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.. highlight:: console


.. click::
   :prog: pip-rating

Using the ``--format`` option, you can specify the output format. The default is ``text``.

The text format is a simple, human-readable format. It is the default format. Using this format all direct dependencies
are described. If there are indirect dependencies that lower the rating, they are indicated in the description.

.. image:: pip-rating-text.gif
    :width: 100%
    :alt: pip-rating text format

The tree format list all direct dependencies and their direct dependencies. The rating is indicated by each dependency.
Note that a dependency can appear multiple times. This is because a dependency can be a direct dependency of multiple
other dependencies. However, each dependency can be resolved as different versions. It may happen that one resolved
version is vulnerable but another is not, with the same package having different ratings.

.. image:: pip-rating-tree.gif
    :width: 100%
    :alt: pip-rating tree format

Output as json for processing by other programs. It has more information than the other formats. This is a sample:

.. code-block:: json

        "requirements": [
        "updated_at": "2023-07-11T18:04:44.203333",
        "schema_version": "2.31.0",
        "global_rating_letter": "F",
        "global_rating_score": 0,
        "packages": [
                "name": "mypackage",
                "version": "0.7.0",
                "sourcerank_breakdown": {
                    "basic_info_present": 1,
                    "source_repository_present": 1,
                    "readme_present": 1,
                    "license_present": 1,
                    "has_multiple_versions": 1,
                    "follows_semver": 1,
                    "recent_release": 1,
                    "not_brand_new": 1,
                    "is_1_or_greater": 0,
                    "dependent_projects": 0,
                    "dependent_repositories": 0,
                    "stars": 3,
                    "contributors": 1,
                    "librariesio_subscribers": 0,
                    "total": 12
            "pypi_package": {
                "info": {
                    "author": "user",
                    "author_email": "user@domain",
                    "bugtrack_url": null,
                    "classifiers": [
                        "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
                        "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
                        "Natural Language :: English",
                        "Operating System :: POSIX",
                        "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux",
                        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
                        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
                        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
                        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7",
                        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8",
                        "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9"
                    "description": "",
                    "description_content_type": "",
                    "docs_url": null,
                    "download_url": "",
                    "downloads": {
                        "last_day": -1,
                        "last_month": -1,
                        "last_week": -1
                    "home_page": "",
                    "keywords": "mypackage,keyword2",
                    "license": "",
                    "maintainer": "",
                    "maintainer_email": "",
                    "name": "mypackage",
                    "package_url": "",
                    "platform": "linux",
                    "project_url": "",
                    "project_urls": {
                        "Download": "",
                        "Homepage": ""
                    "release_url": "",
                    "requires_dist": [
                        "click (>=6.0)",
                        "scandir ; python_version < \"3.6\""
                    "requires_python": "",
                    "summary": "summary",
                    "version": "0.7.0",
                    "yanked": false,
                    "yanked_reason": null
                "last_serial": 18697836,
                "releases": {
                    "0.1.0": [
                            "comment_text": "",
                            "digests": {
                                "blake2b_256": "...",
                                "md5": "...",
                                "sha256": "..."
                            "downloads": -1,
                            "filename": "mypackage-0.1.0.tar.gz",
                            "has_sig": false,
                            "md5_digest": "...",
                            "packagetype": "sdist",
                            "python_version": "source",
                            "requires_python": null,
                            "size": 14097,
                            "upload_time": "2018-03-26T16:23:20",
                            "upload_time_iso_8601": "2018-03-26T16:23:20.017410Z",
                            "url": "",
                            "yanked": false,
                            "yanked_reason": null
                "urls": [],
                "vulnerabilities": []
            "audit_vulnerabilities": [],
            "rating": {
                "rating_score": 20,
                "global_rating_score": 0,
                "vulnerabilities": [],
                "params": {
                    "sourcerank_breakdown": {
                        "basic_info_present": 1,
                        "source_repository_present": 1,
                        "readme_present": 1,
                        "license_present": 1,
                        "has_multiple_versions": 1,
                        "follows_semver": 1,
                        "recent_release": 1,
                        "not_brand_new": 1,
                        "is_1_or_greater": 0,
                        "dependent_projects": 0,
                        "dependent_repositories": 0,
                        "stars": 3,
                        "contributors": 1,
                        "librariesio_subscribers": 0,
                        "total": 12
                    "pypi_package": {
                        "latest_upload_iso_dt": "2023-06-29T16:28:00.138582Z",
                        "first_upload_iso_dt": "2018-03-26T16:23:20.017410Z"
                    "sourcecode_page": {
                        "package_in_readme": true
            "dependencies": [
                    "name:" "subdependency",
                    "version": "1.0.0",
                    "sourcerank_breakdown": {},
                    "pypi_package": {},
                    "audit_vulnerabilities": [],
                    "rating": {},
                    "dependencies": []

This only returns the rating. It is useful for automation or to be used by other applications. Possible outputs: *S*,
*A*, *B*, *C*, *D*, *E*, *F*.

Generates a badge with the rating as a svg image. You can use it in your README file. The image can be customized
using environment variables:

.. list-table:: Badge environment variables
   :widths: 25 75
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Variable
     - Description
     - The style of the badge. Possible values: ``flat``, ``flat-square`` & ``for-the-badge``. Default:
     - Background color for the **S** rating. Default: ``#007EC6``.
     - Background color for the **A** rating. Default: ``#44CC11``.
     - Background color for the **B** rating. Default: ``#97CA00``.
     - Background color for the **C** rating. Default: ``#FFD700``.
     - Background color for the **D** rating. Default: ``#FFAF00``.
     - Background color for the **E** rating. Default: ``#FF5F00``.
     - Background color for the **F** rating. Default: ``#E05D44``.

Some examples of the different styles:

.. list-table:: Badge examples
   :widths: 50 50
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Name
     - Example
   * - ``flat``
     - .. image:: images/badge_flat_S.svg
   * - ``flat-square``
     - .. image:: images/badge_flat_square_S.svg
   * - ``for-the-badge``
     - .. image:: images/badge_for_the_badge_S.svg

For example, to generate a badge with the ``flat-square`` style:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ PIP_RATING_BADGE_STYLE=flat-square pip-rating analyze-package --format badge requests

Or exporting the variable:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ export PIP_RATING_BADGE_STYLE=flat-square
    $ pip-rating analyze-package --format badge requests

By default the image is printed to Stdout. You can save it to a file using the ``--to-file`` option. For example:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pip-rating analyze-package --format badge --to-file badge.svg requests

The badges are based on ` <>`_ badges, but the badges are generated locally, so you don't
need to have an internet connection to generate them.

.. versionadded:: 0.2
   The ``badge`` format was added.

Output to file
You can output the results to a file using the ``--to-file`` option. For example:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pip-rating analyze-file --format json --to-file results.json requirements.txt

You can also redirect Stdout's exit from the program to a file. For example:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pip-rating analyze-file --format json requirements.txt > results.json

pip-rating shows the progress of the execution using the Stderr output, so the progress of the execution will not be
displayed in the output file.

.. versionadded:: 0.2
   The ``--to-file`` option was added & the progress of the execution is redirected to Stderr.

Ignore packages
You can ignore packages using the ``--ignore-package`` option. You can specify multiple packages by using the option
multiple times. For example:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ pip-rating analyze-file --ignore-package mypackage --ignore-package mypackage2 requirements.txt

Ignored packages will not be analyzed and their dependencies will not be parsed. The dependencies of the ignore package
will be analyzed if they are in the requirements file or if it is a dependency of another package.