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import { AnyObject, CommonLogger } from '@naturalcycles/js-lib'
import { InspectAnyOptions } from '..'

 * Properties that exists both in SlackApiBody (as per Slack API) and SlackMessage (our abstraction).
export interface SlackMessageProps {
   * @default bot
  username?: string

  channel?: string
  icon_url?: string

   * @default :spider_web:
  icon_emoji?: string

  attachments?: SlackMessageAttachment[]

export interface SlackApiBody extends SlackMessageProps {
  text: string

export interface SlackMessage<CTX = any> extends SlackMessageProps {
   * The only *required* field.
   * You can throw anything at it, it'll handle it appropriately:
   * String - as is
   * Object - pass via util.inspect()
   * Array - will pass each item via util.inspect() and join with \n
   * Error - print the stack nicely
   * If you don't want the default Array behavior - you can pre-util.inspect() it yourself to your liking.
  items: any

   * Optional "context object", to be used by `messagePrefixHook`.
  ctx?: CTX

   * Keys-values will be rendered as MessageAttachment with Fields
  kv?: AnyObject

   * If specified - adds @name1, @name2 in the end of the message
  mentions?: string[]

   * By default it ignores possible errors from slack
   * @default false
  throwOnError?: boolean

export interface SlackAttachmentField {
  title: string
  value: string
  short?: boolean

// Taken from here:
export interface SlackMessageAttachment {
  // blocks?: (KnownBlock | Block)[];
  fallback?: string // either this or text must be defined
  color?: 'good' | 'warning' | 'danger' | string
  pretext?: string
  author_name?: string
  author_link?: string // author_name must be present
  author_icon?: string // author_name must be present
  title?: string
  title_link?: string // title must be present
  text?: string // either this or fallback must be defined
  fields?: SlackAttachmentField[]
  image_url?: string
  thumb_url?: string
  footer?: string
  footer_icon?: string // footer must be present
  ts?: number
  // actions?: AttachmentAction[];
  callback_id?: string
  mrkdwn_in?: ('pretext' | 'text' | 'fields')[]

 * Return `null` to skip (filter out) the message completely.
export type SlackMessagePrefixHook<CTX = any> = (
  msg: SlackMessage<CTX>,
) => string[] | null | Promise<string[] | null>

export interface SlackServiceCfg<CTX = any> {
   * Undefined means slack is disabled.
  webhookUrl?: string

  defaults?: Partial<SlackMessage>

   * Function to return an array of "prefix tokens" (will be joined by ': ').
   * Allows to skip (filter out) the message by returning `null`.
  messagePrefixHook: SlackMessagePrefixHook<CTX>

   * By default SlackService logs every message to console.log
   * Pass another logger if needed.
   * Pass `noopLogger` to suppress logging completely.
  logger: CommonLogger

   * Defaults to:
   * includeErrorData: true
   * includeErrorStack: true
  inspectOptions: InspectAnyOptions