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2 days
Test Coverage
import {expect} from 'chai';
import {MarcRecord} from '@natlibfi/marc-record';
import validatorFactory from '../src/urn';

describe('urn', async () => {
  // Fields
  const f337 = {
    tag: '337',
    ind1: ' ',
    ind2: ' ',
    subfields: [
      {code: 'b', value: 'c'},
      {code: '2', value: 'rdamedia'}

  const f337nonElectronic = {
    tag: '337',
    ind1: ' ',
    ind2: ' ',
    subfields: [
      {code: 'b', value: 'n'},
      {code: '2', value: 'rdamedia'}

  const ldf856 = {
    tag: '856',
    ind1: '4',
    ind2: '0',
    subfields: [
      {code: 'u', value: ''},
      {code: 'z', value: 'Käytettävissä vapaakappaletyöasemilla'},
      {code: '5', value: 'FI-Vapaa'}

  const ldf856old = {
    tag: '856',
    ind1: '4',
    ind2: '0',
    subfields: [
      {code: 'u', value: ''},
      {code: 'z', value: 'Käytettävissä vapaakappalekirjastoissa'},
      {code: '5', value: 'FI-Vapaa'}

  const ldf856Https = {
    tag: '856',
    ind1: '4',
    ind2: '0',
    subfields: [
      {code: 'u', value: ''},
      {code: 'z', value: 'Käytettävissä vapaakappaletyöasemilla'},
      {code: '5', value: 'FI-Vapaa'}

  const ldf856partial = {
    tag: '856',
    ind1: '4',
    ind2: '0',
    subfields: [
      {code: 'u', value: ''},
      {code: '5', value: 'FI-Vapaa'}

  const f856URN = {
    tag: '856',
    ind1: '4',
    ind2: '0',
    subfields: [{code: 'u', value: ''}]

  const f856URNHttps = {
    tag: '856',
    ind1: '4',
    ind2: '0',
    subfields: [{code: 'u', value: ''}]

  const f856URNnotResource = {
    tag: '856',
    ind1: '4',
    ind2: '1',
    subfields: [{code: 'u', value: ''}]

  const f856URL = {
    tag: '856',
    ind1: '4',
    ind2: '0',
    subfields: [{code: 'u', value: ''}]

  const f020 = {
    tag: '020',
    ind1: ' ',
    ind2: ' ',
    subfields: [{code: 'a', value: '978-951-9155-47-0'}]

  const f020second = {
    tag: '020',
    ind1: ' ',
    ind2: ' ',
    subfields: [{code: 'a', value: '9789519155470'}]

  it('Creates a validator', async () => {
    const validator = await validatorFactory();

      .that.has.any.keys('description', 'validate');


  // Tests
  const test = async isLegalDeposit => {
    const validator = await validatorFactory(isLegalDeposit);
    return {
      validate: async (valid, ...recfields) => {
        const result = await validator.validate(new MarcRecord({fields: recfields}));

      fix: async (recfields, resfields) => {
        const record = new MarcRecord({fields: recfields});
        await validator.fix(record);

  /// Non-legal and legal deposit
  const nonld = await test(false);
  const ld = await test(true);

  describe('#validate', () => {
    // Validate non-electoronic
    it('Finds the record valid; non-electronic record', async () => {
      await nonld.validate(true, f337nonElectronic);

    // Validate non-legal deposit
    it('Finds the record valid; 856 with urn, and is non-legal deposit', async () => {
      await nonld.validate(true, f337, f856URN);

    // we should recognize that 856 with second indicator 1 is not describing the resource itself
    it.skip('Finds the record invalid; 856 ind2: 1 with urn, and is non-legal deposit', async () => {
      await nonld.validate(false, f337, f856URNnotResource);

    // should we require urn if we're not handling a legal deposit
    it('Finds the record invalid; 856 without urn, and is non-legal deposit', async () => {
      await nonld.validate(false, f337, f856URL);

    // should we require urn if we're not handling a legal deposit
    it('Finds the record invalid; Missing 856, and is non-legal deposit', async () => {
      await nonld.validate(false, f337, f020);

    // Validate legal deposit
    it('Finds the record invalid; 856 with urn, and is legal deposit', async () => {
      await ld.validate(false, f020, f337, f856URN);

    it('Finds the record invalid; 856 without urn, and is legal deposit', async () => {
      await ld.validate(false, f020, f337, f856URL);

    it('Finds the record invalid; Missing 856, and is legal deposit', async () => {
      await ld.validate(false, f337, f020);

    it('Finds the record valid; 856 with URN and legal deposit subfields, and is legal deposit', async () => {
      await ld.validate(true, f337, f020, ldf856);

    it('Finds the record invalid; old phrase is used in $z', async () => {
      await ld.validate(false, f337, f020, ldf856old);

    it('Finds the record valid; 856 with URN and legal deposit subfields and other f856s, and is legal deposit', async () => {
      await ld.validate(true, f337, f020, ldf856partial, ldf856, f856URL);

    it('Finds the record invalid; 856 with URN and partial legal deposit subfields, and is legal deposit', async () => {
      await ld.validate(false, f337, f020, ldf856partial);


  describe('#fix', () => {
    // Fix non-legal deposit
    it('856 with urn, and is non-legal deposit; Nothing to add', async () => {
      await nonld.fix([f020, f856URL, f856URN], [f020, f856URL, f856URN]);

    // should we actually add non-resolvable urns?
    it('856 without urn, and is non-legal deposit; Adds 856 with urn (https)', async () => {
      await nonld.fix([f020, f856URL], [f020, f856URL, f856URNHttps]);

    // should we actually add non-resolvable urns?
    it('Missing 856, and is non-legal deposit; Adds 856 with urn (https)', async () => {
      await nonld.fix([f020], [f020, f856URNHttps]);

    // should we actually add non-resolvable urns?
    it('Missing 856, and is non-legal deposit, two 020 fields; Adds 856 with urn from second 020 (https)', async () => {
      await nonld.fix([f020second, f020], [f020second, f020, f856URNHttps]);

    // should we actually add non resovable urns?
    // we should think about how to choose the isbn to use in case of several ISBNs
    it.skip('Missing 856, and is non-legal deposit, two 020 fields; Adds 856 with urn from first 020 (https)', async () => {
      await nonld.fix([f020, f020second], [f020, f020second, f856URNHttps]);

    // Fix legal deposit
    it('856 with urn and legal deposit fields, and is legal deposit; Nothing to add', async () => {
      await ld.fix([f020, f856URL, ldf856], [f020, f856URL, ldf856]);

    it('856 with urn and legal deposit fields, and is legal deposit but phrase is old; change phrase to new', async () => {
      await ld.fix([f020, f856URL, ldf856old], [f020, f856URL, ldf856]);

    it('856 without urn, and is legal deposit; Adds 856 with urn (https) and legal deposit fields', async () => {
      await ld.fix([f020, f856URL], [f020, f856URL, ldf856Https]);

    // we should test generating the URN in case of no ISBN

    // we should test creating Melinda-temp field

    // We shouldn't lock the open URN for legal deposit use
    it('Missing 856, and is legal deposit; Adds 856 with urn (https) and legal deposit fields', async () => {
      await ld.fix([f020], [f020, ldf856Https]);

    // We should actually do this instead of locking the original non-legal deposit URN for legal deposit use
    it.skip('856 with urn, and is legal deposit; Adds another f856 with URN and legal deposit fields', async () => {
      await ld.fix([f020, f856URL, f856URN], [f020, f856URL, f856URN, ldf856Https]);

    // We should actually add a new urn in case of a non-resource URN
    it.skip('856 with non-resource-urn, and is legal deposit; Adds another f856 with URN and legal deposit fields', async () => {
      await ld.fix([f020, f856URL, f856URNnotResource], [f020, f856URL, f856URNnotResource, ldf856Https]);
