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Copyright 2017 Benato Denis

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

namespace Gishiki\Database\Adapters\Utils\SQLGenerator;

use Gishiki\Database\Runtime\SelectionCriteria;
use Gishiki\Database\Runtime\ResultModifier;
use Gishiki\Database\Runtime\FieldOrdering;

 * This utility is useful to create sql queries for various RDBMS.
 * An example of usage can be:
 * <code>
 * $passwordHasher = new Hashing\Hasher(Hashing\Algorithm::BCRYPT);
 * $queryBuilder = new SQLQueryBuilder();
 * $queryBuilder->insertInto("users")->values([
 *      "name" => "Mario",
 *      "surname" => "Rossi",
 *      "password" => $passwordHasher->hash("Mario's password"); // good bye rainbow tables!
 *      "sex" => 0,
 *      "height" => 1.70
 * ]);
 * //INSERT INTO "users" (name, surname, password, sex, height) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
 * $sql = $queryBuilder->exportQuery();
 * // array( "Mario", "Rossi", ".....", 0, 1.70 )
 * $params = $queryBuilder->exportParams();
 * </code>
 * @author Benato Denis <>
trait SQLWrapper
     * @var string the SQL query that contains placeholders
    protected $sql;

     * @var array a list of values to be escaped and inserted in place of sql placeholders
    protected $params;

     * Beautify an SQL query.
     * @param  string $query your ugly SQL query
     * @return string        your beautiful SQL query
    public static function beautify($query)
        $count = 1;
        while ($count > 0) {
            $query = str_replace('  ', ' ', $query, $count);

        $count = 1;
        while ($count > 0) {
            $query = str_replace('( ', '(', $query, $count);

        $count = 1;
        while ($count > 0) {
            $query = str_replace(' )', ')', $query, $count);

        $count = 1;
        while ($count > 0) {
            $query = str_replace('?, ?', '?,?', $query, $count);

        $query = str_replace(' ,', ',', $query, $count);

        return trim($query);

     * Append to the current SQL the given text.
     * Placeholders are question marks: ? and the value must be registered using
     * the appendToParams function.
     * @param string $sql the SQL with '?' placeholders
    protected function appendToQuery($sql)
        $this->sql .= $sql;

     * This is a collection of raw values that the PDO will replace to ?
     * on the SQL query.
     * @param mixed $newParams an array of values or the value to be replaced
    protected function appendToParams($newParams)
        //this is used to recreate an array that doesn't conflicts with the $this->params when merging them
        if (gettype($newParams) == 'array') {
            $temp = [];

            foreach ($newParams as $currentKey => $currentValue) {
                $temp[$currentKey + count($this->params)] = $currentValue;

            $newParams = $temp;
        //the result will be something like:
        // [0] => x1, [1] => x2
        // [5] => x1, [6] => x2

        (is_array($newParams)) ? $this->params = array_merge($this->params, $newParams) : array_push($this->params, $newParams);

     * Initialize an empty SQL query.
    public function __construct()
        $this->sql = '';
        $this->params = [];

     * Add UPDATE %tablename% to the SQL query.
     * @param string $table the name of the table to be updated
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &update($table) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('UPDATE '.$table.' ');

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add SET col1 = ?, col2 = ?, col3 = ? to the SQL query.
     * @param array $values an associative array of columns => value to be changed
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &set(array $values) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('SET ');

        //create the sql placeholder resolver
        $first = true;
        foreach ($values as $columnName => $columnValue) {
            if (!$first) {
                $this->appendToQuery(', ');
            $this->appendToQuery($columnName.' = ?');

            $first = false;

        $this->appendToQuery(' ');

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %tablename% to the SQL query.
     * @param string $tableName the name of the table
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &createTable($tableName) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '.$tableName.' ');

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %tablename% to the SQL query.
     * @param string $tableName the name of the table
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &dropTable($tableName) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '.$tableName.' ');

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add WHERE col1 = ? OR col2 <= ? ....... to the SQL query.
     * @param SelectionCriteria $where the selection criteria
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &where(SelectionCriteria $where) : SQLWrapperInterface
        //execute the private function 'export'
        $exportMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($where, 'export');
        $resultExported = $exportMethod->invoke($where);

        if (count($resultExported['historic']) > 0) {
            $this->appendToQuery('WHERE ');

            $first = true;
            foreach ($resultExported['historic'] as $current) {
                $conjunction = '';

                $arrayIndex = $current & (~SelectionCriteria::AND_HISTORIC_MARKER);
                $arrayConjunction = '';

                //default is an OR
                $conjunction = (!$first) ? ' OR ' : ' ';
                $arrayConjunction = 'or';

                //change to AND where necessary
                if (($current & (SelectionCriteria::AND_HISTORIC_MARKER)) != 0) {
                    $conjunction = (!$first) ? ' AND ' : ' ';
                    $arrayConjunction = 'and';

                $fieldName = $resultExported['criteria'][$arrayConjunction][$arrayIndex][0];
                $fieldRelation = $resultExported['criteria'][$arrayConjunction][$arrayIndex][1];
                $fieldValue = $resultExported['criteria'][$arrayConjunction][$arrayIndex][2];

                //assemble the query
                $qmarks = '';
                $parentOpen = '';
                $parentClose = '';
                if (is_array($fieldValue)) {
                    $qmarks = str_repeat(' ?,', count($fieldValue) - 1);
                    $parentOpen = '(';
                    $parentClose = ')';
                $this->appendToQuery($conjunction.$fieldName.' '.$fieldRelation.' '.$parentOpen.$qmarks.' ?'.$parentClose.' ');

                $first = false;

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add INSERT INTO %tablename% to the SQL query.
     * @param string $table the name of the table to be affected
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &insertInto($table) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('INSERT INTO '.$table.' ');

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) to the SQL query.
     * @param array $values an associative array of columnName => rowValue
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &values(array $values) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('('.implode(', ', array_keys($values)).') VALUES (');

        //create the sql placeholder resolver
        $first = true;
        foreach ($values as $columnValue) {
            if (!$first) {
            $first = false;


        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add LIMIT ? OFFSET ? ORDER BY ..... to the SQL query whether they are needed.
     * @param ResultModifier $mod the result modifier
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &limitOffsetOrderBy(ResultModifier $mod) : SQLWrapperInterface
        //execute the private function 'export'
        $exportMethod = new \ReflectionMethod($mod, 'export');
        $resultExported = $exportMethod->invoke($mod);

        //append limit if needed
        if ($resultExported['limit'] > 0) {
            $this->appendToQuery('LIMIT '.$resultExported['limit'].' ');

        //append offset if needed
        if ($resultExported['skip'] > 0) {
            $this->appendToQuery('OFFSET '.$resultExported['skip'].' ');

        //append order if needed
        if (count($resultExported['order']) > 0) {
            $this->appendToQuery('ORDER BY ');
            $first = true;
            foreach ($resultExported['order'] as $column => $order) {
                if (!$first) {
                    $this->appendToQuery(', ');

                $orderStr = ($order == FieldOrdering::ASC) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
                $this->appendToQuery($column.' '.$orderStr);

                $first = false;

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add SELECT * FROM  %tablename% to the SQL query.
     * @param string $table the name of the table to be affected
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &selectAllFrom($table) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('SELECT * FROM '.$table.' ');

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM %tablename% to the SQL query.
     * @param string $table  the name of the table to be affected
     * @param array  $fields the list containing names of columns to be selected
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &selectFrom($table, array $fields) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('SELECT '.implode(', ', $fields).' FROM '.$table.' ');

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Add DELETE FROM  %tablename% to the SQL query.
     * @param string $table the name of the table to be affected
     * @return SQLWrapperInterface the updated sql builder
    public function &deleteFrom($table) : SQLWrapperInterface
        $this->appendToQuery('DELETE FROM '.$table.' ');

        //chain functions calls
        return $this;

     * Export the SQL query string with ? in place of actual parameters.
     * @return string the SQL query without values
    public function exportQuery() : string
        return self::beautify($this->sql);

     * Export the list of parameters that will replace ? in the SQL query.
     * @return array the list of params
    public function exportParams() : array
        return $this->params;