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import { _isNotNullish } from '../is.util'
import {
} from '../types'

 * Creates an array of elements split into groups the length of size. If collection can’t be split evenly, the
 * final chunk will be the remaining elements.
 * @param array The array to process.
 * @param size The length of each chunk.
 * @return Returns the new array containing chunks.
 * Based on:
export function _chunk<T>(array: readonly T[], size = 1): T[][] {
  return array.reduce((arr, item, idx) => {
    return idx % size === 0 ? [...arr, [item]] : [...arr.slice(0, -1), [...arr.slice(-1)[0]!, item]]
  }, [] as T[][])

 * Removes duplicates from given array.
export function _uniq<T>(a: readonly T[]): T[] {
  return [ Set(a)]

 * Pushes an item to an array if it's not already there.
 * Mutates the array (same as normal `push`) and also returns it for chaining convenience.
 * _pushUniq([1, 2, 3], 2) // => [1, 2, 3]
 * Shortcut for:
 * if (!a.includes(item)) a.push(item)
 * // or
 * a = [ Set(a).add(item)]
 * // or
 * a = _uniq([...a, item])
export function _pushUniq<T>(a: T[], ...items: T[]): T[] {
  for (const item of items) {
    if (!a.includes(item)) a.push(item)
  return a

 * Like _pushUniq but uses a mapper to determine uniqueness (like _uniqBy).
 * Mutates the array (same as normal `push`).
export function _pushUniqBy<T>(a: T[], mapper: Mapper<T, any>, ...items: T[]): T[] {
  const mappedSet = new Set(, i) => mapper(item, i)))
  items.forEach((item, i) => {
    const mapped = mapper(item, i)
    if (!mappedSet.has(mapped)) {
  return a

 * This method is like `_.uniq` except that it accepts `iteratee` which is
 * invoked for each element in `array` to generate the criterion by which
 * uniqueness is computed. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
 * @returns Returns the new duplicate free array.
 * @example
 * _.uniqBy([2.1, 1.2, 2.3], Math.floor);
 * // => [2.1, 1.2]
 * // using the `` iteratee shorthand
 * _.uniqBy([{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }, { 'x': 1 }], 'x');
 * // => [{ 'x': 1 }, { 'x': 2 }]
 * Based on:
export function _uniqBy<T>(arr: readonly T[], mapper: Mapper<T, any>): T[] {
  return [
      .reduce((map, item, index) => {
        const key = item === null || item === undefined ? item : mapper(item, index)

        if (!map.has(key)) map.set(key, item)

        return map
      }, new Map())

 * const a = [
 *  {id: 'id1', a: 'a1'},
 *  {id: 'id2', b: 'b1'},
 * ]
 * _by(a, r =>
 * // => {
 *   id1: {id: 'id1', a: 'a1'},
 *   id2: {id: 'id2', b: 'b1'},
 * }
 * _by(a, r =>
 * // => {
 *   ID1: {id: 'id1', a: 'a1'},
 *   ID2: {id: 'id2', b: 'b1'},
 * }
 * Returning `undefined` from the Mapper will EXCLUDE the item.
export function _by<T>(items: readonly T[], mapper: Mapper<T, any>): StringMap<T> {
  return Object.fromEntries(, i) => [mapper(item, i), item]).filter(([k]) => k !== undefined) as [any, T][],

 * Map an array of items by a key, that is calculated by a Mapper.
export function _mapBy<ITEM, KEY>(
  items: readonly ITEM[],
  mapper: Mapper<ITEM, KEY>,
): Map<KEY, ITEM> {
  return new Map(, i) => [mapper(item, i), item]).filter(([k]) => k !== undefined) as [

 * const a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
 * _groupBy(a, r => r % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd')
 * // => {
 *   odd: [1, 3, 5],
 *   even: [2, 4],
 * }
 * Returning `undefined` from the Mapper will EXCLUDE the item.
export function _groupBy<T>(items: readonly T[], mapper: Mapper<T, any>): StringMap<T[]> {
  return items.reduce(
    (map, item, index) => {
      const res = mapper(item, index)
      if (res !== undefined) {
        map[res] = [...(map[res] || []), item]
      return map
    {} as StringMap<T[]>,

 * _sortBy([{age: 20}, {age: 10}], 'age')
 * // => [{age: 10}, {age: 20}]
 * Same:
 * _sortBy([{age: 20}, {age: 10}], o => o.age)
export function _sortBy<T>(
  items: T[],
  mapper: Mapper<T, any>,
  mutate = false,
  dir: SortDirection = 'asc',
): T[] {
  const mod = dir === 'desc' ? -1 : 1
  return (mutate ? items : [...items]).sort((_a, _b) => {
    const [a, b] = [_a, _b].map(mapper)
    if (typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number') return (a - b) * mod
    return String(a).localeCompare(String(b)) * mod

 * Alias for _sortBy with descending order.
export function _sortDescBy<T>(items: T[], mapper: Mapper<T, any>, mutate = false): T[] {
  return _sortBy(items, mapper, mutate, 'desc')

 * Similar to `Array.find`, but the `predicate` may return `END` to stop the iteration early.
 * Use `Array.find` if you don't need to stop the iteration early.
export function _find<T>(items: readonly T[], predicate: AbortablePredicate<T>): T | undefined {
  for (const [i, item] of items.entries()) {
    const result = predicate(item, i)
    if (result === END) return
    if (result) return item

 * Similar to `Array.findLast`, but the `predicate` may return `END` to stop the iteration early.
 * Use `Array.findLast` if you don't need to stop the iteration early, which is supported:
 * - in Node since 18+
 * - in iOS Safari since 15.4
export function _findLast<T>(items: readonly T[], predicate: AbortablePredicate<T>): T | undefined {
  return _find(items.slice().reverse(), predicate)

export function _takeWhile<T>(items: readonly T[], predicate: Predicate<T>): T[] {
  let proceed = true
  return items.filter((v, index) => (proceed &&= predicate(v, index)))

export function _takeRightWhile<T>(items: readonly T[], predicate: Predicate<T>): T[] {
  let proceed = true
  return [...items].reverse().filter((v, index) => (proceed &&= predicate(v, index)))

export function _dropWhile<T>(items: readonly T[], predicate: Predicate<T>): T[] {
  let proceed = false
  return items.filter((v, index) => (proceed ||= !predicate(v, index)))

export function _dropRightWhile<T>(items: readonly T[], predicate: Predicate<T>): T[] {
  let proceed = false
  return [...items]
    .filter((v, index) => (proceed ||= !predicate(v, index)))

 * Counts how many items match the predicate.
 * `limit` allows to exit early when limit count is reached, skipping further iterations (perf optimization).
export function _count<T>(
  items: Iterable<T>,
  predicate: AbortablePredicate<T>,
  limit?: number,
): number {
  if (limit === 0) return 0
  let count = 0
  let i = 0

  for (const item of items) {
    const r = predicate(item, i++)
    if (r === END) break
    if (r) {
      if (limit && count >= limit) break

  return count

export function _countBy<T>(items: Iterable<T>, mapper: Mapper<T, any>): StringMap<number> {
  const map: StringMap<number> = {}

  let i = 0
  for (const item of items) {
    const key = mapper(item, i++)
    map[key] = (map[key] || 0) + 1

  return map

// investigate: _groupBy

 * Returns an intersection between 2 arrays.
 * Intersecion means an array of items that are present in both of the arrays.
 * It's more performant to pass a Set as a second argument.
 * @example
 * _intersection([2, 1], [2, 3])
 * // [2]
export function _intersection<T>(a1: T[], a2: T[] | Set<T>): T[] {
  const a2set = a2 instanceof Set ? a2 : new Set(a2)
  return a1.filter(v => a2set.has(v))

 * Returns true if there is at least 1 item common between 2 arrays.
 * Otherwise returns false.
 * It's more performant to use that versus `_intersection(a1, a2).length > 0`.
 * Passing second array as Set is more performant (it'll skip turning the array into Set in-place).
export function _intersectsWith<T>(a1: T[], a2: T[] | Set<T>): boolean {
  const a2set = a2 instanceof Set ? a2 : new Set(a2)
  return a1.some(v => a2set.has(v))

 * @example
 * _difference([2, 1], [2, 3])
 * // [1]
export function _difference<T>(source: T[], ...diffs: T[][]): T[] {
  return diffs.reduce((a, b) => a.filter(c => !b.includes(c)), source)

 * Returns the sum of items, or 0 for empty array.
export function _sum(items: Iterable<number>): number {
  let sum = 0
  for (const n of items) {
    sum += n
  return sum

export function _sumBy<T>(items: Iterable<T>, mapper: Mapper<T, number | undefined>): number {
  let sum = 0
  let i = 0

  for (const n of items) {
    const v = mapper(n, i++)
    if (typeof v === 'number') {
      // count only numbers, nothing else
      sum += v

  return sum

 * Map an array of T to a StringMap<V>,
 * by returning a tuple of [key, value] from a mapper function.
 * Return undefined/null/false/0/void to filter out (not include) a value.
 * @example
 * _mapToObject([1, 2, 3], n => [n, n * 2])
 * // { '1': 2, '2': 4, '3': 6 }
 * _mapToObject([1, 2, 3], n => [n, `id${n}`])
 * // { '1': 'id1, '2': 'id2', '3': 'id3' }
export function _mapToObject<T, V>(
  array: Iterable<T>,
  mapper: (item: T) => [key: any, value: V] | FalsyValue,
): StringMap<V> {
  const m: StringMap<V> = {}

  for (const item of array) {
    const r = mapper(item)
    if (!r) continue // filtering

    m[r[0]] = r[1]

  return m

 * Randomly shuffle an array values.
 * Fisher–Yates algorithm.
 * Based on:
export function _shuffle<T>(array: T[], mutate = false): T[] {
  const a = mutate ? array : [...array]

  for (let i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))
    ;[a[i], a[j]] = [a[j]!, a[i]!]

  return a

 * Returns last item of non-empty array.
 * Throws if array is empty.
export function _last<T>(array: readonly T[]): T {
  if (!array.length) throw new Error('_last called on empty array')
  return array[array.length - 1]!

 * Returns last item of the array (or undefined if array is empty).
export function _lastOrUndefined<T>(array: readonly T[]): T | undefined {
  return array[array.length - 1]

 * Returns the first item of non-empty array.
 * Throws if array is empty.
export function _first<T>(array: readonly T[]): T {
  if (!array.length) throw new Error('_first called on empty array')
  return array[0]!

export function _minOrUndefined<T>(array: readonly T[]): NonNullable<T> | undefined {
  const a = array.filter(_isNotNullish)
  if (!a.length) return
  return a.reduce((min, item) => (min <= item ? min : item))

 * Filters out nullish values (undefined and null).
export function _min<T>(array: readonly T[]): NonNullable<T> {
  const a = array.filter(_isNotNullish)
  if (!a.length) throw new Error('_min called on empty array')
  return a.reduce((min, item) => (min <= item ? min : item))

export function _maxOrUndefined<T>(array: readonly T[]): NonNullable<T> | undefined {
  const a = array.filter(_isNotNullish)
  if (!a.length) return
  return a.reduce((max, item) => (max >= item ? max : item))

 * Filters out nullish values (undefined and null).
export function _max<T>(array: readonly T[]): NonNullable<T> {
  const a = array.filter(_isNotNullish)
  if (!a.length) throw new Error('_max called on empty array')
  return a.reduce((max, item) => (max >= item ? max : item))

export function _maxBy<T>(array: readonly T[], mapper: Mapper<T, number | string | undefined>): T {
  const max = _maxByOrUndefined(array, mapper)
  if (max === undefined) throw new Error(`_maxBy returned undefined`)
  return max

export function _minBy<T>(array: readonly T[], mapper: Mapper<T, number | string | undefined>): T {
  const min = _minByOrUndefined(array, mapper)
  if (min === undefined) throw new Error(`_minBy returned undefined`)
  return min

// todo: looks like it _maxByOrUndefined/_minByOrUndefined can be DRYer

export function _maxByOrUndefined<T>(
  array: readonly T[],
  mapper: Mapper<T, number | string | undefined>,
): T | undefined {
  if (!array.length) return
  let maxItem: T | undefined
  let max: number | string | undefined

  for (const [i, item] of array.entries()) {
    const v = mapper(item, i)
    if (v !== undefined && (max === undefined || v > max)) {
      maxItem = item
      max = v

  return maxItem

export function _minByOrUndefined<T>(
  array: readonly T[],
  mapper: Mapper<T, number | string | undefined>,
): T | undefined {
  if (!array.length) return
  let minItem: T | undefined
  let min: number | string | undefined

  for (const [i, item] of array.entries()) {
    const v = mapper(item, i)
    if (v !== undefined && (min === undefined || v < min)) {
      minItem = item
      min = v

  return minItem

export function _zip<T1, T2>(array1: readonly T1[], array2: readonly T2[]): [T1, T2][] {
  const len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length)
  const res: [T1, T2][] = []

  for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    res.push([array1[i]!, array2[i]!])

  return res