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namespace JSend;

use BadMethodCallException;
use JsonSerializable;
use UnexpectedValueException;

class JSendResponse implements JsonSerializable
    public const SUCCESS = 'success';
    public const FAIL = 'fail';
    public const ERROR = 'error';

    public const KEY_STATUS = 'status';
    public const KEY_DATA = 'data';
    public const KEY_MESSAGE = 'message';
    public const KEY_CODE = 'code';

    protected string $status;
    /** @var array<mixed>|null  */
    protected ?array $data;
    protected ?string $errorCode;
    protected ?string $errorMessage;
    protected int $jsonEncodeOptions = 0;

     * From the spec:
     * Description: All went well, and (usually) some data was returned.
     * Required   :  data
     * @param array<mixed>|null $data
     * @return JSendResponse
     * @throws InvalidJSendException
    public static function success(array $data = null): JSendResponse
        return new static(static::SUCCESS, $data);

     * From the spec:
     * Description: There was a problem with the data submitted, or some pre-condition of the API call wasn't satisfied
     * Required   : data
     * @param array<mixed>|null $data
     * @return JSendResponse
     * @throws InvalidJSendException
    public static function fail(array $data = null): JSendResponse
        return new static(static::FAIL, $data);

     * From the spec:
     * Description: An error occurred in processing the request, i.e. an exception was thrown
     * Required   : errorMessage
     * Optional   : errorCode, data
     * @param string $errorMessage
     * @param string|null $errorCode
     * @param array<mixed>|null $data
     * @return JSendResponse
     * @throws InvalidJSendException if empty($errorMessage) is true
    public static function error(string $errorMessage, string $errorCode = null, array $data = null): JSendResponse
        return new static(static::ERROR, $data, $errorMessage, $errorCode);

     * JSendResponse constructor.
     * @param string $status one of static::SUCCESS, static::FAIL, static::ERROR
     * @param array<mixed>|null $data
     * @param string|null $errorMessage mandatory for errors
     * @param string|null $errorCode
     * @throws InvalidJSendException if status is not valid or status is error and empty($errorMessage) is true
    final public function __construct(string $status, array $data = null, $errorMessage = null, $errorCode = null)
        if (!$this->isStatusValid($status)) {
            throw new InvalidJSendException('Status does not conform to JSend spec.');
        $this->status = $status;

        if ($status === static::ERROR) {
            if (empty($errorMessage)) {
                throw new InvalidJSendException('Errors must contain a message.');
            $this->errorMessage = $errorMessage;
            $this->errorCode = $errorCode;

        $this->data = $data;

    public function getStatus(): string
        return $this->status;

     * @return array<mixed>|null
    public function getData(): ?array
        return $this->data;

     * @return null|string
    public function getErrorMessage(): ?string
        if ($this->isError()) {
            return $this->errorMessage;

        throw new BadMethodCallException('Only responses with a status of error may have an error message.');

     * @return null|string
    public function getErrorCode(): ?string
        if ($this->isError()) {
            return $this->errorCode;

        throw new BadMethodCallException('Only responses with a status of error may have an error code.');

    protected function isStatusValid(string $status): bool
        $validStatuses = array(static::SUCCESS, static::FAIL, static::ERROR);

        return \in_array($status, $validStatuses, true);

    public function isSuccess(): bool
        return $this->status === static::SUCCESS;

    public function isFail(): bool
        return $this->status === static::FAIL;

    public function isError(): bool
        return $this->status === static::ERROR;

     * Serializes the class into an array
     * @return array<mixed> the serialized array
    public function asArray(): array
        $theArray = [static::KEY_STATUS => $this->status];

        if ($this->data) {
            $theArray[static::KEY_DATA] = $this->data;
        if (!$this->data && !$this->isError()) {
            // Data is optional for errors, so it should not be set
            // rather than be null.
            $theArray[static::KEY_DATA] = null;

        if ($this->isError()) {
            $theArray[static::KEY_MESSAGE] = (string)$this->errorMessage;

            if (!empty($this->errorCode)) {
                $theArray[static::KEY_CODE] = (int)$this->errorCode;

        return $theArray;

    public function setEncodingOptions(int $options): void
        $this->jsonEncodeOptions = $options;

     * Encodes the class into JSON
     * @return false|string the raw JSON
    public function encode(): false|string
        return json_encode($this, $this->jsonEncodeOptions);

     * Implements JsonSerializable interface
     * @return array<mixed>
    public function jsonSerialize(): array
        return $this->asArray();

     * @return string
    public function __toString()
        $encode = $this->encode();
        return $encode===false ? "" : $encode;

     * Encodes the class into JSON and sends it as a response with
     * the 'application/json' header
    public function respond(): void
        header('Content-Type: application/json');
        echo $this->encode();

     * Takes raw JSON (JSend) and builds it into a new JSendResponse
     * @param string $json the raw JSON (JSend) to decode
     * @param int<1, max> $depth User specified recursion depth, defaults to 512
     * @param int $options Bitmask of JSON decode options.
     * @return JSendResponse if JSON is invalid
     * @throws InvalidJSendException if JSend does not conform to spec
     * @see json_decode()
    public static function decode(string $json, int $depth = 512, int $options = 0): JSendResponse
        $rawDecode = json_decode($json, true, $depth, $options);

        if ($rawDecode === null) {
            throw new UnexpectedValueException('JSON is invalid.');

        if ((!\is_array($rawDecode)) || (!array_key_exists(static::KEY_STATUS, $rawDecode))) {
            throw new InvalidJSendException('JSend must be an object with a valid status.');

        $status = $rawDecode[static::KEY_STATUS];
        $data = $rawDecode[static::KEY_DATA] ?? null;
        $errorMessage = $rawDecode[static::KEY_MESSAGE] ?? null;
        $errorCode = $rawDecode[static::KEY_CODE] ?? null;

        if ($status === static::ERROR && $errorMessage === null) {
            throw new InvalidJSendException('JSend errors must contain a message.');
        if ($status !== static::ERROR && !array_key_exists(static::KEY_DATA, $rawDecode)) {
            throw new InvalidJSendException('JSend must contain data unless it is an error.');

        return new static($status, $data, $errorMessage, $errorCode);