* Importing the dependencies.
use Punic\Language;
use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\TranslationExtension;
* WebController is an extension of the Controller that handles all
* the requests originating from the view of the website.
class WebController extends Controller
* Provides access to the templating engine.
* @property object $twig the twig templating engine.
public $twig;
public $honeypot;
public $translator;
* Constructor for the WebController.
* @param Model $model
public function __construct($model)
// initialize Twig templates
$tmpDir = $model->getConfig()->getTemplateCache();
// check if the cache pointed by config.ttl exists, if not we create it.
if (!file_exists($tmpDir)) {
// specify where to look for templates and cache
$loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader(__DIR__ . '/../view');
// initialize Twig environment
$this->twig = new \Twig\Environment($loader, array('cache' => $tmpDir,'auto_reload' => true));
// used for setting the base href for the relative urls
$this->twig->addGlobal("BaseHref", $this->getBaseHref());
// pass the GlobalConfig object to templates so they can access configuration
$this->twig->addGlobal("GlobalConfig", $this->model->getConfig());
// setting the list of properties to be displayed in the search results
$this->twig->addGlobal("PreferredProperties", array('skos:prefLabel', 'skos:narrower', 'skos:broader', 'skosmos:memberOf', 'skos:altLabel', 'skos:related'));
// register a Twig filter for generating URLs for vocabulary resources (concepts and groups)
$this->twig->addExtension(new LinkUrlExtension($model));
// register a Twig filter for generating strings from language codes with CLDR
$langFilter = new \Twig\TwigFilter('lang_name', function ($langcode, $lang) {
return Language::getName($langcode, $lang);
$this->translator = $model->getTranslator();
$this->twig->addExtension(new TranslationExtension($this->translator));
// create the honeypot
$this->honeypot = new \Honeypot();
if (!$this->model->getConfig()->getHoneypotEnabled()) {
$this->twig->addGlobal('honeypot', $this->honeypot);
* Guess the language of the user. Return a language string that is one
* of the supported languages defined in the $LANGUAGES setting, e.g. "fi".
* @param Request $request HTTP request
* @param string $vocid identifier for the vocabulary eg. 'yso'.
* @return string returns the language choice as a numeric string value
public function guessLanguage($request, $vocid = null)
// 1. select language based on SKOSMOS_LANGUAGE cookie
$languageCookie = $request->getCookie('SKOSMOS_LANGUAGE');
if ($languageCookie) {
return $languageCookie;
// 2. if vocabulary given, select based on the default language of the vocabulary
if ($vocid !== null && $vocid !== '') {
try {
$vocab = $this->model->getVocabulary($vocid);
return $vocab->getConfig()->getDefaultLanguage();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// vocabulary id not found, move on to the next selection method
// 3. select language based on Accept-Language header
header('Vary: Accept-Language'); // inform caches that a decision was made based on Accept header
$this->negotiator = new \Negotiation\LanguageNegotiator();
$langcodes = array_keys($this->languages);
// using a random language from the configured UI languages when there is no accept language header set
$acceptLanguage = $request->getServerConstant('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') ? $request->getServerConstant('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') : $langcodes[0];
$bestLang = $this->negotiator->getBest($acceptLanguage, $langcodes);
if (isset($bestLang) && in_array($bestLang->getValue(), $langcodes)) {
return $bestLang->getValue();
// show default site or prompt for language
return $langcodes[0];
* Determines a css class that controls width and positioning of the vocabulary list element.
* The layout is wider if the left/right box templates have not been provided.
* @return string css class for the container eg. 'voclist-wide' or 'voclist-right'
private function listStyle()
$left = file_exists('view/');
$right = file_exists('view/');
$ret = 'voclist';
if (!$left && !$right) {
$ret .= '-wide';
} elseif (!($left && $right) && ($right || $left)) {
$ret .= ($right) ? '-left' : '-right';
return $ret;
* Loads and renders the landing page view.
* @param Request $request
public function invokeLandingPage($request)
// load template
$template = $this->twig->load('landing.twig');
// set template variables
$categoryLabel = $this->model->getClassificationLabel($request->getLang());
$sortedVocabs = $this->model->getVocabularyList(false, true);
$langList = $this->model->getLanguages($request->getLang());
$listStyle = $this->listStyle();
// render template
echo $template->render(
'sorted_vocabs' => $sortedVocabs,
'category_label' => $categoryLabel,
'languages' => $this->languages,
'lang_list' => $langList,
'request' => $request,
'list_style' => $listStyle
* Invokes the concept page of a single concept in a specific vocabulary.
* @param Request $request
public function invokeVocabularyConcept(Request $request)
$lang = $request->getLang();
$vocab = $request->getVocab();
$langcodes = $vocab->getConfig()->getShowLangCodes();
$uri = $vocab->getConceptURI($request->getUri()); // make sure it's a full URI
$concept = $vocab->getConceptInfo($uri, $request->getContentLang());
if (empty($concept)) {
if ($this->notModified($concept)) {
$customLabels = $vocab->getConfig()->getPropertyLabelOverrides();
$pluginParameters = json_encode($vocab->getConfig()->getPluginParameters());
$template = $this->twig->load('concept.twig');
$crumbs = $vocab->getBreadCrumbs($request->getContentLang(), $uri);
echo $template->render(
'concept' => $concept,
'vocab' => $vocab,
'concept_uri' => $uri,
'languages' => $this->languages,
'explicit_langcodes' => $langcodes,
'visible_breadcrumbs' => $crumbs['breadcrumbs'],
'hidden_breadcrumbs' => $crumbs['combined'],
'request' => $request,
'plugin_params' => $pluginParameters,
'custom_labels' => $customLabels)
* Invokes the feedback page with information of the users current vocabulary.
public function invokeFeedbackForm($request)
$template = $this->twig->load('feedback.twig');
$vocabList = $this->model->getVocabularyList(false);
$vocab = $request->getVocab();
$feedbackSent = false;
if ($request->getQueryParamPOST('message')) {
$feedbackSent = true;
$feedbackMsg = $request->getQueryParamPOST('message');
$feedbackName = $request->getQueryParamPOST('name');
$feedbackEmail = $request->getQueryParamPOST('email');
$msgSubject = $request->getQueryParamPOST('msgsubject');
$feedbackVocab = $request->getQueryParamPOST('vocab');
$feedbackVocabEmail = ($feedbackVocab !== null && $feedbackVocab !== '') ?
$this->model->getVocabulary($feedbackVocab)->getConfig()->getFeedbackRecipient() : null;
// if the hidden field has been set a value we have found a spam bot
// and we do not actually send the message.
if ($this->honeypot->validateHoneypot($request->getQueryParamPOST('item-description')) &&
$this->honeypot->validateHoneytime($request->getQueryParamPOST('user-captcha'), $this->model->getConfig()->getHoneypotTime())) {
$this->sendFeedback($request, $feedbackMsg, $msgSubject, $feedbackName, $feedbackEmail, $feedbackVocab, $feedbackVocabEmail);
echo $template->render(
'languages' => $this->languages,
'vocab' => $vocab,
'vocabList' => $vocabList,
'feedback_sent' => $feedbackSent,
'request' => $request,
private function createFeedbackHeaders($fromName, $fromEmail, $toMail, $sender)
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" . "\r\n";
if (!empty($toMail)) {
$headers .= "Cc: " . $this->model->getConfig()->getFeedbackAddress() . "\r\n";
if (!empty($fromEmail)) {
$headers .= "Reply-To: $fromName <$fromEmail>\r\n";
$service = $this->model->getConfig()->getServiceName();
return $headers . "From: $fromName via $service <$sender>";
* Sends the user entered message through the php's mailer.
* @param string $message content given by user.
* @param string $messageSubject subject line given by user.
* @param string $fromName senders own name.
* @param string $fromEmail senders email address.
* @param string $fromVocab which vocabulary is the feedback related to.
public function sendFeedback($request, $message, $messageSubject, $fromName = null, $fromEmail = null, $fromVocab = null, $toMail = null)
$toAddress = ($toMail) ? $toMail : $this->model->getConfig()->getFeedbackAddress();
$messageSubject = "[" . $this->model->getConfig()->getServiceName() . "] " . $messageSubject;
if ($fromVocab !== null && $fromVocab !== '') {
$message = 'Feedback from vocab: ' . strtoupper($fromVocab) . "<br />" . $message;
$envelopeSender = $this->model->getConfig()->getFeedbackEnvelopeSender();
// determine the sender address of the message
$sender = $this->model->getConfig()->getFeedbackSender();
if (empty($sender)) {
$sender = $envelopeSender;
if (empty($sender)) {
$sender = $this->model->getConfig()->getFeedbackAddress();
// determine sender name - default to "anonymous user" if not given by user
if (empty($fromName)) {
$fromName = "anonymous user";
$headers = $this->createFeedbackHeaders($fromName, $fromEmail, $toMail, $sender);
$params = empty($envelopeSender) ? '' : "-f $envelopeSender";
// adding some information about the user for debugging purposes.
$message = $message . "<br /><br /> Debugging information:"
. "<br />Timestamp: " . date(DATE_RFC2822)
. "<br />User agent: " . $request->getServerConstant('HTTP_USER_AGENT')
. "<br />Referer: " . $request->getServerConstant('HTTP_REFERER');
try {
mail($toAddress, $messageSubject, $message, $headers, $params);
} catch (Exception $e) {
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
$template = $this->twig->load('error.twig');
if ($this->model->getConfig()->getLogCaughtExceptions()) {
error_log('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
echo $template->render(
'languages' => $this->languages,
* Invokes the about page for the Skosmos service.
public function invokeAboutPage($request)
$template = $this->twig->load('about.twig');
$url = $request->getServerConstant('HTTP_HOST');
echo $template->render(
'languages' => $this->languages,
'server_instance' => $url,
'request' => $request,
* Invokes the search for concepts in all the available ontologies.
public function invokeGlobalSearch($request)
$lang = $request->getLang();
$template = $this->twig->load('global-search.twig');
$parameters = new ConceptSearchParameters($request, $this->model->getConfig());
$vocabs = $request->getQueryParam('vocabs'); # optional
// convert to vocids array to support multi-vocabulary search
$vocids = ($vocabs !== null && $vocabs !== '') ? explode(' ', $vocabs) : null;
$vocabObjects = array();
if ($vocids) {
foreach ($vocids as $vocid) {
try {
$vocabObjects[] = $this->model->getVocabulary($vocid);
} catch (ValueError $e) {
// fail fast with an error page if the vocabulary cannot be found
if ($this->model->getConfig()->getLogCaughtExceptions()) {
error_log('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
header("HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request");
$this->invokeGenericErrorPage($request, $e->getMessage());
$counts = null;
$searchResults = null;
$errored = false;
try {
$countAndResults = $this->model->searchConceptsAndInfo($parameters);
$counts = $countAndResults['count'];
$searchResults = $countAndResults['results'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$errored = true;
header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
if ($this->model->getConfig()->getLogCaughtExceptions()) {
error_log('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
$vocabList = $this->model->getVocabularyList();
$sortedVocabs = $this->model->getVocabularyList(false, true);
$langList = $this->model->getLanguages($lang);
echo $template->render(
'search_count' => $counts,
'languages' => $this->languages,
'search_results' => $searchResults,
'rest' => $parameters->getOffset() > 0,
'global_search' => true,
'search_failed' => $errored,
'term' => $request->getQueryParamRaw('q'),
'lang_list' => $langList,
'vocabs' => str_replace(' ', '+', $vocabs),
'vocab_list' => $vocabList,
'sorted_vocabs' => $sortedVocabs,
'request' => $request,
'parameters' => $parameters
* Invokes the search for a single vocabs concepts.
public function invokeVocabularySearch($request)
$template = $this->twig->load('vocab-search.twig');
$vocab = $request->getVocab();
$searchResults = null;
try {
$vocabTypes = $this->model->getTypes($request->getVocabid(), $request->getLang());
} catch (Exception $e) {
header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error");
if ($this->model->getConfig()->getLogCaughtExceptions()) {
error_log('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
echo $template->render(
'languages' => $this->languages,
'vocab' => $vocab,
'request' => $request,
'search_results' => $searchResults
$langcodes = $vocab->getConfig()->getShowLangCodes();
$parameters = new ConceptSearchParameters($request, $this->model->getConfig());
try {
$countAndResults = $this->model->searchConceptsAndInfo($parameters);
$counts = $countAndResults['count'];
$searchResults = $countAndResults['results'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
if ($this->model->getConfig()->getLogCaughtExceptions()) {
error_log('Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage());
echo $template->render(
'languages' => $this->languages,
'vocab' => $vocab,
'term' => $request->getQueryParam('q'),
'search_results' => $searchResults
echo $template->render(
'languages' => $this->languages,
'vocab' => $vocab,
'search_results' => $searchResults,
'search_count' => $counts,
'rest' => $parameters->getOffset() > 0,
'limit_parent' => $parameters->getParentLimit(),
'limit_type' => $request->getQueryParam('type') ? explode('+', $request->getQueryParam('type')) : null,
'limit_group' => $parameters->getGroupLimit(),
'limit_scheme' => $request->getQueryParam('scheme') ? explode('+', $request->getQueryParam('scheme')) : null,
'group_index' => $vocab->listConceptGroups($request->getContentLang()),
'parameters' => $parameters,
'term' => $request->getQueryParamRaw('q'),
'types' => $vocabTypes,
'explicit_langcodes' => $langcodes,
'request' => $request,
* Loads and renders the view containing a specific vocabulary.
public function invokeVocabularyHome($request)
$lang = $request->getLang();
$vocab = $request->getVocab();
$defaultView = $vocab->getConfig()->getDefaultSidebarView();
// load template
if ($defaultView === 'groups') {
$this->invokeGroupIndex($request, true);
} elseif ($defaultView === 'new') {
$pluginParameters = json_encode($vocab->getConfig()->getPluginParameters());
$template = $this->twig->load('vocab-home.twig');
echo $template->render(
'languages' => $this->languages,
'vocab' => $vocab,
'search_letter' => 'A',
'active_tab' => $defaultView,
'request' => $request,
'plugin_params' => $pluginParameters
* Invokes a very generic errorpage.
public function invokeGenericErrorPage($request, $message = null)
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
$template = $this->twig->load('error.twig');
echo $template->render(
'languages' => $this->languages,
'request' => $request,
'vocab' => $request->getVocab(),
'message' => $message,