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XMLParser uses XMLValidator on demand.

const {XMLParser} = require("fast-xml-parser");
const parser = new XMLParser(options);
    let result = parser.parse(XMLdata, true);

XML Parser throws error when XML Validator returns error. XML Validator can also be used directly without XML Parser;

const {XMLValidator} = require("fast-xml-parser");
const result = XMLValidator.validate(xmlData, {
    allowBooleanAttributes: true

* XMLValidator returns true if no issue is found.
* XMLValidator returns an error object if any issue is found.

  err: {
    code: string;
    msg: string,
    line: number,
    col: number

## Options

### allowBooleanAttributes

Set it to `true` when a tag can have boolean attributes.

### unpairedTags
Unpaired Tags are the tags which don't have matching closing tag. Eg `<br>` in HTML. You can parse unpaired tags by providing their list to the parser, validator and builder.

const xmlData = `<parent><extra></parent>`;
const result = XMLValidator.validate( xmlData, {
  unpairedTags: ["extra"]

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