"""Definitions for REST API operations. These are wired via Connexion to
methods defined in the OpenAPI specification."""
from __future__ import annotations
import importlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
import connexion
import annif.registry
import annif.simplemma_util
from annif.corpus import Document, DocumentList, SubjectSet
from annif.exception import AnnifException
from annif.project import Access
from connexion.lifecycle import ConnexionResponse
from annif.corpus.subject import SubjectIndex
from annif.suggestion import SubjectSuggestion, SuggestionResults
def project_not_found_error(project_id: str) -> ConnexionResponse:
"""return a Connexion error object when a project is not found"""
return connexion.problem(
title="Project not found",
detail="Project '{}' not found".format(project_id),
def server_error(
err: AnnifException,
) -> ConnexionResponse:
"""return a Connexion error object when there is a server error (project
or backend problem)"""
return connexion.problem(
status=503, title="Service unavailable", detail=err.format_message()
def show_info() -> tuple:
"""return version of annif and a title for the api according to OpenAPI spec"""
result = {"title": "Annif REST API", "version": importlib.metadata.version("annif")}
return result, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def language_not_supported_error(lang: str) -> ConnexionResponse:
"""return a Connexion error object when attempting to use unsupported language"""
return connexion.problem(
title="Bad Request",
detail=f'language "{lang}" not supported by vocabulary',
def list_projects() -> tuple:
"""return a dict with projects formatted according to OpenAPI spec"""
result = {
"projects": [
for proj in annif.registry.get_projects(min_access=Access.public).values()
return result, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def show_project(
project_id: str,
) -> dict | ConnexionResponse:
"""return a single project formatted according to OpenAPI spec"""
project = annif.registry.get_project(project_id, min_access=Access.hidden)
except ValueError:
return project_not_found_error(project_id)
return project.dump(), 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def detect_language(body: dict[str, Any]):
"""return scores for detected languages formatted according to Swagger spec"""
text = body.get("text")
languages = body.get("languages")
proportions = annif.simplemma_util.detect_language(text, tuple(languages))
except ValueError:
return connexion.problem(
title="Bad Request",
detail="unsupported candidate languages",
result = {
"results": [
{"language": lang if lang != "unk" else None, "score": score}
for lang, score in proportions.items()
return result, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def _suggestion_to_dict(
suggestion: SubjectSuggestion, subject_index: SubjectIndex, language: str
) -> dict[str, str | float | None]:
subject = subject_index[suggestion.subject_id]
return {
"uri": subject.uri,
"label": subject.labels[language],
"notation": subject.notation,
"score": suggestion.score,
def _hit_sets_to_list(
hit_sets: SuggestionResults, subjects: SubjectIndex, lang: str
) -> list[dict[str, list]]:
return [
{"results": [_suggestion_to_dict(hit, subjects, lang) for hit in hits]}
for hits in hit_sets
def _is_error(result: list[dict[str, list]] | ConnexionResponse) -> bool:
return (
isinstance(result, connexion.lifecycle.ConnexionResponse)
and result.status_code >= 400
def suggest(
project_id: str, body: dict[str, Any]
) -> dict[str, list] | ConnexionResponse:
"""suggest subjects for the given text and return a dict with results
formatted according to OpenAPI spec"""
parameters = dict(
(key, body[key]) for key in ["language", "limit", "threshold"] if key in body
documents = [{"text": body["text"]}]
result = _suggest(project_id, documents, parameters)
if _is_error(result):
return result
return result[0], 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def suggest_batch(
project_id: str,
body: dict[str, list],
) -> list[dict[str, Any]] | ConnexionResponse:
"""suggest subjects for the given documents and return a list of dicts with results
formatted according to OpenAPI spec"""
documents = body["documents"]
result = _suggest(project_id, documents, query_parameters)
if _is_error(result):
return result
for document_results, document in zip(result, documents):
document_results["document_id"] = document.get("document_id")
return result, 200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
def _suggest(
project_id: str,
documents: list[dict[str, str]],
parameters: dict[str, Any],
) -> list[dict[str, list]] | ConnexionResponse:
corpus = _documents_to_corpus(documents, subject_index=None)
project = annif.registry.get_project(project_id, min_access=Access.hidden)
except ValueError:
return project_not_found_error(project_id)
lang = parameters.get("language") or project.vocab_lang
except AnnifException as err:
return server_error(err)
if lang not in project.vocab.languages:
return language_not_supported_error(lang)
limit = parameters.get("limit", 10)
threshold = parameters.get("threshold", 0.0)
hit_sets = project.suggest_corpus(corpus).filter(limit, threshold)
except AnnifException as err:
return server_error(err)
return _hit_sets_to_list(hit_sets, project.subjects, lang)
def _documents_to_corpus(
documents: list[dict[str, Any]],
subject_index: SubjectIndex | None,
) -> annif.corpus.document.DocumentList:
if subject_index is not None:
corpus = [
[subject_index.by_uri(subj["uri"]) for subj in d["subjects"]]
for d in documents
if "text" in d and "subjects" in d
corpus = [
Document(text=d["text"], subject_set=None) for d in documents if "text" in d
return DocumentList(corpus)
def learn(
project_id: str,
body: list[dict[str, Any]],
) -> ConnexionResponse | tuple[None, int]:
"""learn from documents and return an empty 204 response if succesful"""
project = annif.registry.get_project(project_id, min_access=Access.hidden)
except ValueError:
return project_not_found_error(project_id)
corpus = _documents_to_corpus(body, project.subjects)
except AnnifException as err:
return server_error(err)
return None, 204, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}