* EntityController is responsible for redirecting requests to the /entity address.
class EntityController extends Controller
private function redirect303($url)
header("HTTP/1.1 303 See Other");
header("Location: $url");
private function redirectREST($vocab, $uri, $targetFormat)
$baseurl = $this->getBaseHref();
$vocid = $vocab->getId();
$query = http_build_query(array('uri' => $uri, 'format' => $targetFormat));
$url = $baseurl . "rest/v1/$vocid/data?$query";
private function redirectWeb($vocab, $uri)
$baseurl = $this->getBaseHref();
$vocid = $vocab->getId();
$localname = $vocab->getLocalName($uri);
if (!$localname) {
$url = $baseurl . "$vocid/";
} else {
if ($localname !== $uri && $localname === urlencode($localname)) {
// the URI can be shortened
$url = $baseurl . "$vocid/page/$localname";
} else {
// must use full URI
$query = http_build_query(array('uri' => $uri));
$url = $baseurl . "$vocid/page/?" . $query;
* Perform a HTTP 303 redirect to the content-negotiated URL, either the
* web page for a resource or a REST API URL for retrieving its data.
* @param Request $request
public function redirect($request)
/* determine parameters: URI and (optional) vocabulary */
if ($request->getQueryParam('vocab')) {
// vocabulary explicitly set
} else {
// guess vocabulary based on URI
$vocab = $this->model->guessVocabularyFromURI($request->getUri());
if ($vocab === null) {
return $this->returnError('404', 'Not Found', 'Unrecognized URI ' . $request->getUri());
// negotiate suitable response format
$restFormats = explode(' ', RestController::SUPPORTED_FORMATS);
$supportedFormats = $restFormats;
// add HTML as supported format (make it the first element so it becomes default)
array_unshift($supportedFormats, 'text/html');
// optional query parameter for forcing a specific format
$requestedFormat = $request->getQueryParam('format');
$targetFormat = $this->negotiateFormat($supportedFormats, $request->getServerConstant('HTTP_ACCEPT'), $requestedFormat);
if (in_array($targetFormat, $restFormats)) {
$this->redirectREST($request->getVocab(), $request->getUri(), $targetFormat);
} else {
$this->redirectWeb($request->getVocab(), $request->getUri());