"""MLLM (Maui-like Lexical Matchin) model for Annif"""
from __future__ import annotations
import collections
import math
from enum import IntEnum
from statistics import mean
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
import joblib
import numpy as np
from rdflib.namespace import SKOS
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
import annif.parallel
import annif.util
from annif.exception import OperationFailedException
from annif.lexical.tokenset import TokenSet, TokenSetIndex
from annif.lexical.util import (
from collections import defaultdict
from rdflib.graph import Graph
from rdflib.term import URIRef
from annif.analyzer import Analyzer
from annif.corpus.document import DocumentCorpus
from annif.vocab import AnnifVocabulary
Term = collections.namedtuple("Term", "subject_id label is_pref")
Match = collections.namedtuple("Match", "subject_id is_pref n_tokens pos ambiguity")
Candidate = collections.namedtuple(
"doc_length subject_id freq is_pref n_tokens ambiguity "
+ "first_occ last_occ spread",
ModelData = collections.namedtuple(
"ModelData", "broader narrower related collection " + "doc_freq subj_freq idf"
Feature = IntEnum(
"freq doc_freq subj_freq tfidf is_pref n_tokens ambiguity "
+ "first_occ last_occ spread doc_length "
+ "broader narrower related collection",
def conflate_matches(matches: list[Match], doc_length: int) -> list[Candidate]:
subj_matches = collections.defaultdict(list)
for match in matches:
return [
freq=len(matches) / doc_length,
is_pref=mean((float(m.is_pref) for m in matches)),
n_tokens=mean((m.n_tokens for m in matches)),
ambiguity=mean((m.ambiguity for m in matches)),
first_occ=matches[0].pos / doc_length,
last_occ=matches[-1].pos / doc_length,
spread=(matches[-1].pos - matches[0].pos) / doc_length,
for subject_id, matches in subj_matches.items()
def generate_candidates(
text: str,
analyzer: Analyzer,
vectorizer: CountVectorizer,
index: TokenSetIndex,
) -> list[Candidate]:
sentences = analyzer.tokenize_sentences(text)
sent_tokens = vectorizer.transform(sentences)
matches = []
for sent_idx, token_matrix in enumerate(sent_tokens):
tset = TokenSet(token_matrix.nonzero()[1])
for ts, ambiguity in
return conflate_matches(matches, len(sentences))
def candidates_to_features(
candidates: list[Candidate], mdata: "ModelData"
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Convert a list of Candidates to a NumPy feature matrix"""
matrix = np.zeros((len(candidates), len(Feature)), dtype=np.float32)
c_ids = [c.subject_id for c in candidates]
c_vec = np.zeros(mdata.related.shape[0], dtype=bool)
c_vec[c_ids] = True
broader = mdata.broader.multiply(c_vec).sum(axis=1)
narrower = mdata.narrower.multiply(c_vec).sum(axis=1)
related = mdata.related.multiply(c_vec).sum(axis=1)
collection = mdata.collection.multiply(c_vec)
for idx, c in enumerate(candidates):
subj = c.subject_id
matrix[idx, Feature.freq] = c.freq
matrix[idx, Feature.doc_freq] = mdata.doc_freq[subj]
matrix[idx, Feature.subj_freq] = mdata.subj_freq.get(subj, 1) - 1
matrix[idx, Feature.tfidf] = c.freq * mdata.idf[subj]
matrix[idx, Feature.is_pref] = c.is_pref
matrix[idx, Feature.n_tokens] = c.n_tokens
matrix[idx, Feature.ambiguity] = c.ambiguity
matrix[idx, Feature.first_occ] = c.first_occ
matrix[idx, Feature.last_occ] = c.last_occ
matrix[idx, Feature.spread] = c.spread
matrix[idx, Feature.doc_length] = c.doc_length
matrix[idx, Feature.broader] = broader[subj, 0] / len(c_ids)
matrix[idx, Feature.narrower] = narrower[subj, 0] / len(c_ids)
matrix[idx, Feature.related] = related[subj, 0] / len(c_ids)
matrix[idx, Feature.collection] = collection[0, subj] / len(c_ids)
return matrix
class MLLMCandidateGenerator(annif.parallel.BaseWorker):
def generate_candidates(cls, doc_subject_set, text):
candidates = generate_candidates(text, **cls.args) # pragma: no cover
return doc_subject_set, candidates # pragma: no cover
class MLLMFeatureConverter(annif.parallel.BaseWorker):
def candidates_to_features(cls, candidates):
return candidates_to_features(candidates, **cls.args) # pragma: no cover
class MLLMModel:
"""Maui-like Lexical Matching model"""
def generate_candidates(self, text: str, analyzer: Analyzer) -> list[Candidate]:
return generate_candidates(text, analyzer, self._vectorizer, self._index)
def _model_data(self) -> ModelData:
return ModelData(
def _candidates_to_features(self, candidates: list[Candidate]) -> np.ndarray:
return candidates_to_features(candidates, self._model_data)
def _get_label_props(params: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[list[URIRef], list[URIRef]]:
pref_label_props = [SKOS.prefLabel]
if annif.util.boolean(params["use_hidden_labels"]):
nonpref_label_props = [SKOS.altLabel, SKOS.hiddenLabel]
nonpref_label_props = [SKOS.altLabel]
return (pref_label_props, nonpref_label_props)
def _prepare_terms(
graph: Graph,
vocab: AnnifVocabulary,
params: dict[str, Any],
) -> tuple[list[Term], list[int]]:
pref_label_props, nonpref_label_props = self._get_label_props(params)
terms = []
subject_ids = []
for subj_id, subject in
for label in get_subject_labels(
graph, subject.uri, pref_label_props, params["language"]
terms.append(Term(subject_id=subj_id, label=label, is_pref=True))
for label in get_subject_labels(
graph, subject.uri, nonpref_label_props, params["language"]
terms.append(Term(subject_id=subj_id, label=label, is_pref=False))
return (terms, subject_ids)
def _prepare_relations(self, graph: Graph, vocab: AnnifVocabulary) -> None:
self._broader_matrix = make_relation_matrix(graph, vocab, SKOS.broader)
self._narrower_matrix = make_relation_matrix(graph, vocab, SKOS.narrower)
self._related_matrix = make_relation_matrix(graph, vocab, SKOS.related)
self._collection_matrix = make_collection_matrix(graph, vocab)
def _prepare_train_index(
vocab: AnnifVocabulary,
analyzer: Analyzer,
params: dict[str, Any],
) -> list[int]:
graph = vocab.as_graph()
terms, subject_ids = self._prepare_terms(graph, vocab, params)
self._prepare_relations(graph, vocab)
self._vectorizer = CountVectorizer(
binary=True, tokenizer=analyzer.tokenize_words, token_pattern=None
label_corpus = self._vectorizer.fit_transform((t.label for t in terms))
# frequency of each token used in labels - how rare each word is
token_freq = np.bincount(label_corpus.indices, minlength=label_corpus.shape[1])
self._index = TokenSetIndex()
for term, label_matrix in zip(terms, label_corpus):
tokens = label_matrix.nonzero()[1]
# sort tokens by frequency - use the rarest token as index key
tokens = sorted(tokens, key=token_freq.__getitem__)
tset = TokenSet(tokens, term.subject_id, term.is_pref)
return subject_ids
def _prepare_train_data(
self, corpus: DocumentCorpus, analyzer: Analyzer, n_jobs: int
) -> tuple[list[list[Candidate]], list[bool]]:
# frequency of subjects (by id) in the generated candidates
self._doc_freq = collections.Counter()
# frequency of manually assigned subjects ("domain keyphraseness")
self._subj_freq = collections.Counter()
train_x = []
train_y = []
jobs, pool_class = annif.parallel.get_pool(n_jobs)
cg_args = {
"analyzer": analyzer,
"vectorizer": self._vectorizer,
"index": self._index,
with pool_class(
jobs, initializer=MLLMCandidateGenerator.init, initargs=(cg_args,)
) as pool:
params = ((doc.subject_set, doc.text) for doc in corpus.documents)
for doc_subject_ids, candidates in pool.starmap(
MLLMCandidateGenerator.generate_candidates, params, 10
self._doc_freq.update([c.subject_id for c in candidates])
train_y += [(c.subject_id in doc_subject_ids) for c in candidates]
return (train_x, train_y)
def _calculate_idf(
self, subject_ids: list[int], doc_count: int
) -> defaultdict[int, float]:
idf = collections.defaultdict(float)
for subj_id in subject_ids:
idf[subj_id] = math.log((doc_count + 1) / (self._doc_freq[subj_id] + 1)) + 1
return idf
def _prepare_features(
self, train_x: list[list[Candidate]], n_jobs: int
) -> list[np.ndarray]:
fc_args = {"mdata": self._model_data}
jobs, pool_class = annif.parallel.get_pool(n_jobs)
with pool_class(
jobs, initializer=MLLMFeatureConverter.init, initargs=(fc_args,)
) as pool:
features =
MLLMFeatureConverter.candidates_to_features, train_x, 10
return features
def prepare_train(
corpus: DocumentCorpus,
vocab: AnnifVocabulary,
analyzer: Analyzer,
params: dict[str, Any],
n_jobs: int,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
# create an index from the vocabulary terms
subject_ids = self._prepare_train_index(vocab, analyzer, params)
# convert the corpus into train data
train_x, train_y = self._prepare_train_data(corpus, analyzer, n_jobs)
# precalculate idf values for all candidate subjects
self._idf = self._calculate_idf(subject_ids, len(train_x))
# convert the train data into feature values
features = self._prepare_features(train_x, n_jobs)
return (np.vstack(features), np.array(train_y))
def _create_classifier(self, params: dict[str, Any]) -> BaggingClassifier:
return BaggingClassifier(
def train(
train_x: np.ndarray | list[tuple[int, int]],
train_y: list[bool] | np.ndarray,
params: dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
# fit the model on the training corpus
self._classifier = self._create_classifier(params), train_y)
# sanity check: verify that the classifier has seen both classes
if self._classifier.n_classes_ != 2:
raise OperationFailedException(
"Unable to create classifier: "
+ "Not enough positive and negative examples "
+ "in the training data. Please check that your training "
+ "data matches your vocabulary."
def _prediction_to_list(
self, scores: np.ndarray, candidates: list[Candidate]
) -> list[tuple[np.float64, int]]:
subj_scores = [(score[1], c.subject_id) for score, c in zip(scores, candidates)]
return sorted(subj_scores, reverse=True)
def predict(self, candidates: list[Candidate]) -> list[tuple[np.float64, int]]:
if not candidates:
return []
features = self._candidates_to_features(candidates)
scores = self._classifier.predict_proba(features)
return self._prediction_to_list(scores, candidates)
def save(self, filename: str) -> list[str]:
return joblib.dump(self, filename)
def load(filename: str) -> MLLMModel:
return joblib.load(filename)