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Test Coverage
# Special bot channels
# ask_channel is a channel where the bot will give longer replies to some commands (like on pms)
#   If ask_channel_delete is True, any message that is not a command will be deleted, to keep the channel for
#   commands only
# server_log_channel is where the bot will log certain actions such as member joining and registering characters.
ask_channel_name: ask-nabbot
ask_channel_delete: true
log_channel_name: server-log

# The default prefix(es) for commands
# This setting will affect all servers, but each server can configure its own command prefix,
# including removing the global ones
# Mentioning the bot is always a command prefix
  - "nab."
  - "/"

# Lite mode:
# If lite is enabled, all user database related functions are disabled.
# /stalk, /im, /whois /levels are disabled
# /whois, /deaths have limited functionality
# Level up and deaths announcements are disabled
  - 140054830252163072

# Add extra features by adding your own cogs.
# Example: extra/ would be added as 'extra.twitch'
extra_cogs: []

# Owners can use mods commands and more sensible commands like /shutdown and restart
# By default, the bot's application owner is always considered, this array allows adding extra owners
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  - 162070610556616705

# Cached online list expiration
online_list_expiration: 300

# Level threshold for announces (level < announceLevel)
announce_threshold: 30

# Delay inbreed server checks
online_scan_interval: 90

# Delay in between player death checks in seconds
death_scan_interval: 15

# Delay between retries when there's a network error in seconds
network_retry_delay: 1

# Emojis
# Sets the various emojis used by the bot.
# Bots can use emojis from any server they are in, animated or not.
# See the documentation for more information.

# Required emojis
# These values must always have an emoji to display
online_emoji: 🔹
true_emoji: ✅
false_emoji: ❌
warn_emoji: ⚠
levelup_emoji: 🌟
death_emoji: ☠
pvpdeath_emoji: 💀
# These emojis are also used in vocation filtering
novoc_emoji: 🐣
druid_emoji: ❄
sorcerer_emoji: 🔥
paladin_emoji: 🏹
knight_emoji: 🛡
# Emojis for bestiary info
charms_emoji: ⚜
difficulty_on_emoji: ⭐
difficulty_off_emoji: ▪
occurrence_on_emoji: 🔹
occurrence_off_emoji: ▪
# Emoji for some loading messages
loading_emoji: ⏳

# Optional emojis
# The following are values than can optionally be represented by emojis.
# If they are set to false, text will be displayed instead.

# Whether to use or not emojis to show discord status in serverinfo command.
use_status_emojis: false
  online: 💚
  dnd: ♥
  idle: 💛
  offline: 🖤

# Whether to use emojis to represent elemental damage in spells and monsters info
use_elemental_emojis: false
  physical: ⚔
  earth: 🌿
  fire: 🔥
  energy: ⚡
  ice: ❄
  death: 💀
  holy: 🔱
  poison: 🐍
  drown: 💧