const fetchWithAbort = (function () {
const controllers = {}
return function (url, category, options = {}) {
// Abort the previous request in the same category if it exists
if (controllers[category]) {
// Create a new AbortController instance for this request
controllers[category] = new AbortController()
// Add the AbortController signal to the fetch options
options.signal = controllers[category].signal
// Perform the fetch request
return fetch(url, options)
.then(response => {
// Remove the abort controller after the request is done
delete controllers[category]
return response
const updateMainContent = (conceptHTML) => {
// concept card
const conceptMainContent = conceptHTML.querySelectorAll('#main-content > :not(#concept-mappings)') // all elements from concept card except concept mappings
// emptying vocab info
const mainContent = document.querySelector('#main-content')
const toBeRemoved = document.querySelectorAll('#main-content > :not(#concept-mappings)') // all elements from vocab info except concept mappings
for (const elem of toBeRemoved) {
// inserting concept card into vocab info
for (const elem of conceptMainContent) {
const updateTitle = (conceptHTML) => {
document.title = conceptHTML.querySelector('title').innerHTML
const updateJsonLD = (conceptHTML) => {
const JsonLD = document.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')
const newJsonLD = conceptHTML.querySelector('script[type="application/ld+json"]')
if (JsonLD) {
JsonLD.innerHTML = '{}'
if (newJsonLD) {
JsonLD.innerHTML = newJsonLD.innerHTML
} else if (newJsonLD) {
// insert after the first JS script as it is in the template
const elemBefore = document.querySelector('script')
if (elemBefore) {
elemBefore.parentNode.insertBefore(newJsonLD, elemBefore.nextSibling)
const updateSKOSMOS = (conceptHTML) => {
// new window.SKOSMOS object from concept page
const skosmosScript = conceptHTML.querySelector('#skosmos-global-vars').innerHTML
const skosmosObject = skosmosScript.slice(skosmosScript.indexOf('{'))
const newSKOSMOS = JSON.parse(skosmosObject)
// replacing all values in the old window.SKOSMOS object with new ones
for (const i in newSKOSMOS) {
window.SKOSMOS[i] = newSKOSMOS[i]
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const partialPageLoad = (event, pageUri) => {
// fetching html content of the concept page
fetchWithAbort(pageUri, 'concept')
.then(data => {
return data.text()
.then(data => {
// updating url and history
if (window.history.pushState) { window.history.pushState({ url: pageUri }, '', pageUri) }
// removing disabled class from hierarchy tab
if (document.querySelector('#hierarchy > a')) { document.querySelector('#hierarchy > a').classList.remove('disabled') }
// concept page HTML
const conceptHTML = document.createElement('div')
conceptHTML.innerHTML = data.trim()
// custom event to signal that a new concept page was loaded
const event = new Event('loadConceptPage')
.catch(error => {
if ( === 'AbortError') {
console.log('Fetch aborted for ' + pageUri)
} else {
throw error
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */