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## <cosmoz-router>

**cosmoz-router** is a haunted component to handle client side URL routing
and view loading / management.

By default **cosmoz-router** listens to `popstate` event
, gets current location href and matches it against the routes defined.

## Getting started

### Installing

Using npm:
npm install --save @neovici/cosmoz-router

### Importing

The **cosmoz-router** element can be imported using:
import '@neovici/cosmoz-router/cosmoz-page-router';

## Usage

### Routes
Routes are defined as an Array of Objects:
``` javascript
import { html } from 'lit-html';
import { creteElement, navigate } from '@neovici/cosmoz-router/lib/use-routes';

const routes = [
        name: 'home', // optional (can be used to identity the route),
        rule: /^\/$/iu/, // a Regexp used to matched the route,
        handle: ({
            url, // the current url string ( that matched the route)
            match, // the result of matching route against the rule,
        }) => html`<home />`
        name: 'some-page',
        rule: (url) => url.startsWith('/some-page'), // function called with current url string
        handle: ({ url })=>import('page.js')
            .then(()=> createElement('some-element', Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams)))
        name: 'redirect',
        rule: /^\/some\-redirect$/iu,
        handle: ()=> navigate('#!/', null, {
            replace: true, // true to use replaceState,false to use pushState,
            notify: true // true to dispatch a `popstate` event
and passed to cosmoz-router:

``` javascript
html`<cosmoz-router .routes=${routes} />`;

## Documentation

See (outdated)