/* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function, max-statements, max-nested-callbacks */import { expect, fixture, html, waitUntil} from '@open-wc/testing';import '../cosmoz-data-nav.js';import './helpers/cosmoz-data-nav-test-view.js';import { flushRenderQueue, selectedSlide, visibilityFixture} from './helpers/utils';import { flush as syncFlush } from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/flush'; const basicFixture = html` <cosmoz-data-nav> <template strip-whitespace> <div class="slide"> <span>id: [[ item.id ]],</span> <span>index: [[ index ]]</span> <span>[[ item.data ]]</span> <input type="button" value="Next" cosmoz-data-nav-select="+1"> <input type="button" value="Prev" cosmoz-data-nav-select="-1"> </div> </template> </cosmoz-data-nav>`; suite('constructor', () => { suiteSetup(async () => { await fixture(basicFixture); }); test('renders', () => { expect(document.body.querySelector('cosmoz-data-nav')).to.exist; });}); suite('template', () => { test('renders items using a template', async () => { const [, nav] = await Promise.all([ fixture(visibilityFixture), fixture(basicFixture) ]); nav._templatesObserver.flush(); nav.items = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(nav.querySelector('div.selected').textContent).to.equal('id: 1,index: 0'); }); BUG found test('renders the wrong item if the templates observer runs after `items` is set [KNOWN BUG]', async () => { //expect(async () => { const [, nav] = await Promise.all([ fixture(visibilityFixture), fixture(basicFixture) ]); nav.items = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]; await waitUntil(() => nav._templatesObserver); nav._templatesObserver.flush(); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(nav.querySelector('div.selected').textContent).to.equal('id: 1,index: 0'); //}).throws('expected \'id: 3,index: 2\' to equal \'id: 1,index: 0\''); }); test('re-renders when the template changes');}); suite('properties', () => { let nav; setup(async () => { [, nav] = await Promise.all([ fixture(visibilityFixture), fixture(basicFixture) ]); nav._templatesObserver.flush(); nav.items = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]; flushRenderQueue(nav); syncFlush(); }); test('is true if the element is currently animating'); test('controls whether the element should animate'); suite('as', () => { test('defines the name used in the template for the item'); }); suite('elementsBuffer', () => { test('defines the number of elements that are actually rendered'); }); suite('hashParam', () => { test('defines the hash parameter to use for selecting an item'); }); suite('hasItems', () => { test('is true if the data-nav has items', async () => { const nav = await fixture(basicFixture); expect(nav.hasItems).to.be.false; nav.items = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }, { id: 3 }]; expect(nav.hasItems).to.be.true; }); }); suite('hiddenRendering', () => { test('controls whether the element should render items even if it is not visible'); }); suite('idPath', () => { test('defines the path on the item to be used as id'); }); suite('indexAs', () => { test('defines the name used in the template for the index of the item'); }); suite('isIncompleteFn', () => { test('defines the function used to determine if an element is incomplete and nees to be preloaded'); }); suite('items', () => { test('defines the items to render', () => { nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'b' }, { id: 'c' }]; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: a,index: 0'); }); test('does not update the view when an item changes', () => { const item = { id: 'a', data: 'somedata' }; nav.items = [item]; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: a,index: 0somedata'); // attempt #1: updating a reference directly does not update the view // this is expected as the data-nav has no way of knowing that data was updated item.data = 'newdata'; expect(nav.items[0]).to.have.property('data', 'newdata'); Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. expect(() => { expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: a,index: 0newdata'); }).throws('expected \'id: a,index: 0somedata\' to equal \'id: a,index: 0newdata\''); // attempt #2: modify item data using polymer manipulation features // this could work, but is not implemented // an observer for items.* should forward the path update down to the rendered template instances nav.set('items.0.data', 'otherdata'); expect(nav.items[0]).to.have.property('data', 'otherdata'); Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. expect(() => { expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: a,index: 0otherdata'); }).throws('expected \'id: a,index: 0somedata\' to equal \'id: a,index: 0otherdata\''); // attempt #3: try to force render // this does not work, because data-nav checks if it should re-render // the template using a reference check. Because the already rendered // item is the same by reference, the view is not updated. item.data = 'freshdata'; expect(nav.items[0]).to.have.property('data', 'freshdata'); nav._updateSelected(); flushRenderQueue(nav); Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. expect(() => { expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: a,index: 0freshdata'); }).throws('expected \'id: a,index: 0somedata\' to equal \'id: a,index: 0freshdata\''); }); }); suite('maintainSelection', () => { suite('when it is false', () => {Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. test('changes to `items` reset `selected` to 0', () => { nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'b' }, { id: 'c' }]; nav.selected = 1; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: b,index: 1'); nav.items = [{ id: 'c' }, { id: 'd' }, { id: 'e' }]; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(0); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: c,index: 0'); }); }); suite('when it is true', () => { setup(() => { nav.maintainSelection = true; }); test('on `items` change, updates `selected` to match the last selected item, by reference', () => { const item = { id: 'b', data: 'somedata' }; nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, item, { id: 'c' }]; nav.selected = 1; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: b,index: 1somedata'); nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'd' }, { id: 'e' }, item]; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(3); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: b,index: 3somedata'); }); test('on `items` change, updates `selected` to match the last selected item, by id', () => { nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'b', data: 'somedata' }, { id: 'c' }]; nav.selected = 1; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: b,index: 1somedata'); nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'd' }, { id: 'e' }, { id: 'b', data: 'otherdata' }]; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(3); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: b,index: 3otherdata'); }); suite('when the last selected item is no longer present, by reference or by id', () => {Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring. test('maintains `selected` to it\'s current value', () => { nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'b' }, { id: 'c' }]; nav.selected = 1; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: b,index: 1'); nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'd' }, { id: 'e' }]; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(1); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: d,index: 1'); }); test('realigns element if already rendered', () => { nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'b' }, { id: 'c' }, { id: 'd' }]; nav.selected = 1; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: b,index: 1'); nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'c' }, { id: 'd' }]; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(1); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: c,index: 1'); }); test('updates `selected` if there are not enough items', () => { nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'e' }]; nav.selected = 1; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: e,index: 1'); nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }]; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(0); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: a,index: 0'); }); }); test('resets selected to 0 when `items` is empty', () => { nav.items = [{ id: 'a' }, { id: 'b' }, { id: 'c' }]; nav.selected = 2; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: c,index: 2'); nav.items = []; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(0); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: c,index: 2'); nav.items = [{ id: 'd' }, { id: 'e' }, { id: 'f' }]; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(0); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: d,index: 0'); }); suite('when idPath is set', () => { test('works as expected', () => { nav.idPath = 'deep.id'; nav.items = [{ deep: { id: 'a' }}, { deep: { id: 'b' }, data: 'somedata' }, { deep: { id: 'c' }}]; nav.selected = 1; flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: ,index: 1somedata'); nav.items = [{ deep: { id: 'a' }}, { deep: { id: 'd' }}, { deep: { id: 'e' }}, { deep: { id: 'b' }, data: 'otherdata' }]; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(3); flushRenderQueue(nav); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: ,index: 3otherdata'); }); }); }); }); suite('preload', () => { test('defines the number of items after the currently selected one to preload'); }); suite('queueLength', () => { test('exposes the length of the items array'); }); suite('reverse', () => { test('is true if the index of the currently selected item is smaller than the previous one'); }); suite('selectAttribute', () => { test('defines the name of the attribute that is used to control the direction of the navigation'); }); suite('selected', () => { test('exposes the currently selected index', () => { expect(nav.selected).to.equal(0); }); test('controls the currently selected index', () => { nav.selected = 1; expect(nav.selected).to.equal(1); expect(selectedSlide(nav).textContent).to.equal('id: 2,index: 1'); }); }); suite('selectedElement', () => { test('exposes the DOM element of the selected item', () => { expect(nav.selectedElement).to.exist; expect(nav.selectedElement).to.be.instanceOf(HTMLElement); expect(nav.selectedElement).to.have.property('item', nav.items[0]); }); }); suite('selectedInstance', () => { test('exposes the instance of the selected item', () => { expect(nav.selectedInstance).to.exist; }); }); suite('selectedItem', () => { test('exposes the selected item'); }); suite('selectedNext', () => { test('exposes the index of the selected item'); });}); suite('methods', () => { suite('select', () => { test('selects an items by index'); }); suite('selectById', () => { test('selects item by id'); }); suite('setItemById', () => { test('replaces an id in `items` with the full item'); });});