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45 mins
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import type { CommonLogger } from '..'
import { SimpleMovingAverage, _stringify, _assert } from '..'
import { _ms } from '../time/time.util'
import { _getArgsSignature, _getMethodSignature } from './decorator.util'

 * $r - result
 * @returns array of tokens that will be `.filter(Boolean).join(' ')`
type LogResultFn = (r: any) => any[]

export interface LogMethodOptions {
   * Log "moving average" elapsed time for up to `avg` last method calls
  avg?: number

   * Defaults to true.
   * Set to false to skip logging method arguments
  logArgs?: boolean

   * Defaults to true.
   * Set to false to skip logging result length when result is an array.
  logResultLength?: boolean

   * Also log on method start.
   * Example:
   * >> syncMethodSuccess()
  logStart?: boolean

   * Log method result as is (stringified).
   * Example:
   * * << syncMethodSuccess() took 124 ms result: 'SomeString as result'
  logResult?: boolean

   * Log method result via provided function that takes "result as is" as first argument and should return a String.
   * Overrides `logResult`.
  logResultFn?: LogResultFn

   * Defaults to `console`
  logger?: CommonLogger

 * Console-logs when method had started, when it finished, time taken and if error happened.
 * Supports both sync and async methods.
 * Awaits if method returns a Promise.
 * @example output:
 * >> syncMethodSuccess()
 * << syncMethodSuccess() took 124 ms
 * >> asyncMethod()
 * << asyncMethodThrow() took 10 ms ERROR: MyError
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
export function _LogMethod(opt: LogMethodOptions = {}): MethodDecorator {
  return (target, key, descriptor) => {
    _assert(typeof descriptor.value === 'function', '@_LogMethod can be applied only to methods')

    const originalFn = descriptor.value
    const keyStr = String(key)

    const {
      logArgs = true,
      logResultLength = true,
      logger = console,
    } = opt
    let { logResultFn } = opt
    if (!logResultFn) {
      if (logResult) {
        logResultFn = r => ['result:', _stringify(r)]
      } else if (logResultLength) {
        logResultFn = r => (Array.isArray(r) ? [`result: ${r.length} items`] : [])

    const sma = avg ? new SimpleMovingAverage(avg) : undefined
    let count = 0

    descriptor.value = function (this: typeof target, ...args: any[]) {
      const started =
      const ctx = this

      // e.g `NameOfYourClass.methodName`
      // or `NameOfYourClass(instanceId).methodName`
      const methodSignature = _getMethodSignature(ctx, keyStr)
      const argsStr = _getArgsSignature(args, logArgs)
      const callSignature = `${methodSignature}(${argsStr}) #${++count}`
      if (logStart) logger.log(`>> ${callSignature}`)

      try {
        const res = originalFn.apply(ctx, args)

        if (res && typeof res.then === 'function') {
          // Result is a Promise, will wait for resolution or rejection
          return res
            .then((r: any) => {
              logFinished(logger, callSignature, started, sma, logResultFn, r)
              return r
            .catch((err: any) => {
              logFinished(logger, callSignature, started, sma, logResultFn, undefined, err)
              throw err
        // not a Promise
        logFinished(logger, callSignature, started, sma, logResultFn, res)
        return res
      } catch (err) {
        logFinished(logger, callSignature, started, sma, logResultFn, undefined, err)
        throw err // rethrow
    } as any

    return descriptor

// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
function logFinished(
  logger: CommonLogger,
  callSignature: string,
  started: number,
  sma?: SimpleMovingAverage,
  logResultFn?: LogResultFn,
  res?: any,
  err?: any,
): void {
  const millis = - started

  const t = ['<<', callSignature, 'took', _ms(millis)]

  if (sma) {
    t.push(`(avg ${_ms(sma.pushGetAvg(millis))})`)

  if (err !== undefined) {
    t.push('ERROR:', err)
  } else if (logResultFn) {
