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"""Index for fast matching of token sets."""

from __future__ import annotations

import collections
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from numpy import ndarray

class TokenSet:
    """Represents a set of tokens (expressed as integer token IDs) that can
    be matched with another set of tokens. A TokenSet can optionally
    be associated with a subject from the vocabulary."""

    def __init__(
        tokens: ndarray,
        subject_id: int | None = None,
        is_pref: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        self._tokens = set(tokens)
        self.key = tokens[0] if len(tokens) else None
        self.subject_id = subject_id
        self.is_pref = is_pref

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._tokens)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._tokens)

    def contains(self, other: TokenSet) -> bool:
        """Returns True iff the tokens in the other TokenSet are all
        included within this TokenSet."""

        return other._tokens.issubset(self._tokens)

class TokenSetIndex:
    """A searchable index of TokenSets (representing vocabulary terms)"""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._index = collections.defaultdict(set)

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self._index)

    def add(self, tset: TokenSet) -> None:
        """Add a TokenSet into this index"""
        if tset.key is not None:

    def _find_subj_tsets(self, tset: TokenSet) -> dict[int | None, TokenSet]:
        """return a dict (subject_id : TokenSet) of matches contained in the
        given TokenSet"""

        subj_tsets = {}

        for token in tset:
            for ts in self._index[token]:
                if tset.contains(ts) and (
                    ts.subject_id not in subj_tsets
                    or not subj_tsets[ts.subject_id].is_pref
                    subj_tsets[ts.subject_id] = ts

        return subj_tsets

    def _find_subj_ambiguity(self, tsets):
        """calculate the ambiguity values (the number of other TokenSets
        that also match the same tokens) for the given TokenSets and return
        them as a dict-like object (subject_id : ambiguity_value)"""

        subj_ambiguity = collections.Counter()

                for ts in tsets
                for other in tsets
                if ts != other and other.contains(ts)

        return subj_ambiguity

    def search(self, tset: TokenSet) -> list[tuple[TokenSet, int]]:
        """Return the TokenSets that are contained in the given TokenSet.
        The matches are returned as a list of (TokenSet, ambiguity) pairs
        where ambiguity is an integer indicating the number of other TokenSets
        that also match the same tokens."""

        subj_tsets = self._find_subj_tsets(tset)
        subj_ambiguity = self._find_subj_ambiguity(subj_tsets.values())

        return [
            (ts, subj_ambiguity[subject_id]) for subject_id, ts in subj_tsets.items()