Copyright 2017 Benato Denis
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
namespace Gishiki\Database\Adapters\Utils;
use Gishiki\Algorithms\Collections\CollectionInterface;
use Gishiki\Database\Adapters\Utils\SQLGenerator\SQLWrapperInterface;
use Gishiki\Database\DatabaseException;
use Gishiki\Database\Runtime\SelectionCriteria;
use Gishiki\Database\Runtime\ResultModifier;
use Gishiki\Database\RelationalDatabaseInterface;
use Gishiki\Database\Schema\Table;
* Represent a generic relational database.
* This class is not meant to be used by the user as
* it contains standard code each database class would use
* when using the PHP PDo driver.
* @see RelationalDatabaseInterface Documentation
* @author Benato Denis <>
trait PDODatabaseTrait
* @var bool TRUE only if the connection is alive
protected $connected;
* @var \PDO the native pdo connection
protected $connection;
* Create a new database connection using the given connection string.
* The connect function is automatically called.
* @param string $details the connection string
public function __construct($details)
$this->connection = [];
$this->connected = false;
//connect to the database
public function connect($details)
//check for argument type
if ((!is_string($details)) || (strlen($details) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The connection query must be given as a non-empty string');
//open the connection
try {
$connectionParser = $this->getConnectionParser();
$connectionInfo = $connectionParser->getPDOConnection();
$this->connection = new \PDO(...$connectionInfo);
$this->connection->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
//the connection is opened
$this->connected = true;
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new DatabaseException('Error while opening the database connection:'.$ex->getMessage(), 1);
public function close()
$this->connection = [];
$this->connected = false;
public function connected() : bool
return $this->connected;
public function createTable(Table $table)
//check for closed database connection
if (!$this->connected()) {
throw new DatabaseException('The database connection must be opened before executing any operation', 2);
//build the sql query
$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder()->createTableQuery($table);
//open a new statement and execute it
try {
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new DatabaseException('Error while performing the table creation operation: '.$ex->getMessage(), 7);
public function create($collection, $data)
//check for invalid database name
if ((!is_string($collection)) || (strlen($collection) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The name of the table must be given as a non-empty string');
//check for invalid data collection
if ((!is_array($data)) && (!($data instanceof CollectionInterface))) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The data to be written on the database must be given as a collection');
//check for closed database connection
if (!$this->connected()) {
throw new DatabaseException('The database connection must be opened before executing any operation', 2);
//get an associative array of the input data
$adaptedData = ($data instanceof CollectionInterface) ? $data->all() : $data;
//build the sql query
$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder()->insertQuery($collection, $adaptedData);
//open a new statement and execute it
try {
//as per documentation return the id of the last inserted row
return $this->connection->lastInsertId();
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new DatabaseException('Error while performing the creation operation: '.$ex->getMessage(), 3);
public function update($collection, $data, SelectionCriteria $where) : int
//check for invalid database name
if ((!is_string($collection)) || (strlen($collection) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The name of the table must be given as a non-empty string');
//check for invalid data collection
if ((!is_array($data)) && (!($data instanceof CollectionInterface))) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The data to be written on the database must be given as a collection');
//check for closed database connection
if (!$this->connected()) {
throw new DatabaseException('The database connection must be opened before executing any operation', 2);
//get an associative array of the input data
$adaptedData = ($data instanceof CollectionInterface) ? $data->all() : $data;
//build the sql query
$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder()->updateQuery($collection, $adaptedData, $where);
//open a new statement and execute it
try {
//return the number of affected rows
return $this->executeQuery($queryBuilder)->rowCount();
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new DatabaseException('Error while performing the update operation: '.$ex->getMessage(), 4);
public function delete($collection, SelectionCriteria $where) : int
//check for invalid database name
if ((!is_string($collection)) || (strlen($collection) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The name of the table must be given as a non-empty string');
//check for closed database connection
if (!$this->connected()) {
throw new DatabaseException('The database connection must be opened before executing any operation', 2);
//build the sql query
$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder()->deleteQuery($collection, $where);
//open a new statement and execute it
try {
//return the number of affected rows
return $this->executeQuery($queryBuilder)->rowCount();
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new DatabaseException('Error while performing the delete operation: '.$ex->getMessage(), 5);
public function deleteAll($collection) : int
//check for invalid database name
if ((!is_string($collection)) || (strlen($collection) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The name of the table must be given as a non-empty string');
//check for closed database connection
if (!$this->connected()) {
throw new DatabaseException('The database connection must be opened before executing any operation', 2);
//build the sql query
$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder()->deleteAllQuery($collection);
//open a new statement and execute it
try {
//return the number of affected rows
return $this->executeQuery($queryBuilder)->rowCount();
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new DatabaseException('Error while performing the delete operation: '.$ex->getMessage(), 5);
public function read($collection, SelectionCriteria $where, ResultModifier $mod) : array
//check for invalid database name
if ((!is_string($collection)) || (strlen($collection) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The name of the table must be given as a non-empty string');
//check for closed database connection
if (!$this->connected()) {
throw new DatabaseException('The database connection must be opened before executing any operation', 2);
//build the sql query
$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder()->readQuery($collection, $where, $mod);
//open a new statement and execute it
try {
//return an associative array of data
return $this->executeQuery($queryBuilder)->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new DatabaseException('Error while performing the read operation: '.$ex->getMessage(), 6);
public function readSelective($collection, $fields, SelectionCriteria $where, ResultModifier $mod)
//check for invalid database name
if ((!is_string($collection)) || (strlen($collection) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The name of the table must be given as a non-empty string');
//check for closed database connection
if (!$this->connected()) {
throw new DatabaseException('The database connection must be opened before executing any operation', 2);
//build the sql query
$queryBuilder = $this->getQueryBuilder()->selectiveReadQuery($collection, $fields, $where, $mod);
//open a new statement and execute it
try {
//return the fetch result
return $this->executeQuery($queryBuilder)->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
throw new DatabaseException('Error while performing the read operation: '.$ex->getMessage(), 6);
* Create the query from the given query builder,
* execute it and return the execution statement.
* @param SQLWrapperInterface $queryBuilder the loaded query builder
* @return \PDOStatement the statement after query execution
protected function executeQuery(SQLWrapperInterface &$queryBuilder) : \PDOStatement
//prepare a statement with that safe sql string
$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($queryBuilder->exportQuery());
//execute the statement resolving placeholders
//return the statement
return $stmt;