Copyright 2017 Benato Denis
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namespace Gishiki\Security\Encryption\Symmetric;
* This class represents an algorithm collection for the asymmetric
* encryption engine.
* Note: This class uses OpenSSL for strong encryption
* @author Benato Denis <>
abstract class Cryptography
* List of known algorithms *
const AES_CBC_128 = 'aes-128-cbc';
const AES_CBC_192 = 'aes-192-cbc';
const AES_CBC_256 = 'aes-256-cbc';
* Encrypt the given content using the given secure key (that should be
* prepared using pbkdf2).
* The resulting IV (automatically generated if null is passed) is
* base64 encoded.
* The resulting encrypted content is base64 encoded.
* Example usage:
* <code>
* //prepare the secret key for the symmetric cipher
* $key = new SecretKey( ... );
* //Note: the key is NOT the password
* //encrypt the content
* $enc_result = Cryptography::encrypt($key, "this is the message to be encrypted");
* //transmit the IV_base64 and Encryption to decrypt the content
* //if you used a cistom IV you don't need to pass the IV
* </code>
* @param SecretKey $key the key to be used to encrypt the given message
* @param string $message the message to be encrypted
* @param string|null $initVector the base64 representation of the IV to be used (pick a random one if null)
* @param string $algorithm the name of the algorithm to be used
* @return array the base64 of the raw encryption result and the used IV
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException one or more arguments are invalid
* @throws SymmetricException the error occurred while encrypting the content
public static function encrypt(SecretKey &$key, $message, $initVector = null, $algorithm = self::AES_CBC_128)
//check the plain message type
if ((!is_string($message)) || (strlen($message) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The plain message to be encrypted must be given as a non-empty string');
//get the managed version of the key
$managedKey = $key();
//check key size
if (!self::checkKeySize($managedKey, $algorithm)) {
throw new SymmetricException('You must be using a key with the correct length for the chosen algorithm', 3);
//generate and store a random IV
$decodedIv = (is_null($initVector)) ? openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length($algorithm)) : base64_decode($initVector);
//get the encrypted data
$encrypted = openssl_encrypt($message, $algorithm, $managedKey['key'], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $decodedIv);
//return the encryption result and the randomly generated IV
return [
'Encryption' => base64_encode($encrypted),
'IV_base64' => base64_encode($decodedIv),
'IV_hex' => bin2hex($decodedIv),
* Decrypt the given encrypted content using the given secure key
* (that should be prepared using pbkdf2 Ahead Of Time).
* Example Usage:
* <code>
* //this is the key encoded in hex format required to create the SecureKey
* $key_hex_encoded = " ... "; //make sure this is the key used when encrypting
* //Note: the key is NOT the password
* //build the key
* $key = new SecretKey($key_hex_encoded);
* //this is the IV encoded in base64: it is returned by the encrypt() function
* $initVector_base_encoded = " ... ";
* //$message will hold the original plaintext message
* $message = Cryptography::decrypt($key, $encryptedMessage, $initVector_base_encoded);
* </code>
* @param SecretKey $key the key that has been used to encrypt the message
* @param string $encryptedMessage the encryption result (must be base64-encoded)
* @param string $initVector the iv represented in base64
* @param string $algorithm the name of the algorithm to be used
* @return string the decrypted content
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException one or more arguments are invalid
* @throws SymmetricException the error occurred while decrypting the content
public static function decrypt(SecretKey &$key, $encryptedMessage, $initVector, $algorithm = self::AES_CBC_128)
//check the plain message type
if ((!is_string($encryptedMessage)) || (strlen($encryptedMessage) <= 0)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The encrypted message to be decrypted must be given as a non-empty string');
//get the managed version of the key
$managedKey = $key();
//check key size
if (!self::checkKeySize($managedKey, $algorithm)) {
throw new SymmetricException('You must be using a key with the correct length for the chosen algorithm', 3);
//get the IV
$decodedIv = base64_decode($initVector);
//get the data to decrypt
$encrypted = base64_decode($encryptedMessage);
//decrypt and return the result
return openssl_decrypt($encrypted, $algorithm, $managedKey['key'], OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $decodedIv);
* Check whether the given key can be used within the given algorithm.
* @param array $managedKey the key in an exported format
* @param string $algorithm the used algorithm
* @return bool true only if the password is valid
private static function checkKeySize($managedKey, $algorithm) : bool
//check for the key length
if (($algorithm == self::AES_CBC_128) && ($managedKey['byteLength'] != 16)) {
return false;
} elseif (($algorithm == self::AES_CBC_192) && ($managedKey['byteLength'] != 24)) {
return false;
} elseif (($algorithm == self::AES_CBC_256) && ($managedKey['byteLength'] != 32)) {
return false;
return true;