/* eslint-disable max-lines */import { render } from 'lit-html'; import { PolymerElement } from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element';import { html } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/html-tag';import { templatize } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/templatize'; import { FlattenedNodesObserver } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/flattened-nodes-observer'; import { Debouncer } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/debounce';import { animationFrame } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/async';import { flush } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/flush'; import { hauntedPolymer } from '@neovici/cosmoz-utils'; import { useDataNav } from './lib/use-data-nav.js'; const _async = window.requestIdleCallback || window.requestAnimationFrame || window.setTimeout, _hasDeadline = 'IdleDeadline' in window, _asyncPeriod = (cb, timeout = 1500) => { _async(() => cb(), _hasDeadline && { timeout }); }, hashUrl = () => new URL(location.hash.replace(/^#!?/iu, '').replace('%23', '#'), location.origin), getHashParam = param => new URLSearchParams(hashUrl().hash.replace('#', '')).get(param), setHashParam = (param, value) => { const url = hashUrl(), searchParams = new URLSearchParams(url.hash.replace('#', '')); searchParams.set(param, value); const newUrl = '#!' + Object.assign(url, { hash: searchParams }).href.replace(location.origin, ''); history.replaceState(null, '', newUrl); }; `CosmozDataNav` has 37 functions (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.class CosmozDataNav extends hauntedPolymer('haunted', useDataNav)(PolymerElement) { static get template() { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function return html` <style> :host { position: relative; } #items { overflow-x: hidden; } #items, #items > ::slotted(.animatable) { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; } :host([animating]) #items > ::slotted(.animatable){ transition: transform 0.25s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0s; backface-visibility: hidden; } :host([animating][reverse]) #items > ::slotted(.in), :host([animating]) #items > ::slotted(.out){ transform: translateX(-100%); } :host([animating][reverse]) #items > ::slotted(.out), :host([animating]) #items > ::slotted(.in){ transform: translateX(100%); } :host([has-items][animating]) #items > ::slotted(:not(.selected):not(.out)), :host([has-items]:not([animating])) #items > ::slotted(:not(.selected)), :host(:not([has-items])) #items > ::slotted(:not(:first-of-type)){ display: none; } </style> <div id="items"> <slot name="items"></slot> </div> <div id="templates"> <slot id="templatesSlot"></slot> </div> `; } static get properties() { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function return { /** * The array of buffer elements. */ _elements: { type: Array, value() { return []; } }, /** * The name of the variable to add to the binding scope for the array * element associated with a template instance. */ as: { type: String, value: 'item' }, /** * The name of the variable to add to the binding scope with the index * for the item. */ indexAs: { type: String, value: 'index' }, /** * An array containing items from which a selection can be made. */ items: { type: Array, value() { return []; }, notify: true, observer: '_itemsChanged' }, /** * The length of items array. */ queueLength: { type: Number, notify: true, readOnly: true }, hasItems: { type: Boolean, readOnly: true, reflectToAttribute: true }, elementsBuffer: { type: Number, value: 3 }, /** * Number of items after the currently selected one to preload. */ preload: { type: Number, value: 1 }, renderItem: { type: Function }, /** * The currently selected index. */ selected: { type: Number, value: 0, notify: true, observer: '_updateSelected' }, /** * The index of the next element. */ selectedNext: { type: Number, notify: true, value: 1, readOnly: true }, /** * The currently selected element (holder) */ selectedElement: { type: Object, notify: true, readOnly: true }, /** * The currently selected element (instance) */ selectedInstance: { type: Object, notify: true, readOnly: true }, /** * The currently selected item, or `null` if no item is selected. */ selectedItem: { type: Object, notify: true, readOnly: true, computed: '_getItem(selected, items.*)' }, /** * True if cosmoz-data-nav should try to maintain selection when * `items` change. */ maintainSelection: { type: Boolean, value: false }, /** * The attribute that elements which control the `selected` of this element * should have. The value of the attribute can be `-1` or `+1`. */ selectAttribute: { type: String, value: 'cosmoz-data-nav-select' }, /** * True if the element is currently animating. */ animating: { type: Boolean, value: false, reflectToAttribute: true }, /** * True if selecting a element with a index smaller than the current one. */ reverse: { type: Boolean, value: false, reflectToAttribute: true }, /** * Function used to determine if a item is incomplete and needs to be preloaded. * The default values is a function that requires item to be a `Object`. */ isIncompleteFn: { type: Function, value() { return item => item == null || typeof item !== 'object'; } }, /** * The hash parameter to use for selecting an item. */ hashParam: { type: String }, /** * */ idPath: { type: String, value: 'id' }, /** * True if element should render items even if it is not visible. */ hiddenRendering: { type: Boolean, value: false }, /** * Whether we should request data for all preloaded items at once or one at a time */ parallelDataRequests: { type: Boolean, value: false } }; } static get observers() { return [ 'renderIncomplete(selected, haunted)' ]; } renderIncomplete(index, haunted) { if (haunted == null) { return; } const position = index < this.items.length ? index : index - 1, element = this._getElement(position), item = this.items[position]; if (element == null || !this.isIncompleteFn(item)) { return; } render(haunted.incompleteTemplates[position], element.__incomplete); } constructor() { super(); this._previouslySelectedItem = null; this._preloadIdx = 0; this._boundOnTemplatesChange = this._onTemplatesChange.bind(this); } connectedCallback() { super.connectedCallback(); this._templatesObserver = new FlattenedNodesObserver( this.$.templatesSlot, this._boundOnTemplatesChange ); this.addEventListener('tap', this._onTap); this.addEventListener('transitionend', this._onTransitionEnd); } disconnectedCallback() { super.disconnectedCallback(); if (this._templatesObserver) { this._templatesObserver.disconnect(); this._templatesObserver = null; } if (this._selectDebouncer != null) { this._selectDebouncer.cancel(); } this._previouslySelectedItem = null; this._indexRenderQueue = []; this.removeEventListener('tap', this._onTap); this.removeEventListener('transitionend', this._onTransitionEnd); this.splice('_elements', 0, this._elements.length, this._createElement()) .forEach(element => { if (this.renderItem) { element.removeChild(element.__instance); } else { this._removeInstance(element.__instance); } element.removeChild(element.__incomplete); element.__instance = element.__incomplete = null; }); } _onTemplatesChange(change) { if (!this._elementTemplate && !this.renderItem) { const templates = change.addedNodes.filter(n => n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && n.tagName === 'TEMPLATE'), elementTemplate = templates[0]; if (!elementTemplate) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('cosmoz-data-nav requires a template'); return; } this._templatize(elementTemplate); } const elements = this._elements, length = elements.length; this.splice('_elements', -1, 0, ...Array(this.elementsBuffer - length) .fill().map(this._createElement, this)); elements.forEach(el => this.appendChild(el)); } _templatize(elementTemplate) { this._elementTemplate = elementTemplate; const baseProps = { prevDisabled: true, nextDisabled: true, [this.indexAs]: true }; this._elementCtor = templatize(this._elementTemplate, this, { instanceProps: Object.assign({ []: true }, baseProps), parentModel: true, forwardHostProp: this._forwardHostProp, notifyInstanceProp: this._notifyInstanceProp }); } get _allElementInstances() { return this._elements .map(e => e.__instance) .filter(i => i != null); } _forwardHostProp(prop, value) { const instances = this._allElementInstances; if (!instances || !instances.length) { return; } instances.forEach(inst => inst.forwardHostProp(prop, value)); } _notifyInstanceProp(inst, prop, value) { const index = inst.index, item = this.items[index]; if (prop !== || value === item || this._allElementInstances.indexOf(inst) < 0) { return; } this.haunted.cache.dropItem(item); this.set(['items', index], value); } _createElement() { const element = document.createElement('div'), incDiv = document.createElement('div'); element.appendChild(incDiv); element.__incomplete = incDiv; if (this.renderItem) { const instDiv = document.createElement('div'); element.appendChild(instDiv); element.__instance = instDiv; } element.setAttribute('slot', 'items'); element.classList.add('animatable'); return element; } /** * Selects an item by index. * * @param {Number} index The index * @return {void} */ select(index) { const length = this.items && this.items.length; if (!length || index < 0 || index >= length) { return; } this.reverse = index < this.selected; this.selected = index; } /** * Replace an id in the `items` element list with the full data of the item. * * @param {type} id The id currently stored in the `items` array * @param {Object} item The full data of object * @return {void} */ setItemById(id, item) { const items = this.items, matches = items.filter(item => this._getItemId(item) === id); if (matches.length === 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('List item replacement failed, no matching idPath', this.idPath, 'with id', id, 'in the item list', items, 'to replace with item', item); return; } else if (matches.length > 1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('Multiple replaceable items matches idPath', this.idPath, 'with id', id, 'in the item list', items, 'to replace with item', item); } this.haunted.cache.set(id, item); matches.forEach(match => this.set(['items', items.indexOf(match)], { ...item })); this._preload(); if (this.animating || this.selected == null) { return; } this._updateSelected(); } /** * Observes full changes to `items` properties * and replaces cached items with full data if available. * * @param {type} items description * @return {type} description */ _itemsChanged(items) { // eslint-disable-line max-statements const length = items && items.length; // update read-only properties this._setQueueLength(length >> 0); // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise this._setHasItems(!!length); // replace incomplete items with cached item data if (length) { items.forEach((item, index) => { if (this.isIncompleteFn(item)) { const cachedItem = this.haunted?.cache?.get(item); if (cachedItem) { this.set(['items', index], cachedItem); } } }); } // synchronize `selected` with hash params if (this._updateSelectedFromHash()) { return; } // reset queue to 0 or maintain selection let index = 0; if (items.length > 0 && this.maintainSelection && this._previouslySelectedItem != null) { // search for previously selected item by reference index = items.indexOf(this._previouslySelectedItem); // if not found, search by id if (index < 0) { const prevId = this._getItemId(this._previouslySelectedItem); index = items.findIndex(item => this._getItemId(item) === prevId); } // if still not found, remain on the selected index if (index < 0) { index = this.selected < items.length ? this.selected : items.length - 1; } this._realignElements(index); } // update selected or force re-render if selected did not change if (this.selected === index) { return this._updateSelected(); } this.selected = index; return index; } _realignElements(index) { // eslint-disable-line max-statements const elements = this._elements, element = this._getElement(index), item = this.items[index]; if (this.isIncompleteFn(item) || element.item === item) { return; } const renderedElement = this._elements.find(el => !this.isIncompleteFn(el.item) && this._getItemId(el.item) === this._getItemId(item)); if (!renderedElement) { return; } const elementIndex = elements.indexOf(element), renderedIndex = elements.indexOf(renderedElement); if (elementIndex === renderedIndex) { return; } if (!this.renderItem) { // update instance's data-nav related props const instance = renderedElement.__instance; Object.entries(this._getBaseProps(index)) .forEach(([key, value]) => instance._setPendingProperty(key, value)); instance._flushProperties(); } this._elements.splice(renderedIndex, 1); this.splice('_elements', elementIndex, 0, renderedElement); } /** * Observes changed to `selected` property and * updates related properties and the `selected` page. * * @param {Number} selected The selected property * @param {Number} previous The previous value of selected property * @return {void} */ _updateSelected(selected = this.selected, previous) { // eslint-disable-line max-statements if (this.items.length === 0) { return; } const position = selected < this.items.length ? selected : selected - 1; this._setSelectedNext((position || 0) + 1); this._preload(position); this._previouslySelectedItem = this.items[position]; const element = this._getElement(position); if (!element) { return; } this._setSelectedElement(element); this._setSelectedInstance(this._getInstance(element)); this._updateHashForSelected(position); const classes = element.classList, animating = this.animating && previous != null && previous !== position; if (!animating) { this._elements.forEach(el => el.classList.remove('selected')); } classes.toggle('in', animating); classes.add('selected'); if (!animating) { if (this.isConnected) { this._synchronize(); } return; } const prev = animating && this._getElement(previous); requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (prev && element.offsetWidth) { prev.classList.add('out'); prev.classList.remove('selected'); } classes.remove('in'); }, 8); } /** * Handles `transitionend` event and cleans up animation classe and properties * * @param {TransitionEvent} e The event * @return {void} */ _onTransitionEnd(e) { const elements = this._elements; if (!this.animating || elements.indexOf( < 0) { return; } this.animating = false; elements.forEach(el => el.classList.remove('in', 'out')); this._synchronize(); } /** * Preloads items that are not loaded depending on the currently * selected item and the `preload` property. * * @fires need-data * @param {Number} index The index to preload from * @return {void} */ _preload(index = this._preloadIdx) { const items = this.items; if (!Array.isArray(items) || items.length === 0) { return; } const item = items[index]; if (this.isIncompleteFn(item)) { this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('need-data', { bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: { id: item, render: true } })); if (!this.parallelDataRequests) { return; } } if (index >= Math.min(this.selected + this.preload, items.length - 1)) { return; } this._preloadIdx = index + 1; this._preload(); } _getBaseProps(index) { return { prevDisabled: index < 1, nextDisabled: index + 1 >= this.items.length, [this.indexAs]: Math.max(Math.min(index, this.items.length - 1), 0) }; } _getElement(index, _elements = this._elements) { const elements = _elements && _elements.base || _elements, bufferLength = this.elementsBuffer || elements.length, elementIndex = index % bufferLength; return elements[elementIndex]; } _getInstance(selectedElement) { if (selectedElement == null) { return; } // return reference to the rendered template instance or the incomplete template if missing return selectedElement.children[1] || selectedElement.__incomplete; } _getItem(index, items = this.items) { const arr = items.base ? items.base : items; return arr[index]; } _resetElement(index) { // eslint-disable-line max-statements const element = this._getElement(index); if (!element) { return; } const item = this.items[index], baseProps = this._getBaseProps(index), instance = element.__instance; if (!this.renderItem && instance) { Object.assign(instance, baseProps); } if (!this.isIncompleteFn(item) && element.item === item) { return; } if (element._reset) { return; } element._reset = true; = 'block'; if (!instance) { return; } this._toggleInstance(instance, false); } _removeInstance(instance) { if (!instance) { return; } instance.children.forEach(child => child.parentNode.removeChild(child)); } /** * Syncronizes the `items` data with the created template instances * depending on the currently selected item. * @return {type} description */ _synchronize() { const selected = this.selected, buffer = this.elementsBuffer, offset = buffer / 2 >> 0, // eslint-disable-line no-bitwise max = Math.max, min = Math.min, length = this.items.length, start = min(max(selected - offset, 0), length ? length - buffer : 0), end = max(min(selected + offset, length ? length - 1 : 0), buffer - 1), indexes = Array(end + 1) .fill() .map((u, i) => i) .slice(start >= 0 ? start : 0); // Reset items indexes.forEach(i => this._resetElement(i)); this._indexRenderQueue = indexes; _asyncPeriod(this._renderQueue.bind(this)); } /** * Handle `tap` event and finds the closest item to the rootTarget that has a `selectAttribute` attribute. * If the attribute is `next` or `previous` the `selectNext` or `selectPrevious` action is called. * * @param {Event} event The tap event * @return {void} */ _onTap(event) { if (this.animating) { return; } const path = event.composedPath(), attr = this.selectAttribute, selectEl = path.find(e => e && e.hasAttribute && e.hasAttribute(attr)); if (!selectEl) { return; } const inBetween = path.slice(path.indexOf(selectEl)), ancestorNav = inBetween.find(e => e && e.tagName === this.tagName); if (ancestorNav !== this) { return; } const select = parseInt(selectEl.getAttribute(attr), 10); if (isNaN(select)) { return; } this._selectDebouncer = Debouncer.debounce(this._selectDebouncer, animationFrame, () => { this.animating = true; + select); } ); } /** * True if the current element is visible. */ get _isVisible() { return Boolean(this.offsetWidth || this.offsetHeight); } /** * Select item by id. * * @deprecated * @param {String|Number} id The item's id * @return {void} */ selectById(id) { for (let index = 0; index < this.items.length; index++) { const item = this.items[index]; if (typeof item === 'object' && === id || item === id) { this.selected = index; return; } } } _forwardItem(element, item, idx) { this._removeInstance(element.__instance); flush(); const props = Object.assign({ []: item }, this._getBaseProps(idx)), instance = new this._elementCtor(props); element.__instance = instance; element.appendChild(instance.root); } _renderQueue() { if (!this.isConnected) { return; } const queue = this._indexRenderQueue; if (!Array.isArray(queue) || queue.length < 1) { // no tasks in queue return; } if (this.animating) { // will be re-run on transition end return; } if (this.hiddenRendering || this._isVisible) { this._renderRan = this._renderAbort = false; this._indexRenderQueue = queue .sort((a, b) => { if (a === this.selected) { return -1; } if (b === this.selected) { return 1; } return 0; }) .map(this._renderQueueProcess, this) .filter(idx => idx != null); if (this._renderAbort || this._indexRenderQueue.length === 0) { return; } } _asyncPeriod(this._renderQueue.bind(this)); } _renderQueueProcess(idx) { // eslint-disable-line max-statements const element = this._getElement(idx), item = this.items[idx]; if (this.isIncompleteFn(item)) { element.item = false; // no data for item drop task from queue return; } if (this._renderRan) { // one render per run // maintain task in queue return idx; } = 'none'; const isSelected = idx === this.selected, needsRender = element.item !== item || (this.renderItem && element.ilen !== this.items?.length); this._renderRan = needsRender; if (needsRender) { element.item = item; element._reset = false; if (this.renderItem) { render(this.renderItem(item, idx, this.items), element.__instance); this._toggleInstance(element.__instance, true); element.ilen = this.items?.length return; } this._forwardItem(element, item, idx); if (isSelected) { return idx; } } else if (isSelected) { // make sure that the instance is visible (may be a re-aligned invisible instance) this._toggleInstance(element.__instance, true); this._renderRan = true; this._setSelectedInstance(this._getInstance(element)); } } _toggleInstance(inst, show) { if (this.renderItem) { = show ? 'contents' : 'none'; return; } inst?._showHideChildren(!show); } _getItemId(item) { return this.isIncompleteFn(item) ? item : this.get(this.idPath, item); } _updateHashForSelected(selected) { const hashParam = this.hashParam, idPath = this.idPath; if (!hashParam || !idPath || !this.items.length) { return; } const item = this.items[selected]; if (item == null) { return; } const itemId = this._getItemId(item), hashValue = getHashParam(hashParam); if (itemId === hashValue) { return; } setHashParam(hashParam, itemId); } _updateSelectedFromHash() { const hashParam = this.hashParam, idPath = this.idPath; if (!(hashParam && idPath)) { return; } if (this._readFromHashOnce && !this.maintainSelection) { return; } const hashValue = getHashParam(hashParam); if (!hashValue) { this._readFromHashOnce = true; return; } const selection = this.items.findIndex(i => this._getItemId(i) === hashValue); if (selection < 0 || selection === this.selected) { return; } this._readFromHashOnce = true; this.selected = selection;Avoid too many `return` statements within this function. return true; } }customElements.define('cosmoz-data-nav', CosmozDataNav);