import random
import re

import tibiapy

from cogs.utils.tibia import normalize_vocation

class MessageCondition:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.char: tibiapy.Character = kwargs.get("char")
        self.min_level = kwargs.get("min_level")

    def vocation(self):
        return self.char.vocation.value

    def sex(self):

    def base_voc(self):
        return normalize_vocation(self.char.vocation)

class LevelCondition(MessageCondition):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.level = kwargs.get("level")

class DeathMessageCondition(MessageCondition):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.death: tibiapy.Death = kwargs.get("death")
        self.levels_lost = kwargs.get("levels_lost")

    def level(self):
        return self.death.level

    def killer(self):
        if len(self.death.killers) == 1:
        return next(( for k in self.death.killers if !=,

# We save the last messages so they are not repeated so often
last_messages = [""]*50
WAVE_MONSTERS = ["dragon", "dragon lord", "undead dragon", "draken spellweaver", "hellhound", "hellfire fighter",
                 "frost dragon", "medusa", "serpent spawn", "hydra", "grim reaper"]
ARROW_MONSTERS = ["hunter", "hero", "elf arcanist", "elf scout", "Omruc"]

# Simple level messages
SIMPLE_LEVEL = "**{name}** advanced to level {level}."
SIMPLE_DEATH = "**{name}** ({level}) died to {killer_article}**{killer}**."
SIMPLE_PVP_DEATH = "**{name}** ({level}) was killed by **{killer}**."

# Message list for announce_level
# Parameters: {name}, {level} , {he_she}, {his_her}, {him_her}
# Values in each list element are:
# Relative chance, message, lambda function as filter (takes min_level, level, voc)
# Only relative chance and message are mandatory.
level_messages = [
    # Not vocation or level specific
    [30, "**{name}** is level {level}🍰\r\n" +
     "I'm making a note here:🎢\r\n" +
     "Huge success!🎢\r\n" +
     "It's hard to overstate my🎢\r\n" +
    [70, "**{name}** got level {level}! So stronk now!πŸ’ͺ"],
    [70, "Congrats **{name}** on getting level {level}! Maybe you can solo rats now?"],
    [70, "**{name}** is level {level} now! And we all thought {he_she}'d never achieve anything in life."],
    [80, "**{name}** has reached level {level}, die and lose it, noob!"],
    [80, "**{name}** is level {level}, watch out world..."],
    [80, "**{name}** reached level {level}! What a time to be alive...πŸ™„"],
    [80, "**{name}** got level {level}. I guess this justifies all those creatures {he_she} murdered."],
    [90, "**{name}** is level {level}. Better than {he_she} was. Better, stronger, faster."],
    [100, "Congratulations to **{name}** on reaching level {level}!"],
    [100, "**{name}** is level {level} now, congrats!"],
    [100, "Well, look at **{name}** with {his_her} new fancy level {level}."],
    [100, "**{name}** is level {level} now. Noice."],
    [100, "**{name}** has finally made it to level {level}, yay!"],
    [100, "**{name}**, you reached level {level}? Here, have a cookie πŸͺ"],
    [100, "Congrats **{name}** on getting level {level}! I'm sure someone is proud of you. Not me though."],
    # EK Only
    [50, "**{name}** has reached level {level}. That's 9 more mana potions you can carry now!",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "knight"],
    [200, "**{name}** is level {level}. Stick them with the pointy end! πŸ—‘οΈ",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "knight"],
    [200, "**{name}** is a fat level {level} meatwall now. BLOCK FOR ME SENPAI.",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "knight"],
    # EK Only - Level specific
    [20000, "**{name}** is now level {level}! Time to go berserk! πŸ’’",
     lambda c: c.level == 35 and c.base_voc == "knight"],
    # RP Only
    [50, "**{name}** has reached level {level}. But {he_she} still misses arrows...",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "paladin"],
    [150, "Congrats on level {level}, **{name}**. You can stop running around now.",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "paladin"],
    [150, "**{name}** is level {level}. Bullseye!🎯",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "paladin"],
    # RP Only - Level specific
    [30000, "**{name}** is level {level}! You can become a ninja now!πŸ‘€",
     lambda c: c.level == 80 and c.base_voc == "paladin"],
    [30000, "**{name}** is level {level}! Time to get some crystalline arrows!🏹",
     lambda c: c.level == 90 and c.base_voc == "paladin"],
    # MS Only
    [150, "**{name}** got level {level}. If {he_she} only stopped missing beams.",
     lambda c: c.level >= 23 and c.base_voc == "sorcerer"],
    [50, "Level {level}, **{name}**? Nice. Don't you wish you were a druid though?",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "sorcerer"],
    [150, "**{name}** is level {level}. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯BURN THEM ALLπŸ”₯πŸ”₯",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "sorcerer"],
    # MS Only - Level specific
    [20000, "**{name}** is level {level}. Watch out for {his_her} SDs!",
     lambda c: c.level == 45 and c.base_voc == "sorcerer"],
    # ED Only
    [50, "**{name}** has reached level {level}. Flower power!🌼",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "druid"],
    [150, "Congrats on level {level}, **{name}**. Sio plz.",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "druid"],
    [150, "**{name}** is level {level}. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯BURN THEM ALL... Or... Give them frostbite?❄❄",
     lambda c: c.level >= 100 and c.base_voc == "druid"],
    # ED Only - Level specific
    [20000, "**{name}** is level {level} now! Time to unleash the Wrath of NatureπŸƒπŸƒ... Just look at that wrath...",
     lambda c: c.level == 55 and c.base_voc == "druid"],
    [20000, "**{name}** is level {level} now! Eternal Winter is coming!❄",
     lambda c: c.level == 60 and c.base_voc == "druid"],
    # Mage - Level specific
    [20000, "**{name}** is level {level}! UMPs so good 🍷",
     lambda c: c.level == 130 and c.base_voc in ["druid", "sorcerer"]],
    [20000, "Sniff Sniff... Can you smell that?... Is the smell of death... **{name}** just advanced to {level}!",
     lambda c: c.level == 45 and c.base_voc in ["druid", "sorcerer"]],
    # No vocation - Level specific
    [20000, "Level {level}, **{name}**? You're finally important enough for me to notice!",
     lambda c: c.level == c.min_level],
    [20000, "Congratulations on level {level} **{name}**! Now you're relevant to me. As relevant a human can be anyway",
     lambda c: c.level == c.min_level],
    [20000, "**{name}** is now level {level}. Don't forget to buy a Gearwheel Chain!πŸ“Ώ",
     lambda c: c.level == 75],
    [30000, "**{name}** is level {level}!!!!\r\n Sweet, sweet triple digits!",
     lambda c: c.level == 100],
    [20000, "**{name}** is level {level}!!!!\r\n WOOO",
     lambda c: c.level % 100 == 0],
    [20000, "**{name}** is level {level}!!!!\r\n Yaaaay milestone!",
     lambda c: c.level % 100 == 0],
    [20000, "**{name}** is level {level}!!!!\r\n Holy crap!",
     lambda c: c.level % 100 == 0],
    [20000, "Congratulations on level {level} **{name}**! Now you can become an umbral master, but is your"
     " bank account ready?πŸ’Έ",
     lambda c: c.level == 250],
    [20000, "Congratulations on level {level} **{name}**! Now go get your ~~pokΓ©mon~~ summon!",
     lambda c: c.level == 200]]

# Message list for announce death.
# Parameters: ({name},{level},{killer},{killer_article},{he_she}, {his_her},{him_her}
# Additionally, words surrounded by \WORD/ are upper cased, /word\ are lower cased, /Word/ are title cased
# words surrounded by ^WORD^ are ignored if the next letter found is uppercase (useful for dealing with proper nouns)
# Values in each list element are:
# Relative chance, message, lambda function as filter (takes min_level, level, voc, killer, levels_lost)
# Only relative chance and message are mandatory.
death_messages_monster = [
    # Not specific
    [30, "**{name}** ({level}) is no more! /{he_she}/ has ceased to be! /{he_she}/'s expired and gone to meet "
     "{his_her} maker! /{he_she}/'s a stiff! Bereft of life, {he_she} rests in peace! If {he_she} hadn't "
     "respawned {he_she}'d be pushing up the daisies! /{his_her}/ metabolic processes are now history! "
     "/{he_she}/'s off the server! /{he_she}/'s kicked the bucket, {he_she}'s shuffled off {his_her} mortal "
     "coil, kissed {killer_article}**{killer}**'s butt, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir "
     "invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-**\{name}/**."],
    [50, "**{name}** ({level}) died to {killer_article}**{killer}**. But I bet it was because there was "
     "a flood and something broke with like 7200lb falling over the infrastructure of your city's internet, right?"],
    [70, "That's what you get **{name}** ({level}), for messing with ^that ^**{killer}**!"],
    [70, "To be or not to be πŸ’€, that is the-- Well I guess **{name}** ({level}) made his choice, "
         "or ^that ^**{killer}** chose for him..."],
    [80, "A priest, {killer_article}**{killer}** and **{name}** ({level}) walk into a bar. πŸ’€ONLY ONE WALKS OUT.πŸ’€"],
    [100, "RIP **{name}** ({level}), you died the way you lived- inside {killer_article}**{killer}**."],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) was just eaten by {killer_article}**{killer}**. Yum."],
    [100, "Silly **{name}** ({level}), I warned you not to play with {killer_article}**{killer}**!"],
    [100, "/{killer_article}**/{killer}** killed **{name}** at level {level}. Shame πŸ”” shame πŸ”” shame πŸ””"],
    [100, "RIP **{name}** ({level}), we hardly knew you! (^That ^**{killer}** got to know you pretty well "
     "though πŸ˜‰)"],
    [100, "RIP **{name}** ({level}), you were strong. ^The ^**{killer}** was stronger."],
    [100, "Oh, there goes **{name}** ({level}), killed by {killer_article}**{killer}**. So young, so full "
     "of life. /{he_she}/ will be miss... oh nevermind, {he_she} respawned already."],
    [100, "Oh look! **{name}** ({level}) died by {killer_article}**{killer}**! What a surprise...πŸ™„"],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) was killed by {killer_article}**{killer}**, but we all saw that coming."],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) tried sneaking around {killer_article}**{killer}**. I could hear Colonel "
     "Campbell's voice over codec: *Snake? Snake!? SNAAAAAAAAAKE!!?*"],
    [100, "Oh no! **{name}** died at level {level}. Well, it's okay, just blame lag, I'm sure ^the ^"
     "**{killer}** had nothing to do with it."],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) + **{killer}** = dedd."],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) got killed by a **{killer}**. Another one bites the dust!"],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) just kicked the bucket. And by kicked the bucket I mean a **{killer}** beat "
     "the crap out of {him_her}."],
    [100, "Alas, poor **{name}** ({level}), I knew {him_her} Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most "
     "excellent fancy; {he_she} hath borne me on {his_her} back a thousand times; and now, {he_she} got rekt "
     "by {killer_article}**{killer}**."],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) dies to {killer_article}**{killer}**. I guess **{name}** left their hands at home."],
    [100, "There's a thousand ways to die in Tibia. **{name}** ({level}) chose to die to {killer_article}**{killer}**."],
    [100, "I'll always remember the last words of **{name}** ({level}): 'exur-'. "
          "^That ^**{killer}** sure got {him_her}."],
    # General specific
    [150, "Oh look at that, rest in peace **{name}** ({level}),  ^that ^**{killer}** really got you. "
          "Hope you get your level back.",
     lambda c: c.levels_lost > 0],
    # Vocation specific
    [500, "**{name}** ({level}) just died to {killer_article}**{killer}**, why did nobody sio {him_her}!?",
     lambda c: c.base_voc == "knight"],
    [500, "Poor **{name}** ({level}) has died. Killed by {killer_article}**{killer}**. I bet it was your "
     "blocker's fault though, eh **{name}**?",
     lambda c: c.base_voc == "druid" or c.base_voc == "sorcerer"],
    [500, "**{name}** ({level}) tried running away from {killer_article}**{killer}**. /{he_she}/ "
     "didn't run fast enough...",
     lambda c: c.base_voc == "paladin"],
    [500, "What happened to **{name}** ({level})!? Talk about sudden death! I guess ^that ^**{killer}** was "
     "too much for {him_her}...",
     lambda c: c.base_voc == "sorcerer"],
    [500, "**{name}** ({level}) was killed by {killer_article}**{killer}**. I guess {he_she} couldn't "
     "sio {him_her}self.",
     lambda c: c.base_voc == "druid"],
    # Monster specific
    [600, "**{name}** ({level}) died to {killer_article}**{killer}**. \"Don't worry\" they said, \"They are weaker\" "
     "they said.",
     lambda c: c.killer in ["weakened frazzlemaw", "enfeebled silencer"]],
    [1000, "Damn! The koolaid they drink in that cult must have steroids on it, **{name}** ({level}).",
     lambda c: "cult" in c.killer],
    [2000, "**{name}** ({level}) got killed by ***{killer}***. How spooky is that! πŸ‘»",
     lambda c: c.killer == "something evil"],
    [2000, "**{name}** ({level}) died from **{killer}**. Yeah, no shit.",
     lambda c: c.killer == "death"],
    [2000, "They did warn you **{name}** ({level}), you *did* burn πŸ”₯🐲.",
     lambda c: c.killer in ["dragon", "dragon lord"]],
    [2000, "**{name}** ({level}) died from {killer_article}**{killer}**. Someone forgot the safeword.😏",
     lambda c: c.killer == "choking fear"],
    [2000, "That **{killer}** got really up close and personal with **{name}** ({level}). "
           "Maybe he thought you were his Princess Lumelia?😏",
     lambda c: c.killer == "hero"],
    [2000, "Looks like that **{killer}** made **{name}** ({level}) his bride πŸ˜‰.",
     lambda c: "vampire" in c.killer],
    [2000, "Yeah, those are a little stronger than regular orcs, **{name}** ({level}).",
     lambda c: "orc cult" in c.killer],
    [2000, "Asian chicks are no joke **{name}** ({level}) πŸ”ͺπŸ’”.",
     lambda c: "asura" in c.killer],
    [2000, "Watch out for that **{killer}**'s wav... Oh😐... Rest in peace **{name}** ({level}).",
     lambda c: c.killer in WAVE_MONSTERS],
    [2000, "**{name}** ({level}) died to {killer_article}**{killer}**! Don't worry, {he_she} didn't have a soul anyway",
     lambda c: c.killer == "souleater"],
    [2000, "**{name}** ({level}) met the strong wave of {killer_article}**{killer}**... Pro Tip: next time, stand in "
     lambda c: c.killer in WAVE_MONSTERS],
    [2000, "**{name}** ({level}) had his life drained by {killer_article}**{killer}**. Garlic plx!",
     lambda c: c.killer in ["vampire", "vampire bride", "vampire viscount", "grimeleech", "undead dragon", "lich",
                            "lost soul", "skeleton elite warrior", "undead elite gladiator"]],
    [2500, "**{name}** ({level}) met {his_her} demise at the hands of a **{killer}**. That's hot.",
     lambda c: c.killer in ["true dawnfire asura", "dawnfire asura", "fury"]],
    [2500, "Poor **{name}** ({level}) just wanted some love! That cold hearted... Witch.",
     lambda c: c.killer in ["true frost flower asura", "frost flower asura", "frost giantess", "ice witch"]],
    [2500, "Asian chicks sure age well, don't you think so, **{name}** ({level})? πŸ˜πŸ‘΅.",
     lambda c: "true" in c.killer and "asura" in c.killer],
    [2000, "KABOOM! **{name}** ({level}) just found out that Outburst's favourite songs is TNT by AC/DC."
           "He payed highest price for this discovery.",
     lambda c: "outburst" in c.killer.lower()],
    [2500, "**{name}** ({level}) died to {killer_article}**{killer}**. /{he_she}/ wasn't much of a reader anyway.",
     lambda c: "book" in c.killer],
    [2500, "**{name}** ({level}) took an arrow to the knee. ^That ^**{killer}** sure can aim!",
     lambda c: c.killer in ARROW_MONSTERS],
    # Level and monster specific
    [2000, "**{name}** ({level}) got destroyed by {killer_article}**{killer}**. I bet {he_she} regrets going down"
           "that hole πŸ•³οΈ",
     lambda c: c.level < 120 and c.killer in ["breach brood", "dread intruder", "reality reaver",
                                              "spark of destruction", "sparkion"]],
    # Vocation and monster specific
    [2000, "Another paladin bites the dust! **{killer}** strikes again! Rest in peace **{name}** ({level}).",
     lambda c: c.base_voc == "paladin" and c.killer == "Lady Tenebris"]

# Deaths by players
death_messages_player = [
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) got rekt! **{killer}** ish pekay!"],
    [100, "HALP **{killer}** is going around killing innocent **{name}** ({level})!"],
    [100, "**{killer}** just put **{name}** ({level}) in the ground. Finally someone takes care of that."],
    [100, "**{killer}** killed **{name}** ({level}) and on this day a thousand innocent souls are avenged."],
    [100, "**{killer}** has killed **{name}** ({level}). What? He had it coming!"],
    [100, "Next time stay away from **{killer}**, **{name}** ({level})."],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) was murdered by **{killer}**! Did {he_she} deserved it? Only they know."],
    [100, "**{killer}** killed **{name}** ({level}). Humans killing themselves, what a surprise. It just means less "
          "work for us robots when we take over."],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) got killed by **{killer}**. Humans are savages."],
    [100, "HAHAHA **{name}** ({level}) was killed by **{killer}**! Ehhrm, I mean, ooh poor **{name}**, rest in peace."],
    [100, "**{name}** ({level}) died in the hands of **{killer}**. Oh well, murder is like potato chips: you can't stop"
          " with just one."],
    [100, "Blood! Blood! Let the blood drip! **{name}** ({level}) was murdered by **{killer}**."],
    [100, "Oh look at that! **{name}** ({level}) was killed by **{killer}**. I hope {he_she} gets {his_her} revenge."]

def format_message(message) -> str:
    """Handles stylization of messages

    uppercasing \TEXT/
    lowercasing /text\
    title casing /Text/"""
    upper = r'\\(.+?)/'
    upper = re.compile(upper, re.MULTILINE + re.S)
    lower = r'/(.+?)\\'
    lower = re.compile(lower, re.MULTILINE + re.S)
    title = r'/(.+?)/'
    title = re.compile(title, re.MULTILINE + re.S)
    skipproper = r'\^(.+?)\^(.+?)([a-zA-Z])'
    skipproper = re.compile(skipproper, re.MULTILINE + re.S)
    message = re.sub(upper, lambda m:, message)
    message = re.sub(lower, lambda m:, message)
    message = re.sub(title, lambda m:, message)
    message = re.sub(skipproper,
                     lambda m: + if else + +
                         3), message)
    return message

def weighed_choice(choices, condition: MessageCondition) -> str:
    """Makes a weighed choice from a message list.

    Each element of the list is a list with the following values:
    - Relative weight of the message, the higher, the more common the message is relative to the others.
    - The message's content
    - A lambda expression with the parameters: min_level, level, voc, killer, levels_lost.
    # Find the max range by adding up the weigh of every message in the list
    # and purge out messages that don't fulfil the conditions
    weight_range = 0
    _messages = []
    for message in choices:
        if len(message) == 3 and not message[2](condition):
        weight_range = weight_range + (message[0] if not message[1] in last_messages else message[0] / 10)
    # Choose a random number
    range_choice = random.randint(0, weight_range)
    # Iterate until we find the matching message
    range_pos = 0
    for message in _messages:
        if range_pos <= range_choice < range_pos + (message[0] if not message[1] in last_messages else message[0] / 10):
            last_messages.insert(0, message[1])
            return message[1]
        range_pos = range_pos + (message[0] if not message[1] in last_messages else message[0] / 10)
    # This shouldn't ever happen...
    print("Error in weighed_choice!")
    return _messages[0][1]

def split_message(message: str, limit: int = 2000):
    """Splits a message into a list of messages if it exceeds limit.

    Messages are only split at new lines.

    Discord message limits:
        Normal message: 2000
        Embed description: 2048
        Embed field name: 256
        Embed field value: 1024"""
    if len(message) <= limit:
        return [message]
        lines = message.splitlines()
        new_message = ""
        message_list = []
        for line in lines:
            if len(new_message+line+"\n") <= limit:
                new_message += line+"\n"
                new_message = ""
        if new_message:
        return message_list

def html_to_markdown(html_string):
    """Converts some html tags to markdown equivalent"""
    # Carriage return
    html_string = html_string.replace("\r", "")
    # Replace <br> tags with line jumps
    html_string = re.sub(r'<br\s?/?>', "\n", html_string)
    # Replace <strong> and <b> with bold
    html_string = re.sub(r'<strong>([^<]+)</strong>', r'**\g<1>**', html_string)
    html_string = re.sub(r'<b>([^<]+)</b>', r'**\g<1>**', html_string)
    html_string = re.sub(r'<li>([^<]+)</li>', r'- \g<1>\n', html_string)
    # Replace links
    html_string = re.sub(r'<a href=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]+>([^<]+)</a>', r"[\g<2>](\g<1>)", html_string)
    # Paragraphs with jumpline
    html_string = re.sub(r'<p>([^<]+)</p>', r"\g<1>\n", html_string)
    # Replace youtube embeds with link to youtube
    html_string = re.sub(r'<iframe src=\"([^\"]+)\"[^>]+></iframe>', r"[YouTube](\g<1>)", html_string)
    # Remove leftover html tags
    html_string = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', "", html_string)
    html_string = html_string.replace("\n\n", "\n")
    return html_string

def get_first_image(content):
    """Returns a url to the first image found in a html string."""
    matches = re.findall(r'<img([^<]+)>', content)
    for match in matches:
        match_src ='src="([^"]+)', match)
        if match_src:
    return None

class TabularData:
    def __init__(self):
        self._widths = []
        self._columns = []
        self._rows = []

    def set_columns(self, columns):
        self._columns = columns
        self._widths = [len(c) + 2 for c in columns]

    def add_row(self, row):
        rows = [str(r) for r in row]
        for index, element in enumerate(rows):
            width = len(element) + 2
            if width > self._widths[index]:
                self._widths[index] = width

    def add_rows(self, rows):
        for row in rows:

    def render(self):
        """Renders a table in rST format.
        | Name  | Age |
        | Alice | 24  |
        |  Bob  | 19  |

        sep = '+'.join('-' * w for w in self._widths)
        sep = f'+{sep}+'

        to_draw = [sep]

        def get_entry(d):
            elem = '|'.join(f'{e:^{self._widths[i]}}' for i, e in enumerate(d))
            return f'|{elem}|'


        for row in self._rows:

        return '\n'.join(to_draw)